Sweet Venom – Rebroken

Chapter 5 – Sowing the Seeds

“If what you say is true, Oxyi… then we all need to leave immediately! We're completely outnumbered by those creatures and they’re pushing their way deeper into the town with every passing night.” There was a murmur of agreement from the crowd within the hall. “Your friend was right; you need to leave, too. See if you can find some mercs to come and help you rescue him if you must, but as it stands now, there is no way we have any possibility of solving this ourselves.” The vice-mayor flicked his fingers, and the few remaining council guards began to pack their goods up around the town hall. 


Earlier that morning Oxyi had managed to call an emergency meeting and, more importantly, convince everyone left of the danger they were in.  The footage she’d taken on her camera clearly showed the thousands of monochrome figures shambling through the forest after her and Diego, and then, the appearance of the much larger alien creatures. Abject shock ran through the sparser than usual crowd as they watched the footage with horror, of Oxyi and Diego running through the pitch black forest, the creatures coming at them at every angle. They couldn’t help but imagine themselves, if they’d been in the same situation… 


“Vice-mayor! Vince... I can't leave him behind... I don't know what to do. We can't just... we have guns! In the armoury, in shops down on Fifth, there's still a few hundred of us left! We can mount a resistance and push back, I know it!” Oxyi pleaded to the council, glassy eyed and shaking slightly under the weight of her gear. The vice-mayor shook his head and gave Oxyi a sorrowful look.


“Oxyi... This isn't a fight we can win. Most of the people here aren't combat trained - they were the first to be taken... I'm sorry about your friend, I really am, but I can't ask the remaining people to risk their hides to mount a rescue operation for a stranger.” He turned off the display showing Oxyi's camera feed and gently placed the tape in her hands. “You should take this and go to the Prion Eighth station.” He paused for a second, then pulled a small metal card out of his pocket and passed it to Oxyi. “Use whatever is left in the city’s funds to buy yourself a force. I can't imagine there's much left after all the repair work we did this summer but... it's something.” He patted her gently on the shoulder, and left the room with his remaining guards to pack up.


She took the card and placed it in her pocket, stifling back tears. Behind her, the crowd were making their own preparations to leave, quickly, rushing back home to gather their belongings and take whatever could be sold, and formulating plans for where they'd live now. She didn't blame them, but she couldn't stifle the fury, the injustice building in her chest. Her hands balled up into fists. She pushed through the crowd and made her way back out onto the deserted street. There was nothing further to gain here, but there was no way Oxyi was abandoning ship quite yet.




Shackled and bound, the cells were filled with the tinny, rattling, disruptive ambiance of a hundred pairs of shackles and chains, every prisoner adding to the metallic cacophony as they rattled and shook their limbs. It was an unpleasant sound, like a droning background conversation that's too loud and disruptive. It was nigh impossible to hold a thought around them, and yet... Yet when she entered the room, you could hear water dripping down the walls with perfect clarity.


Moltezz's quarters were far larger than that of her cohorts, by her own self-declared needs and her demands. She’d had massive prison cells built into the room, full of Marks for her choosing. She was a queen of filth and desire after all – choice was an absolute must. The décor alternated between tortuous and bare when it came to the cells, and brilliantly lavish, with richly decorated walls and fixings when it came to areas that Moltezz liked to hang around in. In the centre of her chamber was her throne of sin and sex, surrounded by instruments of pleasure and a litany of restraining devices. A massive red flag was hung against the back wall that looked like it was ever so slightly smouldering.


She strutted through her prison pen, but this time she wasn’t here to pick someone, rather she was here to drop off one of her favourites. The fox had proven to be really quite good at escaping his cell and Moltezz quite enjoyed their game of cat and mouse, catching him and taking him to her personal chambers afterwards, and making a meal of his body. 


Trent would be lying if he said it didn't feel good, but that really wasn't the point; he wasn't going to spend the rest of his days being this alien's cock-sleeve, and that was that. But his determination to escape just fuelled the filthy queen more, and more attention was the last thing he needed while he was scoping the place out for an escape.


