TF Amethyst

TFA2 4.1 – Enemy From The Sea

TFA2 4.1 - Enemy from the Sea

War Strategy Room, Cruiser Geko-01

10:08, 28 Oct 2025

From the intelligence given by Northern Coalition, Duke Fogel knew that TF Amethyst's devastating artillery had an effective range up to 30 km. Therefore, he put every main combatant ship at twice of that distance. While to test TF Amethyst's response he placed 800 corvettes and frigates at a distance of 20 km from the coastline, or around 4 km behind the horizon from the perspective of the defenders on the beach.

However, TF Amethyst showed no reaction. They also showed no signs of offensive even after the talk between Count Issak and Viscount Issel ended without a peace agreement.

As he looked at the giant map on the strategy table, which was filled with hundreds of finger-sized wooden ships, Duke Fogel said, "It seems TF Amethyst waiting for us to launch the beach landing."

A cold gleam immediately flashed in Prince Portho's eyes. "Uncle Fogel, let's exploit their confidence."

"Yeah, let's launch your battle plan." Duke Fogel then turned his head towards Admiral Shank. "How long before Count Issak pass the border?"

After glancing the wall clock as big as a wardrobe in the corner of the room Admiral Shank replied, "If there is no accident, Count Issak will enters Sviek Region in 55 minutes."

"Well, let's alert the first wave of landing troops, and make sure the special shield on main combatant ship is clearly visible from the air."

"As your command, Sir Duke."

"Then, once we get the attack signal from Battle Group A, immediately launch the beach landing."


Without delay, Duke Fogel's orders were carried out, and staff officers immediately changed the formation of wooden ships on the giant map.


TF Amethyst's Command Center, Castle Lagra

With great admiration Nate looked at the nine thousands of various naval vessels under the flag of Battle Group B, which filled Guise Sea as far as the eyes could see.

"This is the first time I've seen a beach landing that involves thousands of ships."

Viscount Issel who stood next to Nate immediately replied, "Sir Nate, this is also the first time I see such invasion."

"Well," General Khartoum paused for a moment before continuing, "Without TF Amethyst’s aerial reconnaissance, we won’t be able to follow the development on the battlefield on a real time like this."

"Indeed." Viscount Issel nodded in agreement.

Both Viscount Issel and General Khartoum were fully aware that to win a battle, a constant situational awareness of the battlefield was a must. At the same time, they also couldn't wait to see the airstrike on the main combatant ships of Battle Group B.

With great anticipation Viscount Issel and General Khartoum put back their attention to the display table. Together with Nate, they then observed how hundreds of corvettes and frigates in the leading position formed thirteen landing corridors in coordinated maneuvers.

These landing corridors were a standard tactic to protect transport ships. Considering that in the process of shifting landing troops into landing boats, the transport ship would become easy prey for opposing Riders.

Meanwhile, the center deck in every carrier ship slowly opened and exposed Riders who were ready to take-off. At the same time, dozens of women and children came out from one of the side doors connected to the lower deck of carrier ships, cruisers, or destroyers. They then lined up on the deck rail of each ship. Just like Battle Group A, Battle Group B apparently also adopted human shield tactics.

"Bastard..." Nate cursed in a whisper as anger was reflected in his eyes.

Wasting no time Viscount Issel immediately offered a suggestion, "Ser Nate, we can still target the other ships that are not protected by human shields."

However, General Khartoum did not agree. "I think we should give these bastards a lesson that human shield tactics are useless in front of us. That way, they will never use it again in future conflict."

After heaving a deep sigh Nate said, "General Khartoum, I will make sure we won’t have another conflict with Kingdom of Makai. As for this one, we will play by the book.


I know this is a bothersome challenge, but please believe me, we will overcome it."

"Understood." General Khartoum answered without hesitation.

As for Viscount Issel, he nodded firmly.

Without delay, Nate then sent the order to cancel the airstrike.


And suddenly, one of the radio operators announced, "Sir, Camp Venom reported that Battle Group A conducted an incursion and versus contact occurred."

After a slight nod Nate said, "Give all elements at Raisait, Levsait, and Railev Pass a green. Also, ask our artillery to sink any ship that are not protected by human shield, regardless the type and size."


Without delay Nate's orders were carried out.


Defensive Point LS-01, Levsait

Inside the fire control bunker for artillery element, Major James and Lieutenant Cameron looked at the main screen gloomily. Initially, together with Reapers which were equipped with Hellfire missile, the artillery element would sink the opposing side main combatant ship as many as possible.

Unfortunately, the opposing side put their main combatant ship outside the effective range of M777 Howitzer 155 mm. The only targets under M777's effective range were frigates, corvettes, and transport ships. And all of those ships were marked by a box and coordinate of impact point in a bright red color, which means they were illegal targets.

With an annoyed tone Major James said, "Damn it! How the fuck did they know the effective range of our 1-55?"

