Rising up from a Nobleman to Intergalactic Warlord!!

Chapter 76

---Next Day---

Monitoring Alduin’s movements overnight, the number of his kin grew to several hundred and counting. Massacring small settlements, isolated homesteads, and bandit camps, the flying lizards were sowing chaos all over the territory. Knowing that the populace needed the information written on the Dragonstone, we returned the next morning to handover the tablet to the court magician Farengar. Teleporting us to a secluded location near Battle-Born Farm, the eight of us made our way to the gate where the guards blocked our entry into the city.

“Apologies, friends, the city is temporarily closed by the order of the Steward.”, one of the guards told us.

“We come bearing a request for aid from Riverwood.”, I stated, knowing they would let us in with that bit of information.

Looking at one another for a moment, the two men nodded their heads and let us through. Thanking them, as they opened the massive, wooden gates, the beautiful cityscape of Whiterun greeted us as we stepped inside. Listening to the sounds of a thriving city all around us, the rhythmic beating of a nearby blacksmith’s hammer and flowing a babbling brook beneath our feet brought home just how old-fashioned this city was, and we absolutely loved it. Smelling the aroma of freshly baked bread and roasting meats coming from the Wind District, our stomachs growled loudly as if asking us to partake in the delicious food being produced there.

“This city is simply breathtaking.”, Mylene said, watching a group of young children run down the road, “It is hard to believe that they have been able to continue living so peacefully with an intergalactic war raging out there.”

“It would be a nice place to relax and unwind from the stress of daily life.”, Angelica remarked, with a smile, “While the beach is equally soothing, something about this place makes me want to set down roots and stay here forever.”

Glancing over at the vacant Breeze Home, I was confident we could easily renovate it and make it into a comfortable country retreat for us during our vacations. Voicing this suggestion to them, the women readily agreed to my idea as this world had a little bit of everything for each of us. With the decision made, I decided to discuss purchasing the house from Proventus after we settled business with Farengar. Giving everyone a moment to take in the view, we pressed on to Dragonsreach once everyone was ready.

---Thirty Minutes Later---

Stepping into Dragonsreach, the delicious mead and roasting meats were the first thing that greeted us. Hearing our stomachs growl in protest, we all agreed to get lunch once this was done and over with. Walking up the stairs into the main area, Balgruuf’s housecarl greeted us with her weapon and a not so friendly glare.

“Who are you, and why are you here?”, she growled, pointing the tip of her blade at my neck, “No sudden movements, or I will cut you down where you stand.”

“You do not possess the power nor the skill to take me down.”, I retorted, grabbing hold of her blade and shattering it with a light squeeze, “As for our reason for being here, there are two things we wish to discuss with Jarl Balgruuf. Can you please let him know that we are here on urgent business?”

“Anything you wish to tell the Jarl, you can tell me.”, she argued, reaching for the dagger on her thigh.

“Draw that weapon, and I assure you the last thing you will see is me ramming a spit down your throat.”, I warned her.

Watching the exchange from his seat close by, Hrongar let out a hearty laugh of amusement. Having never witnessed anyone stand up to Irileth so boldly, aside from his brother, he began demanding we settle this with a good old-fashioned brawl. Hearing the noises his brother was making, Balgruuf and his other aides came down from the War Room to see what was happening. Finding the two of us glaring at one another, the Jarl let out a sigh and asked the Dark Elf to stand down.

“Irileth, I have told you several times already to not immediately draw your blade on unknown people coming into Dragonsreach. Right now we are in the middle of a crisis, it is only natural for people to come here looking for guidance and aid.”, Jarl Balgruuf remarked, waving us over as he took a seat on his throne, “Come travelers, I assume you have news you wish to share with me?”

“Yes, we were nearby when Helgen was razed to the ground by a dragon’s fire two days ago. We, along with the remaining Imperial forces there, escorted the surviving citizens to Riverwood where they now temporarily reside. The settlement has called for aid as they have seen a dragon circling Bleak Falls Barrow.”, I informed him, as we approached his throne.

“Did you hear that, Proventus? Helgen is nothing more than smoldering ruins now.”, Balgruuf remarked, looking at his steward with frustration, “Do you still believe we are safe behind our stone walls?”

Apologizing for his folly, Proventus admitted he thought the old stories about dragons were a bit embellished. Acknowledging that he was mistaken, the steward swore to begin preparations immediately to stockpile water and other materials in the event a fire breaks out in the city. Agreeing with his suggestion, Balgruuf told him to get working on that immediately before turning to Irileth. Ordering her to dispatch a detachment of guards to Riverwood immediately, he asked that additional supplies be sent as well for the survivors.

“Travelers, I thank you for bringing me this news. While I have nothing to offer you as a reward now, I promise to repay you for this act of kindness.”, Balgruuf swore, with a warm smile.

“It was no trouble at all, we should help each other out in troubling times.”, I said, as I pulled out the Dragonstone, “There is a second reason we came here as well. After leaving Riverwood, we decided to explore the barrow to see if we could find whatever the dragon was looking for. Hidden in a large chamber, behind an ancient puzzle door, we located this tablet. From what I could decipher, it appears to contain information regarding ancient dragon burial grounds.”