She carried him to the centre of the room and with grace and power, she lifted him off her shoulder and quickly restrained him, securing the metal bands around his wrists and ankles. She pulled off his gag, and spoke.


“Awh, Trent... You did such a brave thing back there. Giving yourself up willingly to tell me about that attempt on Diego's life.” She softly touched his cheek and ran a finger down his chin. Her touch was frighteningly warm, and the gesture made Trent’s fur stand on end. “It's unlikely Seeth will reward you for all your hard work, and I really am sorry about that... I will, though...” She winked slyly at him, slowly falling onto her knees before him, resting at slightly above eye level with the fox, who began to blush. “Your queen always rewards loyalty...” She leaned in close to him, breath hot on his fur, her mouth just grazing his ear and sending pleasant tingles through his entire upper body… when she pulled away. “But later.” She stood, laughing to herself as she saw her influence, his aching arousal on full display. The other prisoners remained deathly silent as she laughed, but continued to watch intently, as though their lives depended on it.


“You stay there now, Trent. I promise I'll make you feel amazing later, if you can stand my heat. Tsk, what am I saying? I know you can.” She gestured dismissively at the prisoners, all of whom were watching her every movement with obsessive detail. “The rest of you, take note! Loyalty to your queen will be rewarded! But for now, I have a man to break in.”




Diego was still drowsy but finally awake, the pleasure of the previous three days was beginning to fade and sense was returning to him. As absolutely lovely as Seeth was, he was becoming increasingly aware of what she was attempting to do to him. Her charms were incredibly difficult to resist with a clear mind, never-mind a sexually engaged one.


Currently nestled between her unbelievable breasts, they cuddled rather sweetly together, but it did make Diego wonder what exactly was in store for him, as they'd been relaxing together now for about an hour or so. She gently played with his hair and ears, gliding her soft fingers over his skin with care and attention, actively feeling his features in a sensual, enjoyable fashion. Had this been anywhere but a mysterious dungeon, this would have been heaven once again. A soft sigh from behind him brought Diego out of his thoughts.


“You... okay, Seeth? Not getting bored of me already?”


“NO! No. Nothing like that. Don't be silly. I just- I have a lot going through my head right now.” Her hand ran down his chest, feeling his heartbeat. “My cohorts have been very interested in you.”


“Oh yeah?” He wasn't sure if he was excited or terrified at the thought. “What does that mean for me?”


“It means I'll be taking you to meet Moltezz very soon. She informed me that someone was -” Seeth paused for a brief moment, pondering something rather deeply. “- in my chambers... and I owe her for that. So we're going to see her, and Plasia too, and I'll introduce you.”


“What about if I just want to stay with you?” He whined, a smirk on his face. He twisted to try and gauge her reaction. He was trying to work out what level of control the two of them had, over each-other, and compared to the others. Diego couldn't see her expression, however; Seeth’s breasts made sure of that, but his words made her quite euphoric. A massive smile erupted over her face, but she shook herself out of it and, realising she'd been quiet for a few seconds in appreciation, tried to speak. 


“Yo - I mean… Yea- I just - W-What do you mean?”


“I mean, what if I would prefer to stay with you tonight?”


“T-Tonight?”  Her own heart thumped loudly in her chest, butterflies fluttered in her stomach. Diego felt her tone shift slightly then, she still sounded happy, but there was something else; she sounded thoughtful. “That's very cute of you, Diego, and I promise it'll be just us most of the time, but I owe Moltezz. It'll be fun, I can assure you.” At least, I hope it will be… She nibbled on his ear and he blushed bright red, her hands feeling across his chest and muscles.


Too soon, the time came where Diego was blindfolded again gently and lifted into Seeth’s arms as they made their way through the dungeon. He was at war with himself once again, stuck between knowing that she was obviously trying to prevent his escape, and absolutely loving every second of attention from her - which was strange. He was usually better than this… Appeasing both sides of the argument however, he knew he was in no position to mount an escape attempt yet, and still desperately needed more information. Seeth wouldn't spill a word on what was going on here, and she was very careful not to reveal anything to him, but this place reeked of something dark and dangerous, no matter her attempts to conceal it.


