Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 1 Chapter 38: A Date With Big Sister

We spent the rest of the day sightseeing around the city. Apparently, that was it. That was the supposed meeting between us and the teachers. Marina told us that Vera had essentially “hijacked” it, telling the professors that Marina “belonged to her” and that no one else should give her future job offers than her. Naturally, they could only obey her command.

Marina knew all of that only thanks to her pushing it out of one of said teachers by the way. A good proof that the ice snake was indeed that—a snake.

“This is just formality anyways. The Academy doesn’t really have authority on telling their students where they would go after they graduate. Well, except when you’re one of those handful students who got the scholarship,” she explained as we walked to the gates. "So she wouldn't be able to deny my graduation when that happens."

"Are you sure about that, Sis?" I asked. "I mean, even if she can't do it officially, she can, I dunno, pull strings to make the teachers intentionally fail you in your exams."

"Silly Hugo." She smiled, rubbing my head. "The final graduation exam would be a magic duel with one of the teachers. And, forgive me if this sounds arrogant, I believe at my current level, I can already take one teacher just fine, even if they go all out, even though they're not supposed to."

I smiled. "I don't think you're being arrogant, Sis. It's the truth after all."

"Oh, stop flattering your sister like that. You're making me blush." She giggled, rubbing my head even harder.


First, Marina took us to her favorite cafe that she often visited with Alincia. She had quite the large serving of tiramisu there by the way, something that I certainly didn’t expect from her. She had always been a light eater. Maybe just for desserts like that?

Afterwards, we went to the city’s museum—basically a place where you could learn about the Magocracy’s history. There, we got just in time for the scheduled show, where this pretty lady in her twenties used her Earth magic to construct miniature structures and even mud dolls to be used in her play. I’m glad that she seemed to be truly enjoying her job, judging by the radiant smile she always had on her face throughout the entire thing. I could tell that it wasn’t a fake one.

For me though, I couldn’t imagine being a magician just to take a job like this. Where’s the adventure? This is a fantasy world yet you’re spending your life being a museum employer, playing puppets to entertain kids? Though I suppose from their perspective, this is their real life. Hell, my old world would be their fantasy world, with how many technologies we have that would no doubt blow their brains out.

And if you’re not suited to be out there fighting monsters, then a job like this isn’t too bad. At least you’ll get the smiles of the patrons as your reward, and that is a lot better than being stuck facing a monitor all day like I did.

Still, I had to criticize the contents of the museum itself. It’s so obviously a propaganda in many parts that it hurts to see and read. It extolls the role of Mira so much to the point of near worship, while downplaying the achievements of Arthur and Milicis, her other two companions. In fact, Milicis got the worst of it, as she’s portrayed as an incompetent cleric that Arthur only took in as his companion out of pity. It really reminded me of that old picture book Marina gave me.

Other than that though, the museum was pretty interesting overall. We got to see a bunch of replicas of the staff Mira used, since there wasn't really a consensus on how it really looked—the staff itself had been lost to the ages. And it's apparently the most powerful staff that had ever existed, and she made it herself. Too bad the components and the method she used was, once again, lost to the ages.

And just like her staff, her image too was unclear. We got to see many paintings and statues depicting her, but none they could really call her canonical looks to be sure. Some had her wear glasses to enhance her intellectual look, while others disagreed, saying that she would have discovered a spell to cure nearsightedness (which we still don't have). Some portrayed her as a cool, expressionless lady, while others gave her large boobs and thick hips with skin-exposing robes.

Then we moved on to the tale of the Founding, where after defeating the Demon God, in her wisdom, Mira decided to build a nation devoted in the growth and development of magic, free from the greed and filthy ambition of the non mages. It wouldn't be ruled by nobles, but by wise magicians instead. It would be an enlightened society—a Utopia of the magic arts.

Many mages of that era flocked to her to become her disciple, and thus, the Magocracy was born.

And then, the history from there to now. Lots of wars, as expected, many of which were against the Holy Empire in some way of form. The last one was around a hundred years ago or so, and now, they were currently in a peace agreement. They didn't display the details of the agreement though.

After the museum, we then went to the city's market district. As you would expect, it was a busy place, filled with all sorts of people with all sorts of goods from across the country, and even abroad.

We walked as a group, with me and Marina on the front and Father, Mother, and Erika on the back. Erika had fallen asleep at the museum, and now Mother was carrying her over her shoulder.

“Judging by that excited smile, you probably want to go see the magical item shops right away, don’t you, Hugo?” Marina asked with an easygoing smirk.

