Starting With Batman

Chapter 39 Gay

Seeing his friend's intense and serious expression, Charlie couldn't help but find the situation amusing.

For a brief moment, he struggled to suppress a smile. He watched Walter's earnest face, who, in turn, clearly expected Charlie to be as awestruck as he was. But when Charlie didn't react with the astonishment Walter anticipated, a flicker of anxiety crossed Walter's features, and he quickly doubled down on his story.

"I really did meet Batman! The real one, not some cheap knockoff," Walter insisted, his voice a mix of excitement and desperation to be believed.

The need to clarify came from a recent incident in Riverton City, where several people had started mimicking Batman's iconic persona. Inspired by the idea that anyone could be a hero, a particularly enthusiastic citizen had cobbled together a surprisingly decent Batman costume and taken to the streets at night. He hadn't gotten far in his vigilante career, though, as the local security guards had promptly intervened, preventing what could have been a disaster.

"I didn't say I didn't believe you," Charlie replied, unable to keep the amusement out of his voice. After all, how could he not believe it when the Batman Walter had encountered was him?

Walter, however, didn't seem reassured. Eager to convince Charlie of the gravity of what he had experienced, he launched into a vivid recounting of the previous night's events. His words tumbled out in a rush, each sentence more dramatic than the last as he painted a picture of the harrowing bank robbery he had witnessed—from the perspective of a terrified hostage, of course.

Charlie listened with half a mind, finding some amusement in Walter's increasingly animated gestures. He couldn't help but notice the discrepancies between the story Walter was telling and what had actually happened. It wasn't surprising, given that Walter had probably spent most of the time with his head down, too scared to move. Charlie knew his friend well enough to doubt that he had observed the scene as closely as he claimed.

So, which eye did you use to observe all this, buddy? Charlie thought, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"I'm telling you, Batman is amazing! I saw him in action—he was so quick! The gangsters tried to fight back, but he blocked everything. The whole fight was over before anyone could even react.

If you'd seen it with your own eyes, you'd understand. He blew in like a gust of wind, took everyone down, and all we could see was a blur. I've never seen anyone move so fast..."

Charlie nodded along, though he found it increasingly difficult to keep a straight face. Walter's description made it sound like Batman had the speed of The Flash, when in reality, Charlie distinctly remembered taking a calculated and precise approach. He had jumped from the roof, using the element of surprise to take down the criminals swiftly. If he'd barged in through the front door as Walter described, the situation might have ended very differently—and not in their favor.

As Walter continued, clearly enjoying the rapt attention of his small audience, Charlie's mind wandered. He couldn't help but think about how easily The Flash could be mistaken for the fastest man alive, at least according to the show's iconic opening line. But anyone who's watched enough seasons knows that there's always someone faster waiting in the wings, ready to upstage Barry Allen. It's just part of the narrative, after all.

Charlie's amusement began to wane as Walter's story grew more and more embellished. He decided it was time to steer the conversation back to reality. "You still haven't said—what were you doing at the bank yesterday?" Charlie asked, cutting through the dramatics.

"Depositing money," Walter replied, the words slipping out casually before he realized his mistake.

"Oh? Came into some cash, did you?" Charlie raised an eyebrow, his tone laced with curiosity.

Walter's eyes widened slightly as he realized his slip-up, and he quickly scrambled to cover it. "Oh, uh… I've been talking about opening that virtual store for a while now. I've been trying to save up, you know, to start a business…" His voice trailed off, and he forced a nervous laugh, hoping Charlie wouldn't press further.

Selling what, exactly? Happy-go-lucky charms for rich ladies? Charlie wondered, though he kept his thoughts to himself. There was no need to embarrass Walter further. Instead, he simply nodded, letting the matter drop. Walter, sensing that he had narrowly avoided disaster, visibly relaxed, though he wisely kept quiet.

As they approached the school's main building, the hum of the morning bustle filled the air. Students milled about, chatting in groups, their voices blending into a low, constant murmur. The sun was still low in the sky, casting long shadows across the sidewalk and bathing the campus in a soft, golden light.

Amid the usual hustle and bustle, a striking blue sports car slowly pulled up to the curb, drawing everyone's attention. The sleek, aerodynamic lines of the car gleamed under the morning sun, turning heads as it smoothly came to a stop. The scissor-style doors slid open with a quiet hiss, and a tall boy stepped out from the driver's seat with an air of casual confidence.

He had the kind of fair skin that seemed to glow in the sunlight, the kind that would make any girl envious. He stood over six feet tall, his height only adding to his commanding presence. Even without the flashy sports car, he would have turned heads wherever he went.

