The Chronicles of a Scalebound Sage

[26] Am I a demon now?

Freja told the group everything from pseudo-banishment to Dorsehal Academy. The death of her sister and the shiagaunt that disowned and embarrassed her as a result. The fight with the troll that nearly killed her and left her crippled in a cave for nearly a week. She told them about the shadow wolves and the steel wolf familiar. She ended her story with the druid she killed, the first and only life she had taken only hours before she met them.

Freja did not waver even once in her retelling of the events. She looked the tiger demon in the eyes with resolve as she spoke. She was done being weak, she was done being pushed around and looked down on. She wanted to show herself that she was worth it. Compared to what she had already faced telling Joha and the rest of the merchants who she was felt freeing.

There was a silence in the air as she finished her story. Helina wanted to run up and hug her but was stopped by Owen. Joha just looked Freja up and down giving her an assessing look. He smirked as he stood from his kneeling position.

“You are aware I am leaving this country. Do you not want to fight for your homeland?” Joha asked pointedly.

“I have nothing here. Bjorn and me, that is it.” Freja said without skipping a beat. “The war has been going on for thousands of years, they won't miss one girl.”

“I will expect you to earn your keep.” Joha said.

“I made three gold sixteen silver today.” Freja said.

Joha laughed. “That you did.” He placed his hands on his hips. “I will tell you now, I cannot teach you how to wield magic, only how to sharpen your instincts, train your body and fight with martial skills. My kind does not use magic, or rather, cannot use magic. Do you still want to learn from me with that knowledge?”

“I have never been that good at magic anyway.” Freja responded.

“Well as my disciple you will be renamed as is tradition in the way of the rakshasa.” Joha stated as a second pipe appeared in his hand. “Freja Thundersky is the name of the girl that died to the troll. You are Tanisha Scalebound, disciple of the rakshasa tiger demon Joha Bhatia.” He lowered the second smoking pipe and gestured for the girl to take it which she did. “Your new name Tanisha means ambition and signifies the determination to pursue your dream. Scalebound from your familiar to whom you owe your life. Speak your new name and smoke.”

“Tanisha Scalebound.” She said as she put the pipe to her lips.

She breathed in the red smoke and let the smoke fill her lungs but as she started to exhale, she coughed the smoke turned blue. The smoke burned her throat and mouth. Joha laughed and patted her back as she continued to cough. 

“And now we have a new follower of the path. Welcome sister.” Joha said happily.

Tanisha tried to hand Joha back the pipe, but he refused and told her to try smoking it again. Helina finally broke free of Owen and wrapped herself around Tanisha in the biggest bear hug the three-and-a-half-foot tall woman could manage. Tears ran down her face and wet Tanisha’s shirt. Causing her to cough all over again.

“You poor girl, if I ever see your former family, I’ll kill’em.” Helina stated.

Sabec joined the crowd pulling out a couple fresh steaks from his bag. “Sabec thinks we should have a little celebration for Tanisha’s new name, yes?”

“I think that is in order.” Owen said. “I will go get the boys.”


Morning came fast as Tanisha woke up in the bedroom of Unn’s son who was away at the Academy, she attended only a few days ago. Things were so different from back then. She used to be a burden to everyone she knew. Her family, her friends and even her familiar. Left to die out in the woods she never would have thought that she would wake up with a new name. She saved the lives of thirteen people that would have died without her of all people. 

She threw the comforter off scooted to the edge of the bed. She watched Bjorn as he slept on a pile of comforters on the floor for a few moments. She then reached for the nightstand where she left the metal smoking pipe she got from Joha. It was beautifully crafted depicting a field of flowers on fire with ghostly flames. 

She put the pipe to her lips and breathed in and exhaled blue smoke that had a small amount of magic in it. She didn’t know how it worked. There wasn’t anything inside of the long thin multi-colored smoking pipe. However anytime she put it to her lips it would have the same blue smoke effect.

She didn’t cough any more, at least, Joha showed her how to do it properly during the celebration last night. It still burned but a lot less and she felt better afterwards, stronger and less fatigued. She reached for her glasses and next put them on and continued to smoke for a little while longer. She decided to see if there were any changes to her magic. The mental projection of her status appeared.

Status Menu

Name: Tanisha Scalebound
Species: Demon-Wendigo
Level: 9
Vitality: 10
Restoration: 4
Constitution: 2
Willpower: 8
Strength: 5
Dexterity: 4
Stamina: 8
Magic: 24
Magic Regeneration: 25 (+100 from bond)
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Tanisha choked loudly as soon as she saw that her species had changed. Her name yeah, of course, but her species? Demon-wendigo? She’s never heard of that before. Yes, demons are known to have weird powers, but she’s never heard of one changing someone’s biology. When she became his disciple did she enter into a demonic pact? She would have to ask him what this all means. She looked at the pipe in her hands with more suspicion now. She opened the second page to see if her skills had changed.

