Pirates: Start the vampire fruit, rescue the empress

Chapter 042

The next day, nine o’clock in the morning.

Chambordi Islands, Island 33, Soap Bubble Amusement Park.

After the six people bought tickets at the ticket office and walked into the park, everywhere they saw were amusement park facilities full of bubble elements, bubble roller coasters, bubble Ferris wheels, bubble lifts, bubble bicycles…

The variety of things to do is simply dazzling for them.

The amusement park is full of people, laughter and some shops selling snacks and toys have attracted many children.

“Come on! Let’s have a good time today!

Jia Ji smiled and beckoned to the people behind him, and under his strong recommendation, everyone was pulled to play with him to play the bubble lift.

When everyone sat down in the seat of the elevator and fastened their seat belts, the elevator began to rise slowly.

With two cigars in his mouth, Smogg

muttered with some disapproval, “What’s so fun about this kind of project?” Slowly…”

And yet…

When the elevator reached the apex, a height of one hundred and fifty meters, it began to accelerate down sharply!




The people sitting on the elevator chairs immediately screamed loudly under the strong sense of drop from extreme silence to extreme movement.

When it was about to reach the ground, the elevator began to buffer and slow down, and slowly stopped.

At this moment, the pink-haired girl Tina, she turned her head to look at the empty seat beside her, and she suddenly looked surprised:

“Huh!? Tina felt so strange, where did Smog go?

Maynard rubbed his chin lightly and muttered,

“Could it be that it flew out without tying up?”

As if thinking of something, everyone looked up in unison and found that Smog had actually used elementalization, turning himself into a cloud of white smoke.

He was in mid-air, slowly falling down, still with a shocked expression on his face.


Gion couldn’t help it at first, covered his lips lightly, and chuckled, causing everyone to burst into laughter at once.

Soon, Smogg had a stinking face, floated down, and stood on the ground again.

However, the crowd did not laugh at him all the time, but quickly moved on to the next project.

After playing for a while, Sephiroth rented a large bubble bicycle, and he sat lazily on the bubble cushion, holding a five-layer ice cream in his right hand, eating it without a bite, looking absent-minded.

After another moment, Gion also came over with an ice cream in his hand and sat down next to him.

“Little brother Sephiroth, why don’t you go play together! What is a person thinking here? Hearing

this, the silver-haired boy turned his head to look at the long-legged royal sister beside him, and he said lightly:

“I didn’t think about anything, I just wasn’t interested!”

“Oops! The little brother is still so young, he is not interested in this kind of thing, which is really regrettable! While

speaking, Gion was as charming as silk, sticking out his rosy little tongue from his mouth, gently licking on the ice cream in his hand, licking it from time to time, or gently circling the ice cream ball with his tongue, the action was full of provocative meaning.

Seeing this situation, the corners of Sephiroth’s eyes couldn’t help twitching, he bent down slightly, and secretly muttered in his heart: It’s

so dirty!

Think about it, a woman who is proficient in all kinds of peach-colored geisha skills, and still expects her to be pure like a small white flower, that is basically a fool’s dream….

Thinking of this, Sephiroth couldn’t help it, and subconsciously said:

“You are poisonous!”

Seeing the other party so unbearable, Gion’s heart was suddenly happy, and she covered her mouth and chuckled:

“Giggle…..!” If you like big sister me, if you are willing to confess to me 100 times, I may reluctantly agree! ”


Sephiroth didn’t want to take care of this dirty girl anymore, he jumped off the bubble bicycle floating in mid-air, and walked towards the haunted house not far away, ready to calm down and drive away the messy thoughts in his mind.

The six of them played from morning to afternoon, and then prepared to return to Marin Fandor by boat, while Sephiroth said goodbye to everyone and left alone, citing other matters.


Chambordi Islands, Island 52, inside a shipyard.

A sturdy man two meters tall, with long gray hair and a hideous scar on his left face, walked into the shipyard with more than twenty pirates, many of them carrying bags and wooden boxes in their hands, as if they were ready to go.

The scar-faced man first glanced at the three-masted sailing ship moored in the inner bay of the shipyard, before turning to the six shipbuilders in the factory building and saying,

“Hey! It’s been two days, our ships, have you finished coating? Hearing

this, among the six shipbuilders, a strong man with short brown hair and a beard, he nodded lightly and said:

“Now that the coating has been completely completed, you can directly drive the ship to Fishman Island.”

“This way! The

scar-faced man grinned, and he pulled out the python revolver pinned to his waist and pointed it at the brown-haired man.

“Please cooperate with you… Lord Bello the gray wolf, now you want to rob!

Give me all your money!”

As the words of the scar-faced man fell, the more than twenty pirates behind him raised their guns and swords one after another, looking at the six people with a sly smile.

And yet….

What no one noticed was that inside the roof of the shipyard, there was a black bat hanging upside down on the eaves, quietly watching everything below.

This bat is a product of Sephiros’ vampire fruit abilities.

Long before going on a trip with Gion and the others, he split into many such bats, patrolling back and forth on islands 50 to 59, where shipyards and coatings gather, looking for traces of pirates…

After his development of the fruit, the bats that were split by his ability not only have the ultrasonic ability of normal bats, but are also visually very close to humans and can be shared with him visually and audibly.

The fruit ability will continue to grow stronger as the user develops and uses it.

Recently, he has evolved the laryngeal ultrasound organ that can only be possessed when he turned into a bat, and it has evolved in the state of a vampire.

Sephiroth’s idea of developing the devil fruit now, in fact, like other animal fruit abilities, is trying to integrate and complement the advantages of the three forms of beast type, human animal type, and human form, and learn from each other’s strengths.

Therefore, some animal fruit development to a very high degree of ability, they will even show the organ characteristics of the beast when in human form, that is, in order to use the characteristics of the beast to make up for the shortcomings of the human form, and the local changes of the body, those who can achieve this level of animal ability, basically touch the realm of the awakening of the devil fruit….

Under the threat of the pirates, the shipbuilders could only obediently raise their hands, and the brown-haired man said with an ugly face:

“This Mr. Pirate… We just finished your work, and you’re just turning your face like this and not recognizing people, right?

“Bah! Coating the ship, you even dared to collect Lao Tzu 500,000 Bailey, you dead profiteers!

“Your ship is a medium-sized sailing ship, no matter where you go to coat this price…”

“Less nonsense, quickly hand over all the money to Lao Tzu!” Otherwise you all have to die!”

“We usually earn hard money, and there are no deposits in the shipyard …

Before the brown-haired man finished speaking, the gray wolf Bello directly pulled the trigger of the revolver, and the bullet hit the former’s thigh, instantly bursting a cloud of blood.


The brown-haired man “Poof! With a bang, he fell to the ground, his hands covering the gunshot wound on his thigh, and his body curled up.

“Lao Tzu is a sea thief with a bounty of 76 million Bailey, but he is not in the mood to listen to what you guys say….

I advise you that if you don’t want to die, hand over the money! ”


“Hahaha! That’s right! That’s right! ”


“These bad shipbuilders just deserve it!”

More than twenty pirates laughed wantonly, and their faces looked extremely hideous, like demons crawling out of hell…

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