Eventually, they reached their destination and he was placed onto his front, strapped down onto what he assumed to be a table, and left awfully exposed. This might have panicked him, if not for Seeth’s constant whispering into his ear, reassuring him he was safe, and to trust her. His ears pricked as he tried to get a sense of his surroundings, listening out for any noises in the background around him, but it was so difficult to remain focused with her silky voice calming him. He could hear something though, the clinking of metal chains dragging against each other… shackles, he was absolutely sure of it.


“Oh my goodness, Seeth... Look at him! This will be fun.” A loud, dominating voice cut through the air and Diego’s heart leapt. His blindfold was removed to reveal the Crimson Queen herself standing in front of him, Seeth right beside her, and another, smaller alien, with a collar around her neck, kneeling down before them. The aliens before him were quite the sight to behold. Diego’s eyes bounced between the hyper-sexual, ultra-curvaceous forms of the towering creatures that were all eying him up in their own unique ways. Amethystine and pristine, Seeth stood to the left, as strong and voluptuous as ever. Moltezz stood next to her, a little taller and playfully plucking the straps of her corset, unveiling herself slowly in a tantalising fashion, more and more of her glistening ruby body appearing with every movement of her fingers. Her smouldering, fierce eyes demanded his attention, partly out of fear, but mostly sheer desire. Finally, there was the new, third alien, on her knees beside Moltezz, clad in loose fitting robes rather than the armoured corsets the others all seemed to wear. She was brilliantly sapphire, saturated and sweet, with big orb-like puppy dog eyes that begged for attention. Below that, her curvaceous body was bubbling with all the same sweet seduction as Seeth’s; plump and beautiful, but deeply powerful.


As he took the three of them in, Moltezz walked forward and crouched down to his eye level, coming right up to his face. “Such a sweetie boy... How can one be so handsome, and yet so cute? What a find!”


Moltezz reached forward and roughly grabbed a handful of Diego’s hair, pulling it sharply. Diego’s eyes snapped back to hers, a deep growl emanating from his throat.


“Oh, and some fight in him! As if it couldn’t get any better.” She released his hair and stared deep into his eyes. “This... this is going to be brilliant. Worry not Seeth, he's never going to want to leave us, after we're through with him.”


Hazard Warning - Red

“Do you know what you're strapped to?” Moltezz remained close to his face, staring deep into his eyes. “This is a milking table. You're going to be milked.” She sounded half threatening, half enticing. “Everyone in this room is going to do exactly what I say or I will make you suffer. But if you do what I say, when I say it, I promise you-” as she spoke, the room began to warm intensely. “-You will cum harder than you could possibly imagine. You think you know pleasure? You know nothing.”


She stood and returned to her alien companions, whispering something to Seeth before grabbing the blue one's leash quite firmly, who looked rather scared but still couldn't stop watching him.


“This is Plasia. She is unstable and difficult to work with, but she's in a submissive composure at the moment. Both you and her are the cattle today, Diego. But you are more important than her, she will serve you for now.” She reached down and gently squeezed the girl's face, smushing her pretty lips together and making them purse outwards. “Look at these kissable, fuckable lips Diego. Isn't she gorgeous? Plasia is such a softy, I can tell she has a huge crush on you.” Moltezz dragged the now identified Plasia towards him but continued past his head, positioning her under the table. The male felt something shift on the table he was strapped to and his manhood fell through a hole, allowing his cock and balls to dangle freely underneath the table.


