Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.10 Chapter 6: Ping down the tens of thousands

For Joshua, whether it is a foreign powerhouse who fought against him in turn, or he separated out seven or eight incarnations and mixed in the crowd, trying to challenge himself again and again, Amos the Great, or more, Confrontation of knowledge about other extraordinary powers from other civilizations is extremely interesting.

Use your own strength, wisdom, and other strengths to wisely confront each other. The two sides grow with each other, and then further confront each other… This is like an infinite upward spiral, which is the “battle” itself. There is nothing more interesting and worthy of investment than this. Of it.

As for the number of people besieging too many people, that is even more indifferent-even if you count all aspects, all areas of extraordinary power, at the current speed of Joshua’s thinking, there is no existence that he needs to fight at the same time. There will be more than ten, and it looks like thousands of people besieged, but to Joshua, it is only ten.

With one enemy to ten, he can still do this. As for endurance… just according to the current challenge method of defeating one and then another, Joshua estimates that he should be able to fight until everyone on the scene is mentally collapsed and there is still room for energy. .

Therefore, everyone who is challenging or waiting to challenge Joshua’s existence is surprised to find that the human being who has been fighting for a long time not only does not have any tendency to’weak’, but is becoming more and more excited, and even Yu is getting more and more’strong’.

Is he undefeated? Of course not. In some supernatural powers, Joshua is indeed inferior to many existences who have studied this for thousands of years, and even the entire civilization has been invested in them. They have been transcended and sanctified in their respective fields of expertise, and there are some subtle ones. The method of application may not even be expected by the sages who created this power. It is like the sages who invented the “wheel,” boiling water, and “ignition,”. I’m afraid they won’t be able to think of it in a short time. Civilization can play these points out the same.

Under the relative confrontation of these forces, Joshua certainly lost. He surrendered simply and neatly, and then absorbed the knowledge in it, and defeated the opponent from another angle-the same way, other strong men who failed under Joshua were also Similarly, they did lose, but they knew how Joshua defeated them. Some upright and simple beings withdrew and watched Joshua’s battle with others, while some strong men would Quietly separated a few incarnations, with this insight, went to compete with Joshua again to see if he could achieve better results.

Of course they achieved better results-and Joshua did the same. Both parties are not weak, both have the aptitude and wisdom to become strong, and learning is a mutual thing.

This is the role of communication, and also the role of “arguing and arguing on the Tao”-individual wisdom has a limit within a certain period of time. Every race and civilization with different observation methods can only see the truth in one side. Like countless people can only touch one side of an infinitely cut diamond.

Only through exchanges, learning from the strengths of a hundred schools, and integrating everything together, can we gradually approach a more complete truth.

It’s just that Joshua is faster than them, nothing more.

“Explaining to hundreds of millions of people is equivalent to explaining to me by hundreds of millions of people. I challenge the galaxies and they learn my knowledge, which is equivalent to the galaxies challenge me and I learn their knowledge.”

The soldier knew this very well, so he did it.

At this time, what was challenging Joshua was a huge and majestic ‘Ethereum Dragon’. This extremely rare and extraordinary species has innate power, comparable to a powerful void behemoth, enough to easily overthrow a world-this is just the state of a beast. If the etheric dragon gains wisdom and learns from the knowledge of civilization, it will grow. The future achievements are simply limitless.

In terms of the ether, it can be said that the ether dragon has reached its peak. Accompanied by a long dragon roar, the surrounding challengers were thrown away by themselves in the violent vector changes, and the transparent light soaring into the sky was like a burning meteor , Instantly formed an area completely controlled by him, controlling all vectors and forces… This is an etheric dragon that has stepped into the extreme limit of the legend, even the true **** can only temporarily retreat to a powerful existence.

In a short period of time, he even got the opportunity to single out Joshua, and his majestic power was bred in his body, waiting for the opportunity to explode.

But Joshua also used the ether, the endless transparent brilliance swept down like a galaxy waterfall falling from the sky, and the same dominating power opposes and firmly suppresses the opponent.

Speaking of the ether, Emperor Amos is the real master among them. He can even confuse the laws of the world galaxy, making the stars and the world a part of his body, just like he wants to incarnate into a small world galaxy, and In the process of defeating the opponent, Joshua naturally learned a lot of the essence of using the power of the ether, and in the fierce and consistent battles, he has mastered this knowledge proficiently.

This etheric dragon is indeed very tyrannical. It is estimated to be a patron saint of civilization and a fellow, but it is still defeated by Joshua’s use of the power of steel, magic and ether.

But this does not mean that he has achieved nothing. Even if he is defeated, the etheric dragon is aware of his lack of resistance to various special phenomena created by magic. Although it can control almost all directions and forces, but the combination of steel and magic, It is enough to create many attacks that can be controlled and direction but cannot be defended. Just like just now, Joshua used magic power to cooperate with the power of steel to create a mass of material with almost infinite friction to wrap it, no matter how the etheric dragon controls it, His power is always inevitably dissipated by friction, and coupled with Joshua’s own etheric skills, he is forced to tie a knot and thrown out of the center of the battle circle.

