The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 39

Supper Party [Preliminary]

That night.

A welcoming dinner was held at the Green Dragon Sergios Royal Castle.

A sneak peek at the venue will really make Lord Twa……

Loriana, a Kingsguard knight and sister, is present in unarmed knightly clothing.

Even though she was just adopted by the Duke’s family, it doesn’t make any difference that she is a royal blood muscle.

Well, that’s a special example.

In front of it are Allefald and Miss Rijuana.

From us, upstairs, hiding in a curtained passage for servants, I can only see the back and head… but those two stare at each other, so I can see the sides.

We peer at each other with a friendly flicker, and smile at each other when our gaze meets each other.

Uh, yes, yes, it looks better than anything.

And it is Princess Rosalee who stares at the sight with a gentle smile.

I wonder why, from what I can tell, that gentle grin feels like it contains something thin and cold.

The sister princess next door also looked the same but no longer.

So, the big man with the darkest green hair and eyes in the back is His Majesty Germain Sergios, King of ‘Green Dragon Sergios’.

It would be the queen, Lady Rosa Sergios, sitting on the left.

They also arranged hair using a hairdryer with beautiful green hair.

I’m not sure.

The sight of Lana, Princess Rosalie and Leggles rubbing the Queen’s hair while the maids were there.

… you know how I feel about you and my brother Carl Rate and uncle when you see that?

Well, that’s fine.

Looks like His Majesty Germain was a terrific loving wife, and he was so delighted.

Good for you. Yes, this story is over.

“Some subtle air, sir”

and arms, and the regulus I was watching with closes the curtain.

This is upstairs.

The venue is on the ground floor.

You won’t find out what you’re looking at, but you can’t be very loud.

And I also agree that the air is subtle.

Allefald… I don’t think so, but I’m not apologizing for being late, or anything stupid like that… right?

“Master Twa, I’m glad you look well…. but…”

“Oh, now there will be two people in this country with a ‘holy glow’. The ‘Green Dragon Sergios’ side is of course untouchable because it is a public place. It’s just that Alefald’s been a week late. If you weren’t invited as a guest of honor or stopped by a natural disaster, you should apologize… but you don’t seem to feel that way.”

“What an excuse in the end no? That prince, Sama.”

“I saw it first from” Blue Dragon Arsedios “and went to” Yellow Dragon Mesiresins “in the south and” Purple Dragon Dihardin Male “in the southernmost country, so it was later than planned, because.” Yellow Dragon Mesiresins “and” Purple Dragon Dihardin Male “are both countries where there are now” Holy Shine “. It’s hard to believe they stopped me because of Miss Rijuana…”

Yeah, and Leggles looking down at Miss Rijuana with an interesting opening of the curtain again.

On top of that, I narrowed my eyes and said, “That harmless lady grabbed Prince Sama from Elana from the side, sir. Kowa-yi,” he growls with a laugh.

Lana, said, has her hands on her hips and her chilled eyes pointing down the curtain.

You’ll only see the railings from Lana’s position.

“Anyway, we did what we could, and all we had to do was watch.”

“Ala, Elana is untrained by Prince Sama, sir. Ma, you have such a beautiful husband. Then you can’t look back on the man of the past. Dangerously Te.”

“What do you mean, Sole…”

Am I in any danger?

I think Lana’s more dangerous than that.

At least I can defend myself!

“Anyway, as for the ‘Green Dragon Sergios’ side, for being late, you must think it’s longer and hosier.” Green Dragon Sergios doesn’t have dragon lovers. ”

“Well, I guess that’s true ”

The question is whether Allefald or the people who followed him will come to mind there…

Already the dinner party has begun in the words of King Germain.

Cheers, and raise a glass for a sip.

Hmm? Is that alcohol?

Yeah, Alefald and Miss Rijuana are all grown up at eighteen at once, too.

… No, me and Lana, too.

Speaking of which, I haven’t had any alcohol yet.

“Do you want to drink when you get home?

“What? And all of a sudden what are you talking about!? Fran doesn’t have a pulse sometimes, does he?!?”

“Oh well. No, Allefalds were drinking, so I thought we were old enough to drink.”

“Oh, oh… that’s the thing…… hey… well, let’s have a drink when the store opens safely”

“I see. Shall we then?”

“Ala, then I’ll fetch you a pair of ears that Atashi keeps for you, yo . Of course, a ta si’s… oh Ri De”

“Really? Thanks Leggles! I’m looking forward to it.”