“She's got an erection already, Diego. She wants to fuck your tight little tailhole but i'm not going to let her. She didn't do as she was asked, she didn't serve me. So now, she gets to serve.” Moltezz pulled the pretty creature under the table and brought her face right up to the male's dangling dick, continuing to purse her lips and pushed her towards the waiting manhood. “Cute isn't it, Plasia? You're going to wrap your plump lips around this dick and you're going to drink every ounce of his seed, if I see you come up for air before his first load, i'll fuck you. If Diego says you're doing a bad job, i'll fuck you. If I don't hear him moaning, i'll fuck you. If you don't make Seeth jealous, i'll fuck you. Do you understand?”


The blue girl nodded, a mixed cocktail of feelings coursing through her, both terrified of Moltezz but eager to please the man strapped to the table.


“Good. Put those soft lips of yours to use and swallow him whole. You may not touch yourself either until he's cum at least once. Now, onto Seeth.”


Moltezz came out from under the table and left Plasia with the dangling manhood, Diego's slightly shiny dick was already at a semi from anticipation and now it was just her and it... her silky fingers ran over its length, stroking the sides of it. She swallowed nervously but watching the dick rapidly harden from just a slight touch was all the encouragement she needed to push on. She rubbed her thumbs over the tip and head and watched him twitch again, a smile growing over her cute face...


Seeth was intently watching what she could of Plasia's actions but was snapped out of it by the approaching Moltezz, who held her hand out to guide Seeth into the swiftly growing action.


“Gorgeous Seeth, cold and mysterious, finally she finds someone she likes and must I say it? What a man! Every second I spend in his presence causes my desire to grow, what a charming little creature he is. Now, I have Plasia acting as his cum dump, one of us simply must devour and fill his rear.”


Seeth's eyes widened at the thought, as they spoke, they heard him moan causing Seeth's breathing to become heavier, her desire was aching across her chest as she heard Plasia slurp loudly from beneath the table.


“Question is, Seeth, do you want his front or his back?” Moltezz watched intently as Seeth bit her lip and wondered which she would prefer, but after a few short seconds, she picked quite firmly.


“Back. I want his ass.” Seeth ordered, playing it cool but desperate to be with him.


“Then his ass, you shall have. Come, let us warm him up...”


The two girls walked around to the back of the table and kneeled down together, at this point, Plasia had decided to go all out, ripping off her robes and accepting the males rock hard manhood into her mouth and was currently pumping her soft lips up and down the entire length, her own throbbing dick was erect and pleading for attention between her thick thighs but she dared not touch it under Moltezz's orders... 


Seeing Diego's exposed tailhole between his cute buttocks and his currently unloved balls gave both the remaining alien mistresses an idea though and soon, both Moltezz and Seeth pressed their faces up against his body. Moltezz pressed her head right into his ass and lapped at his rear whilst Seeth slurped both his balls into her mouth and sucked on them gently, causing pre to leak from his dick as he received copious amounts of attention.


The blissful feeling of warm alien maw wrapped around his genitals was quite enough on its own, but Moltezz's long, surprisingly hot tongue had a warming sensation to it as she pushed it into his butt gently, eliciting an embarrassed moan from the male. Stubbornly however, he didn't cum. He knew what they were doing and so he resisted as much as he could, clenching as hard as he could to fight back the building climax. After a couple more minutes of intense sucking, slurping and licking, Seeth and Moltezz both pulled off and stood, quite happy with their pre-fuck warm up.


“You know what to do, Seeth... Let him have it...” She grinned, leaving Seeth with the pleasure of her lover's ass to plunder as she saw fit. Moltezz sauntered back to the front of the table and kneeled in front of Diego, slowly removing the corset as she watched him closely. He was panting, tongue hanging slightly from his maw, lust laden eyes watching Moltezz with curiosity but occasionally closing tightly as Plasia sucked hard on him, trying to free him of his seed.


Behind him, Seeth roughly pumped her thick cock in anticipation, already leaking tons of lube goo and pre from it, she lifted his tail and pressed the tip against his moist entrance, watching his hair stand on end as he felt the tip tease him agonisingly.


