The Actress is My Favorite

Chapter 84

Chapter 83

Zhou Hanchi’s voice was still a little hoarse, unable to speak, Huang Qiongyi pointed to the stage with a smile, and said to Ouyang Chao as if coaxing a child: “Maomao and Mr. Xia are about to throw bouquets, you go and grab them, Once you grab it, you can get out of the order.”

Ouyang Chao’s eyes lit up, and he ran towards the middle of the church.

Xia Shutong and Yun Feiwu happened to have their backs facing them, and they threw the bouquet back together.

Ouyang Chao ran over excitedly, and then saw the bouquet fall into Jiang Feng’s arms. Jiang Feng happily handed the bouquet to Xi Ao: “For you!”

Ouyang Chao: “…”

In front of him, Xia Shutong and Yun Feiwu are wearing wedding dresses and embracing each other tightly, their eyes are full of love for each other; on the left, Jiang Feng and Xi Ao are also showing affection like no one else; on the right, Huang Qiongyi’s palm is silently resting on Zhou Hanchi’s back , gently reassuring him.

Just myself alone.

Ouyang Chao circled around bitterly, and finally looked at Qian Lingling who was also alone behind her, his eyes lit up suddenly.

Qian Lingling frowned: “???”

She directly avoided Ouyang Chao’s gaze, and walked to the Xia’s family. Ouyang Chao’s expression collapsed again, and he stood aside pitifully.

The wedding is over.

After returning to the homestay, although it was a Western-style wedding, the group still had lunch together. After drinking and eating, someone made a fuss and said “bridal chamber!”, and others booed one after another. However, the two heroines of the wedding were sent to the bridal chamber.

After a meal, Yun Feiwu was not poured wine for her due to alcohol allergy, but Xia Shutong was drunk a lot, and when she returned to the room, she sat on the bed with her almond eyes open, Looking at Yun Feiwu motionlessly, he grinned brightly from time to time.

kinda silly.

When Yun Feiwu knelt down to help her take off her shoes, when she looked up, she happened to see the smile on Xia Shutong’s face. She thought Ruan Ruan was so stupid, but she couldn’t help showing a smile exactly like Xia Shutong’s.

“Maomao.” When Yun Feiwu stood up, Xia Shutong leaned over and hugged her, with a soft voice, “We’re married.”

“Yeah.” Yun Feiwu nodded seriously, and repeated, “We’re married.”

Obviously they had obtained the certificate four years ago, but when the actual wedding was held, the feeling was really different. Yun Feiwu felt his heart beating so fast, and the tip of his nose was a little sore, and he wanted to cry for no reason.

I don’t know if the drunk Xia Shutong…would have the same feeling as her?

probably not.

Yun Feiwu shook his head lightly.

If it was Xia Shutong in normal times, he would definitely connect with her, but Xia Shutong, a silly kid after being drunk… it’s better not to ask too much.

And today Xia Shutong is more drunk than ever before, he can’t walk anymore, maybe if he drinks a little more, he will be to the point of vomiting. So Yun Feiwu thought for a while, and asked softly, “Ruan Ruan, shall we take a bath and then go to sleep?”

Xia Shutong nodded obediently.

Yun Feiwu stood up and was about to hug Xia Shutong when she suddenly grabbed her wrist, her eyes sparkling and innocent.

Yun Feiwu: “Huh?”

Xia Shutong tilted her head and smiled, took her hand and brought it closer to her heart: “Maomao, look, my heart is beating so fast.”

Yun Feiwu’s breathing stagnated, and something in his blood exploded in an instant. Electricity surged through his blood vessels, and finally returned to calm, leaving only a soft feeling.

“Hmm… Also, my nose is a little sore, as if I want to cry.” Xia Shutong blinked and continued, “Maomao, why?”

Yun Feiwu opened his lips slightly, but didn’t know what to say for a while.

