Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.38 The Unofficial Gym part 2

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" Attract!"

Raticate frowned before focusing as pink energy shot from her hitting the Rhyhorn who shook his head in confusion before seeing Raticate in a whole different light as his eyes began to sparkle at her.

"Rhyhorn, snap out of it!" AJ shouted in irritation as the Rhyhorn was now drooling.

"Smart move, now Rhyhorn is in a trance," Brock said seeing what Austin did.

"But how did he know that Rhyhorn was a boy?" Misty asked in surprise.

"Simple," Austin said with a grin. "The male Rhyhorn eyes are big while the female ones are a lot smaller."

Remembering how his brother called him the fountain of useless Pokemon knowledge.' Austin thought with his grin. 'Not so useless now huh?'

"Come on Rhyhorn!" AJ cried out again. "Drill Run, Megahorn, something!"

"Finish this with Sword Strike!" Austin said as Raticate ran forward and slammed her steel tail right into Rhyhorn causing his face to crack as he went down hard.

Seeing how Rhyhorn was unconscious, AJ returned it with a frown. "Cheap trick." He said to Austin.

"It's called Strategy, there are no cheap tricks," Austin called back.

"Well, how will you deal with this?!" AJ sent out a monkey that had a pig nose with giant brown boxing gloves.

"Mape!" Primeape shouted as it slammed its fists together.

Austin frowned as this was one of the Pokemon he couldn't tell was a Male or a Female.

Plus he was at a disadvantage, so he calmly returned Raticate. "Thanks, I'll save you for a different fight." He said feeling some warmth from the ball before pulling out another Pokeball. "Butterfree take the field."

"Feh!" Butterfree cried as he landed.

Almost in response, Kitty came out of her Pokeball with a cry causing Misty to jump and move back.

"Kitty, do you want to watch Butterfree fight?" Yellow asked curiously as Kitty gave a nod.

"I'll just stay over here," Misty said not wanting to be near the Weedle as she took up position on the other side of Brock.

Austin raised a brow at that before AJ took advantage of his momentary distraction. "Power-up Punch!"

'Power-up what?!' Austin thought not sure what that was before he gave his command. "Block with Confusion!"

"Feh!" Butterfree caught the Primeape in a psychic field before AJ smirked.

"Night Slash!"

Primeape broke free of the Psychic attack with the Dark Move and caused the dark energy to slam into Butterfree, sending him flying back before he righted himself.

"Now SmackDown!"

Seeing how he was trying to ground Butterfree with the various rocks, Austin ordered a Confusion to grab a rock being thrown and smack the others away before sending the rock flying back, but Primeape smashed through it with Rock Smash.

AJ then ordered a Bulk-Up as Primeape began to increase its stats.

"Butterfree and Primeape are evenly matched," Yellow said a little worried as Kitty was watching the fight.

"Butterfree has the advantage but it could go either way with how well AJ trained his Primeape." Brock agreed as he saw Butterfree going for a Gust, but Primeape ploughed through it.

"Fire Punch!" AJ called out as Primeape gave a cry and shot forward, his fist igniting.

'Oh man, AJ is better than the Anime showed him to be.' Austin thought wondering if he shouldn't even be surprised anymore at this point.

Butterfree went to dodge, but the Primeape was too quick for him and slammed him into the ground where he struggled to get up, only for flames to ignite, showing that he was burnt.

"Butterfree, return!" Austin called out as he recalled the Bug Pokemon, basically forfeiting him.

"Bring out my next victim," AJ said with a smirk as Primeape did some mock punches.

'I'll show you a victim.' Austin thought a little angered by how this guy was treating his team.

Ever since Fearow stopped listening, Austin has worked hard to bond with the team and he has grown close to them, so hearing this guy calling them victims was beginning to piss him off.

"Don't think you're safe in the sky," AJ said snapping his whip. "SmackDown."

"Twister!" Austin shouted as Pidgeotto managed to knock the rocks down. "Now Gust!"

Pidgeotto gave a chirp as she created another wind storm the Primeape was struggling to stay on the field before it was blown back Pidgeotto finished it with a Quick Attack.

"Mape," Primeape uttered as he was on the ground, too dizzy to continue.

"They're tied now," Yellow said as she was a little worried by how Austin was acting.

"Yeah, but Ash only has two Pokemon who haven't fought while AJ has four, so he'll be hard-pressed if he wins," Brock commented. "Not to mention how AJ is pushing Ash's buttons in this fight."

Austin realising that AJ had gotten under his skin, took a deep breath.

'Back home I hated it whenever someone messed with my friends and hearing this guy call our team chumps and calling us weak, it just got to me.' Austin thought

' But here on the battlefield, anger will only cause me to lose .' 

Austin looked back to the field as AJ sent out his third Pokemon.

It was Sandshrew.

"Careful Pidgeotto," Austin said on the cautious side now. "Just because ground types don't affect flying doesn't mean he might not have anything that can hurt you."

Pidgeotto gave a nod as AJ smirked and cracked his whip. Sandshrew moved without AJ saying anything.

'Right, he controls Sandshrew with a crack of his whip.' Austin thought as Sandshrew shot into the air in a ball.

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