Moltezz could tell he was trying to resist as hard as he could and a wicked grin fell upon her pretty face. She finished unbuckling the corset and removed it in one swift motion, revealing her full figure to the male, she wasn't too dissimilar to Seeth, with a beautiful thickness and muscularity to her but cloaked in finest, fiery ruby. She was smaller in the breast area than Seeth, but still packing a bust on completely unreasonable proportions. Diego was briefly pulled back to reality as his eyes landed on her manhood…




It was absolutely gigantic


It was a fierce, powerful tool that looked like it had milked many an orgasm from its victims, or failing that, beat them to death… It was just plump enough to be sexy, but with a threatening aura that almost made you want to bow to it out of fear alone. Whether or not that was a good idea… was yet to be seen.


His thoughts were stolen away again as Seeth was rubbing the tip of her own thick tool up and down the lizard's butt but was waiting for the right moment to penetrate... Plasia stepped her efforts up, placing her lips firmly around the head of his cock and pumping the shaft quickly, her tremendously long snake-like tongue emerged from her lips, sliding under his dick and curling around his balls, coating them thickly in sticky neon-blue saliva that mixed with Seeth's from earlier and finally, he couldn't take it anymore, he began to orgasm and pumped a creamy load of seed into the waiting maw of Plasia... this might have been the end of some peoples sex sessions but for this lot, this was just the beginning


Diego's cute moan was the signal Seeth was looking for and without hesitation, she pushed her fat purple meat into his ass, slowly sinking each lubed up, girthy inch into him, a deep bliss washing through both of them as their hips met with a gentle, melting bump.


The effect was immediate and powerful, his in progress orgasm intensified tremendously and yet more seed oozed forth, which Plasia gulped down hungrily as if her life depended on it, her own initial shyness was now completely rubbed away and she deeply desired to please him more. With his first load blown, she now had permission to touch herself and she did so eagerly, grabbing her own more modestly sized dick and jerking it as she moaned into his dick and pressed her soft, gorgeous lips down to the base of his cock.


At his front, Moltezz squished her massive breasts together, forming a huge cleavage and pushed it into Diego's face, burying him in a mountain of ruby tit, it was very hot to the touch, almost scoldingly so but intensely enjoyable, finding one of her tender nipples, she teased it towards his face and moaned loudly when it landed in his warm mouth.


“Such a good boy... you're doing amazing... stick with us and we'll all feel like this forever...” She ran her hands through his hair and played with his ears lovingly as he lapped and licked at the engorged nipple in his mouth. “You want to be our slut forever, don't you?” She swapped nipples, making sure to rub as much of her tits against his face as she did so, grinning evilly as she watched his lust broken face seize up again and blow another cum load under the table right into Plasia's hungry face.


Seeth began to pound at his ass repeatedly, her heavy fucking shaking the whole table as she drove her love rod into him over and over, copious amounts of goo and cum dripping onto the floor as she groped her own gigantic breasts and wiggled her hips in delight, pressing deep into him. Soon, whatever was left in the male's pleasure wracked body began to ooze out in a constant dribble from his dick, with occasional thicker bursts as Seeth continued to plough him. The image of her own much wider hips and long, thick cock pressing up against his smaller tush was driving her dominating instinct wild, purple on black, a mistress using her toy.


Moltezz pulled her tits back and came a little closer, placing her fingers gently in his mouth which he also sucked on without a second thought, filling her with delight.


“Oh my... such a good boy... you want to please your Queen?” Suddenly, Moltezz's absurdly huge dick appeared in front of him and she roughly shoved it into his mouth, but he was far too pleasure consumed to even try and resist, her dick was so thick and heavy that it barely fit within his mouth, his jaw stretching wide to accommodate the powerful invader, she grabbed his head to keep him still and pumped her tool back and forth slowly, using his head more akin to another fuck hole rather than a blow-job, it seemed like Moltezz was too lust consumed to continue with the playful act of earlier.


