Pat Me Please

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Xiang Wan’s grievance was not obvious, it could even be called calm, but Yu Zhou couldn’t bear it anymore.

She woke up a minute later, Xiang Wan’s time travel was not caused by her, she was good enough to Xiang Wan, confiscated the food and accommodation expenses, and kept paying back.

Yes, Su Chang is the proud daughter of the sky, Xiang Wan is the jewel in the palm of his hand, and Yu Zhou is the star of the stars in this life, the one who holds the pearl?

Cut, who is not a little baby of mom and dad.

“But you have traveled through time now,” she put her hand on the dining table, “This is not my fault, it is your fate.”

“It’s a blessing that I took you in, and I don’t ask you to be grateful to Dade, but you can’t go too far.”

If it is useful to pretend to be pitiful, she can hold God’s thigh and cry every day.

She saw the words “reasonable” in Xiang Wan’s eyes, Xiang Wan took a deep breath and buried her head in her porridge.

People under the eaves had to bow their heads, it seemed that they had figured it out.

Yu Zhou waited for her to eat, and checked Weibo habitually. The two Weibos that Su sang were not deleted, and they were still the first two on her homepage. She remembered the forum that F told her, and decided to check out some Nothing happened.

Yes, but it’s not about Su Chang’s late night Weibo, it’s about herself.

The title of the post is: “Sacred Shrine”, is this almost inseparable? Su Chang x Peng Wangzhi.

After clicking in, it turned out that Peng Houzhi followed her on Weibo.

Huh? When did it happen, why didn’t you report it this time?

She opened her fan list, scrolled through more than 20 new fans, and only saw Peng Houzhi. It seems that she has been following him for a while, last night?

Then open your private message to confirm, no one really tipped off…

What’s the matter, is it not surprising that celebrities pay attention to her this time? She won’t, she’s going to be popular…

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha, Yu Zhou laughed himself out.

She added Peng Houzhi’s attention, and then continued to read the post. Netizens were very good at analyzing, saying that Su Chang’s attention might be a personal relationship, but Peng Yanzhi also followed, so it must be cooperation.

As for the recent news of the copyright sale, in Yu Zhou’s article, only “Sacred Altar” was sold. Although it was 700 before, the others are even more vague.

Oh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Yu Zhou is a little shy.

The next focus is not on Zhou. Netizens began to speculate that it was the cooperation between Su Chang and Peng Yuzhi. Whoever attacked would suffer. Yu Zhou thought of Peng Wangzhi’s CP fans who said that she and Su Chang were CP fans. She always felt that there was an aunt behind these IDs Laughing knuckleheads are fishing in troubled waters.

Absolutely, because they only care about attacking and receiving, and no one cares what the character is like.

Or the discussion is coming to an end, and someone remembered: “What is the character design of this article? Anyone know what to say?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t seen it.”

Then can’t you go and have a look, it’s very beautiful, Yu Zhou pursed his lips.

After refreshing again, someone acted as her Internet mouthpiece: “Su Chang and Peng Yuzhi are willing to join, this novel should be quite good.”

But just this one sentence, and then I was discussing what the story structure of many small IPs is quite good. The crew should not only focus on big IPs. Big IPs will always be bought one day. The important thing is IP development and so on.

The conversation was quite deep, so deep that Yu Zhou couldn’t understand it.

But now that she has received the expectations of netizens, she has a little motivation, so she immediately registers Xiang Wan on weibo.

There was no connection between the two, she just wanted to do it.

“Wanwan, should your weibo be called ‘Xiang Wan’ or ‘Xiang Wanwan’?” she asked.

“What’s the difference?”

“It depends on who you want to enter the CV circle. If it’s a high-cold professional, it’s called Xiang Wan. If Xiang Wan is registered, it’s called ‘Xiang Wan_’ or ‘_Xiang Wan’. If it’s The kind that is cute and close to the people is called Xiang Wanwan, as soon as I hear it, I want to rua you.”

Xiang Wan looked at her with crazy eyes.

“It’s a lot of knowledge, the profile picture must match, look at that…” She wanted to say that Su Chang and the pure blue profile picture would go well together, but she didn’t say it out after thinking about it.

“Then your Internet image should also be the same. You can’t call it ‘Xiang Wanwan’ and only post it once in ten days and a half months. If you disappear for too long, people won’t miss you. You can’t call the cold ‘Xiang Wan’ Wan’, whimpering there every day. Do you understand?”