Xia Shutong continued to think: “It must be because… I owe you this wedding, and I owe you this wedding for too long, so now that we are obviously married, I feel a little bit like crying… Hey, cat, why do you cry too Is it? No, don’t cry…”

Xia Shutong hugged Yun Feiwu in a panic, but she shed two lines of tears uncontrollably: “Maomao, don’t cry, don’t cry. I, I, I…”

She wanted to say that if Yun Feiwu liked it, she would organize as many weddings as possible in the future. She wanted to say that she would never owe her anything in the future, even if it was just a word. She wants to say that her love for her will last forever and will never disappear.

However, Xia Shutong “me” for a long time, but his drunken and barren little brain couldn’t organize the words, and became more and more anxious.

In the end, Yun Feiwu in her arms wiped away her tears, raised her head with a smile, “Well, stop crying. Ruanrou, let’s go take a bath.”

Xia Shutong blinked in panic, and was stunned for a while. Although she didn’t understand why Yun Feiwu burst into tears so quickly, but seeing Yun Feiwu smile, it seemed like countless spring flowers bloomed in her head. Follow up.

“Okay~” Xia Shutong climbed up to Yun Feiwu’s neck, and lay down in her arms with great trust.

When I woke up again, it was completely dark.

Xia Shutong was almost sleeping in Yun Feiwu’s arms. At this time, she opened her eyes in a daze, but Yun Feiwu was still sleeping soundly. He only moved his head slightly, and let out a little happy sob from his throat. Voice.

Xia Shutong stretched, took Yun Feiwu’s shoulders into his arms, checked the time, and called dinner to the room. Xia Shutong opened the curtains again, looking out at the pitch-black wasteland, she couldn’t help but look forward to—

Will there be an aurora tonight?

I heard from Jiang Feng that there was a glowing aurora outside yesterday and the night before, and it was very beautiful. However, in the past two days, she and Yun Feiwu slept very early, and they didn’t see each other. I slept all afternoon today, and I will definitely not be able to sleep at night.

If there is an aurora tonight…under the glowing soft light, will it be very…

Xia Shutong blushed, shook her head violently, and rubbed Yun Feiwu’s hair.

It’s all because Yun Feiwu led him astray, causing his head to be full of weird things.

Thinking of this, Xia Shutong rubbed the center of her brows, and recalled what she said today when she was drunk, and after making sure that there was nothing too shameful, Xia Shutong was relieved, and the blush on her face gradually faded .

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the room.

Yun Feiwu was sleeping soundly, but now he opened his eyes reflexively, raised his head, and looked at the door vigilantly.

“It should be dinner.” Xia Shutong smiled lightly and rubbed the wolf cub’s head, “I’ll get it.”

“…Mmm.” Yun Feiwu yawned, sat up slowly, and rubbed his eyes with one hand.

Xia Shutong wrapped a coat, opened the door, and raised her eyebrows inadvertently when she saw someone coming.

Xia Cha stood at the door, his brows were almost wrinkled into Sichuan characters, his smile was cramped, and he even looked a little humble: “Tongtong, can grandpa have a few words with you?”

“Grandpa?” Xia Shutong called out in surprise.

In memory, it was the first time Xia Cha spoke to him with this expression.

In the past, Xia Cha was always an unfathomable old fox, his eyes were like a goshawk at one moment, and like a poisonous snake at another moment. Xia Shutong could never see what he was thinking, and was instinctively afraid of him. Later, when Xia Shutong grew up a bit, she was no longer afraid of him, no longer unable to see through him, and began to fight him evenly, but she still did not let go of her guard against him.

And in the past six months, Xia Cha has completely aged, turning into an old fox that explodes from time to time, without any deterrent power, but still maintains his previous arrogance and conceit. Even if he shows weakness, he still beats around the bush and never admits his past mistakes.

Xia Shutong had never seen him show such a nervous expression, and he could even see a trace of tension and fear from his cloudy eyes. At this moment, Xia Shutong suddenly realized that Xia Cha’s shrewd eyes had become so cloudy since at some point.

She frowned subconsciously, and pointed to the rest room in the suite: “Would you like to come in and sit down?”

So far, even though Xia Cha is old, she has taken the initiative to show weakness to her, but she still can only reluctantly “let go” of Xia Cha, rather than understanding. Inviting Xia Cha to come in for a sit-down was only out of basic courtesy. It’s like smiling at him as gently as possible during the day and helping him with food, not out of feelings for him.

