People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 237

Page 237

Mo Yu nodded. In fact, the curry seasonings and ingredients used in the two are basically the same.

“Forget it, you should try it first!” Mo Yu said lightly.

And everyone has already put the spoon into the curry.The tangy aroma made them unable to resist tasting it again.


And when they were eating another plate, the spicy feeling of the sesame peppers and chili peppers surged in their bodies. This spicy feeling made them feel that the plate in front of them was not as good as the one they just ate. plate.

The taste of the two plates is really different, and the difference is that the taste of the latter plate will be a little better.

Even Eizan Jijin was a little shocked, I don’t know what the hell is going on?Mo Yu said lightly.

“Actually, what I used in the second bowl was only dried chili peppers and spices. Of course, there were also Chinese peppers that I had fried.”

“In other words, use the fried spices.”

Tiansuohui was even a little shocked to see that this bowl of curry was already richer than the first bowl, and I don’t know how many times.

Is there such a big difference just after adding these things?

“But how did this dish come about? What’s going on? The first curry I just ate was exactly the same!”

Miyoko Hojo couldn’t help but speak out at this time.

It burst out of her mouth, and that curry dared to make her linger.

But while doing the same thing now, it smells completely different right now.It even overshadowed the curry that was just made.

“It’s amazing, how the hell is this made?” A.

[231] Psychedelic vertigo!Skills of the Empress of Spice! (Please subscribe!)

Everyone stared at Mo Yu with admiration on their faces.

“God, the spicy feeling that burst out in the mouth is completely different, and this time it has become more full.”

When Mo Yu put a curry in front of them, when everyone grew that spicy taste, they all showed shock, even they didn’t taste anything else, and this was curry. one of the features.

Mo Yu said lightly, “In fact, nothing is added here, it’s just boiled with water.”

“How is it possible, boiled with water? Why does it have such a rich taste? Shouldn’t it be extremely bland?”

However, Mo Yu shook his head, looked at a few people coldly, and said.

“At first glance, you haven’t really listened to what the teacher said? “[*]” was said in the teacher’s class.”

“In a pot of soup, the more food you make, the more flavors that come out of that food.”

“For example, when you use vinegar and put it into a pot of soup, the vinegar taste in the whole thing will be very strong.”

“So I also used this method to maximize the flavor of a pot of Qingshuijiang curry.”

“In this way, there is no soup stock or other flavors, but the whole spice flavor bursts out. The resulting curry can be very strong.”

Listening to what Mo Yu said, the people present also thought.

While this does lighten the flavor, the curry flavor becomes extremely strong.

And it seems that the dish that Mo Yu made did not make the taste so bland.

As if to be penetrated by the aroma of the curry, Tian Suohui was like being penetrated by Cupid’s heart at this moment.

“My God, I didn’t expect that Lord Mo Yu just changed the spices a little, and such a huge change has taken place. This is too incredible.”

“Okay, these three curries also give you different tastes.”

“In the next step, it’s based on what I made. You should train harder and see how you can spell the dish that makes the curry flavor the most.”

Mo Yu said lightly.And after finishing speaking, he did not forget to add, “By the way, you washed the pot and remember to eat all the curry.”

Hearing this, the faces of the people who were still full of love for curry suddenly collapsed. After they finished cooking, they had to wash the pot themselves.

After Mo Yu taught everyone what he knew, Mo Yu left.It seems that there is something in the hotel that needs to be handled by him.

The remaining members of the dark cooking club were all staring at the white paper with the word curry written on it in a daze.

He couldn’t help sighing, and Tian Suohui really lowered his head, his eyes were full of tension and a trace of worry.

“What’s the matter, Tiansuohui?” Hojo Miyoko looked at Tiansuohui with some doubts.

But Tian Suohui shook his head.said slowly.

“I was deeply stopped by the few curries that Mr. Mo Yu made.”

“I didn’t expect Mo Yu to be able to cook such delicious dishes, and I was a little bit shocked.”

Listening to Tian Suohui’s words, it was actually the same for everyone present. Although they didn’t want to admit it in their hearts, each curry made by Mo Yu had a different taste.But each one is so delicious.

With this dish made by Mo Yu, they could feel their confidence as if they had been hit.

“Hey, forget it, even though I’m a little unwilling to face the recognition of Lord Mo Yu, we have to admit that we still have a huge gap with him.”