Skills Analysis

Pedagogue Demonic Pact
You are under the direct tutelage of a demon patron and as long as this pact is enacted your magic possesses demonic qualities. This pact is voluntary and can be revoked at any time by either party of the pact. This pact is that of a student and teacher and will dissipate on its own after you have completed all requirements of your patron and deemed adequate. This pact does not affect any other contracts or pacts you have made.

Delta Familiar Contract
You are bonded with a delta class familiar. You gain +100 to magic regeneration. Your bond has grown allowing you to convey your emotions though your bond. Your bond is more resilient to outside influences and can not be forcibly severed by outside parties. Your familiar’s life expectancy is extended by five years.

Mystic Wind Hands
Magic cost: 3
Speak the words of power and call forth the mystic hands created from the wind. These hands can interact with the world and will act out the casters will.

Mana Manipulation
Magic cost: Variable
Manipulate the pure mana inside and around your body. Allows you to circulate your mana and use mana dependent tools.

Mana Muscle Saturation
Magic cost: 1
Push your mana into your muscles and bones to temporarily increase your physical attributes.
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Well, she wouldn’t have to ask if she was in a demon pact now, but she felt like she should still bring it up. She was less worried about it now that she knew what it was at least. The Pedagogue Demonic Pact seemed fine, she could leave it at any time, but did it mean that her magic had demonic properties? She reached up and touched her antlers to see if she sprouted any more horns while she slept. Nope, still just the two.

She spoke words of power to summon the wind hands and on her command they formed. However instead of the mist-like form they normally take it was her breath that became blue and formed the hands. Other than the coloration she saw no other difference. It wasn’t like Joha’s mist either; she could feel and sense her magic within the hands and the mist she exhaled.

“Weird.” Tanisha said as she stood up. “Wonder if I have enough time for a bath.”


The morning dew was still fresh on the ground as the first of the sun’s rays just barely broke the horizon. The smell of the embers of the burning pyres last night still hung in the air. The villagers in the square were all waiting and ready to go. There was gloom and desperation shared by most of the people as they had to abandon their homes. Once they left this place, they were officially war refugees.

The village was a little over fifty people when Tanisha arrived before the attacks. Those numbers were whittled down to thirty-seven in the attack and would have been twenty-four if not for her potions. Many of the men had weapons and would be walking while the women, old and young were piled into a few carts and wagons. The merchants didn’t seem to be sharing their rides however, which of course was totally within their rights.

“Tanisha.” Joha said. “You will be walking today. We need to strengthen your body.”

“Wait Joha, am I a demon now?” Tanisha responded.

“Planes above no.” Joha responded with a laugh. “You must mean the pact. I am now your patron, so you gain glimpses of demonic power.”

“I thought you can’t use magic?” Tanisha said. “I have never sensed you using it before either.”

“That is true. No demon can use magic.” He thought about it for a moment. “Well, lesser demons can, the cambions I mean. All other demons draw power from the higher planes. The Infernal Realm to be exact.”

“Why?” Tanisha asked.

“Your True the Forest Father came here to make you. He made your people from the Lower Plane and therefore you share its property. If you ever travel to another realm, you would be like me, but you would draw your magic from this world. Like a tether home. Demons were not made here, our Trues, the Devils, never descended realms. We were cast out, for what reason I do not know or care. But the tether home is still strong for us. In a few hundred generations a demon may be able to use magic, but I will be long dead by then.”

Tanisha snapped her finger. “That is why I could not sense your magic even when I saw it in front of me.”

“Demons call it maya, most others call it demonic energy, but yes.” Joha said as he took a puff of his pipe. “Now for your training. You will also need to carry this.” A large bag appeared in his hands; it was nearly the same height as Tanisha  herself.

“W-what? Why?” Tanisha asked.

“I was told wendigo were stronger than they look.” Joha set the bag down. “You need to be challenged. Carry this and keep up with the group.”

Tanisha’s shoulders were hurting just looking at the new bag, but this was what she wanted, and she wasn’t going to start complaining now.

“Oh, there was something I have wanted to ask you for  a while.” Tanisha said as she pointed to Bjorn. “Do you know what he is? Have you ever seen anything like him in your country or anything?”

“No, is he not a creature from here? I assumed since you are his master, he was another beast of this country.” Joha stated. “Two headed monsters are rare though.”

“Did I not tell you last night? He had one head when he was born.” Tanisha said she put a hand on her hip. “The troll decapitated him and then the next time I saw him, surprise, he was twice as cute.” 

“W-wait. Are you sure of that?” Joha said his demeanor changed and he stared at Bjorn.

Tanisha is taken back. “Yeah, is something wrong?”

“Lernaean? No-no, that is not possible.” Joha said as he turned back to Tanisha, his deep voice serious. “Do not tell anyone of your familiar’s ability, especially no other demon. I will look into his origin on our journey.”

“O-okay, thank you.” Tanisha said even more confused.

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