TF Amethyst

TFA1 3.12 – Captive

TFA1 3.12 - Captive

Not long after East Raider evacuated the slave workers from the slave hall, North Raider and West Raider also managed to break through the blocking wall. Meanwhile, the Sierra and Utah Team had to stop in front of the south special tunnel, waiting for equipment and explosives to be used to break through the blocking wall.

Even so, Sergeant Kurt and Sergeant Marco weren't worried they would miss the action. As the other three teams would only take a static position to lure the guards, while the task of combing up to surface would fell on Sierra and Utah, which in total have 80 personnel.

And finally, TNT on the last blocking wall was ready to be detonated. Wasting no time, Sergeant Marco immediately gave a briefing. 

"Currently, East Raider is under intense pressure from the mine guards. Therefore, after we secure the guard hall, Sergeant Kurt will bring Sierra One and Sierra Two to link-up with them.

Sierra Three will lead the way, and then take defensive positions in the guard hall together with Sierra Four. Meanwhile, I'll take Utah Team to comb up then link-up with Main Raider's elements who were combing down."

Sergeant Marco then looked at every personnel before him and asked, "Understood?"


"Good, now take your position."

As soon as every personnel took their positions, the carbide lamps were immediately turned off and the TNT was detonated.


A big and wide hole instantly formed in the middle of the blocking wall, but no target was in sight.

"The heck?"

Sergeant Marco looked at the empty and dim-lit room behind the iron frame for a moment, and then signaled the two pointmen from Sierra Three to take a closer look.

A moment later, one of the pointmen reported, "Nobody home."

Sergeant Marco nodded before turning to combat engineer. "Cut the iron frame as quickly as you can."


The slave hall and corridor to the mining area were only located on the east side of the gold mine, while the other special tunnels were directly connected to a corridor to the guard hall. As soon as combat engineer cut the iron frames, Sierra Three immediately entered the corridor and headed straight for the guard hall, followed by Sierra Four and the rest of the team.

Before long, the guard hall was taken over without the slightest bit of resistance, because it was empty.

"I don't like this." Sergeant Marco turned to Sergeant Kurt before continuing, "They must have concentrated their strength in one place."

Sergeant Kurt calmly answered, "We will find it soon, but for now I need to link-up with East Raider as fast as possible."

"Okay, I also need to comb the tunnel to surface."  Sergeant Marco then looked at Sierra Three and Sierra Four personnel before saying, "Guard this place and make sure no one is stabbed our ass, but be careful when aiming at silhouettes in the other corridor because they might be friendly."


A moment later, Sergeant Kurt took Sierra One and Sierra Two down the corridor to the east special tunnel. Meanwhile, Sergeant Marco led the Utah Team to the stairs that connected to the floor above.


The guard hall and east special tunnel were connected by a corridor 200 meters long with one turn. With full alertness, Sierra One and Sierra Two personnel walked down the corridor, until finally the two pointmen reached a position 20 meters from the turn.

A few steps in front of the pointmen, body of two dead guards was sitting next each other on the floor. Their backs were leaning against the wall. Meanwhile, three other corpses lay face down on the floor and left a trail of blood nor far from them.

Even though the five guards were clearly no longer breathing, both pointmen didn't want to take the risk. They immediately aimed their Scorpion Evo and performed the confirmed kill by shooting each guard's twice on the chest.

One of the main tasks of a pointman was to make sure the team members behind him/her didn't get unpleasant or even deadly surprises. So it didn't matter whether he/she liked it or not, a pointman must be ready to perform the confirmed kill whenever needed.

Sergeant Kurt and the rest of the team also didn't consider the pointmen actions as an exaggeration. They were actually grateful that both of the pointmen did their job thoroughly. 

Upon reaching three meters from the turn, both pointmen then stopped, and one of them signaled Sergeant Kurt to come closer.

While pointing to the pile of guard corpses and pool of blood at the end of the turn, the pointman said, "If I remember the map from IDG correctly, then as soon as we turn we will go straight to East Raider line of fire."

"I'll confirm it." Wasting no time Sergeant Kurt pressed the PTT button. "Sierra One to East Raider, do you read me?"

[East Raider to Sierra One, loud and clear, what can I do for you?]

"It seems we are a few steps before your line of fire. So, I will send a visual and please confirm it."

[Roger that, send your visual.]

Sergeant Kurt then aimed the tactical flashlight on his HK416A5 at the wall on the turn, and sent a Morse signal saying 'Friendlies' several times.

A moment later, a radio call from East Raider came in. [Sierra One, we saw your visual, please come in, but be ready for any pop-up spoiler. We haven't performed confirmed kill on the hostile we downed.]

"Understood, and thank you for the warning."

Sierra One and Sierra Two personnel then took the turn, and in an instant they saw corpses of more than a hundred guards. They scattered on the floor, and some of them pile up into a small mound.

"East Raider, what's going on here?"

[Believe me, we have no option. I had warned and asked them to surrender, but they kept coming with drawn weapons.]


Sergeant Kurt had just removed his hand from the PTT button, when one of the pointmen pointed at the guard who was prone on the floor shaking.

"Sarge, I need your wisdom."

While highlighting the trembling guard with his tactical flashlight, Sergeant Kurt said, "If you want to live, throw away your weapon, then stand up and raise your hands above your head."

While still shaking, the guard rose to his feet, slowly drew the dagger at his waist, and then threw it to the floor before raising his hands above his head.

The guard's face was covered in blood, but it still clearly visible that he was only in his late teens.

In a calm tone Sergeant Kurt asked, "Are you hurt?"


Worry was evident in the young guard's gaze, and Sergeant Kurt immediately calmed him down.

"Walk to the end of the corridor, my comrades will tie your wrists, but they won't kill you if you don't make any trouble."

The young guard nodded slightly, then turned around and started walking. At the same time, Sergeant Kurt pressed the PTT button.

"East Raider, one captive and maybe more are coming your way, do you copy?"

[Roger that, we will handle them.]

Sergeant Kurt then looked at the pile of corpses in front of him, and said loudly, "Last warning, surrender now before we perform the confirmed kill by making a hole in your head."

Slowly, two guards stood up, followed by several other guards until there were a total of 16 guards. After throwing daggers at their waists to the floor, they then raised their hands above their head, and walked in a single line to the East Raider’s position.

Not long after that, Sierra One and Sierra Two personnel started to perform the confirmed kill.


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