“Of course, Sis! I mean, if you go to a magic city, why wouldn’t you want to check out the magic shops inside it?” I replied with my own easygoing grin.

“Alright. I’ll show you a good place then!”

With a confident gait, she led the way, with me following her from behind, not realizing that I was leaving Father and Mother behind.



“Hey, they’re getting away, you know."

“It’s fine. They can take care of themselves. Aah, I'm always so happy seeing them get along well like that."

As a mother, naturally, I wanted all my children to get along well. And so far, I got exactly that. Marina doted on Hugo, and Hugo admired her back. And Little Erika here certainly loved them very much.

"Should we just get back to the inn? Erika's looking pretty tuckered out."

"Hmm, I suppose you're right." I smiled. "...Hey, that smile… you're thinking of doing that again when we get back, don't you?"

"Hah, you always read me like a book, honey," he replied with a grin. "Just want to use this opportunity well, you know. We don't stay in inns that much these days after all."

"Hmm? Is that a new perverted hobby I just hear?" I let out a pretend huff. "Honestly, what did I do to deserve such a lecherous husband?"

He knew that I didn't really mean it though. He liked it when I acted like that. He said it made me look cute.

So he's getting all nostalgic of the days where we would do it at every inn we stayed inside. He didn't even care if we got noise complaints from our room neighbors. He would still rail me like a hungry animal. Even when I was pregnant with Marina.

And even after all these years of our marriage, he still desired me just as much as when we first became a couple.

And I am so unbelievably happy and grateful for that.

“Oh fine, we can go back. But go tell those two first. I don’t want them to think anything happens to us after all.”



"Well, I guess it's a date then!" I turned to Hugo and smirked once Father left. All of a sudden, he told us that he and Mother were going back to the inn earlier. He said it was to let Erika sleep properly, but I have a feeling it's also because they want to do that thing they always do.

I'm fine with it of course. I'm happy that they're still a happy couple even after these years. But I really think they should tone it down a little. Especially Mother. Her moans are too loud. I'm starting to think that she might be faking it a little.

Still, as ashamed as I am by admitting this, it was enough to arouse me every time their lewd sounds reached my ears. And it's even more shameful for me to admit that I have pleasured myself a couple of times to them.

How ironic. I despise perverts, despite possibly being one myself.

Well, my principle is if you don't bother others with your perversion, then it's forgivable. And I certainly am not bothering anymore by doing it. I always cover my mouth every time I do it, so that I wouldn't bother anyone by my moans. Not that I'm a moaner or anything.

It's another matter entirely if you indulge in it by lifting skirts of unwitting girls like a couple of juniors I met a while back. One of them even dared to lift my dress as I was scolding them, thinking I'm stupid enough to not notice him secretly forming a ball of wind with the hand behind his back. Of course, I took care of him readily before he could even cast the spell. They didn't know yet of my reputation, I suppose.

"What's the matter, Sis? You're thinking of something?" Oops, Hugo took notice of my vacant stare.

"Oh, it's nothing. Let's go. The shop is just over this block. Oh, and—" I offered my hand. "—since we're on a date, why don't you take my hand? Let's just say this is your training for when Sherry came back. You would take her on many romantic dates after all."

He hesitated, but he took it anyway. "There we go! Now let's see if you can walk at the same place as me. Not too fast. Not too slow. Just enough so that we would stay in sync."

"Yep, that's how you do it! Keep it up!"



And now, all of a sudden, I am having a dating lesson from my big sister.

The whole thing happened so suddenly that I still wasn’t sure what was going on. First, Father said to us that he and Mother were leaving to tuck Erika to bed, and then Marina declared that we were having a date. I’m sure that it’s just one of her teases, but now she seems to be taking it quite seriously.

For me, who never even had the opportunity to go on a date with a girl before, it was an overwhelming situation to be in.

After we synched up our walk, she then told me to walk straight, but at the same time, always stealing glances towards her, to express how desirable she was to me. I don’t think doing that is a good idea on a busy road like this though.

I did as she instructed, just to make her happy. Not to mention that I certainly can use the knowledge. I want my first date with Sherry in the future to be a successful one after all.

Still, isn’t this kinda wrong? She’s my sister after all, though to an outsider, we would indeed look like a brother-sister pair and not a couple, seeing how young I still am.

She probably thinks the same way though. It’s like how in some books and movies I’ve read and watched, the father character would go on a “date” with his young daughter. Or a gentleman big brother, doing it with his younger sister. There’s nothing romantic or sexual about it at all.

