Reincarnated as the Monster of all Monsters

Announcement and poll.


Greetings Greetings little friends or whatever you may call yourselves.

I've come to make an announcement: Shadow the Hedgehog's a bitch-ass motherfucker, he pissed on my fucking wife. That's right, he took his hedgehog-fuckin' quilly dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife, and he said his dick was "THIS BIG," and I said "that's disgusting," so I'm making a callout post on my Shadow the Hedgehog, you've got a small dick. It's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like.

*Huge Explosion sound effect*

That's right, baby. All points, no quills, no pillows — look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my wife, so guess what, I'm gonna fuck the Earth. That's right, this is what you get: MY SUPER LASER PISS!! 

Except I'm not gonna piss on the Earth, I'm gonna go higher; I'M PISSING ON THE MOOOOOOON! 

How do you like that, Obama?! I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT!

You have twenty-three hours before the piss D R O P L E T S hit the fucking Earth, now get outta my fucking sight, before I piss on you too!


Now that I got your attention, I want to take this moment to thank all of you for hopefully participating in this upcoming poll and even if you don’t plan on participating, I‘d like to thank you for having so much interest in the things I write that you are willing to read the announcement.

As for the announcement itself, it is nothing big or something that you should be concerned about, I simply choose to be more transparent with my next few decisions in regards to how I will continue to write on this site, and as such I will talk about 4 points.

1. Is regarding this story and it’s future.

2. Is about myself and how I approach writing these things.

3. Is about my other story which has been cold for quite a while now.

4. Is about the future once this story is finished and it will involve your input.

Of course you can just skip over anything that doesn’t interest you, I neither can or want to force you to read any of this, so for those simply wanting to partake in the poll, it will be at the very end of this 'chapter' and for those who simply don’t care, you can skip all of this in it‘s entirety, there is nothing wrong with doing so.


1. It doesn’t take a genius to see that my upload schedule is worse then most other stories on any possible site you can imagine, not necessarily because I upload to slowly, but rather the fact I can take anywhere between a single week to five weeks to upload a single chapter. I know very well that it puts off a lot of (potential) readers and I can fully understand such a notion, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, I know that it is my fault for having such an atrocious upload schedule, I can blatantly see the effects it has on my analytics page of the story, the reason for this all will be explained in the second point, but regardless of all of that I will make one thing very clear: This story will be finished! As will anything else that I create on this website.

In regards to this story in particular, it is currently nearing its end, this isn’t because of any external factors or anything, I always wanted the story to end at around the mid 50 chapters, but you need not worry, it most definitely won’t be the end of Hanna’s Story.


2. I write for my own fun, save and simple, I never intended to make writing into my profession or anything, I don’t do it for money and I don’t do it for any internet fame, I do it for me first and foremost and I don’t plan on changing that.

When I first started uploading my story here I most definitely did it with the thought of becoming 'famous' or 'successful', I did it to have an outlet for my strange mind, that believes it can creat any random thought I have into a story and nothing else, I thought that maybe there will be a few people who enjoy it and read but that was it, I didn’t think it to be possible to get on the top 8 trending page at all, let alone multiple times, because compared to all the people who have a group helping them out, the people who put hours on end into their stories with endless spreadsheets explaining the lore of all their characters and their world, who have 30 chapters on stand by to be released whenever they want to, I thought my half assed story that I wrote in my bathtub out of boredom, couldn’t stand up to them, and yet it somehow did and I am very grateful for it, but it won’t change my approach to writing these stories.

I will not go beyond a rough outline where the story is headed, because this isn’t my future I don’t plan to become a writer in any capacity, maybe that will change of course, but right now it isn’t on my radar, so I will continue to write as I always have, which of course makes the progress much much slower but I don’t really think that’s an issue, I don’t have a Patreon page where people give me money for my stories and I don’t think I ever will, but that perfectly fine for me, I don’t mind letting people read my creations for free if it means not running myself ragged trying to stick with a perfect upload schedule, because this isn’t my job, this is my hobby and I want to have fun with my hobby.


3. Yes, in case you didn’t know, I have another story up called "An explosive maniac against the Magical Girls", it is currently in hiatus, because I realised having two stories up at once is something I simply couldn’t handle properly and I didn’t want one of stories quality to suffer just to keep both of them running at the same time, so I chose to put the smaller one on ice until the other is finished, so yes once this story is finished the other one will start up once more, however I am thinking of rewriting it at least a little bit, because as small as the time was I had with the story it caused me to realise something: I hate writing first person POV stories.

So yes the other story will eventually continue once again, but the possibility of it getting a small rewrite to change it from a first to third person POV story is very high, as well as ironing out a few things that have been bothering me, but no need to worry the core of the story will not be touched.


4. Now for the part that probably will interest most of you, what happens when this story finishes? I already explained a bit in the third point, once this story is finished I intent to pick my other story I have already partially written back up and begin again, however I don’t plan to have it be a particularly long story, the reason for this will be revealed shortly, so what happens once that story finishes as well? That up for you guys to decide!

Despite having struggles with keeping a semi decent upload schedule, my messed up brain has already come up with 4 new stories I wish to tell all of you and I want you guys to pick which one will be written first. What follows now are the synopsise I have already written for each of them and at the end there will be a poll for you to vote on which is your favourite and which one you want to see next. With the poll being open until the day I finish both this and the other story.

Also, just so you know, all these story have a less then admirable protagonist, I guess that’s gonna me my brand moving forward.

And with that I hope you all have a wonderful morning, day, evening or night.

Love NoraNali


Is it fine to sell your soul for the attention?


Victoria and Charlotte Nelson were the two most notorious pranksters the city of Gertund had seen in the last 89 years.

