People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 7

Page 7

“Congratulations to Mo Yu on the site we agreed on before, it belongs to you.”

Although he was very unwilling, Jiuga Teruki said it cheerfully.

After seeing it for a long time, I Zhaoji did not mean to entangle and cheat, so Mo Yu nodded.

After all, if it wasn’t for the club venue, he didn’t think that he would provoke an existence like Kuga Teruki on the first day he would come to the academy.

In other words, even if you want to provoke it, it is not now.

One is that in Yuanyue Academy, Mo Yu did not need to use the power of the Black Lin group.

One is because Mo Yu believed that he was able to develop the Black Lin group by himself.

Then facing a Togetsu Academy, you can naturally start from scratch and re-establish a force of your own in Togetsu Academy!

“Let’s treat today’s matter as a secret between us, but I don’t want this kind of thing to happen next time.”

“Of course, if senior Jiujiu insists on competing with me next time, I don’t mind doing this kind of competition again.”

After finishing speaking, Mo Yu nodded at Jiu I Zhaoji with a depressed expression, turned and left the Chinese Cuisine Research Association.


After a long time, I clenched my fist according to the discipline, but I had no reason to refute Mo Yu’s words just now.

However, Mo Yu’s words just now barely managed to regain my long-term goodwill.

After all, if this matter were to be publicized, it would be better than “a first-year student is so crazy when he just entered school.”

For a long time, I believe that what will interest everyone more will be the topic of “the eighth seat actually lost to a freshman on the first day of school”.

Might as well kill yourself!

“Did you hear, no one is allowed to leak what happened today.”

For a long time, I stared viciously at the people in the venue.

“Yes, yes, we will be tight-lipped, president, please rest assured.”

Everyone felt the killing intent in Jiu Jiu’s eyes, and nodded hurriedly.

Don’t laugh, their president also wants face!

However, it was just a week after Mo Yu’s Dark Cuisine Research Association was established.

An unexpected guest came.

Mo Yu, who was sitting behind the table, glanced at the girl who looked like Sadako in front of him, and was not at all frightened by the ghostly appearance of the other party.

“What’s the matter with you?”

“Are you Mo Yujun? I want to join the Dark Cuisine Research Association!”.

【8】The first member!Ghostly woman! (3 more, please collect!)

“You are Mo Yujun, aren’t you, I want to join the Dark Cuisine Research Association!”

Looking at the urgent girl in front of him, Mo Yu’s expression did not fluctuate.

The girl in front of her was exuding a strange and sinister aura all over her body.

It looks like a famous creature that would crawl out of the TV in the early movies.

She was wearing the uniform of a first-year high school student, and she looked about the same age as Mo Yu himself, both fifteen or sixteen years old.

Long black hair, tied with a hair rope at the middle and rear behind him.

The large bangs fell down, blocking most of her pale snow-white face.

Only a scarlet pupil, and a small half of the face are exposed.

Makes her look more ghostly.

Even in the daytime, if other people see such a creature appear in front of them.

I am afraid that there will be a chill from head to toe immediately.

There is only a person like Mo Yu, whose mind is far superior to his peers, and his willpower is extremely strong.

It was possible to be unmoved when I saw her for the first time.

“What’s your name?”

Mo Yu asked.

“Sadazuka Nao!”

The girl couldn’t wait to speak.

“Why did you join the Dark Cuisine Research Society?”

Mo Yu looked up and down at Nao Sadazuka.

“Because I want to become stronger! I want to defeat that guy, Hisako Shinto, so the person who can stand upright next to Erina-sama is me!”

Nao Sadazuka clenched his thin fists and spoke in an extremely firm and excited tone.

Her thoughts seemed to drift back to a few months ago.

That one year ago, in the name of Shiji, Hisako Shinto, who had defeated herself once.

He arrogantly issued a request to himself, “From now on, you must not approach within fifty meters of Erina-sama.”

And since that day, Nao Sadazuka could only appear everywhere with a telescope, peeping at her beloved Erina-sama in such a humble way.

