superstar godfather of entertainment

Chapter 99 Reminiscing about the past! (7 more for subscription)

Chapter 99 Reminiscing about the past! (Seven more subscriptions)
The emotions of the audience were unprecedentedly high. Such a scene can be used as a gimmick to make the show even more intense.

The audience's reaction was so strong that even Fang Yan was shocked.

He predicted that this song would definitely conquer the audience and cause a strong sensation.

However, even though he had guessed in his heart, Fang Yan did not expect that the audience's reaction would be so strong.

The audience's reaction has exceeded Fang Yan's prediction, so when such a scene was presented, Fang Yan was also shocked, so he couldn't react in time for a while.

However, the atmosphere at the scene has been maintained, the atmosphere remains high, and everyone is very excited.

Then, Fang Yan was the first to react. Fang Yan stood up from the piano, picked up the microphone, and said with a smile.

"Thank you very much! Thank you very much for liking this song. This song is called "Paper Short and Long Love". It is a song that recalls the beautiful past and is also my original song. Thank you for liking this song. very honored.”

When Fang Yan picked up the microphone, because he knew that Fang Yan had something to say, the atmosphere at the scene became a little quieter.

But when Fang Yan's words fell, the audience erupted into even stronger cheers and shouts.

Originally, they were still guessing the title of this song, but now, they finally know that the song is called "Paper is Short and Love is Long".

The paper is short and the love is long, and I can't finish complaining about the youth at that time!

The beauty that has passed away, recalled at this moment, will still have a feeling of happiness.

It can be said that the title of the song matches the theme of the song very well. After knowing the title of the song, everyone became more excited.

In this episode of the program, the atmosphere of the audience has reached its peak at this moment. At this moment, the theme of the audience is reminiscing about the past. Everyone will unconsciously recall the beautiful pictures of the previous love in their minds.

Even single people have often had unforgettable love. Even if they have never been in love, they will still think of some beautiful love stories they have seen.

Fang Yan knew that the program would continue to be recorded, so after announcing the title of the song, Fang Yan picked up the microphone again and spoke to all the audience.

"Thank you for liking this song, the song has been sung, I hope you like this song, you can vote more, haha~"

The reason why Fang Yan said this was to calm down the emotions of the audience so that the program could continue to be recorded smoothly.

Sure enough, as soon as Fang Yan said this, the host also started to step onto the stage and continued to host.

"Wow! It's amazing. The confrontation between the two of you is even more exciting than watching the live concert! My blood boils when I hear it!"

The host stepped onto the stage and began to express the emotion in his heart.

The effect of this strong duel is even better than expected. This duel is really exciting.

"At this moment, I would like to ask Mr. Zhang Ze, what do you think of Fang Yan's singing just now? Can you give me a brief evaluation?"

Zhang Ze, who is at the top of the Tower of Heaven, is also very excited at the moment. Anyone who can hear such a wonderful performance will be in a particularly good mood.

Zhang Ze picked up the microphone and praised: "It's shocking! It's really shocking! I know that Fang Yan is very powerful, but I didn't expect that he could present such a wonderful performance. To be honest, at the beginning Fang Yan said When I issued the challenge declaration, I was very unconvinced, so I kept working hard, hoping to defeat Fang Yan through singing, but at this moment, I think winning or losing is not so important. I like this song sung by Fang Yan very much. Song, at this moment, I admire Fang Yan from the bottom of my heart, he is really a very good singer."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang Ze for your evaluation. You gave Fang Yan a very high evaluation. However, Fang Yan's singing is indeed worthy of this evaluation."

"Now, I would like to invite the other Tianlai singers to express their thoughts, starting with Teacher Yang Bing!"

"Just like what Zhang Ze said, it's really shocking! It's a wonderful performance, and Fang Yan is even better than we imagined."

"This song is so good! I like it very much. Both the lyrics and the melody are so good, and it is an original song. At this moment, I am more and more admiring of Fang Yan's creative ability."

"Fang Yan is really a very talented singer. The more you know about him, the more surprises you will get. Fang Yan is really great! I believe that as long as Fang Yan is given a little time, Fang Yan will be able to grow into a singer very quickly. Music superstar."

"The singing is flawless. Moreover, Fang Yan's control over the stage is also very strong. His aura is very strong, and his positioning, including the coordination with the light dancers, is perfect. In addition, Fang Yan's piano playing is really good. Alright, all of this combined is really shocking, this performance is really wonderful! Fang Yan is really amazing!"

Several Tian Lai singers expressed their opinions one after another, all of which were strong compliments to Fang Yan.

"Thank you for your comments. Well, without further ado, let's start voting now! Which performance impresses you more and which performance do you like more? Please make your choice."

All the audience at the scene immediately picked up the voting devices in their hands and began to vote.

Many people have guessed the result of this duel. After all, after the two songs were sung, the audience's reactions were completely different.

The stronger the audience's reaction, it means that the song will definitely be more recognized by everyone.

The atmosphere of the audience instantly entered a tense stage, but the parties were very relaxed.

For his own singing, Fang Yan has always been very confident. After seeing the audience's reaction, Fang Yan became more confident. The audience's reaction was stronger than he expected.

In Zhang Ze's heart, at this moment, he was deeply impressed by Fang Yan's performance.

So at this moment, Zhang Ze no longer had the idea of ​​competing with Fang Yan for winning or losing. To hear such a wonderful singing, even if he lost the game, it would be an honor to lose.

Therefore, Zhang Ze's heart was completely relieved. Fang Yan's singing had successfully conquered him. Therefore, even if he became Fang Yan's stepping stone, Zhang Ze would be willing.

Soon, the voting results were presented, but the voting results were beyond everyone's expectations. Therefore, when the voting results were presented in front of everyone, everyone was shocked, and their mouths were so big that they could swallow an egg.

(End of this chapter)

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