In the face of that kind of attack, unless the etheric dragon reaches the point of being born out of nothing, the’first impetus’, otherwise there will be no way-in fact, reducing the friction of the mass of matter to almost infinitesimal is also a way, or even create one. Close to the absolutely smooth film to wrap himself, so that the real surface area of ​​the two sides are in full contact. The etheric dragon feels that this is also a big trouble. Of course he is not unable to break free, but the enemy is on the side. If he spends too much time on these, he will be caught Suppress and defeat easily.

Once defeated, one thinks of the possibility of being defeated more. The etheric dragon draws inferences from one another, and then thinks about more solutions to improve its own power system. There are not only many, but everywhere.

Joshua shot again and again and fought many challengers at the same time. Among them, he could find a lot of familiar auras. It is estimated that the previous challenge failed, but now he has already thought of the solution to the strong incarnation. This is the fifth time for the fighter. Sensing the breath of Emperor Amos, this guy has changed several life forms one after another, making progress with each shot, and even figured out a way to completely restrain himself before, and Joshua is feeling pleasantly surprised. At the same time, they ruthlessly defeated all these people again and again.

Of course he will not stop this behavior. For the fighters who are eager to fight, this is a good thing-God knows how long it will take to find such a group of powerful opponents who are willing to take a sincerely. At the level of Joshua, I think Finding a sparring team is a very difficult task. For an enemy of an ordinary level, his breath is gone, and there is no mutual promotion effect at all.

Of course, not all existences have to hold their own force, so they have to use physical methods. There are also many powerful existences located in extremely remote areas of the multi-galaxy. Because of various reasons, it is too troublesome to project power, but to choose In a purely theoretical conversation with Joshua, the two sides discussed the roots of extraordinary powers, looked forward to the future development of various powers, and even shared various information about special powers like the power of emotions.

Of course, in this controversy, Qiao Xiuya will not fall to the bottom. After all, he is the inheritor of the sage of the holy light, and obtained the sage’s’primitive psionic model’ from the hands of the triple curtain. , The existence of complete information exchange with the inheritor of the magic sage, the “knowledge taker”, plus he himself is also a top powerhouse in the power of steel, the entire multi-element galaxy, there are only three elements, ether and shadow. In this respect, he is relatively weak.

But this kind of weakness is only a little bit for the extreme strong. After all, behind it, there is the long-term integrated information library of the Mycroft civilization as the foundation. The wisdom of the sages of the past is now with Joe. The integration of Xiuya is simply the wisdom of the entire Mycroft civilization against the wisdom of other civilizations.

“Your wisdom and strength are awesome, and we are willing to follow your guidance.”

“How powerful! Your opinion is indeed correct. In the face of the coming World Devourers, we really can’t spend our power on meaningless internal friction.”

“We are willing to follow your orders-perhaps only you can lead us to overcome future threats!”

Of course, there are individuals who are continuous and unwilling to give up the challenge, but there are also individuals who feel that they have gained a lot and there is no meaning to continue. Before they withdrew their avatars and left, they all paid tribute to Joshua with respect— Because they know very well that this live broadcast and interpretation can be regarded as an opportunity for Joshua to initiate and gift all the civilizations and intelligent lives in the Multi-Star River.

These powerful people who are isolated in the galaxy, don’t talk about communication on weekdays, even if they encounter few situations, let alone exchange mutual knowledge, relying solely on the power of a race, they step into the misunderstanding and enter the knowledge. It is normal to see obstacles and not see the way forward.

And Joshua solved the problem they encountered, and gave them an excuse to “fight”, so that everyone can figure out, observe, and comprehend the power of other people, and then broaden their horizons, lay a good foundation, and become stronger. Opportunity… This sounds like it is not a good thing for civilizations that are rivals to each other, because it is equivalent to increasing the intensity of conflicts and contradictions after civilization and civilization meet in the future, disrupting the diversity of the galaxy. Balance, after all you become stronger, the enemy might become stronger.

But don’t forget, they are already isolated from other galaxies, and they will never meet in a short time, let alone competition. In a sense, they simply can’t bear the possibility of future enemies because of this time. The consequence of’the opportunity becomes stronger’ is to fight against the coming evil **** army, and compared to before the exchange, their strength has become much stronger because of this opportunity.

After understanding this, many civilizations have a deeper understanding of Joshua’s thoughts: This is a theory that is beneficial and harmless to everyone, except for the evil god. What he really wanted to fight against those who swallowed the world, that seemingly provocative and oppressive declaration, in addition to arousing their challenges, was indeed a sincere request… Between order and civilization, it is indeed impossible to no longer Internal friction is equivalent to chronic suicide, and even drags down the civilization of other galaxies.

After all, according to the description of the ultimate sublimation aggregate, the end war of the Cthulhu Annihilation Era was conducted on the scale of a multi-galactic. The collapse of a galaxy’s civilization due to internal friction means that the pressure of the Cthulhu within this galaxy will be transferred to another. The galaxy caused a serious chain reaction. Every civilization, in a war of this scale, is no longer an isolated island. Their power, their’yesterday’ and’today’, no longer can only determine their own’tomorrow’, but can also determine the heavens. Family, the’tomorrow’ of countless lives.

