Summoned Again?

Chapter 204: The Freedom of Choice

I drove my car across the city in a state of delirium. What I had just done was rash, stupid, and would impact my life in such a way that there would be nothing I could do to recover from it.

Outside, I was calm and collected, despite the fact I had sold off everything to the company's board of directors and dispersed my own shares among all of my employees. It freed me from all of my financial responsibilities and would give me such a huge influx of cash that I could give everyone in the United States a million dollars and still have enough left over to never need to work again. 340 trillion dollars was a lot of money.

Inside, my sense of identity was crumbling faster than I could reinforce it. The last part of my family, my only sister that I loved dearly despite our problems, had betrayed me once more. I had no choice but to cut her off and did so without a second thought. I just hadn't realized that I also had to give up on her. I had lost something I hadn't realized until now that I really needed and had assumed would always be there.

My eyes were blurry as I cried and drove on while I ignored the irritating honking horns. I needed to get home and I needed my new family. I wanted to make sure that they wouldn't try to destroy me, too. I suddenly came to a complete stop when I hit something.

I ignored that and climbed out of my car, pushed the door open when it wouldn't move on its own, then I stood and glanced around before I stumbled towards the barely visible doorway. It seemed to disappear and I fell through it and slid to a stop as I collapsed to the floor, my knees tearing through the floorboards like they were tissue paper. I heard a gasp and small feet running before I felt gentle hands embrace me.

“It's gone. It's gone. I've ruined everything.” I moaned in anguish and clung to Susan as gently and tightly as I could. I felt her lips on my forehead and I cried as she whispered that everything would be okay if I told her what happened. I did. I poured my heart out and unburdened myself and my hands caressed her all over.

When I gave her ass the tight squeeze she loved, she let out a loud and familiar moan. I needed to hear that again and stored her clothes and my own and then I was inside of her and making desperate love to her with as much passion as I could. I needed her to feel how much I loved her and I needed to feel her love in return. I even told her so and she kissed me passionately.

It felt like hours went by and we had made it to a bed at some point. I took her again and again, made her cry out her orgasms over and over, and I confessed undying love for her the whole time. It was exactly the thing I needed after my world had been wrecked and I fell asleep still inside of her and to her whispered words of love and compassion.


Susan's father regretted leaving his wife Eileen while she stay behind at the practice to do the paperwork she had fallen behind in. He stared with an open mouth at the wreckage of his wife's parked car with another car slammed into the side of it against their building. The second car looked like someone had torn it open like a tin can. He wouldn't have known anything had happened if it hadn't been for the security alarm going off.

He had rushed over as quickly as he could through traffic. It was more than half an hour travel time and he had seen several minor car accidents along the way. Those he ignored until he parked in the parking lot and saw the car wrecks. Now he walked towards the front door of their business and saw the gaping hole where the door should have been. The floor was torn up as well and he carefully walked inside and tried to not disturb anything.

The cry of his wife's voice spurred him into action and he ran into the back room where they kept a bed for the nights they chose to stay instead of driving home late at night. He stopped dead in the doorway when he saw what caused her to cry out. His eyes saw every detail as he watched his daughter's boyfriend slam himself into his wife's dripping wet opening.

The look of pure joy on her face as another man professed undying love for her, made him angry. He ran back to the reception area and grabbed the baseball bat that he kept for protection, and ran back to them and swung the bat against the man's back. It impacted with a thud and then nothing. He tried again and again and the hits did nothing to stop the other man's movements. He didn't even notice!

Susan's father stepped back and the bat slipped out of his hands when his wife professed her love for Damon and that she had never felt so loved and cherished as she did right then. Susan's father's heart withered at her words while they also made the man screwing her pick up his pace. Damon's hands lovingly caressed every part of her and Eileen cried out and had another orgasm.

Susan's father stepped out of the room and slowly closed the broken door as much as he could, then he walked back out of the building. He wasn't sure what to do now. By the looks of things, they were going to be going at it for a while. If a bat couldn't get Susan's boyfriend's attention or distract him from what he was doing, nothing would.

No, there was something he could do. He took out his cell phone and went back to his car. He sat in the driver's seat and he dialed his daughter's number. It was late in the evening and he was sure she was still up. He wasn't really sure how he was going to tell her what had happened, though. How was he going to start that conversation?

“Hello?” Susan's voice asked. “Dad? Are you there?”

“Y-yes, it's me.” Susan's father said.

