Pat Me Please

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

After eating watermelon, the two sat at the dining table and chatted.

Yu Zhou told Xiang Wan what he had seen today, and when he was done, he took out his mobile phone and said, “I’ll apply for a WeChat account for you. I asked about it when I was listening to the studio today. She is from a game company and often talks to some voice actors. Dealing with each other, she said, if you do this, you can start by running a small order.”

“Run Xiaodan, what do you mean?”

“In a while, look, you have logged in to WeChat, I will add myself.” Yu Zhou said while operating.

“Okay. Then I will pull you into this group. Look, this interface is a WeChat group chat.”

A whole large group with 500 people, the name of the group chat is: [Apple] dubbing 2 groups ≥ 10 yuan/minute.

It’s no surprise that no one greets you when you add a newcomer.

Just after coming in for a while, someone posted a dubbing message in the group.

“Male voice, 20r, amateur feeling.”

a file below.

“English, female voice, 7 sentences, price 80.”

An excel document is attached.

Xiang Wan didn’t quite understand, so Yu Zhou explained: “There are various companies here, and they will send out some small orders that need to be dubbed, usually just a few words, or just make a sound, and the professional requirements are not too high. You can practice in it. If you see an order issued, I will call you, and you should quickly record it according to the requirements, then privately chat with the person who issued the order, and send the file over.”

“If you think the operation is too troublesome, I will send it for you.”

“For such a small order, you don’t need to sign a contract or anything. You can do it even if you don’t have an ID card.”

Xiang Wan wrote down and nodded while looking at the wechat interface.

Then the two ran to the study room, turned on the equipment, and after making sufficient preparations, they waited for the WeChat message.

I don’t know if it was night, but he didn’t come after waiting for a long time. Xiang Wan sat, not daring to vent his breath, while Yu Zhou stood and lay down on the table, fixing the parts of the Lego ornaments that were knocked off.

She was a little sleepy, Xiang Wan suddenly touched her arm.


Yu Zhou perked up and saw a “female voice, freshman, price 30.”

Fitting right, she quickly opened the file.

It seems to be a passerby in a short film of a public welfare nature, requiring young people and clear words.

There are only three lines:

“Oh, what’s the matter?”

“Everyone is lined up well, how can you jump in line?”

“Let’s build a civilized city, the quality must keep up.”

Yu Zhou read it again, thought about Xiang Wan’s tone, and laughed.

Seeing Xiang Wan looking up at her, she silenced her voice: “Don’t smile, don’t smile, come here, let’s open this…software.”

If something big happens, I don’t know how to use software.

But it was urgent, and it was hard to wait, so she thought about it, pointed the USB condenser microphone at the handle, and turned on the computer’s built-in recorder: “I feel that I can record with this, and there is no sound quality requirement in it.”

“Find out how you feel first.” She picked up Xiang Wan’s cell phone and added the benefactor’s father.

Xiang Wan put on the earphones and cleared her throat. There was an echo from the microphone in the earphones. Although she had tried it before, she still felt it was very fresh.

She turned the pickup **** to 50% unskilledly, selected the “stereo radio” with two intertwined circles as the mode, and stopped two fists away from the pop shield, and she signaled Yu Zhou to start with her eyes.

Yu Zhou reminded her: “There are three seconds between sentences, so it’s convenient to cut the sound.”

This is what she saw on the Internet, and she remembered Xiang Wan’s feeling that she probably didn’t know three seconds, and added: “Before you start every sentence, silently count to three.”

Then press the record button with the mouse.

Xiang Wan paused for three seconds, and opened his lips, as if pulling off a long-planned curtain.

She speaks earnestly, and it sounds a hundred times better than usual. It is different from Su’s singing. Su’s singing is expensive, and she is reserved.

Su Chang is Romanée-Conti served in a crystal cup, and Xiang Wan is… snow water in a white porcelain cup.

It was the day of the first snow, from the branches in the early morning, the first handful of snow water swept down with a wolf’s brush.

Just three sentences, it was a bit funny, but when Yu Zhou looked at Xiang Wan’s serious eyes, he suddenly wanted to cry.

She summed it up. The first reason is that her nonsense and unconstrained ideas were actually willing to be treated sincerely. She never asked her a question or questioned her once, even if she didn’t understand it at all.