The two studied at the University of Gertund and became quickly infamous for the crude pranks and scares to gain a quick laugh out of other people’s misery, and when the university became to small a hunting ground, the entire city soon became their domain and sparsely anyone was spared of the Nelson sisters prank spree.

Under normal circumstances, some people might just start to get worried over the sheer amount the girls seemed to prank people and might have called in the authorities at some point, and they had multiple times in the past, but nowadays the priorities of the average citizen simply didn’t extend to two troublemakers. After all, they have to constantly fear being randomly attacked by a mindless hoard of demonic entities at any given time.

This lack of attention however made the girls rather displeased and somethings, took notice.

"God, damn it you two! If I didn’t know any better, I would almost assume you made a deal with those devils! You know my brother hates these things!"

"OH come on, it’s just a bit of harmless fun, nothing else! Just a bit of fun for us, it’s not like we actually harmed any of you guys."
"And please, you think we would take a deal and join those idiots in their army of darkness? I would love to get my ass kicked by Shining Silver or Magic Magenta any day of the week, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t need to join them to archive that!“

The two sisters laughed a hardy and contagious laugh, that the boy in front of them simply couldn’t help himself and started to laugh along, sonn enough, even the angry older brother joined in with his low chuckle.

The sisters laughed.
The two brother laughed.
The three abyssal demons of the darkest pits of hell that had been stalking them for the past week, to offer them a demonic contract to sell their souls for unimaginable evil powers, laughed.
Even the sisters roommate watching through their secret security cameras smiled for longer then two seconds.

It was all in good fun after all.


Venomous Control


"The difference between medicine and poison is the dosage."-Renata Glasc 2022

They promised to protect humanity, they said they have been granted those powers so they could be shining beacons of hope and justice for the humans that couldn’t defend themselves in this world. They said they would protect any human who couldn’t do it themselves, there are villains out there that only they could defend humanity from, they said the moment those villains would show themselves they would appear at any humans side in but a single second, to save them.

I guess that makes me an animal then, because all I can see is the rubble all around me, my home taken from me by one of them as they oh so valiantly flew through my home to catch a villain who had kidnapped an actual person, after all he actually had money, unlike me.

None had come to catch me as I fell towards the ground as my home collapsed around me, I didn’t bother to scream, even if they heard me they wouldn’t have come for me, they were protectors of humanity, which I clearly wasn’t part of in their eyes, how could I be I didn’t even own two pairs of shoes after all.

I could hear cheers coming from far away, guess he caught the villain after all, I‘m quite sure none of the people in the crowd even noticed the collapsing building, it was a tier 4 house, they collapse all the time anyway, no need to look into that.

Disgusting, all of them, I hate all of them, but what can I do? I am not even a human in their eyes and they were the majority and the majority couldn’t be wrong right?
So, there I was, in a pool of my own blood, my home was laying destroyed around me, while the man, who was the cause behind all of this, was currently being showered by praise and gifts for being such a great hero and saving the life of that man, because I don’t matter and he does.

All I could do now, was lay and wait for the inevitable, by my estimate this accident only accelerated what was going to happen soon anyway, yet I couldn’t stop my self from thinking the things I did, I let my hatred guid me as I imagined all the suffering I would cause those so called heroes if I could, years of frustration and tolerating abuse were coming free as I imagined having my revenge on them all for what they have done to me, but alas it was all just a dream in the end.

"Do you want it to be real?"


I hunger.


In the year of 2005 the world was forever changed, no one saw it coming, could have seen it coming, because there was no explanation for it all. From one day to the next everything humanity thought they knew about the world was turned upside down, as the sky suddenly darkened and ripped itself asunder, everywhere on the globe, in every country, hundreds of them appeared and only 3 minutes later, the demons came out of them, causing as much destruction as World War 2 did in less then 16 hours.

But with the arrival of the demons, other creatures began to arrive as well.

Few could see them, and even fewer could speak with them, but those who could were granted abilities previously believed to be real only in the imagination of the people and they stood up against the demons and drove them back.

That was the first "Emergence", and many more would follow.

It was the 12th day of May 2023, everything seemed normal for the 19 year old Zanni, an orphan in the slums of the Mega City of Zaldrona, today she was only attacked by bandits 3 times and only once did a police officer visit her home to 'investigate' their district, so overall she was having a good day, until of course, another Emergence appeared out of nowhere, she guessed the universe itself sensed that she was having a moderately fine day for once and decided to intervene.

On the 12th day of May 2025, Zanni opened her 9 eyes with only one thing in mind.

"I am fucking starving!"


The fishes made me kill for their (my) amusement!


Being born and disliking fish, was something not many understood or could even comprehend. For Mandy, it was very much her reality, she couldn’t look at them, smell them and much less eat them.

"Their slimy and just gross! And you know it too!!"

While unusual, it wasn’t that hard to avoid them even in a river heavy kingdom such as Narvell, as long as you stayed away from the ports you could avoid seeing them all to often, unfortunately for Mandy, she was born in Port Sarmos, The largest fishing trading-hub on the entire continent. And try as she might, she couldn’t leave Port Sarmos in the foreseeable future, much to the chagrin of her and most of the people that lived in the city, because living in the biggest city that revolves around fish and continuously and openly screaming or throwing up whenever forced to touch one, tended to make people talk, and others more nastier things.

Underneath Port Sarmos, far deeper then any human mind could possibly comprehend, a dark and sinister force awakenes, drawn upwards by feelings of hatred, disdain and malice, ready to propose a deal of blood and guts to the one that managed to awaken this ancient evil.

And it may just change Mandy‘s mind.

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