“Dad, what's wrong? You sound weird.” Susan said.

Her father let out a choking sob. “You need to... come over to... the business.”

“I'll be there as soon as I can.” Susan said and hung up.

An hour later, Susan wished she had never answered the phone.


I woke up when a ray of sunlight slid across my face and hit my eyes. I was still hard and engulfed in damp warmth, so I proceeded to make love to the woman in my arms. Her moans and squeals as she bit my shoulder to try and keep quiet, drove me to keep my pace slow and I didn't stop until I unloaded inside of her twice and she had gotten off three times.

She panted softly and lifted her head to give me a gentle kiss. “Thank you, Damon.”

I stared into Susan's mother's eyes and everything that happened last night replayed in my mind. I had been so distraught that I hadn't realized I hadn't gone home at all. In my emotionally addled state, I had gone straight to whom my brain had thought would help me the most.

“Eileen, I...” I started to say.

“Shh. I know.” Eileen said and kissed me again, then she rolled on top of me and she showed me that a more experienced woman knew how to get me off in record time. When she made me finish inside of her once more, she laid back down on my chest. “Susan was a very lucky girl.”

I didn't know what to say to her past tense comment.

“Both she and my husband have been here.” Eileen said and I didn't react. “I was quite insensate at the time and only heard the bat when it hit the floor. Susan's scream didn't bother me, either.”

“I didn't notice anything.” I responded.

“I know. You were so lost in your pain and misery that even if I had tried to resist you, and I assure you that thought never crossed my mind, you wouldn't have listened anyway.” Eileen said and moved to rest her elbows on my chest and her chin on her hands.

I was still hard inside of her, so it was a weirdly relaxed position for the both of us. If I wasn't so emotionally exhausted, I would have enjoyed it a lot more than I currently was. I would have to remember this position to repeat later.

“If they both saw us like this...” I said and she nodded.

“We're screwed, in both the physical and metaphorical sense.” Eileen said.

“Well, fuck.” I said and sighed.

“Again? All right.” Eileen said and kissed me passionately as she had her way with me again. She was not gentle or slow this time and I was fine with that.

An hour later, she relaxed against me once more.

“So, what do you want to do now?” Eileen asked me.

“Shouldn't I be asking you that?” I asked her. “I mean... I just ruined both of our lives because...”

Eileen put a hand on my mouth. “You came right to me when your world ended, Damon. You needed my help. You needed my love. You needed to reassure yourself that you had something to live for.”

I opened my mouth again to tell her I wasn't thinking about doing something stupid, then remembered I had done several stupid things and groaned. “I might have. I really might have.”

“Yes, and you knew, even subconsciously, that I would not turn you away or let you do something like that.” Eileen said and gave me a tender kiss. “We have shared more about our lives with each other than we have with our significant others, and that's not something either of us expected to do. Looking back, even our constant teasing and titillation was an essential part of our relationship. We both trusted each other much more than either of us thought.”

I had to agree with that, because I really did trust her with my emotional health. Any problems I had, I called or texted her, or made an emergency appointment, and she always saw me right away. It hadn't really registered in my mind until this moment, though.

“I'm sorry.” I whispered.

Eileen smiled at me. “Is now a good time to say that despite what we did being morally questionable, we are technically free agents?”

“Wh-what?” I asked, surprised.

“You are only dating Susan. You're living together, yes. However, you are not married.”

“You are.” I countered.

“No, I am legally separated from my husband and have been for years. We just haven't signed the divorce papers.” Eileen said.

“Divorce papers?” I asked, surprised again.

“Damon, don't be obtuse. We had to have divorce papers drawn up when we separated. Even an amicable split needs a lot of paperwork to put into place.” Eileen said. “Having you in my bed won't affect that, either.”

“I... I don't... what am I supposed to say to that?” I asked.

“That depends on if you want to fight to keep Susan in your life.”

I blinked my eyes at her for several seconds and then sighed. “She already moved out, didn't she?”

Eileen sat up and gave me a wonderful view of her breasts, smiled at where I stared, and she reached over to the side of the bed and picked up her cell phone. She flicked through several things and turned it to show me a text.

Susan: 'I hope you had fun ruining my life, mom! Have fun fucking my discards!'

I closed my eyes and sighed again. The resignation I felt warred with my despair. I had wanted Susan to be there for me and I screwed that up by going to her mother instead. I had no idea how I was going to salvage the best relationship I ever had.

