Pension Strategy

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Old Woman 37(1)

“West Turk.”

There’s nothing to hide, and they didn’t keep their mouths shut like they did before.

“Western Turks?” Gu San was stunned and asked in confusion, “Old lady, how did you know about the division of the Turks into two parts?”

This matter was not revealed, because it would cause attacks from other countries, and his eyeliner also accidentally discovered a little movement.

“If it weren’t for this, with the character of the former Khan, he would have launched an attack long ago, why should he pretend to shout, but there is no next move.”

Ning Qiu said succinctly, then turned to look at Gu San, the attitude of seniors educating juniors, “Young people, read more books and go outside to see more.”

Gu San… Well, he was speechless, to a certain extent, he really didn’t know much about the old lady.

“Gu San has been taught.” He clasped his fists.

“But you just said that this matter has something to do with me, can you tell me the details?” Gu San cares about this matter, too many things have happened these days, as long as there is some trouble, he will Subconsciously associated with his own birth.

If I’m not wrong, nine times out of ten it’s the same now. And these things will push him step by step to the way he doesn’t want to, and he has to go.

However, Gu San only heard Ning Qiu say, “The details are, old lady, I will make a deal with you.”

She did not have a negotiating tone, but a very positive tone, as if she had already determined that Gu San would agree to her so-called transaction.

“You must have thought that your background has determined that you have no other choice. And they will come here because of the interests behind your identity.” Ning Qiu stretched out his hand and slashed the necks of the two Turks, who instantly lowered their heads limply and fainted.

“And you came today, don’t you want to make a deal with me? I can promise you, but on the contrary, you have to fulfill the conditions I set.” She put her hands behind her back , Mingming’s body has shrunk, standing next to Gu San is a lot shorter, but the momentum is directly crushed.

Gu San was stunned, and then smiled bitterly, “So you’ve expected things like God, and you’ve already known the purpose of my coming here.”

No wonder he was able to come in unimpeded all the way, and even brought in here, it was all planned. Sure enough, playing with the old lady is really tiring, because they have never won.

“Before I came, I actually struggled for a long time. If I didn’t go back to recognize my ancestors, I was still the third master wandering around in the rivers and lakes. When I go back to recognize my ancestors and return to my ancestors, I just want to carry the whole country. The heavy duty prince. These two identities are very different, and they are completely subversive lives.” Gu San sighed heavily, as if to vent his inner depression for a while.

“I grew up in the market since I was a child, and I have grown up to where I am now. It will be an extremely difficult and arduous road to go back and take over the important tasks. In this comparison, being a third master It’s the best, free and unfettered.”

“But you finally chose to go back.” Ning Qiu turned to look at him, such a decision was expected.

Gu San nodded, the corners of his mouth curled into a smile, “I’ve been thinking about it for a few days and nights, even wandering the streets because I can’t sleep, and my mind is stuck in my mind, I will subconsciously go out when I go out. Seeing whether the people live and work in peace and contentment, and whether they are oppressed, many ways of governing the country flashed in my mind. From the moment I realized this move, I knew that my heart had already helped me make a choice.”

“But no doubt, if I go back, if I want to stand firm, I will die. So Gu San came here to ask the old lady for an amulet.”

Gu San said, and laughed again, “I don’t hide it from you. Before, I regarded you as a ghost, or even a fairy. Although I don’t know your specific identity now, but Guessing that with your ability, protecting Gu San’s life at a critical juncture should be an easy task.”

“I know this request is a bit unreasonable, but Gu San decides to go this way, he will do his best, and please help.” He lifted his robe and directly clasped his fists with both hands , knelt down on one knee in front of Ning Qiu, keeping his attitude very respectful.

Gu San doesn’t know how dire the royal family is at the moment, but the journey to the top of the white bones is already doomed. In this case, the most important thing is to strengthen the power that you can use.

