The Castle in the middle of nowhere.

97. Silence before the storm p.3

"The fog is so thick, I can't see anything. How is that possible in winter?"

"I don't know. Be quiet, the fog is helping us, but someone might hear us!"

"Right. Sorry."


"What the hell are those two doing, Sir?" Xavier looked over the ramparts at two crouching men slowly moving in circles.

"They are trying to sneak, of course," Galahad replied without a single trace of irony.


"Avalon has multiple layers of protection. The first, my favourite to be honest, is the magic Fog." Galahad nodded toward the large Wolfkin.

"Fog?" Xavier questioned, full of doubts.

"Fog." Galahad put an accent on the capital letter in Fog. After that, Galahad’s shrug was followed by him outstretching his hand and placing it on Xavier's shoulder. "Let me show you."

Suddenly, the bright and clear day was replaced by a fog so thick and wet it was hard to breathe. That was not the only thing. Xavier could sense danger in all directions and the touch of Galahad was nothing short of paralysing. It lasted for maybe half a minute, but Xavier found himself leaning heavily over the ramparts and breathing deeply.

"They feel the same?"

"Not yet. They are too far from Avalon." Xavier could swear Galahad was smirking under his helmet. "The danger and crippling fear you felt was an illusion created by the Fog."

"I thought that all that fog was an illusion!" Xavier caught his breath, but he was still in shock.

"Oh no, the Fog of Avalon is something else. It was created by the King and even we scions have no idea about its true nature. It behaves like a living being because it changes its density depending on your intentions toward Avalon, but it has never interacted with us. We know it can be traversed, which was proved by the goblins two times, but as you can see, it's not that easy."

"I thought no scouts were sent here. It was one of the things that troubled the King."

"How do you..? No matter. Indeed, we haven't noticed any serious attempts at scouting the situation in Avalon. These two shouldn't even be here. They suddenly changed their direction and, during their standard patrol route, they went straight towards Avalon."

"I see, Sir. I better go and report it to the Captain."

"You better go and prepare for the grand ball."

"But, Sir..!"

"I see you want to make Lilly very angry. Imagine how devastated she will be if you fail her." Galahad laughed.

"Right..." Xavier nodded with a stupid smile on his nervous face, however he happily wagged his wolf-like tail.

Yesterday, the Captain took him to the best clothing store and together they prepared the best clothes Xavier had ever seen. Captain Thiule was so nervous, having to make sure they both would look great, that Xavier could barely recognize his old friend. Xavier had known the Elf for ten years since they both were kids and while Thiule was five years older, he always relied on the younger Wolfkin.

"Don't worry. Those two are nothing we have to worry about. Look there."

"Who... What is that?!" Xavier, in shock, focused on the shadowy silhouette walking slowly towards them. Even from here, he could sense the malice and terrifying aura.

"It's Jester. He is going to play with them..."


"I can't dance!" I stated with conviction. "I am just unable!"

I never was so wrong in my entire new life as I was today. I thought this entire ball was going to be some small party during which my wives would make a speech, people would clap their hands and, after dinner, everyone would go home. I was so fucking wrong... Only now had I realised the entirety of Avalon was buzzing excitedly for this event over the past week. For some girls and boys, this ball was going to be one of the most important battles in their lives, and I simply wanted to refuse to be part of that. But of course, I couldn't. Even the recent spotting of the Cridian scouts' teams changed nothing. On the other hand, my wives looked so otherworldly, beautiful and stunning, it was just breathtaking. The cosmetics I took from the Earth were used, though rather scarcely, since their natural beauty probably couldn't be enhanced much further. Still, the effects were outstanding, so I was the last person to complain. If my beauties want me to dance, I would do my best but hopefully, I won't come out as the biggest clown of the evening.

"Don't be silly, Theon. I made sure you are able to." Amber chuckled after she fixed my tie.

Wendy took the tuxedo I bought from the interdimensional store and used it as the pattern to create the most outstanding tuxedo I had ever worn. It was a good thing it was comfortable. Also, I learned that tuxedos were considered very elegant and almost mandatory for all kinds of official ceremonies we were going to have.

"No... I am sure I never could. I always had two left feet," I tried to explain.

"Check your skills, Theon," Irene insisted while she took a quick look in the mirror and she nodded with satisfaction.

With a sigh, I asked the World System to show my dancing skills, and I froze in shock.


"We all knew you were not... the greatest dancer." Amber seemed to find the most diplomatic way to tell me I sucked in dancing. "However, when Luna discovered you did not even have such a basic skill, we decided to train you until you get it. After that, it was a cinch to level that up."

"I give up..." I rubbed my eyes and smiled. "Thanks to you, I am probably the first dancing dungeon."

"Let's go then!" Luna said with excitement.


There were speeches, even I was made to say something for which, of course, I wasn't prepared. Looking back, it was my fault. I was the King, so what the fuck did I expect? It was as obvious as day that the King was supposed to give a speech. So that's why I was standing in the middle of the stairs of the grand banquet hall of the Royal University with thousands of people of different races looking at me with almost reverence. I was standing in front of the speaker's podium with my Queens and Hestia, who was our special guest. Well... Probably she was more of a co-organizer now, after all the work she had done on Irene's behalf. I rested my hands on the podium and looked at those gathered in front of me. Fortunately, I had an idea of what to say...

"Welcome to you all in the halls of the Royal University of Avalon. Future students of the University and both Academies, I think you had not expected all of this when you heard about Avalon for the first time." Maybe there was a bit of forced and nervous laughter sounding in the hall, but it quickly died out. "But now you know my intentions, you know what I want to achieve. But to achieve my goals, I will need strong allies; I will need you all. I did everything that was in my power to make the wishes of the Queens come true. Today, you made the first steps on the road to a brighter future, a future where we all can enjoy prosperity and peace. But this peace has its price."

