Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.407 The Arrival of Project Mothman

[Author Note: Hey everyone, just a quick update: My exams finally wrapped up yesterday, and I couldn't be more relieved. Big thanks for sticking around during the erratic upload schedule last month. We're back to daily uploads starting now!

In about a week, I'll find out if I made it into med school or if I'll have to hit the books for another year. Fingers crossed for good news, and I appreciate all the prayers and "strongly-worded letters to the universe" you all sent my way. Stay tuned!]


In the heart of Celadon City, the day had begun like any other. The sun painted a warm hue over the towering buildings and busy streets, as people from all walks of life hustled about, immersed in their daily routines. The air was filled with the chattering of humans and the cheerful cries of Pokémon alike, while the vibrant foliage of the nearby Celadon Gym offered a lush, soothing contrast to the urban jungle.

Within this bustling metropolis, Time Square was a hub of activity, teeming with shoppers, tourists, and trainers eager to explore the city's vast offerings. The air buzzed with excitement as the various storefronts clamored for attention, with their bright, neon signs and melodic jingles.

Without warning, the serenity of the day was shattered by the deafening screech of tires and the blaring horn of a truck. Pedestrians barely had time to react as the vehicle careened through Time Square, plowing into the unsuspecting crowd and sending bodies flying through the air. The horrifying sound of crunching metal and panicked screams filled the square as the truck came to an abrupt halt, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

As the dazed and injured victims struggled to comprehend the situation, a figure emerged from the wreckage. The man was bald, his entire body adorned with intricate, ritualistic tattoos. The sunlight glinted off his dark, menacing eyes as he surveyed the chaos around him. Clad in tattered, black clothing, he stood out against the colorful backdrop of Celadon City like a malevolent specter.

The man's lips began to move, and a guttural chant reverberated through the air, chilling the very souls of those who heard it. As his voice grew louder, a sinister miasma enveloped him, swirling with the spectral images of various Hunter and Ghastly of Pokémon. The crowd looked on in abject terror as the man's body contorted and expanded, taking on the fearsome form of the fiery entity made from the miasma. The air around him crackled with the eerie glow of Will-o'-wisp flames, casting flickering shadows upon the devastated square.

Panic gripped the crowd as they scattered in every direction, desperately seeking shelter from the monstrous being that had appeared before them. Project Balrog's malevolent gaze fell upon a young girl, her eyes wide with terror. She was frozen in place, unable to move as the creature's flaming tendril shot towards her.

As the girl squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the inevitable impact, she was instead met with an unexpected sensation of cold. Tentatively opening her eyes, she beheld a wall of ice that had miraculously appeared between her and the Balrog.

Misty Waterflower positioned herself defiantly between the young girl and the blazing beast, her jet-black hair swirling in the hot wind. Dressed in a sleek, dark-gray tank top and matching charcoal denim shorts, Misty's intense blue eyes zeroed in on the menacing creature. With a steely resolve, she ordered her Starmie to shield the girl.

"Run! Get out of here!" Misty shouted, her voice unwavering despite the danger that loomed before her.

The girl nodded, tears streaming down her face, and fled towards safety as fast as her legs could carry her. Meanwhile, Misty braced herself, quickly taking in every detail she could about the monster before her. The Balrog's flames seemed to be its life source, its eyes dark pits of malevolence. She had to think fast; she could feel the air growing hotter around her.

Without warning, the Balrog lunged, sending a whip-like tendril of flame surging toward her. Misty's eyes narrowed, and with a swift command, she yelled, "Starmie, Hydro Pump, now!"

Starmie's gem glowed an intense blue before unleashing a torrent of water with pinpoint accuracy at the incoming fire. As the powerful jet of water collided with the fiery tendril, a cacophony of hissing and steaming erupted, filling the square with a dense fog.


Fuchsia City was a radiant gem nestled within the Kanto region, its lively atmosphere and vivid colors a testament to its vibrancy. On this particular day, the sun bathed the city in a warm, golden light, casting a cheerful glow on the bustling streets lined with quaint shops and cafés. Trainers and Pokémon enthusiasts from near and far congregated, filling the air with a cacophony of laughter and animated conversation.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, Janine was enjoying a rare day off as she indulged in her other passion—fashion.