In other words, what feelings could she have for him? It’s okay if you don’t hate it.

Xia Cha shook his head slowly: “No, just a word.”

Xia Cha bent his back, raised his head, a self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, various emotions were mixed in his cloudy eyes, Xia Shutong couldn’t see clearly, but subconsciously felt a little uncomfortable.

“Grandpa, tell me.” Xia Shutong said quietly.

Xia Cha looked up at her for a long time, and finally said that sentence with a little trembling: “Tongtong… It was Grandpa who was wrong before.”

After finishing speaking, Xia Cha hooked the corners of his mouth with difficulty, as if he didn’t know what to say, he turned and left.

The pace is slow.

Xia Shutong stared blankly at his gradually receding back, did not see him off, nor returned to his room, but just watched quietly, frowning more and more tightly, and finally loosened slowly. When Xia Shutong was about to turn her head, she suddenly felt a pair of warm arms hug her from behind.

Yun Feiwu didn’t know when he walked behind her, his body was like a little sun, sending her warm energy continuously.

Xia Shutong took a step back naturally, completely fell into Yun Feiwu’s arms, held her arm with one hand, and looked up at her.

Looking at each other, all the tenderness flowed into each other’s heart.

She let it go completely.

Xia Shutong and his group did not deliberately hide their travel itinerary during the long vacation, especially Jiang Feng, who would post several microblogs every day, saying how he was doing today, and how beautiful the scenery was. However, in order to prevent “chance encounters” with illegitimate fans, Jiang Feng still concealed the specific location when posting on Weibo, leaving only a few coded landscape photos and portraits.

Driven by Wutong’s public relations department, after a few days, the entire network knew about Jiang Feng and Xi Ao’s overseas travel. Then as Jiang Feng posted more and more photos, netizens soon discovered:

It’s not just Jiang Feng and Xi Ao! And Mr. Xia, and so on! And President Zhou and Ouyang! They seem to be traveling in a group!

In addition to the six-member group of “Mountain and River”, Jiang Feng also let go of other people’s photos, but they were all coded. So netizens quickly started discussing online:

【This is Xinghui and Wutong’s annual holidays. Is the boss taking his artists and employees to travel abroad? 】

[I feel more like a private trip between friends. After all, if the annual holiday is on, the two companies shouldn’t go on vacation and travel together, right? Moreover, neither Jiang Feng nor Xi Ao were employees of Wutong and Xinghui. 】

[I also think it’s a private trip! The point is that it’s almost the New Year. During this time, both the boss and the artists in the circle should be very busy. They can still make an appointment to go on a trip together. The relationship is really good.]

[I have a guess… Well, I don’t know if you have noticed that the photos Jiang Feng posted on the first day were on the beach and snowfield. Although I don’t know the exact location, there are several similar attractions in Europe that have one thing in common, that is, a holy place for wedding photos. Then the next day, a church appeared in Jiang Feng’s photo—as we all know, Western-style weddings are held in churches. So I guess, are they going to hold a wedding ceremony for Yunyun? 】

【Holmes upstairs is right! Although Yunyun said that she has a wife, she didn’t say when they met and got married, and I just looked at Yunyun’s schedule a few years ago, and she didn’t have time to get married at all! In other words…]

[Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! If it is really going to get married, that is to say, a certain young lady coded in the photo may be Yun Yun’s wife? 】

[Ah, ah, ah, I’m so curious! ! 】

【I also! Yunyun’s wife must be a peerless beauty, I really want to see the beautiful lady qwq]

[You are all thinking about such a beautiful young lady, so I will take this opportunity to take Mr. Xia away! 】

[Don’t think about it upstairs! Xia is always mine! 】

[Speaking of Mr. Xia, I feel more and more pitiful about Mr. Xia… In the few episodes of “Shanchuan”, she clearly liked Yunyun, but now she has to restrain her feelings. Not only do she have to choose to let go, but she also has to Participating in such a wedding, I feel so sad just thinking about it, woo TAT]

[Don’t talk nonsense upstairs, Mama Xia will always be Mama Xia! Looking at the photos, it can be seen that Mr. Xia and Yunyun are still on good terms now, and they are standing together in almost every group photo, so don’t make up any scripts about bosses chasing their wives and not being in love with each other~]

[Yes, Mr. Xia and Yunyun are obviously very good friends! 】

In short, under the deliberate guidance of Wutong’s public relations department, even if fans and passers-by don’t think of the relationship between Yun Feiwu and Xia Shutong as a couple, they gradually believe that the relationship between the two is really good—participating together Show, attended the awards ceremony together, even one party’s wedding and the other party also went, what kind of beautiful girlfriends’ relationship is this?