Ning Qiu looked down at him and did not speak, and Gu San kept this action, as if waiting until Ning Qiu agreed.

It took a long time for Ning Qiu to make a point, “I am getting old, and my body and bones are becoming less and less useful, but after living for three years and five years, it will not be a problem if I see the prosperity of the foundation. ”

“Within three years, it will be as you wish!” Gu San breathed a sigh of relief, the old lady said this was equivalent to agreeing to his plea.

With the security of living, he will have no worries.

It’s not that he is greedy for life and fear of death, but he is ambitious and can only be realized by living.

“When will you leave?” Ning Qiu stepped out of the small dark room.

Gu San followed next to him, as if using Ning Qiu as his backing, and did not hide his plan, “After the settlement of the cooperation between the mayor and the Turks to hide food, I will return to Beijing with An Lord. And before returning to Beijing, I still have some things to arrange.”

Even if it is still weak, it can play a huge role if it is used well.

“Before you go, there is something you need to take with you. I will also tell you my conditions.”



Ning Qiu sold out, and Gu San didn’t ask any further questions.

Ning Qiu didn’t mean to betray her. First, she found a very interesting address on the deed. After thinking about solving this matter, she went to explore. Second, this batch of treasures can only be temporarily Putting it here, Gu San has not been able to pull it away.

Sending Gu San away, physically tired, Ning Qiu went back to the room and lay down, shaking a fan in his hand, drowsy.

The wind was blowing, and it was still very comfortable.

When Ning Qiu was about to fall asleep, she felt a force squeeze her out of her body.

The next second, she stood by the bed with a transparent body, and at the same time recovered her state, her waist was covered with ink, her white clothes were plain, her face was beautiful, and her eyes were as cold and clear as snow-capped mountains. But a touch of red at the end of the eyes on both sides added a bit of evil spirit, giving people a kind of immortal who was purifying all beings one second, and an arrogant and domineering devil the next second, both righteous and evil.

“I’m… suppressed?” Ning Qiu looked at the unconscious old lady lying on the bed and muttered softly.

“Your Highness, please wait!”

There is anxiety and respect in her voice.

“You are, the way of heaven.” Ning Qiu raised her eyebrows and withdrew her hand.

Although he is the Dao of Heaven, he is only in charge of the rules of each small world. In the face of the real Venerable, he must be treated as a guest.

“I came out of her body, you did it.” Ning Qiu glanced at the old man and knew the reason.

Feeling the coercion emanating from Ning Qiu, the old man shivered in fright, and he knelt down tremblingly, “This is my own claim, and I ask your lord to punish him.”

The only thing he can do now is this.

And the powerful cannot be easily offended, and his behavior is equivalent to giving up his own life.

As the way of heaven, facing the operation of the small world, he also has his own responsibilities, and he has to stand up.

Ning Qiu looked down at him for a few seconds, and then said lightly, “Okay, let’s do all these bells and whistles, get up.”

“Thank you, Venerable.” The old man wiped the sweat on his forehead, and then got up.

Worrying that Ning Qiu would once again exude coercion, he quickly explained, “It’s my honor to be able to come to the small world under my jurisdiction. I’m just worried that Your Holiness is not happy here. , and this old woman has very few lifespans left, so I think that the venerable can change his identity.”

“No, I’m doing fine.” Ning Qiu rejected him.

“It’s good, it’s good.” Tian Dao wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and then he said, “That, venerable, I want to discuss something with you.”

“You say it.” Ning Qiu said friendly.

I didn’t seem to have expected that the legendary venerable venerable who was afraid of hearing his voice was so good at speaking, Tiandao was also relieved, after considering the content of the words in his heart, This is the way: “That’s it, the world you live in is a small world that has just been created, and there are rules for development. If there is a force that does not conform to the established world, it will interfere with the operation, and then it will be a disaster, so if you get angry If so, can you… be merciful.”