Hearing the mention of an ancient tablet from the Bleak Falls Barrow, Farengar immediately interjected himself into our conversation. Quickly confirming that it was the tablet he had been looking for someone to go fetch, the mage snatched it out of my hands before quickly running off to his laboratory. Leaving without so much as a thank you, Balgruuf let out a sigh before beginning to laugh a bit.

“My apologies, my Court Magician Farengar can get a bit carried away when it comes to ancient text and magical tomes.”, Balgruuf said, with a smirk, “That is two things I owe you now.”

“If I may be so bold, we noticed a house for sale in the city. My family and I fell in love with this place just stepping into the city and would love to purchase a home here. Is that something that can be arranged?”, I inquired.

“Of course, we would be more than happy to welcome you to our city!”, Balgruuf agreed, “When Proventus returns, I will let him know that you are permitted to purchase property in my city.”

“Thank you for your kindness, Jarl Balgruuf.”, I responded, with a polite bow.

Turning to leave the keep and grab lunch, the building suddenly began to tremble as something massive flew close to the keep. Hearing the unmistakable roar of a dragon outside, every abled body fighter in the keep rushed out into the courtyard to see what was happening. As we rushed out to the edge of the courtyard to look down into the Wind District, we found the marketplace ablaze as civilians ran for their lives. Collapsing the apothecary as it came in for a landing, it began snapping at anyone who had yet to flee the market.

Rushing into the market, the city guards began assaulting the beast to draw attention away from the civilians. Pelting it with arrows and rocks, the dragon turned toward them and began attacking them. Slamming its maw shut around two of the men, they valiantly continued to fight the beast up till they were crushed and swallowed whole. Boiling with rage, Balgruuf let loose a powerful war cry and immediately surged down the stairway to join the fight.

“Kill that foul beast!! For Whiterun!!”, he shouted, rallying his men into following him.

“FOR WHITERUN!!”, they shouted, charging after him.

As Balgruuf and his men raced to join the fighting, the Companions began storming out of Jorrvaskr to join the fight. Throwing themselves at the dragon, fighters from all over the city began to arrive to lend their aid as well. Watching their weapons mostly bounce off the beast’s scales, none of them seemed to realize that they had to aim for specific weak points in its armor plating to do any real damage.

“Alright, we are going to help them out!”, I told my fiancées, “Roxanne, you and I are going to fight that thing head on. Everyone else, use your magic to give that bastard hell!”

“Got it!”, everyone acknowledged, as we all leapt off the edge and began sliding down the hillside into the market.

Avoiding people as they were sent flying in our general direction, Roxanne and I charged at the dragon while the others provided us with cover fire. Slamming into his chest, I began to forcibly push the monster out of the marketplace while Roxanne aimed for the joints connecting its wings to its body. Attempting to dig its claws in to stop me, it struggled in vain as I was far stronger than it was.

“Focus on its joints, they are its weak points!”, Roxanne shouted, severing one of the wing joints.

“You heard her, do as she says!!”, Kodlak ordered, as I got the beast close to the wall.

Focusing their attention on its ankles, hips, and knees, the dragon began crying out in pain as their attacks began inflicting real damage. Whipping its head around to snap at them, its giant head crashed into the wall with a resounding thud.

“Curse you mortals!!”, the dragon roared, as Roxanne disable the other wing joint.

No longer able to fly, everyone began piling onto the monster trying to reach its head. Pressing its feet against the wall, the dragon mustered all its leg strength and attempted to push me back. Quickly realizing that it could not make me budge, it turned its full attention on me as I was the only thing preventing its escape. Whipping its head back around, the beast attempted to slam its maw shut around me, but my barrier prevented that from happening. Grabbing hold of its upper and lower jaw, I forcefully began to twist its head to the side.

Following my movements, assuming I intended to snap its neck, the dragon was confused how it ended up in the predicament. As far as it was concerned, no mortal should be physically strong enough to wrestle a dragon like this.

“What are you?!”, the dragon yelled, trying to shake my grip.

“My name is Victor von Stark, and I will see your head removed for your neck!”, I taunted it.

Unleashing a torrent of fire upon me without warning, the dragon hoped to reduce me to ash to remove me from the fight. Unfortunately for it, my barrier magic easily withstood the onslaught, much to his annoyance. Having been completely preoccupied with me, he did not realize Roxanne was on its head till it was too late. Plunging a steel greatsword into its right eye, the dragon let out an ear-piercing scream as it writhed around in pain.

“Mages, use your Lightning Magic on the sword!!”, I shouted, using the Force to help prevent it from raising its head.

“Do as he says!!”, Balgruuf commanded everyone, joining the other warriors as they backed away.

“What about him?!”, Farengar asked.

“I can take it, just do it!”, I snapped.

Casting their strongest lightning spells upon the sword, the mages put everything they hand into the attack. Convulsing erratically, as the electricity coursed through its body, the dragon began cursing at all of us for disgracing it like this. Firmly planting my feet, I began to pull on its head. Hearing its scales begin to explode under the strain, the dragon realized we were nearing the end of this fight.

“STOP IT!!”, the beast shrieked, realizing what I was about to do.

“Rot in hell, you filthy animal!”, I retorted, ripping its head from its neck.

Stumbling backward as the head came free, its body began to spasm and wriggle around uncontrollably as blood began to spray everywhere. Continuing to move for a few more minutes, soon the mighty beast collapsed to the ground without further trouble.


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