Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 50 Benderus Goes into Battle

Chapter 50 Benderus Goes into Battle
"Ah——" Raditz was punched in the side of the face, flew out quickly, and hit the wall hard.

A huge shock echoed in the ears, and a piece of the wall was sunken, and Raditz felt a burning pain in his back.

"Experiment No. 1 strikes! Experiment No. 1 strikes!"

Shouting in a sharp voice, No. 1 stretched out his arm, spread his five fingers, and gathered dark red energy bombs!
Has it learned to use energy bombs?Raditz was shocked.

This body is different from every other machine in the past. It is directly controlled by Bandlers' chip in its brain. In other words, it is Bandlers!With so much data collected, it's no wonder that he is so powerful that he can fight against Raditz in the state of Quintessential King Fist.

Before he had time to express his emotions, the dark red energy bombs had already flown towards him. Raditz moved as hard as he could, and the explosions behind him were all thrown away, sparks splashed everywhere, and the sound was like thunder.

The speed of the Five Times King Fist is naturally beyond the reach of energy bombs. The dark space has been bombed, but Raditz is still unscathed.

He has been observing the attack interval of Benderus. The firing time of each energy bomb is about half a second. This gap is the time for him to counterattack!For him, half a second is enough!
Sure enough, there was a momentary delay in Benderus, which was the interval for accumulating energy.Taking advantage of this moment, Raditz rushed away, red light hit his face, like the sun descending on the earth, burning everything!
He punched Bondeles in the face, like a red meteor, powerful enough to shatter the earth.


Raditz flew upside down and hit the wall, causing another pain in his back.

"how is this possible?"

"I have calculated your combat mode. In the red state boost, your speed is higher than mine, but the attack method is single. I have seen through all your moves."

"Hmph, your joke is so cold, do you know that?" Raditz teased Benderus, but he was already panicking in his heart, but no matter what, he would not stop there, "Look at the trick!"

Suddenly, Raditz superimposed his hands, and the shining shock wave blasted directly at its front.

Benderus walked forward, not paying attention to the shock wave at all. The light was like a river meeting a rock, split into two sides, and then disappeared without a trace.

The light dissipated, and Raditz saw a layer of triangular transparent shield around its body, which could completely absorb the energy of the shock wave.And because of this shock wave, Bondeles's body became more robust, as if he had become stronger...

"This type of attack has no effect on me, and my energy is eternal and will not be consumed."

"Oh, the strength is stronger than I imagined, and it has all kinds of tricky attributes." Raditz thought to himself.He then clenched his fists and took a deep breath.

I thought that there would be no energy absorption shield in the human body state, but it was still absorbed.It seems that the only way to dismantle it is like dismantling a metal dragon!

Raditz rushed again and took the initiative to attack.

"It's useless." Benderus raised his hand to attack, but suddenly stopped, the Raditz in front of it changed from one to two, two became four, and finally eight around it. around the body.

How could there be eight?
Benderus swung a punch, and what he hit was just a phantom. It froze in place, as if it was doubting life.

At this time, he kicked it in the face with a kick in front of him, kicking it back a few steps, and a big shoe print on its face was very obvious.

"As expected, you can't deal with moves you haven't seen before!" Raditz succeeded in one blow, and quickly took advantage of the victory to pursue, going around to the side and whipping his legs several times.

Bondeles was hit hard and felt the pain as he bowed his body. At this time, Raditz jumped back and smashed his elbow hard, blasting him to the ground!The ground was cracked by a heavy blow, and the cracks spread to the wall.

Its body at this moment is a skin sac made by simulating a human body, and red blood flowed out under the collision.

"I didn't expect you to bleed, it was still red."

"You too." Benderus said in a cold voice, propped up on all fours, jumped up and rolled in the air, and came behind Raditz.

"Ha!" It raised one leg, kicked back hard, and kicked Raditz backwards.

Fortunately, the reaction was quick, Raditz blocked part of the force, and only took a few steps back.When he tried to fight back again, Raditz's eyes suddenly widened, and his expression changed drastically.

Several phantoms appeared in front of him, and then revolved around him, afterimage?

Is this too fast to learn?

Raditz gritted his teeth and turned his eyes left and right, unable to sense the opponent's aura. If he wanted to grasp the body in the afterimage, he could only rely on his senses and eyes.In the field of vision, one after another figure quickly passed by, and kept approaching.

"it's here!"

After drinking violently, he punched the back.

Benderus also parried with a punch, the two collided together, the air exploded, the cracks in the ground became even bigger, and the lower edge of the iron wall showed signs of loosening.

Almost at the same time, the two raised their legs to attack again, and their legs collided.

The fists and feet swung in a gust of wind, and there were explosions and vibrations. Raditz dodged Benderus's slash with a short body, and punched an uppercut from the side, but what the fist passed through was an afterimage.In an instant, Benderus appeared behind him, and rushed down with his elbow, hitting his back hard, but also missed.Raditz had already dodged behind Bondeles, and kicked it flying, and it turned around quickly, flicking its leg was a spinning leg, and collided with Raditz.

"It's the same as me, this guy." Raditz retreated a few meters, moving his legs and feet.

His legs were already trembling slightly from the repeated collisions just now.Looking at Benderus, it still looked cold. Although there was a shoe print on its face and bleeding from the corners of its eyebrows, it didn't show any emotion.

"Your strength has weakened."

The annoying electronic sound came again, echoing throughout the space.Raditz knew very well that this was talking about him.The Five Times Realm King Fist is very powerful, but it consumes a lot of physical strength. It took a lot of time with Bondeles, and now his physical fitness has been compromised.

The combat power of the two is between equals, and if they fight five times more, if their physical strength does not dominate, they will definitely lose.

In front of him, Benderus pressed forward step by step, and a cold light pierced his finger, like a whip, or like a knife's light, and he raised his hand high and swung it! "Shua, shu, shu—" The cold light flickered, and cut marks were cut, and there was the sound of howling wind in the air, as if the void had been cut in two!

Raditz dodged in a hurry, dodging the cold light in a hurry, his long hair was cut off a little while flying, and the strands of hair fluttered in the air and fell down.

A sense of danger hangs in the air.

"Damn it, I have to use a higher multiple Kaiwang Fist. But I haven't found a way to break it. Once I use it too much..." Raditz made up his mind, gritted his teeth and roared, and raised his limit again, "This is the only way Yes, six times!"

(End of this chapter)

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