However, in Nao Sadazuka’s point of view, the inferior means of Shinto Hisako can’t stop his love for Erina-sama at all!


Mo Yu sat in the chair and muttered the name.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Even Nao Sadazuka, who claimed to be obsessed with Erina-sama all his life, suddenly saw Mo Yu’s playful smile, and felt that his heartbeat suddenly accelerated a lot.

Erina Nakiri, the most promising cook in Totsuki Academy.

Born with the ability called “God’s Tongue”, he can perfectly distinguish various ingredients by tasting it with the tip of the tongue.

Therefore, from a very young age, Nakiri Erina has been invited by cooks all over the world.

Taste newly developed dishes and dishes for them.

Once it can get good reviews from Nakiri Erina, it means that this restaurant will prosper.

But on the other hand, if unfortunately you get a bad review from Erina Nakiri.

Most of this restaurant’s future is going to be ruined!

The tongue of God, which definitely belongs to the supernatural power, coupled with the outstanding talent, and the frost-like beauty and temperament.

Nakiri Erina has been a star-like figure since the junior high school in Totsuki Academy.

There are also the existence of fanatical fans like Shinto Hisako and Sadazuka Nao.

From Nao Sadazuka’s self-report just now, Mo Yu has already felt how much obsession she has with Nakiri Erina.

What Nao Sadazuka did the most every day was to hide within fifty meters of Erina Nakiri and use binoculars to spy on her every move.

Not only that, Nao Sadazuka will meticulously write thirty love letters every day, and then do everything possible to hand them over to Erina Nakiri!

However, Mo Yu reckoned that Erina Nakiri didn’t even read those love letters, and they were all dealt with by her intimate secretary Hisako Nito.

“I was forced to be so far away from Nakiri Erina-sama, that Hisako Shinto still refuses to let me go.”

Nao Sadazuka said through gritted teeth.

“Two days ago, she made another request to me to eat the halberd. If I lose this time, she will definitely let me leave Erina-sama forever!”

As Nao Sadazuka spoke, tears seemed to fall from his ghostly eyes.

She looked at the expressionless Mo Yu as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

“You must have a way to do it, right? I heard that you beat my senior in the halberd a few days ago, and didn’t you say that your dark cooking research club can make people stronger quickly?”

“As long as you can help me beat Nito Hisako, I can do whatever you want me to do!”

When the club was recruited before, it faced this dark cooking research society with only one member.

There were also people who came to ask Mo Yu out of curiosity what the benefits of joining the Dark Cuisine Research Association would be.

And Mo Yu’s answer is: It can make you stronger.

However, most people thought he was just joking, so they laughed, and then went to find another cooking club that suits their hearts.

So far, out of Nao Sadazuka, no one has sincerely expressed their desire to join Mo Yu’s dark cooking research club.

After all, the name of this society is stronger than stronger.

It’s easier to think of some hard-to-eat dishes.

However, Nao Sadazuka’s first half sentence made Mo Yu glance at her.

“Who did you hear?”

He had clearly reached an agreement with Jiu I according to discipline and would not reveal the result of this informal halberd eating.

“It’s two members of the Chinese Cuisine Research Association. When they were talking on the road, I was just lying in the bushes to observe Erina-sama. I heard it!”

Afterwards, Sadatsuka Na, who received the challenge of eating halberds again from Hisako Shinto, was in a hurry and could only hold on to the last hope and came to Mo Yu, hoping that there would be a chance of life.

Hearing this, Mo Yu glanced at Nao Sadazuka again.

“Well, you cook a dish first, and let me see how well you are.”

“it is good!”

When it comes to cooking, Nao Sadazuka’s red eyes emit a strange light.

And Mo Yu’s intuition told him that the girl in front of him should have a pretty good talent in “dark cooking”.

The truth is just as Mo Yu expected.

In the end, what Nao Sadazuka presented was a dish that was pitch-black, distorted in shape, and smelled like a musty sewer.

Even Mo Yu made a comment when he saw this dish.

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