No, Leggles’ face says, ‘I’m making money thanks to Elana, Mono! I’ll make plenty of money in the future, Ne !’ Am I the only one who feels like it?

He said he’d find out if he made too much noise.

“Appetizer’s out.”

The two of them peek into the gap in the curtain again.

The exclamation of Lady Twa and Lady Rijuana adds a touch of hue as the performers play loose music.

Allefald seems unusual. “Appetizer?,” he murmurs.

Phew, and Lana puts her chest up and doya face when she says she’s in an invisible position from Allefald.

Lana suggested ‘Course Cooking’.

When I heard more about it, I thought, “Improvise me – I’m impotent”… but Princess Rosalee and the chef at the castle who followed me to the kitchen have become a nori, so there’s no way to hold me back… Brother Carl Rate said, “Oh man! Sounds interesting!” If you incite it, it’s useless to speak out against it or something…… yeah well, seriously, it’s been implemented wack.

Aren’t people in this country mysteriously too good for Nori?

So, that “course dish” is “appetizer,” “soup,” “fish dish,” “mouth-watering,” “meat dish,” “sweets and drinks,” and what serves the dishes in order.

It seems to be Lana’s “How to Eat a Foreign Greatman” from her previous life, and there are seven other dishes out there, or eleven when there are many, and so on.

He said, “I read it in a comic book,” and he said, “Well, I’ve never eaten it either, but I think it was a little full of them!”… because.

Anxiety, isn’t it?

So I tried to make it a six-course course with the smallest number of pieces.

“Wow, cute! Ham is the shape of flowers!

Miss Rijuana’s delightful thoughts.

The only thing Lana made me try to do when she said “it’s easy to serve cute” was round the raw ham to make it look like a rose shape…… just a salad.

Originally, “Green Dragon Sergios” had lots of fresh vegetables, so I made it look gorgeous by adding raw ham. … alone.

Because it’s such a country, some dressings are suitable for salads and raw ham.

“Hmmm… yummy”

“Yes! It’s so delicious!

Looks like you’re satisfied.

“Your Majesty’s face is satisfied.”

“! Brother Carl Rate. What about your uncle?

“I’m going to get the paperwork. So, what’s the ending like?

“Isn’t it going well so far ?

“You’re as light as ever”

The next thing to be carried is’ soup ‘.

This one was also conceived by Lana…… no, she taught me how to cook in a previous life.

The name of that soup is’ Consomme Soup ‘.

Fine soup that needs to simmer vegetables, beef, and vanilla for a long time, rub them, remove the meat ac, and keep working until the color of the soup is clear…… Apparently, there was no time for that.

So I liquefied it with the mixer I brought the vegetables and simmered it with the minced meat and vanilla.

I removed the ac and tried to drink it, but I said, “Hmm? Wouldn’t that be surprisingly close?” “Ah, it’s usually delicious” “Yada , just simmering vegetables makes it taste so good Noo !? I wanted to know sooner!”… so it didn’t look bad.


I bought it -.

“Yummy……! What is this!”

“Yum ! Gentle but not too much!

“Yes, it’s delicious, Master Twa!

I am healed by Master Twa.

Good, I hear you liked Mr. Twa.

Alefald and Miss Lijuana are also staring at each other, so His Majesty Germain is gargling.

Well, the next thing they brought me was the main dish, ‘Fish’.

But this is the problem.

Fish dishes did not catch fish of ingredients.

The castle men went fishing in total, but the fine fish that could be served to the royalty…

That’s why I decided to make the fish taste good, which is not fancy.

Well, luxury fish are caught up in “Blue Dragon Arcedios,” so the fish caught in “Green Dragon Sergios” can’t help but drop one rank.

But the quality is good, so I made it salted.

I just can’t serve it as it is, so I tangled it in noodle pasta as my main dish and finished it with salted cold pasta with fish.

Eat salted fish flavors tangled in pasta.

Not much as a course dish.

Served with vanilla and aroma, and served on a slightly larger plate, it is elegant to serve.

I wouldn’t have a problem putting that out on Prince Wang and his fiancée in “Blue Dragon Arsedios” who eat a lot of fish, and I wouldn’t know what type of fish they are because of their good quality.

More importantly, you taste it with salt.

“Awesome! The fish is tangled in pasta , Master Allefald ”

“Oh, it’s salty and delicious”

Yeah, and then maybe Miss Rijuana is more familiar with cheap fish the other way around because they’re from civilians.

Alefald doesn’t have to say anything if Miss Riffana seems happy.

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