Of course, the way she says that this is for Sherry, who will actually be my future wife (I hope), I can’t help but to think otherwise.

Thankfully, we soon arrived at the magic item shop she mentioned.

“Here it is! The Emporio Emporium! Nice rhyme, isn't it?"

The place was quite large and fancy-looking, at least from the outside. So it's a pretty upscale place then. Wouldn't the stuff here be expensive?

"Now, in this situation, you should be the one to introduce the place, not me. You would be the one planning out the date after all. Then, you gently lead her inside, taking the initiative on opening the door. You greet the shopkeeper like a gentleman, and if they ask if I'm your girlfriend, you have to answer yes without skipping a beat."

Urgh, that's a lot to take in. Where did she get the knowledge for all this stuff after all? She's not dating anyone, is she?

"Although, in my personal opinion, you shouldn't really be taking girls to shops like this in the first place. Unless she's into this kind of thing."

...Makes sense. There's nothing romantic about an equipment shop after all, even if it's a magical one.

When we entered, we were immediately greeted by the shopkeeper, who, to my surprise, was a lizardman. He stood tall over the two of us, and honestly, looking at him up close like this, he's pretty scary.

"Welcome, welcome! What can I do to serve you, young sir and lady?" He said with a slithering accent, almost like a snake. He was mostly focusing on Marina, probably assuming rightfully that I was her little brother.

Suddenly, I felt a nudge hitting my side.

Ah, right, I should be the one to lead the conversation.

"We're here just to browse for now," I answered with a polite smile. "You see, I'm taking my girlfriend here for a date, and I thought I could amuse her with your wares."

There. That's good enough, right?

"...A-ah, of course. Forgive my impudence, young Master." He bowed apologetically. Yep, he totally thought I was her little brother. "Then, might I suggest a certain item that would bless your relationship?"

He then took out a pair of rings from one of the shelves. An exact pair of rubies were decorating each of them.

"This, my good young Sir, is a pair of Lover’s Rings. Each of you would wear one and it would make you always think of each other, no matter how far apart you are in the world. Truly a romantic, one-of-a-kind item, don’t you think?”

A ring, huh? With a ruby at that? These are most likely quite expensive stuff. He probably thinks I’m a son of a rich family, thanks to my outfit.

“How much is it?”

“Oh, for you, Master, just 100 gold coins. I’m making it a bargain just because how nice they would look on you and your lover’s fingers.”

100? That’s really expensive, isn’t it? I certainly don't have that kind of money in my pocket right now!

...Oh crap, now that I think about it, I don’t have much experience in buying goods like this yet. I don’t go out much after all. The only things I’ve bought with my own money are some food in the village, and those only cost a silver at the very most.

Well, might as well have a look at them, now that Mr. Shopkeeper has brought them out for us.

I gave a glance at Marina, and she seemed to be… smirking?

"Can I take a look at them?"

"Of course, my good sir. Just be careful with them. The two rubies easily chip, you see. And the spell would stop working if that happens."

Hey, did you just admit that your product isn't as durable as they should?

I gently took them out of their fancy case, one in each hand.

Marina's smirk still hadn't disappeared. I wonder what she found so funny.

...Hold on, don't tell me—

I remembered something. I once read that you could feel the mana swirling inside a magical object and that's one way to tell which object is magical and which object isn't.

I closed my eyes and focused, reaching out to feel whether there really was mana swirling inside the two rings.

...Nothing! I can't feel anything!

And now I know why Marina had been smirking all this time.

I returned the rings back to their ring cases. And then, I too smirked at the shopkeeper.

"100 gold for a pair of ordinary rings? That's a little bit too much, don't you think?"

"O-ordinary? I-I assure you that they're—"

"How bold of you to try to scam me with fake rings. You think just because I'm still young, I'm also gullible?"

"N-no, not at all! I-I swore that I didn't know that—"

"You don't know who I am or who my girlfriend is, don't you? She's a close friend with a daughter of the Salamander family, you know. And just the other day, I met with Selendia Brine herself! And she graced me with her beautiful smile! Tsk tsk tsk, to think that a common shopkeeper would dare to pull a fast one on me.”

“I-I’m sorry! I-I’m so sorry! P-please don’t report me to the Council!”

The shopkeeper immediately prostrated in front of me, and I had a probably quite evil-looking smile at my face. Marina, on the other hand, was just holding back her laughter before she decided to speak up.

“Fine. We won’t tell. But give us your Bag of Holding for free,” she said with a bright smile.

