space fisherman

Chapter 38 Frogman

Chapter 38 Frogman
Ye Yuan was dragged by Xu Hang to a military compound, the car drove straight to the outside of an air-raid shelter, and the sentry saw Xu Hang's license plate and let him go.

The car drove in the cave for 5 minutes and stopped at a door that looked like a laboratory.

After getting off the car, Ye Yuan jokingly said to Xu Hang: "Didn't you treat me like a guinea pig?"

"No, just give you a physical examination, don't think so much."

Ye Yuan did various examinations within a day, including blood tests, blood pressure, blood lipids, and lung capacity. . . . . .

Ye Yuan himself has never done so many checkups since he was a child.

After working for a whole day, Xu Hang finally drove Ye Yuan back to the guest house, and told him to keep his mobile phone unblocked.

. . . . . .

"What? Everything is normal? Just a little stronger than ordinary people? Not as good as our frogman's body?"

Mr. Xu was also surprised by the results of the physical examination.

Putting down the phone, he said to the middle-aged man, "Maybe you are right, he is just an ordinary person.

But how to explain the discovery of a submarine in such a deep sea? "

Elder Xu fell into deep thought.

The middle-aged man didn't know how to answer the old man's question.After taking a sip of tea, he said:
"Then tell him to continue?"

The old man thought for a while, "Go ahead, but you can't tell him too much, just ask him to help you find it.

With so many frogmen, we only found three pieces of that thing in three months. According to analysis, there should be many more there. "

"Why not a submarine or an underwater eager person?"

The middle-aged man asked the question that he wanted to ask a long time ago.

It’s not that they don’t need it, but they can’t be found at all. The few pieces found are all under the sea sand, and the frogmen stepped on them with their feet. Submarines and robots are not feasible.

"It's up to you, since you are so optimistic about this kid, tell him to give it a try"

After speaking, the middle-aged man stood up, straightened his clothes, and walked outside.

. . . . . .

In Shangjing Naval General Hospital, a middle-aged doctor wearing a white coat over a military uniform stood at his desk and yelled into the microphone: "What kind of data are you giving me? The patient is not cancer at all. We did a number of tests and didn't find any cancer cells."

The other party didn't know what to say, the voice of the middle-aged doctor suddenly raised, and he said with a sarcasm: "You mean, there are three on our side, and the consultation with the authoritative director of the third-level special hospital is not as good as a third-class hospital in Landao City." Ordinary doctor in the hospital?"

"Or is it that the medical equipment of your blue island is more advanced than ours?"

"Okay, stop talking, now that the patient is with us, I will be responsible for what we say." After speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

. . . . . .

Ye Yuan returned to the guest house, seeing that it was still early, he went to see Li Hui's father, came to the ward, the whole family was talking and laughing there.

Seeing Ye Yuan coming in, Li Hui got up quickly, and gave Ye Yuan a stool to sit on.

Seeing that Father Li was in a good mood, Ye Yuan asked, "I heard your laughter outside, why are you so happy?"

Mother Li said directly with a smile on her face: "Big hospitals are different. We did an examination, and the results came out in the afternoon. It was not cancer at all. The doctor said that it was very likely that the hospital over there had misdiagnosed it.

Observe it for a few days, if there is nothing wrong, you can be discharged from the hospital. "

It seems that the space water given to his father in the morning has worked. Fortunately, he drank it before the examination. If the cancer cells suddenly disappeared after the examination, it would be impossible for Li's father to be discharged from the hospital. Strange.

Ye Yuan didn't know, because of this behavior, the hospital on Landao had an unprecedented inspection.

And it was during this inspection that many problems were found in the Landao City Hospital.It also helped the citizens of Landao to solve many problems of difficulty in seeing a doctor.

In the ward, Ye Yuan pulled Mother Li to sit down, looked at Father Li's recovered face, and said to the family of three: "Auntie, I actually want to go to your printing factory this time... "

Ye Yuan told Li's father why he went to find him, how he knew the current situation of their family, and how he found Li Hui.

Finally, Ye Yuan spoke to Li Hui: "I have contracted an island now. The workers are all fishermen from our village. They are generally older. My father is helping me manage it. I want to find a professional person to help me manage it. Can you come and help me?"

Li Hui's family never expected that Ye Yuan's career would be so big now, and they were all happy for Ye Yuan.

"No problem, as long as you don't think I haven't graduated from college, I'm studying business management."

"Of course no problem. Uncles and aunts can live with me. The traffic there is not convenient, but the environment is very good. It will be of great help to my uncle's recovery."

Ye Yuan bid farewell and left, and told Li Hui that he would not be here for the next few days because his father's condition had improved, and Li Hui was in a much happier mood, so that Ye Yuan didn't have to worry about things here, so he sent Ye Yuan out of the ward .

. . . . . .

The South China Sea is one of the important sea areas of China. There are coastlines of many countries. There are many disputes. A warship is sailing on the vast sea.

Ye Yuan sat in the cabin, listening to what Xu Hang said.

On the second day after the physical examination, Xu Hang took Ye Yuan to Haimen City, and the two boarded this warship and went directly to the South China Sea.

Xu Hang told Ye Yuan that this mission requires Ye Yuan to search for a kind of stone in a sea area.This kind of stone is exactly the kind that Ye Yuan showed him at Old Master Xu's house when the middle-aged man showed him.

No one knows exactly how many such stones are in this sea area, and even Xu Hang has no right to know the source of the news.

Xu Hang only knew that such stones were rare, and the navy dispatched a large number of frogmen to search this sea area for more than three months, but only found three such stones.

While listening to Xu Hang's narration, Ye Yuan looked at the information in his hand, this sea area is far from the mainland, and the nearest island is Nanwei Island.

Although this is our country's territorial waters, it is even closer to country F than we are.

The terrain under this sea area is very complicated, and there is a trench with a depth of more than 5000 meters.Ye Yuan's mission this time is to search for the seabed near the trench, with a water depth of 100-150 meters.

When he came to the designated water area, Ye Yuan changed his equipment, and there were 10 frogmen going into the water together.

Frogmen are troops responsible for underwater reconnaissance, blasting, and special combat missions. They are called "frogmen" because they carry swimming tools in the shape of frog feet.An amphibious force that swims underwater for a long time and wears a mask, equipped with flippers, rubber jackets, oxygen tanks, etc. to undertake special tasks.

This is an indispensable force for the navy on the seabed. The frogmen who came this time are all elites from various units. According to the battery life, "This is the last search. No matter what the results are this time, I will not continue to search here again. gone."

Before going into the water, Ye Yuan had to sign a non-disclosure agreement with the army. The general content was that this operation was completely confidential. Ye Yuan was not allowed to disclose this operation to anyone for any reason or in any form.

(End of this chapter)

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