He has heard it before, this great man made a lot of noise when he was performing the fast-traveling mission. After getting Ning Qiu to retire, he actually came to the small world under his jurisdiction The news of the retirement, it was so frightening that the heart was pounding.

“You mean, let me not do things that do not conform to the identity of the host and the background of the world.” Ning Qiu already knew what he wanted to say, and it was no surprise.

“Yes, that’s what it means.” Tian Dao smiled shyly.

When he was very nervous, Ning Qiu nodded in agreement, “Okay, I promise you.”

She is obviously a very reasonable person, how can a civilized person be rough? Alas, I don’t understand where these prejudices come from.

And how good it is to live a mediocre retirement life, it’s too tiring to do things, it’s boring.

“Thank you, Venerable.” Tiandao quickly thanked.

After he retreated, Ning Qiu returned to his body.

I didn’t know this, and didn’t wake up until night.

After dinner, in addition to Zhang Youcai, who went out to track the food, the eldest and the second went out on patrol. The children were also playing around and learning, and they were not disturbed by recent events.

And when there is nothing to do, Ning Qiu likes to lean on the reclining chair, blowing the evening wind, eating delicious food, leisurely and happy.

The three daughters-in-law looked at each other a few times, and finally the eldest daughter-in-law blushed and said embarrassedly, “Mother, I discussed it with my younger brothers and sisters, and wanted to set up a stall in a different way. ”

I made money during this time, and the few women who could only go to the ground and serve their families have inspired fighting spirit and want to make more money.

“What.” Ning Qiu opened his eyes and looked at them.

When it comes to making money, the eldest daughter-in-law is very eloquent, “We found out that the real money is the sausage, so we want to make the sausage to sell. Even now, the money is not a lot, so The amount that can be done is still very small, but we have calculated it, as long as it can sell well, it will definitely make money.”

The eldest daughter-in-law and the second daughter-in-law at the back also nodded, their eyes full of yearning.

Days like this are much better than staring at those pennies all day at home. And every point is earned by myself, and even my husband’s attitude towards them is much better, and I want to buy anything at ease.

“The idea is yours, you can do it if you think it’s okay. But the money issue is the most likely to happen, so you can make arrangements.” Ning Qiu’s original intention was to let them have something to do, It’s even more impossible to refuse now.

“Yes, we have already listed the smart, so there will be no conflicts.” The third daughter-in-law nodded hurriedly, for fear that Ning Qiu would disagree.

At this time, Zhang Congming also took out the rules he had listed and showed them to them.

In addition to the third daughter-in-law, everyone here knows some words. Of course, the third daughter-in-law is not afraid of being tricked, and her mother is watching. And she knows how much money she has earned, and she will know when the time comes when it is not right.

Ning Qiu closed her eyes again and leaned back in the chair to doze off, “Since you’ve all made up your mind, let’s do it.”

The three daughters-in-law showed joy on their faces, and the eldest daughter-in-law said again, “Mother, there is one more thing. Tomorrow is the third day of the little sister Lin’er’s washing. Do we want everyone to give gifts, or prepare Just a gift?”

“I have prepared the gift. When the time comes, you can put some copper coins in the golden pot as a gift.” When Ning Qiu found out what the old lady had saved, she I found a pair of gold bracelets, and I bought them at a high price not long ago. I thought they were gifts.

Hearing Ning Qiu say this, the three daughters-in-law got together again to discuss how much to pay.

Unwittingly, they didn’t realize that they used to spend a penny in deduction for a long time, but now they want to give as much as they want.

Next day.

Two carriages marking the He House stopped at the door of the old Zhang’s house. Everyone in the village knew that the youngest daughter of the old Zhang’s family was only a aunt, but she was very favored, and she is still alive The only child of the He family, he might be able to straighten him in the future.

In the past, some people were jealous, but now that the majesty of the old lady is in front of them, they feel that there is nothing, and they just envy a few words in private.