Janine strolled down the cobblestone streets, her short, lavender hair fluttering gently in the breeze. Her black and purple ninja-inspired outfit, adorned with a venomoth emblem, was a perfect representation of her fierce yet elegant demeanor. The soft patter of her boots on the cobblestones accompanied the city's symphony of sounds.

Drawn to a boutique with a vibrant display, Janine's eyes immediately landed on a captivating dress. The boutique was a treasure trove of whimsical garments, with racks of clothing that seemed to dance and sway under the glittering chandelier. The air was scented with a delicate floral fragrance, a mixture of roses and lilacs that added to the shop's allure.

The dress she coveted was a stunning fuchsia and purple gradient, reminiscent of her favourite Pokémon, Venomoth. Its silky fabric shimmered with every movement, and delicate, embroidered moths adorned the hemline. Janine couldn't resist; she gently lifted the dress from its hanger, holding it up against herself as she admired her reflection in an ornate, full-length mirror.

Just then, a commotion erupted outside. Shouts of alarm and confusion permeated the air, accompanied by the frantic patter of footsteps. The sounds were so discordant that they seemed to fracture the tranquil atmosphere of the boutique. However, Janine was so enchanted by the dress that she barely registered the disturbance.

As she reached for her wallet to purchase the dress, a thunderous crash shattered the serenity of the boutique. The store's front window exploded into a shower of glittering shards, and a bizarre creature burst through the opening.

Project Mothman was creature was a grotesque fusion of a human and a Venomoth. Its humanoid form was marred by the addition of Venomoth wings, antennae, and compound eyes. A sickly purple hue covered its skin, which was coated in fine, moth-like scales. The wings, tattered and jagged, twitched erratically as the creature stumbled to its feet, glass crunching beneath its clawed appendages.

Shoppers screamed and fled in terror, abandoning their purchases in their haste to escape. 

Janine's eyes widened in horror as the Project Mothman creature lunged at a shopper who was too slow to escape, its clawed appendages tearing through the air. A sickening thud resonated through the boutique as the person fell lifelessly to the ground. The room went eerily silent for a moment, save for the creature's unsettling, chittering noises.

As Janine locked eyes with the monster, her heart pounded wildly in her chest. Project Mothman took a lumbering step toward her, its compound eyes narrowing as if it recognized something in her. In that instant, a wave of tunnel vision enveloped Janine; the background noises faded, and her surroundings blurred.

Through the disorienting fear, she heard her father's voice echoing in her mind: "Janine, true strength isn't just about physical prowess. It's about showing courage in the face of danger, standing tall when others would crumble."

Shaking off her paralysis, Janine's training and instincts kicked in. Her father's words galvanized her into action, refocusing her mind with newfound determination. With a swift movement, she reached for a Poké Ball attached to her belt, gripping it tightly in her hand.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Under no circumstances should anyone ever allow a Smoochum to kiss them, for its kiss is far more dangerous than even that of a fully-grown Jynx. Jynx only steal luck – certainly an important thing, but even the cursed can manage to trudge stubbornly onwards. And Smoochum, despite their youth, steal far more.

The first kiss of a Smoochum, the so-called sweet kiss, can be placed anywhere on the skin, and will cause the victim to hallucinate a series of bizarre and fantastic visions and sounds. A small number of fools have sought out Smoochum for that very reason, but most stick to other pokemon like Ivysaur, which are far less dangerous to the victim. For inevitably the vision will center on a short but beautiful woman, who gives them a lovely and wonderful kiss on the lips. The woman is the Smoochum, so well disguised by the powerful illusions of the previous kiss that none ever stop to wonder where she came from, or where the Smoochum went. And like a Sleeping Beauty in reverse, this kiss robs them of their waking hours, and they slumber for years or even decades.

Smoochum do not kiss out of cruelty, but for warmth and energy; they must rob the victims of their waking hours in order to survive in their cold mountain homes, where sleep means being buried under an avalanche. When they finally evolve into Jynx, they will take special care to protect those they have kissed from danger – sometimes from afar, others by protecting their victims' still-sleeping bodies from the elements. After all, it is noteworthy that none who have fallen asleep in this way report having nightmares; the nightmare is what happens once they wake up.

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