The second reason is that she watched the recording process of the top professionals in the dubbing circle in that magnificent mansion during the day, and then came back, and together with Xiang Wan, stayed in the wechat group chat, clumsily accepting such zero orders.

People are afraid of comparison.

Alright, Xiang Wan’s voice stopped, Yu Zhou turned off the recorder, saved it in the format of Su Sing’s audition file, and then sent it to Xiang Wan through WeChat on the computer.

Then use Xiang Wan’s account to send it directly to Party A’s father, and attach a sentence: “Teacher, my voice file, please check it~smile.jpg”

After waiting for five full minutes, the other person replied: “Sorry, I found a suitable one just now, I’ll go to the group to say it now, sorry.”

“Okay, okay, it’s okay, the teacher will come to me next time if you need it~”

The other party did not reply.

Yu Zhou put down his phone, let out a breath, and looked at Xiang Wan: “It’s a little slow, I’m not proficient, we will definitely do it next time.”

Looking at her, Xiang Wan smiled slowly.

Then he blinked and asked her, “Does it sound good?”

It was her voice that she asked.

“Huh? It sounds good, it sounds good.” Yu Zhou said.

For some reason, she always wanted to cry tonight.

God, I won’t be coming to my aunt.

“When I earn taels of silver, you share with me the ex-boyfriend’s mask, okay?” Xiang Wan looked at her with a sideways face, as if he could see that she was not in the right mood, so he asked one more question.

Yu Zhou held back his tears: “Let’s talk about it after you make money, and besides, you don’t have an ex-boyfriend.” Why are you so obsessed with this.

“Get ready.” Xiang Wan said with a smile.

Yu Zhou was packing up the equipment, and his bones trembled when he heard this sentence, what a surprise.

She was a little speechless: “Take off the earphones, don’t use the tone you used when recording.”

“Okay.” Xiang Ban put down the earphones.

After finishing the hard but not hard work, the two took a bath and said good night to each other, and then went back to their respective beds to sleep.

Wanwan prefers to sleep with Xiang Wan these days, and Yu Zhou is also happy and relaxed.

The two of them got up early the next morning, and Yu Zhou led Xiang Wan downstairs. Xiang Wan’s hair was casually tied into a ponytail, and she was wearing Yu Zhou’s big T-shirt, but she looked very girly, but she was not low. , about the same height as Yu Zhou, about 168 cm, but with sleek facial features, it looks different from the current urban social animals.

Yu Zhou wore earphones to listen to music. Seeing that Xiang Wan was curious, he gave her another earphone. The two walked side by side to the gate of the community. He raised his legs, as if he was stepping on a threshold that didn’t exist.

Amused by her again, Yu Zhou looked back at her, folded his arms and joked, “I knew I’d find you a skirt.”

“How to say?”

“This way you can hold the hem of the skirt, more like a young lady going out on the street.”

Xiang Wan was noncommittal, raised his eyes to look at the street, in a daze.

Although she had seen the outside at the gate of the community, and Yu Zhou patiently explained to her, without the protection of the iron fence, she was really nervous.

So he grabbed Yu Zhou’s hand.

Yu Zhou held her back: “What’s the matter? Don’t you recognize it? This is a car, which is similar to your horse.”

Xiang Wan was worried: “In the past, there was an iron fence blocking it, and I just watched it as a monkey show. Now that I’m walking over by myself, how do I know that it is so obedient and won’t bump into me?”

“Then you don’t see your horse looking for death on people all day long.”

“It’s different, people can control horses.”

“People can drive cars too.”

Xiang Wan whispered: “The car is also different from ours. Even watching it on TV, it is not so fast.” A little unhappy.

“Then what are you going to do, you lean on me, behind me, I will die first, okay?” Yu Zhou curled his lips.

“Very good.” Xiang Wan said, dodging behind her.

Depend on. It’s not polite at all to use her as a human shield.

The two walked along the outskirts of the community for a while, Xiang Wan looked curiously at the dazzling array of shops, Yu Zhou saw her expression and laughed.

Xiang Wan looked at her questioningly.

“You look like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. Hahahahahaha.” Laughed to death.

“Grandma?” Xiang Wan frowned.

“An allusion, your literary attainment is almost there.”

Yu Zhou walked gracefully with his arms linked.

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