There was a servant girl who followed Zhang Yu, the big servant girl next to Zhang Yu, she held Ning Qiu’s hand and carefully got into the carriage, smiling, “Old lady, Madam is waiting for you in the manor, she I keep saying that I haven’t seen you for a long time, but I can’t think about it, if the young master is busy taking care of you, the young lady will definitely come to pick you up in person.”

Being able to successfully mix with the big girl, in addition to her loyalty and her ability to deal with things, the means of coaxing people are also in place.

“This child has always been homeschooling, but she can’t stop worrying about it.” Ning Qiu smiled. Today, she put on the old lady’s new clothes and combed her hair. It doesn’t look like a peasant woman when she looks up, her temperament matches that of a person, and she is a little more extravagant.

Other members of the old Zhang family have also been carefully dressed up, and they all look full of energy.

“Yes, this time, old lady, you have to stay for a few more days.” Although the maid was surprised that today’s old lady didn’t proudly praise the lady, but If she should hold it, she will not be less.

Ning Qiu smiled and didn’t answer, this little girl is smart, just listen to polite words, don’t take it seriously.

The two carriages soon arrived at the He House.

At this time, the He Mansion was already crowded, and people came to congratulate in an endless stream. Judging from the clothes and gifts, the family background was very good, and there was a cheerful atmosphere.

There is a servant standing at the door, he has been looking forward to it.

Seeing the old lady who got off the carriage, he immediately walked over with a smile, “You are the old lady, please come in quickly, the lady ordered me to guard here. Immediately invite you to come over and gather.”

“Several uncles and sister-in-laws, young masters and young ladies also came with the servants.”

He bowed his waist and made a gesture of invitation.

Under the leadership of the servant, they walked through the corridor, walked through the rockery and flowing water, and it took a while to arrive at a very delicate and beautiful courtyard, which shows that He Yong really took Zhang Yu to heart.

They are all muddy legs. This is the first time they have stepped into such a precious place.

They had to straighten their backs and try not to be ashamed.

beside the mother.

Eccentricity is too much to be disliked by others, but Zhang Yu’s own personality is good, all he can help is to help the family as much as possible, and natural craftsmanship, embroidery skills are among the best, double-sided embroidery is even more It is easy to capture, and he can earn a lot of dowry for himself before he gets married.

Of course, these are the emotions of the old lady herself. Ning Qiu is not good to be cold and alienated to the old lady’s precious daughter. Besides, she likes the squeamish daughter very much. fun.

“When my mother is there, I like to be petty.” Zhang Yu smiled softly and playfully, and she was tired of being crooked with her mother for a while, and she set her eyes on the rest of the family. After saying hello, she looked left and right and said suspiciously, “Where’s the third brother, didn’t he come here?”

They also have the eldest eldest sister above them, but when she sent someone to pick them up, the eldest brother-in-law was ill and needed someone to take care of him.

Ning Qiu said, “Your third brother, he is busy now and has no time to come.”

Zhang Yu nodded to show her understanding, and the sensible person did not continue to ask.

She led people into the house, which was already filled with all kinds of exquisite snacks.

The family chatted for a while, Zhang Yu obviously wanted to whisper to Ning Qiu, so let the servants take Zhang Youfu and the others to go for a walk, go shopping on the street, now It was just the moment when the guests were greeted and greeted, and the three banquets had not yet started.

Although they are biological brothers and sisters, but now they have distanced themselves, they have been sitting and don’t know what to say. When Zhang Yu suggested to go shopping, they naturally relaxed tone.

Every brick here is money, they are uncomfortable, and at this time they start to miss the village yard.

“My darling, this big family is just different. It takes a long time to go out.”

The second daughter-in-law also whispered back, “I heard that He Mansion is the richest merchant in the town, so the mansion is naturally big.”

“When will I be able to live in a yard like this.” The third daughter-in-law walked cautiously and began to fantasize about her lifetime series.