“We also need to improve where we fall short. We still have a bright future ahead of us.”

Mito Yumei also sighed, she also knew her own shortcomings and said lightly.

“Forget it, don’t think about it. Since Mr. Mo Yu dares to hand this over to us, he naturally has his opinion.”

“Maybe he officially wants to hand this over to us so that we can show where we are lacking and correct it.”

“Otherwise, if you are blindly stuck by this kind of deficiencies, I am afraid that there are deficiencies in every dish that follows, and if this goes on, I am afraid that nothing will be accomplished.”

Hearing the words of Mito Yumei and others, Tian Suohui also seemed to have regained consciousness. As they said, although she was a little timid, apart from timidity, it was impossible for her to give up on herself..0

At this time, a book collection was also placed on the table of several people. This book was also brought out by Mo Yu. It contained the method of how to make curry and some special spices.

But I didn’t expect that there are dozens of kinds of spices.

“So we need to pick out the tenth grade and recreate it, and then mix it into a new curry flavor?” Several people pondered, and they were also recalling what Mo Yu taught them.

An idea appeared faintly in their minds.

It seems that they already know how to make it.

“But you should also remember what Mr. Mo Yu said. If you don’t choose the right ingredients and spices, the flavors of the spices will probably cancel each other out, so ah, this point still needs to be carefully examined.”

After listening to Miyoko Hojo’s words, several people started to try.It seems that this cannot be simply mixed.

At this moment, Tian Suohui’s mind has begun to dizzy, and he has been completely filled with these spices in his mind.

With so many ways to cook, how to choose is extremely difficult?The more things he thought about, Tian Suohui felt that he could no longer breathe, and even seemed to have fainted.

With a puff, there was a smoky look on Tian Suohui’s head. Seeing this, the people around 4.6 were helpless.

It seems that Tian Suohui has been thinking too much and his brain has crashed!

Afterwards, everyone started a new round of attempts at cooking.

But then, the sound of vomiting after another sounded here.

Although I knew that the first time I made it might not be delicious, in order to try a new method, I even abandoned the original curry method.

However, when several people made the curry, they always felt that the appearance of the curry was somewhat the same as the name of the club.

As for the taste, after a few people tasted it, they vomited again and again.

With a slight sigh, it seems that they still need a lot of improvement.

But even so, they have no plans to give up.

Just like that, the first round of the big competition came. .

【232】The commander-in-chief Xianemon!An uplifting cry! (Please subscribe!)

“My God, this is the biggest venue I’ve ever been to!” After seeing the appearance in the venue, Tian Suohui’s body began to tremble, and the large venue made her a little scared.

“Yeah, I really didn’t expect it. Just our Autumn Competition will use such a large space. In the next competition, wouldn’t the room used be bigger!” Hojo Miyoko also looked around. , full of surprise.

“Do we really want to make the curry dishes we need to make next?”

“Will you play in a place like this?”

Looking at such a large venue, even the auditorium was several times larger than before, Tian Suohui said with trembling.

There is also a host station of Nuoda in front of it, it seems that it needs to be hosted before the game.

“Anyway, let’s all cheer together!” Mo Yu said.

The crowd is also full of confidence.

“We will definitely surpass you this time.”

Some people still didn’t forget to compete with Mo Yu, Mo Yu didn’t care, he waved his hand.

“It seems that you have also studied carefully.”

But Mo Yu said at this time, because he could smell the fresh spice smell in the hands of everyone.

It seems that everyone has not stopped working hard.

“Of course, in order to be able to make our own delicious food, we have put a lot of effort into it.”

The crowd was also full of confidence.

At this moment, a voice appeared again. When Mo Yu looked over, he found that it was Takmi.

Mo Yu was stunned, but Takmi said again: “Your real opponent is me.”

Mo Yu doesn’t care. For Takmi, he still has a long way to go.

However, there was a person next to Takmead.This person looks thin and fair, and looks a bit like Takmi.

This person is Takmi’s younger brother!Isami.

At this time, the lights suddenly dimmed, and then only the lights flickered on the host.

The host, Kawashima Rei, also said to the crowd.

“My classmates, everyone has been waiting for a long time. Now, please watch the stage.”

Looking at the dazzling stage in front of them, everyone was also a little puzzled.I don’t know what will happen.

However, just like a normal speech, he always had to speak to the leaders first, and as expected, he only heard Rei Kawashima say it indifferently.

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