However, there are also a handful of bad comments on the Internet, saying that Xia Shutong and Yun Feiwu are entangled, and Yun Feiwu’s wife is too pitiful. But it was quickly slammed back by netizens: What is entangled? Didn’t you see so many people in their group? If they really had some illicit relationship, why didn’t the two of them go out secretly, with so many friends around, and Jiang Feng sending photos of their trips from time to time, wouldn’t it mean that they were doing well? Malicious speculation about what?

In the eyes of Yunxia cp party, the situation is completely different:

[! ! I bet a hundred spicy sticks, Yunyun’s wife is Mr. Xia, and they are going to get married! It’s too sweet to hit! 】

[I bet three hundred! So sweet and so soon to get married… oh no they are already married! It’s killing me ah ah ah]

There are also CP fans who found out the pendant hanging around Xia Shutong’s neck when they found out the crew of “Exploring the Class” and “Track”. Fans have a strong ability to make up brains. Relying on their superb PS technology, they just restored that vague pendant into a diamond ring. Someone put together the picture of Xia Shutong wearing a diamond ring and the picture P of Yun Feiwu receiving the award at the Golden Osmanthus Festival, and turned the award receiving scene into a wedding scene for P.

A group of CP fans are self-cute and having fun. Of course, the real “water army” from Wutong’s public relations department is also indispensable.

Xia Shutong glanced at the trends on the Internet, staring at the wedding photo posted by netizen P for a long time before putting down the phone in satisfaction, but still couldn’t stop the smile on her lips. That’s right, it’s almost the end of the year, and the year-end bonus of the PR department should also increase.

Yun Feiwu just finished washing and came out of the bathroom: “Ruan Ruan, want to have breakfast?”

Xia Shutong nodded, and naturally stretched out a hand towards her. Yun Feiwu pulled her up from the bed, interlocked her fingers, and walked slowly downstairs. Before leaving, Xia Shutong did not forget to open the floor-to-ceiling curtains. Outside the window was a blue lake, and in the distance, a whole piece of fiery red maple leaves could be seen faintly.

They had left Iceland and arrived in Switzerland. After traveling around for a few days, they finally stopped in this small village.

After the wedding, the group of people traveling together wisely set aside time for Xia Shutong and Yun Feiwu to spend their honeymoon alone. They either quietly returned to China, or dispersed to continue their journey. For example, Jiang Feng and Xi Ao, they also live in the same hotel now, but their schedules are completely different from Xia Shutong’s, so they play their own games and meet up again when they return to China.

Walking out of the hotel, there is another red leaf all around. When the wind blows, the red leaves dance all over the ground, like flames jumping with the wind.

Yun Feiwu took Xia Shutong’s hand familiarly, and stopped in front of a small food stall.

“Two beautiful girls, are you here again?” The stall owner was an old woman, and when she saw them, she had a gentle smile on her face. There are few people in the small village, and the grandma remembered them for the bread they bought here for two consecutive days.

After handing the bread into their hands, the old grandma suddenly paused and said with a smile: “Little girl, be happy.”

“Yes, thank you grandma.”

After taking the bread, Xia Shutong lowered her head slightly shyly, but felt that her heart was extremely warm. In the past few days, she and Yun Feiwu were walking on the streets of a strange country, and they received so many similar blessings that Xia Shutong even didn’t want to go back to the country.

I just want to sleep lazily, eat, take a walk every day in a place where no one knows them, and spend the rest of my life together.

Of course, it is impossible not to go back, and in three days they will have to return to the country and devote themselves to work again…and prepare for the next public relationship.