“Come on, I’m used to living in our farmyard. If I live in a big compound, I’m really not used to it.” The boss curled his lips, expressing that he didn’t agree.

She just likes money, but doesn’t like a house that is too big. It’s empty.

In addition to Zhang Xiaobao and Zhang Xiaomiao who were too young to leave beside him, Zhang Congming also rarely let himself go and went out to play. The adults were led by the servant to stroll around the yard. visit.

Occasionally meet a few servants, know that they are Zhang Yu’s maiden family, glanced curiously, and did not look at it much.

The hostess, who dares to provoke.

Out of the house, looking at the elder brother hesitating to say anything, Zhang Xiaohong just smiled, “Brother, go do whatever you want, Xiaolan and I can go shopping by ourselves.”

“But…” Before Zhang Congming’s hesitant words were finished, he was interrupted by Zhang Xiaohong, who was becoming more and more resolute, “There is nothing wrong, I can take good care of Xiaoyu, eldest brother doesn’t have to follow us.”

Women and men like different things, and they want to see some things in their daughter’s house. It’s not good for a man to follow him.

After playing outside for a while, the two of you went to find your brother, but remember.”

He really wanted to take a look. The pavilion where the literati recited poetry and painted was not for the limelight, but for learning and learning, and they would always be integrated in the future.

“Got it.” Sister Zhang Xiaohong said in unison.

“My two younger sisters will bother you.” Zhang Cong Cong turned to look at the servant who was following them.

This scholar is just different, there must be a future!

When Zhang Congming left, Zhang Xiaolan, who had never dared to speak, was relieved and relieved.

Zhang Xiaohong said with a smile, “At home on weekdays, you are all carefree, why don’t you dare to speak loudly when eldest brother is here.”

“Because eldest brother is getting more and more serious, I am afraid that I will be punished for saying the wrong thing.” Zhang Xiaolan stuck out her tongue, and said, “But eldest sister, you are really amazing, and I will also in the future. Imagine being as good as you are!”

“It’s definitely possible.” Zhang Xiaohong led her around, and the servant was not far behind.

There was some money in the purse that she carried on her body. Grandma prepared it for each of them when they went out in the morning.

In front of a stall selling sugar paintings, Zhang Xiaolan stood still, the desire in her eyes was obvious.

The smallest candy painting cost five cents, and she had thirty cents in her purse, and Zhang Xiaohong was not stingy, so she bought it for her sister.

But when he took out the purse to pour out the money, someone suddenly ran over and bumped it. When Zhang Xiaohong stood firm, he found that the purse in his hand was gone!

When she came back to it, Zhang Xiaohong’s eyes were red, and while chasing the person who hit her, she shouted, “There is a thief, everyone, catch the thief!”


After chasing and running for a while, Zhang Xiaohong found herself running into an unfamiliar alley with no one passing by, and realized that she was lost, which made her feel scared.

When she turned around, the thief was standing behind her just now with her money bag hooked!

“Bastard, you stole my money!” Zhang Xiaohong said angrily.

The thief had a thief face, his eyes fell on Zhang Xiaohong, and he wiped his saliva and said obscenely, “Ouch, I didn’t expect to be a little girl with a sign. Lord is not only stealing from you now. money, and the person who stole you.”

Looking at the thief approaching step by step, Zhang Xiaohua’s courage wilted in an instant. She was afraid and stepped back quickly, “What do you want to do, don’t come here!”

“Master has played a lot, but it’s the first time I’ve met a young lady like you, and I don’t need money, haha, I earned it, I earned it!” The thief put the money bag Tucked into his arms, he wiped his nose, rubbed his hands and walked up.

Zhang Xiaohong naturally resisted desperately, but she was not strong enough, and was quickly caught by the thief, the hands were rubbing her face, and the air was still so foul-smelling and disgusting!

“Dare to touch me, grandma won’t let you go!” Zhang Xiaohong stared angrily, struggling to escape.