And that’s how I obtained my very first magic item—a bag with the ability to store much more than the space it logically would have. Not to mention that it would always stay the same weight, no matter how many items you put inside it. The storage isn’t unlimited though, unfortunately, but enough so that an ordinary adventurer just needs one to keep all their equipment and supplies.

Once we’re outside, with the bag slung over my body, I asked, “Sis, you set that up, didn’t you? Your aim was this bag at the very beginning.”

“Hehe, bingo! I already know most of the magic items in that shop were fake. But the Bag of Holding it has is real. And naturally, it’s priced quite expensively. Thanks to you, we can get it for free!”

“Wow Sis, I never saw you as someone this devious.”

“Hehe, I don’t really feel bad doing that to someone who would willingly cheat their customers,” she answered nonchalantly. Whew, did she just turn into a Chaotic Good character from a Neutral Good one?

“The Council doesn’t really care about stopping scammers like him unfortunately. They believed that if you’re a dumb enough mage to be fooled by a fake magic item, then you deserve it. Might be another matter entirely if you have a direct connection to them though, which is why that lizardman acted that way.”

So it’s just like your usual corrupt ruling class then. The only way to get justice is to know friends in high places. Hmph, they might fancy themselves as different from the typical nobility, but they certainly act similar to them in many places.

“Oh, and I also must applaud you for speaking up against him like that. That’s really cool, you know! That’s how you should act in front of your girlfriend!” She grinned, patting me on the shoulder.

I couldn’t help but smile at her compliment. I always thought that I would never be able to make a good boyfriend—another reason to the laundry list on why I was hesitant to go look for a relationship, even though I really wanted one. But for her to be praising me like this… it made me feel that I really would be able to do it after all. I was always spiteful towards those ikemen who're all cool and gallant towards their girlfriends, but now that I might just be able to join their ranks, I don’t feel so jealous of them anymore.

Afterwards, we spent some more time together just frolicking around the city. We bought a big vanilla ice cream that we ate together (which was kinda lewd if you consider the whole "indirect kissing" thing). And then, we went to the bazaar where we watched a group of traveling performers do their act with singing and dancing and jumping monkeys—pretty mundane until they started fighting against one another with magic, welding rods as if they were actual mages.

“I bet those rods are pre-charged magic rods that allow you to cast basic magic, even if you’re not a mage,” Marina whispered her theory.

Ah, such a thing existed. I almost forgot.

Once the show finished, we gave a generous donation to one of the monkeys who came over to us with a tall hat.

And before we knew it, the sun was already going down. It was time for us to cut our date short and go back—me to the inn and Marina to her dorm.

“Well, that was fun!” Marina said cheerfully, still holding my hand. “I guess since I’m feeling that way, you did a good job being my date for the day, Hugo! That’s all what dates should be about after all!”

“I’m glad you liked it, Sis,” I replied with a light smile. “Though if you’re just using me because you can’t find an actual boyfriend, then I won’t be happy for that,” I added with a smirk, wanting to tease her a little.

“Hmph, you’re certainly getting more and more cheeky lately, you know that?” she replied with a fake huff that reminded me all too much of Mother’s. “Don’t worry. I can get a beau easily if I just put my mind into it.”

“Not that hobbit kid, I hope?”

“Hah, not him, of course! I got higher standards than that!” She laughed.

I almost felt bad for him for a second there… before I remembered that he was a shady pervert behind that cute and timid look of his.

“Now, for the last lesson on dating. I would ask you to chaperone me to the dorms, but since we’re going to go pass your inn on the way there, might as well drop you there.”

It didn’t take long until we arrived at said inn.

“Now—” She suddenly bent her knees down a little. “—give me a goodbye kiss.”

She moved her left cheek towards me, no doubt signalling that I was to do it there.

“But Sis, you’re supposed to kiss your lover on the mouth, right?” I asked, feigning innocence.

“True. But I’m not Sherry, so a kiss on the cheek would do.” She gave me a glance and a little smile.

For a second, I actually thought of disobeying her and actually went for her lips. That would surely fluster her! But then, when she mentioned Sherry, I immediately remembered how she made me promise not to kiss any other girls until she returned.

...Yeah, I don’t think Sherry would be happy if I do it.

And so, I went with what she wanted and kissed her on the cheek.

“Hehe, good!” She straightened herself with a smile. “Now, our lesson is officially over.”

As I looked at her under the setting sun, with her light brown hair swaying in the wind, I suddenly realized something.

My big sister… she had grown into a fine young lady indeed.

This chapter went longer than I originally anticipated. I don’t want to cut their date in the middle after all.

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