
Chapter 12

Chapter 12: The Duke of Anding City

Ye Qianghan did not think of his random act, which moved and admired Su Yifei so much. At this time, he stood quietly in front of the barrel containing hot water and put the medicinal materials he asked Su Yifei to buy into the barrel, either quickly or slowly, according to the order recorded above.

With the gradual addition of medicinal materials, the color of hot water also gradually changes, temporarily cloudy and blackened. …

“Water-cooled for 3 minutes, its color is red.”

“This is the time.”

Ye Qianghan stared at the color of the hot water in the barrel. When the color of the hot water turned red, he quickly put Akihito into the hot water.

“Goo-goo …”

As soon as the red-gold vine was put in, the hot water in the whole barrel immediately seemed to be boiling, goo braved the heat of scalding people. Suddenly, the hot water turned into the color of red-gold and was emitting a peculiar fragrance.

“Special, won’t let me boil into a bucket of perfume?”

Ye Qianghan was dumbfounded when he saw this.

But dumbfounded, he also knew that this time is not a daze, hurriedly stripped naked, “flop” 1, directly jumped in.

“Hiss …”

As soon as he jumped into the barrel and sat down, Ye Qianghan felt the hot water in the barrel was like a knife, cutting his body with holes and bleeding profusely. The huge drug force rampaged along the meridians in the body, tearing his meridians out of cracks in a split second.

This pain is too much to be said to be a thousand pieces.

If someone else, certainly can’t stand the pain, jumped out of the barrel directly, or already passed out.

However, Ye Qianghan still gritted his teeth like a statue of stone and remained motionless. Only his trembling facial muscles and scarlet eyes showed how painful he was now.

Half an hour, one hour …

The meridians in Ye Qianghan’s body are continuously torn apart, and then they are frantically healing again and again. With the passage of time, the meridians in his body gradually become wider.

But the endless pain made Ye Qianghan feel like he wanted to be in a coma, knowing that the sea was shaking and seemed to be collapsing. But he knew that he must not faint at the moment, otherwise the meridians would be exhausted and become useless, or he would die instantly.

“No, I can’t sleep.”

“I can’t lose …”

Ye Qianghan roared in his heart. His unyielding will was like a magic needle in the sea of knowledge. It directly suppressed the churning sea of knowledge, restored his sanity, and enabled him to continue to grind his teeth and strengthen.

How can I see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?

If he talks about being brave and fighting hard, he will kill the gods of his generation, but he will not lightly say that he is defeated.

One day, two days.

Ye Qianghan, like an old monk, immersed himself in a barrel. If it weren’t for the faint breath he exhaled from time to time, it might really make people feel that he was dead.

In a room in the castellan mansion, a man was sitting on the bed with his eyes closed and his concentration fixed. at this time, his resolute and heroic face was covered with a fine sweat. with his breath, his vigor poured into his body.


All of a sudden, the man opened his eyes and a mouthful of black blood gushed out from his mouth, which fell to the ground and gave off a disgusting stench.

“I didn’t think I Zhao Qianlei also have today, seems to be the day to me”

The man got up from his bed and said with a wry smile, this man is none other than the duke of Anding City, the third-order master, and Zhao Qianlei.

A month ago, he returned from a foreign country and was ambushed by unknown people, resulting in a highly toxic body. In the past half month, he could not get rid of the poison by taking many detoxifying pills. Moreover, at midnight every day, the limbs will be paralyzed and the vitality will be disordered. If there are hundreds of insects eating the heart, the pain will be unbearable.

And its own cultivation in toxic corrosion, a sharp decline, until now his strength can only play 80% of the usual.

To this end, he also went to the alchemist’s union to meet Miao Wenjian, vice-chairman of the second-grade alchemist, but the other party was still helpless about the poison.

He is very doubtful whether the culture will gradually fall due to the drug until it becomes useless.

“Don’t let me find you, otherwise, I will let you die.”

Zhao Qianlei said bitterly, slapping his hand on the table, only to hear the sound of a slap. The whole hard pear-shaped wooden table was shattered by his palm force.


At this time, only heard one urgent call came in, less than a moment, a young girl rushed through the door and came in. The young girl is beautiful and moving, just like a saussurea involucrata, blooming with purity and elegance, which makes people inexplicably love at a glance.

If Ye Qianghan were here, he would surely recognize that this young girl was none other than the woman who was almost killed by herself in Desperate Forest, Zhao Xue.

“Cher baby, why are you here?”

Zhao Qianlei, who was originally angry, smiled kindly at the sight of the girl.

“Dad, this is Jin Wen Jie Du Dan refined for you by my daughter, Master Rong Hua. Take it quickly, maybe your body will be detoxified.”

Zhao Xue handed Dan medicine with golden grain in his hand to Torre with a look of expectation.

“Master Ronghua?”

Zhao Qianlei eyebrows a wrinkly,

Glory is the duke mansion hired to worship Dan division, his ability is clear, but a product alchemist, after his poisoning also took his refining detoxification Dan, but all have no effect, how suddenly so confident again now?

Want to know their highly toxic even as a second product alchemist, vice chairman of all have no way. How come he will know it?

Even if he is killed, he cannot believe it.


Zhao Xue dragged a long nasal voice, coquetry shouted.

“Ok, I am eating, you see?”

Zhao Qianlei could not bear his daughter’s disappointment. He hurriedly brought Jin Wen Jiedu Dan and took it. He sat cross-legged on the ground, running his energy to dissolve the drug.

At the entrance of Dan medicine, Zhao Qianlei felt like he swallowed a mass of flame, which made him thirsty. When the drug power completely melted away, his whole body meridians seemed to be soaked in hot springs, no longer cold at the beginning. The unknown toxic substance in the body was wrapped by the drug power of Gold Dan, and was suppressed in a corner of the body and could not move.

“It was really effective and suppressed the toxicity.”

Zhao Qianlei was not overjoyed. He stood up and laughed. Although  Gold Dan did not remove the poison, at least he did not have to worry about the retrogression of cultivation in the next few months. The rest will be discussed from a long-term perspective.

“Congratulations to Dad.”

Zhao Xue saw this, immediately breathed a sigh of relief, patting the towering chest, and said, “Master Rong Hua did not deceive people.”

“Rong master previously not to say that there is nothing to do? How can this golden grain Dan be refined now? ”

Zhao Qianlei said curiously.

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