“It’s called Xiang Wan.” Xiang Wan said.

“Hey, you still have high-cold ambitions.” Yu Zhou smiled and entered his nickname, “Then if you play tricks on me again, I’ll record it for you, and if it explodes, you’ll be ruined.”

She had a lot of fun conspiring.

But Xiang Wan said, “It’s collapsed, what do you mean?”

“‘Seeing him building a tall building, seeing him entertaining guests, seeing him—the building collapsed,’” Yu Zhou sang a section of “Peach Blossom Fan” shaking his head, “It means that what others imagine is different from your real one. I don’t like you anymore.”

Xiang Wan thought for a moment, then shook his head: “Don’t imagine, I treat myself sincerely. If others know the real me, they will like me more.”

“Oh, self-confidence is a good thing.” Yu Zhou said without moving his face.

“I’ll register for you on Douyin again. Our entire platform is blooming. On Douyin, you can do some popular dubbing from time to time. Some CVs will post some of their own dubbing works on the platform, and then make room for it. The passages of the opponent’s play are for people to cooperate with, so you should play this kind of game more, find the gap, and you can still…” It’s still possible, just in case, just rub it.

She was embarrassed to say, scratched her nose, and then continued: “On Weibo, let’s post less first.”

Yu Zhou pondered seriously, and his eyes fell on Xiang Wan’s face.

How beautiful, it’s a pity not to “use” the beauty.

So she said: “I’ll give you the whole process of turning out of the sky, you stand by the balcony, I’ll take a picture for you, and then send it up first, to say hello.”

Xiang Wan had never taken a photo before, so she was a bit cramped, but according to Yu Zhou’s arrangement, she changed into a simple white T-shirt, tied her hair into a ponytail, and washed her face seriously. Lip gloss, her skin is good enough, she just needs to improve her complexion for the photo.

Xiang Wan, who had put on a little makeup, was standing by the French window, and the sunny summer day could be vaguely seen outside. She stared at Yu Zhou seriously, her eyes were clean and helpless.

“Don’t look at me, look here.” Yu Zhou felt a little uncomfortable, and pointed to the dark camera.

Xiang Wan then focused his eyes on that little black dot again, but from the screen, it looked more like the person staring at the mirror.

Looking at her on the screen, Yu Zhou suddenly felt very strange. People who were thousands of years away were put into the camera by her, and together with the light and shadow of the new students in midsummer, they were so vivid that it made people sad.

She suddenly began to wonder, if she and Xiang Wan hadn’t met, would she be in some tomb now? Maybe it was discovered by archaeologists, and there were her tattered clothes in a certain museum, or maybe it had been buried forever. She took the high-speed rail At that time, galloping on top of her corpse, watching the beautiful scenery of the world through the window.

Alas, writers, they have strong associations and rich emotions.

She was lost and didn’t want to take any more photos. After taking a few photos, she put her phone back and bowed her head to select a photo.

The smiles in the next few pictures were a bit stiff, they looked perfect, but they were not vivid. She picked and chose, and it was the first one. She raised her hand slightly, looked at the camera with a smile, and the one with a little bit of astonishment in her eyes was the best.

Even the virtual focus of raising the hand to block the lens is very artistic.

Well, that’s it.

She didn’t even add a filter, so she posted it on Weibo. After much deliberation, she couldn’t think of a good copy, so she simply didn’t have a copy.

Xiang Wan’s first Weibo post was a picture of her, sending out a small voice to the world, announcing the traces of her existence.

Yu Zhou logged on to his own account, followed her, and immediately retweeted: “Puuuan is here! Win milk.jpg”

Some fans commented and asked who Xiang Wan was, and praised her for being beautiful, which was exaggerated. What—is such a beautiful sister worthy of me?

Yu Zhou laughed out loud, and replied: “A friend is more interested in dubbing. She is still studying. She doesn’t know how to play Weibo yet. Please support me~”

Replied one by one in the comment area, chatted for a while, and clicked to find Xiang Wan’s Weibo comments. There were dozens of them, almost a hundred.

Hey, is this the power of her, a million-fan blogger, to bring new hype, or is it the self-improvement of the beauty?

No, she followed the prompts in the comment area and took a closer look.

It was Peng Houzhi who liked it.

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