Summon the Emperor System

Chapter 95

Chapter 95 Zilong, come and kill an ant for me

“Oh, my grass.”

Zhao Hao hummed painfully and banged before his body slammed into the invisible wall of space to stabilize his figure.

He grinned in pain.

After being Bengfei stopped in the void, he glanced at the two arms he was dangling, and there was another burst of tears in his heart.

Damn, he was knocked down by an ant!

Damn, his hands were shocked and dislocated by an ant!

Damn, where is the emperor, where is the emperor!

Damn, fortunately this is a small independent world, no one can see, you don’t need to care about the emperor’s majesty, otherwise, he will swallow himself.

“Hanging ant, you wait for me, I want to kill you.” Zhao Hao cursed. As soon as the ant appeared in this upside-down space, he knew that it must be a’big boss’, but he didn’t expect it. It will be so hard!


At this moment, the little ant walked slowly in the space, as if strolling, slipped in front of Zhao Hao. But instead of attacking Zhao Hao, it raised a pair of tentacles and made a posture of bravado.


The tentacles grind, full of provocation, and ridicule.

It seems to say again: I’m waiting, come and kill me, come, hit me, come again.

“It’s the first time I have seen such a cheap ant.” Zhao Hao twitched his mouth and tied a woolen thread with his arms still hanging. Besides, he was not stupid. .

He quickly stepped back a few meters, staring at the little ant.

The ant’s body is wrapped in black armor, shining with a solid light, but it has no spikes like mosquitoes, nor clamps, as if there is no attack state…

Suddenly, Zhao Hao knew, no wonder the hanging ant didn’t attack him. Because no matter how strong the ant is, it cannot attack, and it has no offensive ability at all.

In this ghost space, the hanging mosquito has a strong attack and weak defense, while the hanging ant at the moment, on the contrary, has no attack, but the defense is so abnormal that it cannot be explained.

As a result, Zhao Hao felt much more relaxed.


The little ant raised his two tentacles, constantly provoking Zhao Hao, as if you were active and passive and I wanted to bounce you back to death.

“It’s arrogant.” Zhao Hao curled his mouth, but frowned again.

In his opinion, strong defensive power is more difficult to deal with than strong offensive power. With strong offensive power and weak defense, he can also risk a desperate fight, but if the defensive power is strong, it would be embarrassing and he can’t kill it at all…

Looking at the brave little ant, Zhao Hao looked melancholy.

Thinking of so many 666666 that had just been blasted out, thinking of Zhao Yunka and Diheng who had just been violent, a large amount of experience and god-level treasures were in front of them, but they couldn’t get them. What a sorrow it was.

But soon, Zhao Hao showed a smirk again.

Zhao Yun!

“Zilong, I need your help, let me play!” Zhao Hao yelled, summoning the **** general Zhao Yun.


The space throbbed violently. Suddenly, the dark dragons that had just emerged from the wall of the space continued to shatter, and a silver spear tip with a cold glow like a star pierced the wall of the space.


The silver tip of the spear opened the space, and an eight-foot-long, majestic, heroic warlord stepped out. Holding a silver gun, wearing a silver armor, a white python robe and a fluttering cloak, his eyes shot out like a bright moon.

God General: Zhao Yun.

Occupation: Gun department.

Character: fortitude.

Supernatural skill: one is brave.

Rank: Bronze 2 stars.

Current combat effectiveness: Battle Emperor Tier 3.

Introduction: The blood-stained robe is pierced by armor red. Who dares to compete with the Yang Yang? Changshan Zhao Zilong, a hero of the Three Kingdoms period, one of the five generals, the left hand is Qingyanjian, the right hand is long and bright, seven enters and seven exits are unobstructed.

“How can it be!”

At the bottom of the deep sea, at this moment, the ancient sword inserted on the strange stone shook violently.

Sword God Xuanyuanyi was shocked!

Someone used a spear to forcibly provoked his anger and entered his small world forcibly.

Who the **** is this?

So how much supernatural power does Zhao Hao have, and how did he achieve it?

“Master, what’s the matter for summoning your subordinates?” Zhao Yun held his gun and bowed.

“Changshan Zhao Zilong, he is really handsome and prestigious, and he lives up to my love for you for so many years.” The idol of the past has become the **** general under his command, and Zhao Hao’s heart is extremely excited.

“Master, you love me…” Zhao Haoying’s angry face was also black.

“Bah, baah.” Zhao Hao rolled his eyes madly. He was talking about the virtual world. Without explaining, he gritted his teeth and looked at the hanging ant: “Zilong, help me kill an ant.”

“The master summoned me just to kill an ant.” Zhao Yun was also sweating in his heart.

“Don’t underestimate this ant, its defensive power breaks the sky.” Zhao Hao said, and then asked: “It’s not to kill, it’s to break the armor, and break his defense.”

“It’s this one!” Zhao Yun looked at the brave little ant and smiled: “Heh, the dragon is not the dragon, the ants are not the ants, this space is very interesting.”

“I shot countless souls, but this is the first time I killed ants!”

With a scream, the arm shook, and the gentian spear in his hand pointed, suddenly, like the dazzling light in his pair of heroic eyes, it pierced countless spears, like thousands of stars.


Amidst the thousands of stars, the spear rushed out like a silver snake, and the cold air could break all the hard armor.

Gently touch the tip of the gun, and point it on the ant, and the point will be collected.

Immediately, Zhao Yun smiled helplessly, and for the first time, he pointed a gun at an ant…

“Zilong don’t worry, in the future, there will be enemies you can’t kill.” Zhao Hao laughed. At this moment, his eyes lit up again, and his face was filled with joy.

After being invaded by Zhao Yun’s sharp sharp spear, the solid light on the ant’s body suddenly disappeared. The carapace was really broken, but the ant’s body was not damaged.

Such a small target can be so accurate, Zhao Hao is also convinced by the subtlety of the marksmanship!


The ant who had been flaunting their might became panicked and crawled toward the wall of space incomparably trivial.

“Haha, I want to run after I’m done playing?”

Zhao Hao let out a big laugh, rushed out with his two dislocated arms, raised a big foot and stepped on it wildly at the ant. Because it was a void, when he stepped down, his heart moved, and the phantom killing had turned into a large steel plate and held it underneath.


Stepping on it with one foot is exactly the same as stepping on a steel plate, and direct experience bursts out: “Hint, you get 666666 experience points.”

Then, the surprise in the mysterious copy came again.




Zhao Hao kept stomping wildly.

“Hint, you get 666666 experience points.”

“Hint, you get 666666 experience points.”

“Hint, you get 666666 experience points.”

More than a dozen feet in a row, the experience continues to be violent.


Finally, the indestructible hanging ant was trampled by him.

“Hint, you get 666666 experience points.”


“Level upgrade, upgrade to the 8th rank of War Madness.”

“Congratulations, you have won the’Prince Ancient Universe Decision’.”

“Congratulations, you got the’God General Monkey King Summoning Card (Limited Time)’.”

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