The days of survival on a deserted island with a beautiful woman

Page 1075

I didn't speak, but the big sword in my hand and the protruding blue veins already showed my current mood!

Your uncle's!

Unexpectedly, I actually met a dinosaur, and not just one, but several, and now I don't even know what kind of dinosaur it is, and a human being was taken away by this terrible creature.

Li Meihong also followed closely behind me with her arrows clasped. Although she was very scared at this time, she did not forget what she had to do in the face of danger.

The other fighters also slowly moved closer together, concentrating their firepower!

"Standing on horses! Those mysterious asshole scientists, it's not good to study any creature but to study dinosaurs. Anyone who has watched "Jurassic Park" knows that there will be no good end to copying these behemoths! Damn..." Ah San He jumped up in panic and cursed.

It's just who knows if those crazy scientists have watched "Jurassic Park". It's a common thing for people with crazy occupational diseases to forget to eat and sleep, and there is no time to waste on entertainment!

At this moment when I was swearing and cursing, I kicked a wooden stick on the ground, which startled him again.

"With so much energy to scold, it's better to save your strength to face these beasts! Attention everyone, there are three dinosaurs coming around."

I said coldly, without even looking at him, now all my mental attention is scattered around, and the muscles in my whole body are stretched like steel wires!

Four dinosaurs, after hunting a human, ran away, but there were three more that continued to outflank them. These three beasts are enough for us humans to choke!

If it wasn't for the fact that these soldiers had guns, Li Meihong and I would have run away without hesitation. It just worried me that the bullets in the guns of these soldiers are limited. Running out!

"Everyone, be careful, the four of you are responsible for the direction of 10 o'clock, the four of you are responsible for the direction of 3 o'clock, and I and others are responsible for the other direction! Don't waste bullets!"

Cheetah is worthy of being the captain. Needless to say, he quickly determined the specific location of the unknown dinosaur, and arranged the battle mission with a cautious and serious face!

And when I heard the words "don't waste bullets", I felt a lump in my heart. Sure enough, as I guessed, they didn't have many bullets in their guns!


First, a two-meter-long figure emerged from the bushes.

It has a long head, two short and sharp upper claws, and when the two strong and powerful hind legs are lifted up, the large sickle-shaped claws make people feel chills when they look at it.

It is also a terrible attack weapon, which can directly tear the prey, and has a long tail.

"Hold the grass! This is Velociraptor!" I couldn't help but cursed, feeling a chill in my heart.

"What is Velociraptor?" Sister Yu asked in panic.

"This beast is also called Velociraptor. It is a very greedy and cunning dinosaur. It hunts quickly and efficiently, and rarely acts alone."

I swallowed and said, now it is even more difficult to escape easily, leaving the team alone will die faster, this kind of cunning beast likes alone prey the most!

Chapter 800 The Jungle Eats the Strong

Now we can only place our hopes on the guns of these soldiers. It is very dangerous to attack with cold weapons in close quarters!

"Raptor?! This is different from the Raptor in the movie!"

I ignored Ah San's words. There were certain errors in the description of the Velociraptor in the movie. According to the recovery of the Velociraptor's fossils, the Velociraptor was different from the one in the movie.

It was mentioned in that notebook before that dinosaurs were resurrected based on DNA in dinosaur fossils combined with alien cell clones, and I also saw the lost corpse of a Triceratops.

It's okay to resurrect herbivorous dinosaurs, but those life scientists unexpectedly resurrected these cunning and ferocious species.

Following the appearance of one Velociraptor, the other two Velociraptors also slowly leaned forward. The three beasts looked around at the group of humans in front of them, but did not attack immediately.

These smart beasts are weighing the strength of both sides, and the terrified expressions shown by the humans make them continue to slowly surround them, and their courage gradually grows!

"Sister Meihong, don't worry! Wait for the gunfire!"

I was afraid that Sister Yu could not control her and shoot the arrow first, holding back the hatred of the Velociraptor, which is too dangerous for a woman, and wooden arrows do not do much damage to dinosaurs, unless they hit the eyes!

These three Velociraptors, more than two meters long, slowly surrounded me, and my body was covered with bean-sized cold sweat.

Not only the faces of my soldiers also had countless cold sweats. When they saw a real living dinosaur for the first time, the guns in their hands could not help but tremble slightly, but no one would dare to shoot without the order of the cheetah gun!

All of a sudden, the sound of nervous heartbeat and heavy breathing seemed unusually clear in this strange atmosphere.

tick... tick...

The three Velociraptors looked at the human in front of them with their long heads sideways, and their saliva dripped down quickly!


After one of them uttered a strange cry, it rushed over.


Just as the three beasts were drooling and outflanking and rushing over, the voice of the cheetah ordering to fire finally roared!

"Bang! Bang..."

Gunshots sounded suddenly.

The bullet hit Velociraptor's body, and a burst of blood sprayed up!

How did these three beasts know that the guns held by these humans were so powerful, and several blood holes were opened on their bodies, and the blood flowed continuously.

Although the bullet did not kill this kind of powerful dinosaur immediately, it also made this kind of Velociraptor in severe pain feel the danger of death, and turned around and ran away!

I looked at the three Velociraptors who turned and ran away, and just when I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, I heard a rumbling sound of the earth shaking.

Immediately afterwards, a more tragic cry sounded, and a larger creature rushed out, biting the fleeing Velociraptor in one bite, and after shaking its heads violently, heard a burst of shattered Velociraptor bones. sound!

A huge monster appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Tyrannosaurus? !

This huge monster turned out to be a Tyrannosaurus!

This frightened everyone, and the gunshots stopped, and everyone was too frightened to move around for a while!

Unexpectedly, such a terrifying creature appeared. It was about 6-7 meters long. Judging by its size and the sound of the earth shaking, it weighed four to five tons. Its conical banana-like teeth could crush any bone.

This size is considered small among tyrannosaurus rex, but to human beings, it looks like a huge monster like a truck!

The other two injured Velociraptors had long since disappeared. After the appearance of the Tyrannosaurus, they disappeared without a trace like a gust of wind.

At this time, the other Velociraptor has stopped moving in the giant mouth of the Tyrannosaurus, and the blood is still dripping down like a spring!

The weak eat the strong!

In this world is so cruel and real.

"Everyone, don't move around, try not to irritate this beast! Wait until it eats the Velociraptor before slowly backing away."

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