“Susan saw the video of you kissing Jenny. It's all over the news.” Eileen said and tapped my nose to get me to open my eyes and look.

There it was, in all it's horrible glory. The headline calling me the billionaire bastard and forcing an incestuous relationship on my loving sister, was just icing on the cake. It didn't matter if it was true or not, either. Just the implication was enough to ruin my reputation.

“Actually, I'm a trillionaire. I sold everything off last night after that.” I said and nodded at the phone.

Eileen's eyes widened. “You sold... everything.”

“Yes. The company is now self-owned and autonomous from me as a singular entity. My lawyer should be releasing a press statement...” I paused when her cell phone beeped. “...about now.”

Eileen moved her hips slightly and played with her phone. She bit her lip a little and rocked a bit more. “You planned this.” She said and put the cell phone down to lean forward and looked into my eyes.

“Yes. After the last time, I wasn't going to take any chances. As soon as someone came after me personally, I had to distance myself from everything I've built. That it was Jenny again this time... I just... it made my decision that much harder and more significant.”

“Your reputation is yours and not your company's.” Eileen said and she rocked forward and back to grind me inside of her.

I grabbed her hips and helped her move. “It was the best way to keep everything the same and also remove me from being used and manipulated. They thought they could blackmail me with Jenny and I wasn't going to allow that.”

Eileen sped up her movements and started panting. “She will be... well known... for this.”

“Yes, she will. Let's see how she likes being in the spotlight.” I said and pulled her down into a deep and passionate kiss.

We both got off again and Eileen rested on my chest again.

“You really can keep going.” Eileen said as her fingernails traced odd patterns on my pectorals.

“For as long as you want me to.” I offered.

“My practice will be closed until the repairs are completed and you've already arranged for Crystal to be taken care of. Why don't we just stay right here for as long as we can and test how much I can take from you before my belly extends.”

I looked down at her firm stomach and back to her face.

“I'm willing to try if you are.” Eileen said.

“Do you mean filling you up enough to bulge or do you mean for me to get you pregnant?” I asked.

Eileen gave me a demure smile. “Why not both?”

I throbbed inside of her and she took that as an agreement.


“Susan, please reconsider.” Nat pleaded as Susan packed her things.

“That rotten fucking bastard wrecked mom's practice and then he wrecked her pussy, Nat!” Susan spat and shoved more clothes into the largest suitcase. She didn't bother trying to fold anything. “My dad's devastated! Their lives are ruined and it's all because Damon couldn't keep his promise to NOT FUCK MY MOTHER!”

Nat was sure she had to try and convince her friend to not leave. She was pretty upset about what happened, especially that searingly passionate kiss Damon shared with his sister. Nat wasn't too happy about that, either.

“He loves you.” Nat tried to plead. “I'm sure he has a perfectly reasonable explanation for...”

“I'm sure he does, too. He always does.” Susan said, her voice deadly. “I've accepted a lot about him... a whole lot about his life and what he has to do to stay sane... and I really only gave him one restriction. He broke that. He... he...” She shook her head. “He's going to give us a sob story about how he lost his family and went to mom for help, only the help became them fucking for hours and hours.”

Nat wasn't sure what to say to that, because she suspected that was exactly what had happened.

“I can't take it, Nat. I can't.” Susan said and closed her suitcase. “His lifestyle is... it's... he's wrecked everything! EVERYTHING! ARRRGGHHHH!” She yelled as she picked up her suitcase and flung it across the living room to land by the apartment door with a bang.

Nat stared at the unbelievable feat of strength and didn't say anything.

Susan panted and took a few moments to calm down. “I'm done, Nat. There's no way he can make it up to me. There's nothing he could say to convince me he won't go right back to her to fuck her some more when he breaks down again.” She gave Nat a sad look. “And you know he's going to.”

Nat sighed and nodded. She knew he wouldn't abandon Eileen after his mistake.

“He won't leave her alone if dad leaves mom over this, either.” Susan said as she picked up her overnight bag and slung it over her shoulder with her purse.

“Where will you go?” Nat asked.

“Home.” Susan said as tears came out of her eyes. “I'm going home.”

Nat stepped forward and took Susan into a hug. The two of them cried and held onto each other for several minutes, neither of them saying anything. They both let out sighs and let each other go, exchanged a sad look, and Susan went to the door and picked up her suitcase. She left quietly and the apartment door closed behind her with a distinctly loud click.

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