SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 55 Subpoena

"Yes, yes, we all succeeded today, didn't we? Wait for the stock to appreciate, and there is no problem with our game selling well." Wesley said.

"Isn't it free? How do you make money?" Tony Stark asked.

"Skins, cheap skins, of course there are expensive ones, as well as runes, heroes, etc. If you don't want to wait, you can spend money to buy them. If you don't have money, you can only wait slowly, understand?"

"Understood, genius idea, have a large customer base, and can use people's hearts at the same time, you are really an agent, now I believe it, look at my new car, new this year."

"Does it come with a beautiful woman?" A beautiful woman stood beside Tony Stark's new car, leaning against his car door.

"Oh, I didn't ask that, Hogan? Did that come with it?"

"I don't know, we can ask." Tony Stark's driver Hogan is a fat man, a very interesting guy.

The three walked over, and Wesley's sports car was also beside him, but it was last year's model. He didn't like to change cars frequently, and he didn't like convertible sports cars. Tony Stark's R8V10 was not suitable for him.

"Bedford." The beauty introduced herself, and the three of them surrounded her directly, and Wesley asked directly, "Will you buy a sports car for the beauty?"

"Haha, Wesley, you are so interesting, I'm actually curious too." Tony.Stark agreed.

"My profession is a law enforcement officer. This is my police badge. Do you have any questions about the three gentlemen?"

"Oh..." Tony Stark directly put away the roof of the sports car, then sat in the driver's seat, and Wesley also returned to his car. "So you're here??"

"I'm here to see you. This is a subpoena. You are ordered to attend the hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning." The beauty smiled at Tony Stark.

"Okay, how far is Hogan from DC (Washington, District of Columbia)?"

"250 miles."

"Wesley, it's 250 miles from here to DC, how about we see who gets there first?" Tony Stark shouted at Wesley in the sports car next to him.

The number 250 made Wesley panic, "How many kilometers?"

"Ah? Why do you ask this? More than 400 kilometers."

"Okay, let's see who gets there first, but where do we meet when we get there?"

"Sofitel Lafayette Square, which is the closest to the White House."

"No problem." Wesley directly took out his dedicated mobile phone, turned on the route instructions, and then stepped on the accelerator and set off directly. Regardless of Tony Stark behind him, he set off anyway, and soon came to the highway Go up, step on the gas pedal to the bottom.

It took him two hours to reach the distance of more than 400 kilometers. It was the first time he ran so fast and came directly to the hotel. Then he waited at the hotel entrance, bought a can of Coke and drank it casually.

Tony Stark came an hour later, "When did you arrive?"

Wesley looked at his watch, "I arrived an hour ago, but is your release new?" Tony Stark's hair was very 'flying'.

"I didn't even have time to put up the roof again just to chase you, how could you do it so fast?"

"Nothing is impossible. It's the first time I drove so well, and the highway is suitable for my car. Let's go, go in and rest, and see how you look." Wesley mocked the other party.

Nothing happened overnight, and at nine o'clock the next day, they showed up for the hearing on time, with Wesley sitting next to him.

It was the first time to attend such a meeting, and the congressman's appearance was obviously that of Hydra, Wesley wondered whether to arrest him first, and this meeting should be Hydra's pursuit of steel Battle suit strategy.What if they got the steel battle suit and copied countless pieces?It's scary just thinking about it!

"Mr. Stark, please answer the question, do you have a special weapon?" asked the MP.

"I don't, of course it depends on what you think is a weapon."

"Iron Man is a weapon, isn't it?"

"What I invent is not a weapon."

"Then how are you going to describe it?"

" can be regarded as an advanced prosthesis, which is the best adjective I can find." Tony Stark's answer made everyone laugh, and Wesley was no exception. This effect is much stronger than in the movie.

"It's a weapon, and if you put the well-being of the people first, then you should give it to the American people."

"Don't even think about it, I am Iron Man, Iron Man is me, do you want me to hand myself over? Is this considered work and rest? I need to wear a set of advanced prosthetics to do community service?" Another burst of laughter .

"I'm not a weapon expert, but we have hired one, Mr. Justin Hammer, one of the major suppliers of the Ministry of Defense." Wesley looked back, indeed this guy, a stupid guy, really doesn't know his How the company developed.

The two started a rhetorical confrontation, and then Justin Hammer showed some satellite images, which were debunked by Tony Stark.

And Wesley also spoke, "Please speak, Mr. Congressman."

"who are you?"

"I am Mr. Tony Stark's partner. We started a new company together. I think there are many questions about the theme of this meeting. The first is the energy issue. Iron Man's energy comes from Tony's chest to maintain his life. Reactor, this is a huge advance and represents absolute wealth, so do you want to take it?"

"Without this kind of energy, the steel suit is nothing. Without a strong energy source, it can't do anything. How do you solve this problem? Without energy, the steel suit is an advanced prosthesis. Tony doesn't have that Wrong, and new energy represents infinite wealth, which the U.S. government can’t afford, I’m done.”

"Awesome man, see? That's the difference between a genius and you idiots. I'm Iron Man. I can keep the peace in America. You want my product? Don't be delusional, but I helped You guys are very helpful, I can stop the nuclear threat." Tony Stark stood up and faced all the media behind him and said: "I can maintain world peace alone."

A lot of people stood up and applauded. Americans have a hero complex in their bones. They like heroes. "What else do they want from me? I'm here, I try to cooperate with these clowns, but they can do something What?" After humiliating the congressman, Tony Stark waved at Wesley, and the two walked out directly.

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