TF Amethyst

TFA2 8.3 – Lan Yan’er’s Addiction

TFA2 8.3 - Lan Yan'er's Addiction

From inside the living room, Viscount Issel and Butler Barrei observed the small inner garden where Erlin, Seira, Keira, and the former slave children enjoyed their time.

Keira and some youngest children were having fun rubbing the belly of a black and brown wolf dog. Occasionally, they would giggle or laugh. Not far from them, Seira, Erlin, and other children were cheerfully coloring fruits sketch by using a set of crayon.

"Compared to the time when they just arrived this morning, the former slave children were much calmer. They no longer show wary expression when meeting with maid servant or castle guard. The youngest kid also had stopped their sobbing.

“They are very surprise when they know Lady Erlin is a member of noble family. But Little Lady manage to blend in very naturally and it's greatly help them to calm down," Butler Barrei calmly explained.

"Very good." 

Seeing her youngest daughter finally had some real playmates, Viscount Issel couldn't hold back his ear to ear grin.

Actually, Erlin was a good hearted, smart, and brave kid. She also never created trouble for people around her, except when she played hide and seek. But somehow, children from other noble families maintain some distances from her. They played with Erlin only for the sake of obeying orders from their parents.

As a smart kid, Erlin easily realized the situation but she didn't utter any complaint and played along with the act. 

Then, Lan Yan'er arrived in the living room and she immediately approached Viscount Issel and Butler Barrei.

As she looked at the kids in the inner garden Lan Yan'er said, "I hope they don't cause some trouble."

"No, not at all. Actually, I'm happy that Lieutenant Lan bring them to this castle." After a wide smile Viscount Issel asked, "About the kids who will return tomorrow, can't they stay at Magwurt City until peace treaty with Kingdom of Makai was signed?"

"I can arrange it. But honestly, it's not wise course of action."

In an instant big question mark appeared on Viscount Issel's forehead. "May I know the reason?"

Wasting no time Lan Yan'er explained the circumstance, "Lagra City was a wide of ash and blackened field when the kids leaved. 

If they come back and see it had change into new and modern city, and there are fifty thousand expatriate workers live in it, they will felt alienated in their own home.

In that scenario, reconnected their hearts with Lagra City will be tricky. And in long term, it can lead into unwanted concern as children's development was easily affected by environment they live in."

A deep worry immediately flashed in Viscount Issel's eyes. "So, at the minimum they need to be arrived before the workers."

"Yes, something like that."

Viscount Issel never thought there was a serious concern behind the decision to bring the Lagra City's kids back home. The thought that he almost made a fatal blunder made his back drenched with cold sweat.

"And there is also another unofficial concern Ser Viscount need to worry about," Lan Yan'er calmly added.

"There is another unofficial concern?"

Lan Yan'er nodded and said, "After some noble families knew that more than half of Lagra City's kids have high-level academic potential and TF Amethyst had serious intention to nurture them, they immediately try to adopt the kids."

"They dare?!" In an instant Viscount Issel's furry soared to the sky.

"They realized that in the future these kids will become foundation in the development of science and technology in Amstell Continent and perhaps in the whole planet. So, of course they are ready to offend you and pay the necessary price."

"I will skin those nobles," Viscount Issel firmly said. “Lieutenant Lan, please tell me their name.”

"Ser Viscount, TF Amethyst had already prevents it, so let's stop at that."

To prevent the rose of any unwanted circumstance, Lan Yan'er deliberately hide that Northern Coalition's Leaders were the culprit behind the adoption attempt. They even directly visited her to carry out a back door deal.

And when their attempt ended in failure, they changed their tactic by approaching the castle maids who became the kids' guardian. Dozens of castle maids got swayed with the offer. They agreed to help Northern Coalition's nobles coaxed the kids under their care to accept the adoption.

Fortunately, IDG sniffed the attempt and Harley Quinn immediately issued a harsh warning. As for the traitorous castle maids, Lan Yan'er personally issued an assessment that these maids were unfit to become guardian. Under permission from Viscount Issel, Amethyst Merchant then sent them to become worker in the production facilities located in Kandez Region. 

"Understood." Viscount Issel calmly replied, but inwardly he swore he would retaliate.

"Thank you for your understanding," Lan Yan'er sincerely said.

After silent for a while Viscount Issel then said, "Regarding the transportation for the kids, do TF Amethyst really can't provide airlift?"

Viscount Issel heard that the kids were amazingly happy when they went to Magwurt City by using airlift. So, he hoped they could also use it when they return to Lagra City.

"I know the cost is astronomical, but I will gladly pay it," Viscount Issel firmly added.

After a deep sigh Lan Yan'er said, "The cost is not the problem."

Economic and trade relationship with Merry Gold Union and regions around Desolate Land's entrance brought unimaginably massive profit for Amethyst Merchant. Right now, money was the last thing that Amethyst Merchant would worry about.

Lan Yan'er turned her gaze to Viscount Issel before saying, "Ser Viscount, I'm sure you had already heard from Chief Nate regarding the latest circumstance of TF Amethyst's aerial asset."

"Ser Nate said that because of sudden expansion of area of operation to Buriek Continent, coupled with current situation with Kingdom of Makai, TF Amethyst's aerial asset will only be available for military purpose." After a deep sigh, Viscount Issel continued in low voice, "But honestly, I had difficulty to accept Ser Nate's explanation."

"It's regrettable that Chief Nate's explanation is true," Lan Yan'er then inwardly continued, 'Even though he didn't mention the details.'

Currently, of the fifties Hercules, only half of that number were in a ready-to-fly condition while the rest must be used as a temporary spare part. Therefore, other than for strategic and tactical purpose, all personnel and goods would be transferred by ground asset.

Of course, Lan Yan'er didn't say the real circumstance openly, as transportation capacity and capability were essentials military intelligence.

"Ser Viscount, you don't need to worry about the transportation for the kids. I already tried it personally and it's a nice ride."

"I sincerely hope so."

Seeing some doubt was still lingering in Viscount Issel's gaze, Lan Yan'er immediately explained, "Ser Viscount, the bus is equipped with an air conditioner and comfortable chair, the South Highroad is wide and smooth, the teachers will ride with the kids, and the escort is adequate. 

They will also make a stop in one of FOC's for refueling, good lunch, and a short rest. In short, it's a nice and safe trip. You can ask Erlin, Seira, or Keira if you don't believe me."

"I see."

Even if inwardly he was still dissatisfied, Viscount Issel chose to compromise. At the same time, with a cherry smile Lan Yan'er entered the inner garden.

As the kids looked at her, Lan Yan'er gently said, "Kidos, carry on and don't mind me. I'm just looking for a place to sit and wait for the lunch."

As the kids lightly nodded, Lan Yan'er walked over to a rocking chair in the terrace and immediately sat on it comfortably. She waited for a moment, until the kids went back to their happy activity before observing them one by one.

If the slave children stayed in the slave camp, then in one year the twelve-year-old boy would start the bitter life of a slave worker. As for the twelve-year-old girl, they had to start the painful life of a sex slave.

The fact that she was taking a part in the effort to stop that outcome, made Lan Yan'er felt an extraordinary happiness, and it was addictive.

And when she saw that the former slave children no longer gave her a suspicious gaze, Lan Yan'er smile became thicker in an instant. It could be considered as a great progress, as for a slave trying to trust other people from outside their inner circle was almost impossible.

'Just for a few more years, I will stay in the field,' Lan Yan'er muttered as she closed her eyes, and then she gently rocked the chair while humming happily.


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