Shinobinekoden: A Ninja Catgirl’s Tale

Chapter 37. Petting a Shy Cat

   When Yara was little, not just once did she find the neighbor's cat on the kitchen table, trying to steal a piece of meat or lapping from a bowl of milk.

   Yara, who wasn't the type of child to eat without any qualms from a plate others had eaten from, immediately declared war on the cat, chasing it throughout the village where she lived until she managed to corner it or tire it out so much that it couldn't run anymore. But after she succeeded in capturing the cat, Yara always found herself in a dilemma because when she saw the cat cowering, trembling with fear, her heart was filled with pity, and she couldn't bring herself to be harsh with it, so eventually she let it go after aggressively petting its stomach for a few minutes or pulling its tail a few times.

   More than 30 years had passed since then, and Yara, who had been through a lot and had learned to be ruthless, didn't expect to ever find herself in such a situation again, where she would be influenced by her opponents' state, no matter how much they begged her to spare them or how much they cried.

   'No, Yara. She's just putting on a show... Yes, she's like that wicked cat who kept sticking her nose in my food. No matter how scared she seemed and how much remorse there was in her meowing after I managed to capture her, she never learned her lesson and kept coming into my kitchen..', Yara tried to convince herself not to be gentle with the timid catgirl sitting in her lap and twitching at the slightest movement.

   But was this possible? Could she be cruel to someone who completely surrendered to her and made no effort to defend herself?

   'No, I don't see how I should proceed... I need to make her show her claws. It's much easier to humiliate someone who resists...', Yara said to herself, not having any idea of ​​how she could get revenge on the catgirl as long as she stayed so quiet.

   "Tell me, catgirl, why are you so obedient now? Are you trying to convince me to make you my pet?", Yara asked teasingly, hoping to see at least a trace of dissatisfaction on Lucy's face.

   "Yes, big sister... Lucy wants to be your cat from now on...", Lucy replied shyly, but with a hint of enthusiasm in her voice.

   Yara wasn't too pleased to see that Lucy had no intention of stepping out of the role of a very obedient catgirl no matter what she said, but Lucy's response gave her an idea of how to proceed.

   'Heh, so you want to be my cat? Let's see if you'll enjoy being treated as if you were...', Yara thought, remembering that every time she caught the cat stealing her food in her childhood, it was very dissatisfied when she petted it aggressively.

   "Very well, little kitty. You deserve a reward...", Yara accepted Lucy's offer, reaching her right hand towards her silky hair, which she then immediately began to stroke vigorously.

   Yara was sure that something humiliating for a real cat would be much more humiliating for a person playing the role of a cat, so she was very shocked when she saw that the catgirl didn't seem affected by her actions at all, and had even become active, pushing her head into her hand. But how could Yara know that, unlike a cat, for Lucy being caressed by a very attractive woman was not unpleasant at all, but rather desirable?

   'It seems like this method isn't working. I think I need to take more drastic measures...', Yara thought, intending to start taking care of the catgirl's ears, knowing they were very sensitive.

   Putting her hand on one of Lucy's ears, Yara was very impressed by how soft the fur on it was, feeling like her whole body had sunk into fluff.

   Involuntarily bringing her left hand to Lucy's other ear, Yara began to knead both cat ears to her liking, becoming so absorbed in this activity that she didn't pay attention to the condition of the catgirl whose ears were in her hands, and she didn't notice that Lucy had started to blush.

   'They're so soft... I wonder how they are on the inside?', Yara wondered after she had molded Lucy's ears for a few minutes, her attention being captivated by the fluff inside the ears that had constantly tickled her palms up until then.

   Since Lucy's cat ears were several times larger than those of a regular cat, Yara had no difficulty inserting a finger into each one and starting to tease them from the inside, these actions causing Lucy to feel a state of arousal that was hard to control.

   'I already have a girlfriend... I already have a girlfriend...', Lucy kept telling herself in her mind, making great efforts to push away all the naughty thoughts about the young dark elf woman who was holding her, and to suppress any moans.

   "Big sister, please!... Not so deep...", Lucy eventually said with a trembling voice, feeling like she was about to give in, already imagining in her mind how she would pin down the dark elf and start tearing off her clothes.

  Seeing Lucy's condition, Yara believed that her plan had started to work and that Lucy was beginning to feel embarrassed, so she had no intention of stopping, her fingers continuing to massage both the outside and the inside of Lucy's ears.

   "What's wrong, little kitty? Why are you blushing so much? Are you upset about something?"

   Upon hearing Yara's questions, Lucy's competitive spirit ignited once again.

   'Heh, don't be too proud of yourself. Do you think I won't hold out until the effect of your skill wears off? I'm not going to give in even if I reach orgasm...', Lucy said in her mind, determined not to let things go in the direction Yara wanted.

   "No, big sister... I was just thinking your hands might be getting tired..."

   No matter how slow Yara was to realize what was happening with Lucy, even she could tell that the catgirl's words were just an excuse. But remembering that there were other, much more effective methods of teasing a cat that she hadn't tried on Lucy yet, she thought it wouldn't hurt to play along to make Lucy think she had escaped, only to crush all her hopes later, so eventually she took her hands off Lucy's ears.

   "Hmm, you're right. It's quite tiring to keep my hands up like this...", Lucy heard the young dark elf woman whispering into her left ear, but before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she felt a hand gripping the base of her tail firmly while another one began to pet her abdomen.

   "Fuck, fuck, fuck...", Lucy started to curse in her mind, overwhelmed by the new sensations that made her legs go weak and her eyes roll in their sockets, managing to hold out for only a minute until Yara accidentally touched one of her breasts while petting her abdomen, causing her to see white in front of her eyes.


   Seeing Lucy's reaction, who began to moan and convulse, Yara initially thought that she couldn't bear to be treated like a pet anymore and wanted to escape from her grasp, which meant she had won as she managed to make her feel humiliated.

   Unfortunately for Yara, her joy didn't last long, as the moment she noticed something wet on one of her legs, the illusion she was in shattered, reminding her that she wasn't dealing with a real cat, but with a young catkin woman, for whom her actions could be considered those of a pervert.


   "Sorry, that wasn't my intention...", Yara said to Lucy, visibly disturbed by what had happened, unable to explain to herself what was going through her mind when she started treating Lucy like a cat, and the mixture of pleasure and pride that engulfed her when she realized the state she had managed to bring Lucy to with her own hands.

   Although Yara was over 40 years old, she was still quite young for a dark elf, so it's no wonder she hadn't been in any relationships up until then. But that didn't mean Yara had never thought about what her future partner should be like, imagining that the one who would steal her heart would be a very handsome and gallant young man. Therefore, the fact that she felt extremely attracted to Lucy the moment she saw her moaning with pleasure after a powerful orgasm caused by her was a real shock to her.

   'I never thought the first person I'd be attracted to would be a woman, let alone one as unserious as this catgirl. Hmmm, I guess I'll have to think more seriously about what I want from my future partner, and not as superficially as I have done so far...', Yara thought, aware that there were still many things she hadn't discovered about herself.

   "Well, what's done is done. I also get stupid around attractive young women...", Lucy interrupted Yara's thoughts, just having consumed a cleansing potion she bought from Ninja Shop as soon as she got off Yara's lap, her attitude resembling that of a person who starts smoking at the end of a passionate night.

   "As you say... I'm glad to see you weren't too affected...", Yara said after pondering Lucy's words for a few moments, a hint of reproach hiding in her voice. However, if someone were to ask her what the reason for her dissatisfaction was, she probably wouldn't know what to say.

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