His outfit was deceptively simple—a crisp white shirt paired with well-fitted jeans. But there was an elegance to his look, a subtle sophistication that hinted at something more. To the untrained eye, it might have seemed like just another casual ensemble, but those in the know would recognize the understated luxury of his clothing, each piece a high-end designer brand.

In a world where appearances often spoke louder than words, someone like him was a standout, the kind of person who naturally drew attention. If those luxury brands were swapped for women's clothing, the effect would be devastating—a true head-turner.

Charlie recognized him immediately. Felix, a senior at their school, was a year ahead of them and the son of the Grove Group's owner. He was more than just another rich kid—he was something of a celebrity within the academy, known for both his looks and his wealth.

As Charlie walked by, he overheard a group of girls behind him, their voices filled with barely-contained excitement.

After all, everyone appreciates beauty, and when faced with someone as striking as Felix, even gender seemed to become a secondary consideration.

Nearby, a group of boys were having a hushed conversation, their eyes fixed on Felix as he walked by.

"Wouldn't it be amazing if this senior were a girl? Then I wouldn't have to be ashamed of being so hard," one of them muttered, his voice tinged with a mix of envy and admiration.

Another boy, catching the playful tone, grinned. "Aren't men even better?…"

"Shut up, you perv," the first boy retorted, shoving his friend playfully.

"Don't make me stay up all night disciplining you..."

Hearing this, Walter shook his head, his pale face betraying his exhaustion and a touch of sympathy.

There was a time when he naively thought that skipping sleep and overworking himself wasn't a big deal, that it was just part of the grind. But now he knew better.

You might think you're living the high life, skipping the struggle, and reaping the rewards, but in reality, you're just burning out faster. Sure, young people are full of energy, but that's not an excuse to waste it recklessly, as he was now learning the hard way.

[TL Note - if the above paragraphs sound weird and make no sense, blame the author for being gay. I tried to remedy it the best I could]

When they finally reached the classroom, the atmosphere inside was abuzz with the usual chatter. Desks were scattered with books and papers, and groups of students huddled together, discussing everything from last night's homework to the latest gossip.

It didn't take long for their classmates to start gathering around Charlie and Walter. Soon, a small crowd had formed, all eager to hear the latest news. The excitement was palpable, the air thick with curiosity and anticipation.

The first to approach was a chubby boy named Bing, who leaned in close, his voice barely above a whisper as he addressed Walter. "Hey, I heard you met Batman?"

It was only then that Charlie realized Walter must have posted about the incident on social media. That explained the sudden surge of interest. Unlike Charlie, who was too busy leveling up in his game to check the news, the other students had already heard all about it.

No boy could resist the temptation to brag, and with everyone's attention on him, Walter lit up with excitement. He eagerly retold the story he had just shared with Charlie, adding even more flair and drama this time around. His hands gestured wildly as he described the action, his voice rising and falling with the excitement of a natural storyteller.

Charlie couldn't help but notice that the story seemed to have evolved in the ten minutes between tellings. The upgraded version 2.0 now included new scenes, additional details, and even more exaggerated descriptions.

At this rate, Charlie speculated that in a few days, when the story reached version 10.0, it might even include Walter fighting side by side with Batman, taking down six gangsters with ease.

The rest of the morning passed in a blur of excitement as more and more people came over to hear Walter's tale. He was in his element, recounting his thrilling experience over and over again, each time with more gusto. His audience was captivated, hanging on his every word as he painted a picture of danger and heroism.

Every man harbors a secret dream of being a hero, and in times like these, the figure of Batman has become a symbol—someone who could stand against the darkness. It was no wonder everyone was so fascinated by him.

Charlie could see how much Batman had been deified in people's minds. They wanted to believe he was an all-powerful being cloaked in shadows, the brightest beacon of hope in a dark world. The mythos surrounding him had grown, turning him into a legend.

Although Charlie wasn't particularly interested in the content of the conversation, he couldn't deny that there was something satisfying about hearing Walter's exaggerated tales.

If there's anything more enjoyable than boasting about your own accomplishments, it's listening to someone else boast—and knowing that they're actually talking about you.

As Charlie enjoyed the moment, a small smile playing on his lips, he casually checked his phone, scrolling through the notifications. Among the usual updates and messages, a new friend request caught his attention.

"Felix Grove has requested to be your friend."

Attached to the request was a brief note:

"Meet me on the roof of the Bishop's Building if you're free."

Charlie blinked, his brow furrowing in surprise as he reread the message.

Charlie: "?"

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