At this moment, Xia Shutong and Yun Feiwu were both holding bread, so instead of holding hands, they walked slowly along the street side by side, even at the same pace. Or look at each other and smile from time to time, and stroke the bread crumbs on the corners of each other’s lips.

This village is a small island in the lake with only one path leading to the land. The island is sparsely populated and there are no cars. Especially in the early morning, it is very quiet and fresh.

Xia Shutong was already used to it. First, he and Yun Feiwu walked around the island, and after breakfast, they held hands and went to a small town on land to sit for a while, looking at the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

When I sat down on the armchair in the small town today, Xia Shutong’s cell phone rang.

Xia Shutong took out his mobile phone, and Yun Feiwu habitually leaned over obediently, and glanced at the mobile phone screen. Above is a wedding photo that happens to be from netizen P.

The traces of the P picture in this picture are also obvious, and even the resolutions of the two of them are completely different, but the eyebrows and eyes of the two in the picture are affectionate, and they match very well.

Yun Feiwu immediately raised his eyebrows, Xia Shutong coughed twice, calmly turned off the picture, pretending that he didn’t see anything.

His eyes blinked shyly several times.

Xia Shutong clicked on WeChat and glanced at the news: “”Track” is about to start promotion, and it is expected to be released in May next year.”

As the employer, Xia Shutong got news from the producer faster than Yun Feiwu.

Hearing Xia Shutong’s words, Yun Feiwu’s eyes lit up for a moment. The announcement of “Track” means the exposure of another leading actor in the film, and it also means…they will take this opportunity to officially announce their relationship to the outside world.

As for what they will do at that time, they still have to discuss it with the producer.

Xia Shutong replied a few words casually, then put the phone aside first, wrapped her hands around Yun Feiwu’s arm, leaned against it like a snuggle, shrugged the tip of her nose greedily, enjoying the faint fragrance of her body around.

Other things can be dealt with at home. Now, she just wants to enjoy this moment, the peaceful time of only her and Yun Feiwu.

Yun Feiwu also tilted his head, brushing against Xia Shutong’s hair by his ear, and naturally wrapped Xia Shutong’s head with one hand, inserted his fingers into the hair, and stroked it gently.

There was a breeze blowing, and both of them closed their eyes comfortably.

From time to time, naughty children ran by in front of the bench, leaving behind a few giggles. Not far away, the red leaves swayed, adding a touch of color to the small town in early winter. Farther away, there was a snow-capped mountain top surrounded by clouds and mist.

Xia Shutong and Yun Feiwu sat quietly on the bench, as if they were isolated from the whole world, but also as if they were integrated with their surroundings.

Time passed little by little.

In mid-December, “Track” officially started to promote, and the official Weibo will announce one or two actors every day, from a group photo of the supporting roles, to several main supporting roles, and finally officially announced the actors of the two leading actresses on New Year’s Day. Although Yun Feiwu, Peng An and others have revealed some news in private before, the meaning of the official announcement is different after all. Since the first Weibo post on the “Track” official Weibo, it has attracted many fans, road users and so on. People came to watch, and the TAG of #轻级官耀# was the hottest search list for more than ten days.

Of course, this is all for later.

On the night when “Track” started to be promoted, Xia Shutong received a phone call.

“President Xia, I haven’t contacted you for a long time, how are you doing these days?” Jiang Chun’s voice was full of laughter, as if you could see the smile on her face through the phone.

Xia Shutong raised his brows, keenly aware of something, and after a few polite words, he went straight to the topic: “Ms. Jiang, is there any new plan for Taiwan Six recently? If there is a need to use Tianjun and Wutong place, you can say it.”

Jiang Chun is not a person who likes to be twisted and twisted. After a few chuckles, he immediately said:

“It’s like this, Mr. Xia, isn’t the ratings of the first season of “Shanchuan” quite high, but the second season is still in preparation and will not be broadcast for a short time. But the leader said that he hopes to take advantage of the New Year’s Day Heat, make another episode of the show. Mr. Xia, you said, how can we make a film in such a short time? So I thought, how about calling the twelve people in the first and second seasons? Guests together, make a New Year’s Day live broadcast plan.”

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