Shuttle Seventy: Sweet Wife

Chapter 38 - Fire, close (PK plus more)

In the kitchen, the two of them were doing their own work, occasionally chatting, while on the other side, Li Dahu carried two buckets of water, ran back and forth twice, and filled the water tank. Dao: The difference between men and women is very obvious at this time! If it was her to fetch water, she would have to make several trips!

Seeing that the time was almost up, Jing Qingxin began to prepare dinner. There is no rice cooker in today’s era. If you want to eat white rice, you have to use the most primitive method. Although she knows it, this is her first time. try.

Gao Shen sat on the small bench in front of the stove, guarding the fire, watching Jing Qingxin’s movements, and immediately lit the firewood in the other stove. This stove only had two stoves, compared to other stoves. The stove, their stove is a simple one, and they didn’t even have a chimney, but fortunately, there is a little skill for high-level fire, and there is no smoke spread.

On the stoves of other homes, there is a stove with a large iron pot, and there is a chimney in the middle. But Jing Qingxin and Gao Shen are only two people, which is also suitable.

Jing Qingxin washed the rice on both sides first, then poured it into an aluminum pot, added an appropriate amount of water, and then when the rice grains were cooked over high heat, Jing Qingxin poured the rice soup in the rice grains into the basin, and then stirred it, let Slowly steam the excess water in the rice soup over low heat, and wait until the rice is completely coagulated.

Looking at Bai Jingjing’s rice, for the first time, Jing Qingxin felt a love for white rice, and there was a kind of satisfaction! Even in her era, every day was white rice, or even other more delicious staple foods, she had never experienced such a mood at this moment!

“You can turn off the fire here.” Jing Qingxin put the lid on the pot and said happily.

“Okay.” Gao Shen replied in a deep voice, looking at the corners of Jing Qing’s heart-warming mouth, he seemed to be affected, and his mood followed, a little more joy.

Because the old hen soup still needs to be boiled for a while, the chicken can be delicate and soft, so the stove fire cannot be interrupted. Gao Shen added several large pieces of wood into the stove fire room. The whole stove fire room was booming, and the fire was burning vigorously.

The kitchen was almost finished, and Jing Qingxin went to the small courtyard to get some air. Looking at the bare courtyard, she sighed slightly, it was still too simple!

The environment where Jing Qingxin lived since she was a child was surrounded by all kinds of flowers, whether it was the villa area where their family of four lived, or the military compound of their grandparents, or even the grandparents’ homes in the countryside, each courtyard was full of gardens. The fragrance of flowers is overflowing, and it is full of warmth and vitality. It is like the small yard in front of you, and the whole is full of decadence.

There is no doubt that Jing Qing is not satisfied with such a living environment. She has never wronged herself in terms of the quality of life. A comfortable environment can make people live comfortably and happily. Only when she is in a good mood can she do things. It’s smooth!

“Liuguangjin” has the most flowers of various colors, but how to take it out? Jing Qing couldn’t help looking up at the deep mountain not far away.

Jing Qing’s eyes narrowed in her heart, but she was not in a hurry now. She stabilized in the village first, and then looked for a chance to enter the mountain. Anyway, the trip to the mountain was inevitable, and she still wanted to go shopping for treasures!

After thinking about it for a while, Jing Qingxin turned around and entered the stove, and saw how the old hen soup was being simmered. The fire of this big firewood was indeed fierce, and it was faster than using natural gas.

Jing Qingxin estimated that it would be almost half an hour after stewing.

At this moment, the whole kitchen has a strong smell of chicken, mixed with a faint smell of Chinese herbal medicines, making people smell it, and they can’t help but roll their throats and swallow their saliva.

Jing Qing had nothing to do in her heart, and it was silly to just stand, so she walked to the stove and sat next to Gao Shen.

In the countryside of this era, there are no chairs and square stools, only rectangular four-legged stools, about the width of the eight fingers of an adult side by side, but the length will be slightly different, there are long and short!

After Jing Qingxin sat down, she rested her hands on her knees and supported her chin, watching the firewood burning in the stove. Suddenly, her eyes brightened, she quickly got up and walked to the wall cabinet. I looked through and found two red stalks.

Jing Qingxin sat down suddenly, let Gao Shen subconsciously let go of his breath, straightened his back, and the two were next to each other, so that the sharp and deep facial features instantly smelled a scent of fragrance, like the fragrance of flowers! But not strong, smells shallow, very comfortable!

Gao Shen even felt that the touch between the arms of the two was separated by a layer of clothing, but inexplicably, it was as if he could feel the temperature of each other’s skin. Suddenly, Gao Shen felt a burst of heat.

Jing Qingxin threw the two red glutinous rice into the stove, and was going to eat roasted red glutinous rice later. I haven’t eaten it for a long time, and I really miss the taste! When I was a child, every time I went to my grandmother’s house, my grandmother would bake this red glutinous rice for their siblings.

Jing Qing’s heart was sinking into her own memories, and naturally she didn’t notice the strangeness of the man beside her. The stiff sitting posture, let alone how uncomfortable it was!

Feeling the breath of the other party, Gao Shen couldn’t help despising himself in his heart: Why does he always seem so restless every time he faces her? Just like a hairy boy, stupid! He was leading a company of soldiers in the army, when did he become so cowardly?

Gao Shen couldn’t help but complain in his heart! He didn’t know why, but the concentration he had always been proud of always seemed to be out of his control every time he came into close contact with Jing Qing’s heart? !

Suddenly, Gao Shen felt a moment of silence.

“You put Chinese herbs in the chicken soup?” Gao Shen asked in a low voice, hiding the stiffness in his expression.

Hearing this, Jing Qingxin turned back to look at Gao Shen, and replied with a smile: “Yes, I added several kinds of Chinese herbal medicines, which are very helpful for your recovery. Later, you can drink more. point.”

“Well, good.” Gao Shen replied righteously, just like a primary school student answering the teacher’s question and answer obediently, looking very rigid.

“Don’t you like it?” Jing Qingxin looked at Gao Shen’s serious expression and sat upright, thinking that he didn’t like it, so he looked stiff. She also knew that some people did not like the taste of Chinese herbal medicines.

“No.” Gao Shen denied briefly.

His eyes were looking directly at the stove, and he didn’t dare to look at Jing Qingxin at all. The main reason was that the two were so close together, and Jing Qingxin leaned his neck and looked at him with his chin slightly raised. , he could also feel the twinkling starlight in those eyes, which made his heart beat even more.

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