“Haha, I put up my pants and leave, who knows me, little girl, you’re still too tender.” The thief enjoyed it, and he lowered his head like a promiscuous kiss.

Zhang Xiaohong was startled, she covered herself with both hands, looked up at the tall man like a mountain in front of her, and stammered, “Uncle, thank you, thank you.”

Hu Kehan lowered his head and stared at her… Are all women in the Central Plains so short, so small and weak? And he is only 18 years old, so old?

He didn’t speak, he raised his hand and touched his beard, it seemed that he was about to shave, he thought to himself.

Zhang Xiaohong let out a long sigh of relief, she quickly wanted to leave, but when she passed the thief, she folded back and took the money bag back. Between the legs, the unconscious thief twitched subconsciously in pain.

Suddenly, Kehan’s eyelids jumped, not only small, but also quite strong.

In the Hefu Courtyard.

The mother and daughter said some affectionate words, looking at Zhang Yu, although she was happy, her eyebrows were a little worried, and she seemed a little absent-minded.

Ning Qiu knew that she had something on her mind, but it was hard to say it, so she took the initiative to ask: “Is your life unhappy? Did He Yong bully you?”

For this little daughter, the old lady is both proud and helpless.

The second is that He Yong is already married, Zhang Yu can only be a concubine, and the ugly one is a concubine, which makes the already proud old lady bear it.

But there is no child in the world who can be tougher than their parents. With Zhang Yu’s uproar and He Yong’s visit, the old lady still agreed to marry. After observing for more than half a year, it is not bad, and this is really relieved.

“Mother, Brother Yong didn’t bully me, you just have too much prejudice against him. Brother Yong is very good, and he is also very good to me.” Zhang Yu took Ning Qiu’s arm , smiled.

Knowing that her mother disliked He Yong, she tried her best to find a way to ease the relationship, but it didn’t work.

Ning Qiu was silent, and didn’t want to say anything about this sentence, she could only say that she was good at disguising.

“What worries me is that I always feel a little uneasy recently, and Brother Yong’s behavior is… weird.” Zhang Yu stood up, bowed his head and thought deeply.

She turned to look at Ning Qiu, put her hands on her chest, and frowned, “Maybe I’m too sensitive, but as a pillow, I can still find in my heart that he and It was different before.”

“What’s the difference?” Ning Qiu asked calmly.

If it really is him, then Zhang Yu, as a bedside person, knows something, it will be in danger.

“I feel that he…the whole person has become a little gloomy and terrifying, the time spent in the study is getting longer and longer, and when I went to the study once…” Zhang Yu felt a little embarrassed, not knowing what to do Don’t say it, maybe she is wrong.

But when she finally decided to say it, footsteps and a warm voice came from outside the house, “Yu’er, listen to people saying that mother and brother have arrived.”

He Yong is back.

Zhang Yu shook her head at Ning Qiu, then smiled again, turned and walked over to hug the child in He Yong’s arms, and said softly, “Mother is inside, eldest brother and the others have gone out for a walk. ”

She looked down at the child’s sweet sleeping face, forgetting what happened just now, and her eyes were all about her own child.

“Mother, give him a hug, this is your grandson.” Zhang Yu put the child in Ning Qiu’s arms, Ning Qiu was stiff for a moment, but quickly adapted coming.

So cute. She looked at it and said to herself.

He Yong stretched out his hand and brushed Zhang Yu’s hair behind his ear, and then bent towards Ning Qiu, with a polite and gentle smile, “Mother, you have been doing well recently.”

“It’s good to be able to eat, drink, and climb mountains to see the scenery.” Ning Qiu looked up at him with a cold attitude, but this sentence was implying something. It wasn’t that he understood, the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

Zhang Yu smiled a little embarrassedly, she was sandwiched between her husband and mother, and it was really uncomfortable.