Under him, Plasia finally pulled her warm, gooey mouth off his manhood and laid on her back, thrusting her hips up so her own dick laid parallel to his and she jerked them both off together. Whispering “Cum on me-cum on me-cum on me” over and over again quietly as she bucked her hips upwards and rejoiced at the feeling of her dick rubbing up against his. Her dreams came true as yet more seed leaked from his knob and dripped onto her belly, causing her to cum as well, drenching the bottom of the table, his dick and her own belly and tits with significant amounts of sticky blue alien cum.


Moltezz blew shortly after, her sharp thrusts into his throat causing a swelling load of extremely hot jizz to blast into him, it stung greatly at first but changed into a deeply satisfying warm glow within him as she roughly pulled her meat free of his maw with a loud pop as the seal broke. Seeth, who'd been firing off load after load into her lover continued to do so, driving all 13 inches of beautiful alien meat deep to the hilt with wild abandon... It was too much for him, Plasia frotting and jerking him, Seeth pumping deep into his ass, Moltezz using his mouth and throat like a fuck toy... he was in sex heaven but this was too much pleasure for a single person to handle and he blacked out after firing god knows how many loads over Plasia who was mashing her tits together in sheer pleasure and jerking their dicks together hard and fast. He was completely drained dry, his body desperately trying to find more cum to dump out and found nothing remaining, it would have been agonising if it wasn't so pleasurable. 


The fucking continued for a couple of hours, Diego floating in and out of consciousness until everyone had had their fill. Plasia laid under the table, panting heavily, covered in her own and Diego's cum. Seeth pulled her cock out finally with a loud slurping noise and fell backwards, needing to sit for a few minutes and Moltezz stood back, proud, surveying the scene as her cock dribbled out lashings of thick orange seed over the floor. The dungeon flooring was completely plastered in various different coloured goos and cum, dripping loudly from the used man as they all sat around, all that could be heard was the dripping liquids and the furious panting of the group.

Hazard Warning - End

“I think, with a bit of training... some dietary adjustments and perhaps some help from Leech, we can get this man to the height of absolute pleasure. I simply must sample his rear sometime, Seeth, you looked like you were in heaven!”


The aliens continued to talk. Through the euphoric blur of pleasure and sex Diego tried to understand what they were saying; they were trying to break him, he knew that much, but he still couldn’t see the bigger picture - why were they kidnapping people, and what were they turning them into? Although this sort of sex was without doubt, the best he'd ever had, it wasn't going to stop him from finding out exactly what was happening, and putting an end to it if need be. But for the moment, he was at their mercy and thankfully, Seeth seemed intent on looking after him.


He came to properly a little later in a shower room with Seeth, who was washing him down gently, admiring every inch of his body as she did so.


“Hey, Seeth....” He was tired and aching but still felt incredible all over.


“Diego! I was wondering when you'd wake up!” 


He slowly blinked and looked about, and noticed that Plasia was also in the shower room, washing herself down. Seeth saw him looking over at her. “I... felt bad for Plasia and said she could stay with us for the night, seeing as she did such a good job with you...”


Plasia looked over and gave the pair a nervous yet grateful smile, then turned away as she continued to shower, Diego's eyes fixated on her butt as the bubbles were washed away. How the hell am I still horny after all that?! What’s going on with me?


“Listen, Diego. I... won't be here tomorrow. I need to pop out to... to do... to do some... stuff... So I'm asking Plasia to stay with you in my chambers and keep you company. Is that okay?”


He nodded and placed a hand of Seeth's face, rubbing her cheek lovingly. The warm steam and soft droplets of water were already cleansing away the sins of the last few hours, leaving Diego exposed to what the next day would have in store for him.


Soon enough, all three were cleaned off and Diego was escorted back to Seeth's bed by the two towering aliens, a platter of food waiting for them. As he walked back, sandwiched between the two beautifully plump, curvaceous, loving creatures, a forbidden thought seeped into his mind; he wondered if he should bother resisting at all... Tonight he would go to sleep, surrounded by tempting, bountiful, exotic lovers, pinned by pleasure… 


Little did Diego know that  all hell was about to break loose, and it was coming straight for his chamber.

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