After a deep sigh, Lieutenant Cameron replied, "I don't know the details, but my friend in IDG told me that Kingdom of Makai has a solid and competent intelligence network."

"What a troublesome bunch."

"Yeah, they are."

Then, as deep disappointment continued to adorn Major James and Lieutenant Cameron's faces, all of the boxes and coordinates of impact points on the main screen suddenly turned green.

"What the…"


Both Major James and Lieutenant Cameron immediately rubbed their eyes, but the boxes and coordinate of impact points remained green. And almost at the same time, the radio operators receive orders and notifications alternately.

"Sir, Castle Lagra ordered us to sink the opposing vessel as many as possible, regardless the size and type."

"Sir, Castle Lagra will also send an additional package of 155 mm shells and M777 spare barrels."

"Sir, 120 opposing Riders just takeoff, they are approaching our position at 200 km/h, 400 meters above sea level."

Even though the command and notification came alternately almost without pause, Major James calmly responded, "Notif the anti-air element, we will break the Rider Formation at a distance of 6 km. Ask them to save their Stingers for the next formation."


Major James then turned his gaze into Lieutenant Cameron. "Simultaneous salvo from every M777, beehive round, a 50 meters wide cone area of effect for each round."

As he noted down the requested firing solution Lieutenant Cameron asked, "Maybe we could add a salvo of tear gas after beehive round, to make them fly blindly."

"No, let's leave the rest of aerial threat to anti-air element." Major James glanced at the auto-tally of designated target which continued increasing as he added, "We have to get back to our mission as soon as possible. There are more than a thousand ships we need to sink."


As he cheerfully hummed, Lieutenant Cameron then began calculating the fire solution for the first salvo. Basically, the main purpose of artillery radar was to track and determine the firing position of enemy's battery. But of course, it could also be used to track a flying target. Therefore, placing an impact point in the trajectory of a flying target was possible.

And so, as long as the intended target did not change their flight path, then they would meet with a nasty surprise in the middle of their journey.


In a neat formation hundreds of transport ships entered the landing corridors, took their designated position, and reported back to Geko-01. One of them was Sampan-02. It smoothly entered the far left side corridor and anchored at a distance of 7 km from the shoreline.

The oarsmen and landing troops then lined up neatly on the deck. Every single one of them was veterans full of life and death experiences under their belly. Their courage and determination to win the battle was top notch. And so, they didn't need to consume the courage pill which would make them fearless but lacking in initiative.

A moment later, Captain Karam came out from the bridge and walked past the oarsmen and landing troops. After seeing the cold gleam and determination on the eyes of each landing troop before him, he nodded in satisfaction and continued walking to the edge of the deck.

As he looked at the vast blue sky Captain Karam muttered, 'It’s a good day to launch a beach landing. It’s just a pity that this time we will suffer an enormous casualty.'


Even though crystal sensors in the frigates and corvettes that securing the landing corridors did not detect the presence of opposing Rider, Captain Karam still could not calm his anxiety. Given that he already knew the opposing artillery had an effective range of up to 30 km.

No matter how he tried to hold it back, in the end Captain Karam sighed in silence. 'With such effective range, they don't need to send Riders.'

Fortunately, the first wave of beach landing had more than a thousand ships, and Makai Intelligence Service had estimated the opposing artillery would not be able to sink every single one of them.

'Hopefully, this ship survives from their salvo.' Captain Karam muttered as he turned his gaze into one of the senior sailors under his command. "Start the landing."

"Aye Sir!!"

Without delay, the senior sailor carried out Captain Karam's order. Landing boats were lowered to the both sides of Sampan-02 along with its oarsmen, and then followed by landing troops who went down through a wooden ladder, 30 personnel in each landing boat.

In less than 10 minutes, the shifting of landing troops into landing boats was completed. The two landing boats then moved to the beach together with thousands landing boats from other transport ships. Their target was a flat sandy beach 65 km wide, stretching between Levsait and Raisait.

Meanwhile, Captain Karam took a breath full of relief and muttered, 'Now, we have to retreat as far as possible.' 

But then, thunderous cheers suddenly rang out.

"Riders!! We are counting on you!!"

"Go get them!!"

"Show no mercy!!''

"Riders!! Show them what you made of!!"

"Makai Rider rules the battlefield."

In reflex, Captain Karam turned his gaze towards the formation of Makai's Rider that majestically flew towards Levsait. A smile instantly bloomed on his lips

'Damn it! Since when do I turn into a coward?' 

As Captain Karam clenched his fist, the memory of deadly skirmishes he had gone through filled his mind. He clearly remembered that he would be worried and anxious before each skirmish, but at the end of the day he always managed to survive.

Slowly but surely, confidence filled Captain Karam's heart to the brim. 'Well, let's see how the contest to dominate the sky goes.'

With eyes full of anticipation, Captain Karam looked at the Rider Formation which steadily passed his position


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