Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

Ch-35- Body-Tempering Technique

(Raina POV)


Now that I had been turned into a kitsune because of a small change to my cultivation mat that was, in actuality, a cultivation-boosting array. I would have to change all of my plans for the foreseeable future.


This started with me disguising my new changes by covering only those parts that changed with illusions and walking out of the house and over to that old fart's place.


Since I was leaving the village, there would need to be someone taking my place.


I would also be expediting my departure as I have been given a far better excuse to do so.


There was also the matter of the fur dripping blood, which I would have to talk to that little fox about.



(Vale POV)



It took a little over half a month, but I was finally finished with all the techniques from the library. All of the errors and correct things that were done in those manuals were noted down, and I could finally start making my own technique.


This would take longer than I would like, but it was a necessity if I wanted to make it perfect as it would be not only combining but going a step further than all of the techniques I had read so far.


With my technique, I had to combine all eight cores that I had found alongside the various secondary and tertiary components. At the same time, it would need to not only work with all ten primary elements and their possible combinations but also combine an in-built increase in sensitivity and attunement to all types of concepts and laws.


That was also only the beginning, however, as I needed to restructure the priority of the stages completely while also making sure that the technique increased the body's capabilities to its very limit.


Then, as if that was not enough, it also needs to increase one's sensitivity, perception, and storage limit of Qi while reinforcing the dantian, Qi pathways, and Merideans by adding a function for automatic gathering and filtration of Qi.


One of the most insane parts about that is the reinforcement of the dantian which would also be better called a core, as there were three of them located in the human body from what I could tell.


From my understanding, many people would call this the perfect technique, except it is missing one thing: Bloodline awakening and purification.


Not only did it need that, but it also needed to do that for all possible bloodlines in existence.


I am glad that one of the techniques I found focused solely on that, which also was the reason why that technique was rated as a transcendent Immortal-ranked and was one of the two techniques I read that was ranked above Immortal.


It was also responsible for giving me one of the eight core components along with the outlying heaven-ranked technique and the other above Immortal-ranked technique, a heavenly Immortal-ranked technique.


With no time like the present, I pulled out an empty book that I had in my inventory and started writing down the technique I had in mind, starting with the bone-tempering stage.


When I started writing, I felt like there was something in the back of my head telling me what the rank of the technique I was writing was.


It started by saying that it was at the ordinary level but quickly switched from there to the mortal level, and then by the time I was finished with the first stage, it said it was at the human rank. When I started writing the next stage, which was the muscle tempering stage, it said that the technique already reached the earth rank and kept increasing.


By the time I finished writing the second stage, I was already at Immortal rank. However, I did not stop writing and moved on to the third stage, the organ tempering stage. At the end of this stage, I was on the cusp of entering the Primordial level, so I kept pushing forward into the fourth stage, the skin-tempering stage.


Since there were only five stages in the Body-Tempering realm of cultivation, I knew that the feeling of almost reaching the imperial primordial rank without writing the fifth stage yet meant that I was doing something insane. Regardless, I pressed on even as I heard what I thought was the imaginary sound of thunder urging me on, as if I was doing something that would make history.


When I was a little over halfway through writing the final stage, I felt as if the ranking had hit the boundary for the Imperial Primordial rank, only blasting right through it as I kept writing until the technique was finished.


No longer paying attention to the rank, I started to flip back through the pages in an attempt to find any errors and correct them as I wrote the whole thing in pencil.


Out of the entire technique, I only found seven mistakes and corrected them as I pulled out a magic tool that would replace the carbon with ink while correcting the writing to make it look like it was written seamlessly without correction.


Setting the pencil and tool down, I reached above my head and stretched my arms and hands when I heard the door burst open.


Pausing the stretch, I looked over to the door, only to see Lou Xia flying towards me with her parents and a few maids not far behind.


Not able to react quickly enough, I was tackled off the sofa I was sitting on as it flipped over, luckily not taking the table with it.


I was about to ask what was going on when I heard a sound like that of glass breaking and a sharp crack, followed by absolute silence.


As that happened, the room went white, and it felt like my eyes were burning, just trying to look at the world, so I shut them tight in an attempt to block the light out.


Opening my eyes again, I looked around to see what had happened and found the technique manual floating there, hovering in mid-air with its cover open and the pages turning back and forth.


Soon, I heard the sound again and looked to the sky to see what looked to be lightning striking down in slow motion.


Before it can hit, however, a barrier appears and blocks the strike.


That was not all, though, as whoever set up the barrier sent a strike back at the sky in the form of an arrow made out of every color possible.


When it struck the cloud, it shuddered for a moment before dispersing and clearing as if the storm was never there.


With the show over, I struggled out of Lou Xia's hold and ran over to the still-floating manual, grabbing it.


As soon as I touched it, whatever was keeping it aloft stopped, and it went back to being a normal book.


Flipping the book back to the cover page, I find it blank as I left it, and the next page still has everything that I wrote.


Pulling out a quill with ink on it, I am about to write the name of the technique when Lou Xia starts shouting. "What the h**l did you just do!"


While she shouted that, I had finished naming my new technique manual and watched as its cover also changed color to match the world map of the earth. I then replied, "I don't know. All I was doing was writing my new body tempering technique, and all of you just barged in when I finished it."


She was instantly shocked by what I said and asked, shouting, "Wait... Did you just say that the technique you just wrote called forth a tribulation?!" 


This allowed the puzzle pieces to click together for me and explained what just happened, though I was still curious, so I then replied while asking, "I guess so, yeah. Though doesn't this always happen when something of a high enough grade is created?"


The reason why I asked this is that from the stories I read, the tribulation comes based on different conditions.


This only upset her more for some reason, as she said while still shouting at me like I was an idiot, "Yes, they do. But if it's for a technique, then it needs to be at least heaven-ranked. Why else would you think that most technique writers of that level end up dying when they finish writing them?!"


She was clearly forgetting that I had only been in this world for a few weeks, and most of that was away from the word itself, so I clarified that for her by saying, "I didn't know that. And the rank of the technique surpassed that grade when I had just started writing the fourth stage."


As I finished talking, I crossed my arms and held the manual against my chest, looking away from her. However, my words seemed to have a greater impact than I thought as I heard someone crashing head first into the ground off to my side.


Lou Xia then finally asked a smart question, saying, "Then what rank is your technique at?" 


"I don't know," I answered while shruging.


She then gave me a look that said I was an idiot again and asked, "Did it not say after you named the technique?" 


"I didn't check," I answered while pulling the book away from my chest and opening it.

I started to look for where the ranking was written when I felt a weight on my shoulder, and Lou Xia's hand entered my vision, pointing at where the ranking was placed.


She then asked right next to my ear, "What rank is Divine?" 


"One rank higher than Imperial Primordial, If I remember right," I answered while moving my head away from hers and flattening my ear that she was next to against my head.


And it was a good thing that I did as a noise that was still slightly too loud sounded next to it.



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