“I found a century-old ginseng a few days ago, and I will send someone to bring it to my mother later.” He Yong was still gentle and polite, he looked at Zhang Yu, the affection in his eyes was not Fake, “The front yard is still busy, you are here to chat with your mother, if you have something to do, or send someone to call me. Today our son washes three, I will do it well. Light.”

He owes his wife a lot and can only make up for it in all aspects.

Zhang Yu blushed slightly, her eyes were sweet, she nodded and said, “I see, go get busy.”

He Yong sent the child back, said a few words and left.

Looking at his back, Ning Qiu pondered deeply, it really was him, and he did it well.

However, after being coaxed for a few words, Zhang Yu fell into sweetness and couldn’t find a way to go. The topic just now couldn’t be continued, but he also got the news that there must be a secret in the He Mansion.

Out of the yard, He Yong just wanted to turn around and go to the study when someone jumped out from behind the rockery and stopped in front of him, bringing a faint feminine fragrance.

Seeing who is coming, he frowned deeply and said displeasedly, “What are you doing here, this is not the place you should come.”

Today’s An Tuluo has been dressed up. Unlike Zhang Yu’s elegant lotus, she is more like a flower that blooms in the middle of the night, charming and beautiful.

“Brother Yong, we haven’t seen each other for many days, A Luo misses you very much, don’t you miss me?” An Tuluo played with the long hair on his chest, winking shyly looking at He Yong.

, Take my words as your ears, don’t you?”

Different from being gentle and elegant in front of Zhang Yu just now, at this moment he is like a poisonous snake spitting out snake letters, gloomy and terrifying.

Being treated like this a lot, An Tuluo didn’t care, she still smiled brightly, twisted her body and leaned on He Yong, stretched out her hands to hook his neck, charming Eyes like silk, red lips opened and closed, “Brother Yong, I know that you also have me in your heart. As long as you nod and agree, even if you don’t want to be named, I can let you do whatever you want.”

The words she said later were almost close to He Yong’s lips, and the implied meaning was already obvious.

“Do whatever you want? To you? I just feel disgusted.” He Yong sneered, he grabbed An Tuluo’s hand and threw the person away, lowered his head and looked down at her with a pale face. Revealing killing intent, “This is the last chance for you. If you dare to have the next time, I will let you die without a burial.”

After saying that, he didn’t look at it anymore, raised his legs and left.

It’s just a **** that can be used, it’s really **** good to want something that shouldn’t be obtained.

An Tu looked at He Yong’s back in dismay, her fists clenched tightly, tears in her eyes, she was unwilling to shout, “Is it because of her! Just because of an ordinary person, An unremarkable woman, you reject me again and again! Brother Yong, tell me, how can I compare to her!”

Tears fell, she cried aggrieved, like an abandoned child.

Even if the country is gone, she is still a very noble Princess Loulan. When did she bow down to a man so humbly and without dignity.

He Yong stopped when he heard this, he turned his head to look at An Tuluo, who was raining with pear flowers, but could not provoke any pity in his heart, and the indifferent voice said without emotion, “Your whole body, not even a single strand of hair is qualified to compare with Yu’er.”

This sentence is the most painful blow to a woman who desperately pursues the love in her heart.

An Tuluo has always been, she is special in He Yong’s heart and will always reject her, just because there are reasons to do so. But what to say now, in his eyes, she has no qualifications at all…

“I have done so many things for you, but what about her, can she accompany you at night, or give birth to a son for you? I can give you both, why can’t it be me, why !” An Tu burst into tears, only to feel that her heart was aching and it was hard to breathe. For the first time, she discovered that when this man looked at her, there was only indifference in his eyes, and there was no sign of her at all.

Is it so difficult to love someone?

“Because I like her, that’s all.” He Yong was tired of her entanglement, and said coldly, “Also, when you say help me, it’s just that we have cooperation. Since it is Cooperation, don’t put on a layer of hypocrisy.”

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