They all stood in thoughtful silence after my words echoed throughout the grand room, but judging by their gazes, it had resonated in their souls as well.

"I met and talked with many of you. I heard how you were grateful for all the chances and opportunities you received. How your lives changed for the better. I will not lie to you and tell you the fairytales that everything is fine and everything will be good. I don't know the future. No one knows it. But I know that you all have a choice- I only reminded you all that you have always had it. The enemies are gathering like the storm clouds on the horizon, ready to fall upon us and destroy everything. The enemies that held you enthralled by their way of living are coming, using the hands of people like you to put you back into chains. They will tell you that they came to rescue you from under my reign. But I must ask you, are these enemies mine or ours? I will use my entire might to protect you, my residents. The Undying Legions of Avalon will stand ready, but the future will be up to you." I pointed my finger and drew it slowly across the crowd. "Now you must know that Queens Amber, Irene and Luna did everything possible to help you gather all the knowledge and experience you will need in your life. But the choice is only up to you. Will you use this opportunity or waste it? I can only hope you make the right decision..."

They listened to me with focused and thoughtful faces, with clenched fists while some just flatly smiled, but no one was afraid. If anything, I only steeled their resolve, because they knew that they had already burned all the bridges behind them. I smiled warmly and opened my arms in a welcoming gesture.

"But today is not the day to be afraid but to celebrate! Today, you, the youth of Avalon, begin a new chapter in your lives. A chapter full of surprises, new experiences, new friendships and facing your own goals. So let's celebrate this inauguration!"

Now everyone cheered, and deafening applause roared in the hall. The music started playing, and I sat with my Queens and Hestia at the table where other special guests were already waiting.


The party soon divided itself into two groups, one that stayed near our table, consisting of people I used to consider Avalon's officials and nobles along with the young pairs who were quite serious about their relationships. On the other side... All sorts of things happened. The young men tried to impress young women, and vice versa. I was overwhelmed by how pairs seemed to form, only to split just a few moments later, so I very quickly lost track of who was trying to date whom. As shameful as it was, even my dungeon powers couldn't help me with that task, and what was even worse, it looked like I was going to lose a bet with my wives. The bet, which was inspired by the meeting of the Flower Girls and the boy's squad a bit over a week earlier, grew into insane proportions when it turned out that even Hestia was placing her bets. The situation changed so often and so much that I simply gave up on it and decided to have fun. I danced, talked and drank with the people, which, considering everything, was quite relaxing. Around the third hour after midnight, my Queens became too tired to continue, so we teleported to the Palace, where soon after the three of them fell asleep.

I decided to return to the party, where I found quite an interesting circle of discussion. Knys, Sigismund, Ban, Drake, Thiule and Galahad were debating something rather passionately, while Lanka was casually talking with Martha, Drake's wife. I joined them at the moment when Thiule explained to those gathered his idea of using light unit tactics in the battle. I took off my crown, feeling incredible freedom without its considerable weight atop my head, storing it away with a smile. I am the King. No one can make me wear the crown all the time. I realised soon enough that speaking about tactics, new classes or equipment was not exactly the thing I wanted to spend time on now, so I excused myself and went on a walk through the ballroom. A few young people bowed to me while others had not even noticed my presence, far too occupied with their affairs and generally having fun. Still, I wanted them to feel more comfortable, so I even decided to use some of my dungeon skills and mask my presence and aura. Now the people mostly ignored me and I could walk among them without causing too much fuss. I noticed Iris, Lilly and a few other familiar faces flashing within the dancing crowd. Suddenly I stumbled upon Idna, sitting quietly alone in the corner. Her eyes were dimmed, and she looked sad.

"May I take the seat?" I asked with a smile.

"Of course, my Lord," she replied.

"Why the sad face? Did something bad happen?"

She eyed me for a moment and then, close to tears, she slowly nodded. It looked like she needed someone to talk to because, after a sigh, she slowly explained. "The boy I liked told me it wouldn't work between us and he left me."

"I am so sorry to hear that." I poured a glass of wine and gave it to her. "But I am sure that a charming person as you will find a better man for herself quickly, Miss Idna."

"It turned out that Iris was the reason he left me," she sighed and took a sip.

"Wait... I thought that Iris was hooking up with Tulir..." My chain of thoughts derailed. I was almost sure that Hilvar would settle with Idna.

"Humpf," she pouted. "It looks like they match together."

Before I could think of anything, the shadow in the ground opened a portal from which Tulir emerged. He looked at me and, with surprise, he spotted Idna at my side, a sight he was not expecting in the slightest. He lost his composure when he spotted Iris having fun with Hilvar.

"*sigh*" He was saddened, but quickly he kneeled down on his knees and looked up. "My King. I bring you urgent news..."

"Oh, hell no!" Before he could finish and ruin the last few hours of carelessness for everyone, I swiftly grabbed him up and gently lifted Idna by her hand. "Go and dance together. I'll hear you out in the morning."

I smirked when they both blushed, but fortunately, they started having fun together without me needing to kick Tulir's ass. I sighed heavily when the reports started flowing straight into my mind from Arani and Sebastian though. I shook my head and tried to return to the previous mood. I wondered why the hell Tulir was not at the inauguration as a student and why he was on duty.

"Master..." Sebastian's voice cut short my thoughts. He used a direct link available only for my scions.

"I know Sebastian. It begins."

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