Understanding the deep meaning behind Joshua’s actions, many races raised their respect for the giant who is still fighting in the center of the whirlpool from the bottom of their hearts.

“This is indeed a respectable strongman-Joshua Van Radcliffe, and his name should be spread in Multi-Star Hanoi!”

“A pleasant talk, great faith, generous and kind strong man!”


“Skills are inferior to humans, so be willing to go downhill.”

Over time, one civilization after another recognized this, withdrew from this challenge, and recognized Joshua’s authority.

But there are still some civilizations and strong people who are still immersed in the thrill of the trilogy of’battle, progress, and sublimation’. They are like Joshua who challenged each strong and became leapfrog. They finally understand the nature and joy of’battle’, even if the speed of progress is about the same because knowledge has been exchanged, they start to slow down rapidly, and they can feel extremely happy from it.

Even if this happiness is equivalent to being bombarded by Qiao Xiu again and again, he was beaten to pieces, fell apart, bloody, and even his body was tied to a dead knot.

Physical pain, mental pleasure.

But no matter how pleasant it is, elucidation will come to an end.

For the study of extraordinary powers, most civilizations are equal. At most, there are some unique skills in the field of specialization, and there are some things that press the bottom box. After all, sages do not favor one another, and curse a certain race for never observing a certain power. , In the multiverse, any race can sense any extraordinary power, at most it is different in talent and sensitivity. As long as you want to study, many things can be studied.

Just like humans on Earth in the previous life, at most they can directly observe part of the electromagnetic wave and feel a part of the force, let alone direct observation and manipulation. It is impossible to see the complete electromagnetic wave, but with various tools, it is not development. Out of a considerable level of civilization?

What’s more, many supernatural powers are closely related, and they are proficient in one of them. Most of the other supernatural powers have also mastered a solid foundation… Therefore, as this exchange in the name of fighting ends, most of the participants have gained. Quite abundance, they have enriched their vision, obtained a large amount of verified knowledge reserves, and in the high-quality battle, vaguely got a glimpse of the way forward.

Even, there were a few who were just short of the door, and broke through on the spot. Some cheerfully expressed gratitude to Joshua, and some silent salutes, and then left and returned to their hometown to consolidate.

“Nar Civilization is willing to follow your instructions.”

“Enbang civilization understands your will and is willing to follow it.”

“We are willing to stop the strife and wait for the coming of the world swallowers to vent our anger on these enemies of order.”

“Failing this time does not mean that it will be the same next time, but since this time it fails, then the Kukell civilization obeys your instructions.”

“We fulfill our agreement, the strong one worth following, I wonder if there will be a chance next time to listen to your explanation again?”

Soon after saying goodbye and leaving a message, the frontier of the Star River King Court, where the **** battles were originally gathered by many strong men, became almost empty, leaving only Joshua and many strong and civilized messages. Reverberating in the void.

It cannot be said that’all’ civilizations are willing to obey Joshua’s previous requirements. It is possible that some unconvinced strong people or civilizations will still engage in disputes in private. The strong are willing to recognize Joshua’s power, and are willing to recognize the will of the strong who has been sieged and challenged by countless strong, but still does not have a trace of fear and fatigue, and even fights so far.

They are willing to admit that they are indeed inferior to Joshua now-before they come to challenge again in the future, this Mrs. Mike Luo should be the most powerful individual in this multi-galaxy.

Ten thousand races are settled, and the entire galaxy far away is willing to unite under a huge order in name.

This is one of the gains from this trip to rescue Kreler and Elma, fight against Amos the Great, and live broadcast…Of course, the biggest is not this.


In the empty void, only a chaotic vortex of many extraordinary powers is left, spinning rapidly in the void, if left alone, the power of the powerful people of all races in these vortexes will be turned into a brand, and this star The domain is alienated into a restricted area of ​​life. At that time, even if the legendary high-level power enters it, I am afraid that their lives will be in danger, because they walk a few steps, and they will encounter less than seven or eight extreme powers in the past. After a bombardment, it is very likely to be beaten and fled.

Of course, this is also a huge treasure house, because it contains all the skills and experience of the strong enough to make a mark in this If you can fully understand it, An ordinary void civilization is enough to make a qualitative leap and become the overlord of Galaxy.

After thinking about it, Joshua did not smooth out the void energy vortex that might take countless years to slowly dissipate. Joshua retracted her hand and even slightly strengthened this strange void spectacle, making it impossible for the weaker ones. Stray into it.

——This may be a copy of the latecomer.

From there to nothing, to erase something, in the final analysis, it is better to start from nothing and leave something behind.

Thinking of this, the soldier closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

“Very well… It’s been a long time, I haven’t been so comfortable in fighting.”

If you look at the overall situation, this interpretation of the Tao has unexpectedly promoted almost everyone in the room to a level, even if it is the existence of Amos the Great that is almost impossible to rise, it feels that I have gained a lot.

However, the biggest gain was Joshua.

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