Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 79: EP9.5: Joint council meet ~ (2)

All in all, Aneurin ended up earning more votes than he needed. His proposed bill will be enacted as a law. The bill Aneurin proposed earned the approval of more than 33% of members participating in the meeting. His bill will therefore naturally be immediately enacted as law.

Aneurin remained in the meeting. As world-changing decisions will be made at this conference. He wanted to know what bills will be approved and what type of law will be enacted all over the world.

Aneurin also had a personal Vendetta to complete before letting the meeting continue.

He looked at elder Yasir that dared to chide him. "Elder Yasir, let what happened today be a lesson. Next time think before you speak out your mind. Less you embarrass yourselves once again" Aneurin said to the old man.

"One strike for First supreme Aneurin of the Council of supremes. Two more strikes and the council of supreme will be kicked out from the conference" Announced a mechanical voice.

Aneurin's words caused many mocking gaze to once again look at Elder Yasir. The elder face turned red and he felt the cheeks of his face burning up, as if set in flames. He just wanted to hide from all the gazes turned towards him.

Elder Yasir who got embarrassed by the stares considered all of it to be Aneurin fault. He once again impulsively shouted at Aneurin "Yo..u.You...Basta"

A heavy hand slammed the desk and Elder Yasir words got stuck in his throat.

"Shut up" A superior of 'Hymn council' privately communicated to Elder Yasir.

But he was too late!

"One strike for Elder Yasir of Hyme Council. One more strike and Council Hymn will be kicked out" A mechanical voice announced.

Elder Yasir was at the end of his rope. His expression was twisted. Eyes burning with rage. Rage towards Aneurin. And Face red with Embarrassment. The embarrassment caused due to harassment.

The Elder saw the facial paralysis First supreme Aneurin smirking at him.

For a moment, he couldn't believe why he was seeing. Everyone knew that the First supreme has facial Paralysis. The elder rubbed his eyes like a clown and looked again at Aneurin. This time he saw that Aneurin was not smirking at him. 'Are my eyes tricking me', the elder thought.

The elder humiliated by others and shamed by his superior tried to better his situation.

Following Aneurin Councils bill, the ElDER ALSO ANNOUNCED A BILL inhumane bill.

"Let all Red-zone be nuked." His shitty bill only had one line.

Then the elder began explaining the reasons for his proposal and the benefits this bill will bring.

"Red-zone has the most dangerous zombies. Blasting red-zones will sacrifice some humans and resources. Nonetheless, millions of zombies will be annihilated and we will avert a huge danger. This way we also won't have to worry about the invasion of zombies from these zones. After all, all these zones will be annihilated from existence."

"I refuse. I propose that Elder Yasir should be banned from talking. As he speaks whatever comes to his mind. He doesn't even consider getting his facts straight" Aneurin shouted his decision before the elder could continue anymore with his bullshit.

Following Aneurin's statement, more than 80% of members in the conference also refused this councils bill.

The reason was simple. 'Nuking will cause harmful radiation to spread throughout the globe'.

The elder unable to control his raging anger shouted at Aneurin "You... Why are you targeting me? I didn't even mean to offend you. Yet, you have been going after me. You bastard!"

The elder considered that Aneurin caused his bill to be declined! 

Aneurin lashed back at the Elder, "Elder Yasir, do you really not have a brain? The red-zones are spread all over the globe. Bombarding all the red-zones in the world will cause harmful radiation to spread throughout the globe.  Elder Yasir, is it that you have a way to stop harmful radiation from spreading throughout the globe? If not, then next time please think before you speak out your mind!"

This conference was extremely high profile. Bickering likes dogs were not allowed in this council.

The mechanical voice made four announcements.

"Elder Yasir of council Hymn earned another strike."

"A member of council Hymn has earned a total of three strikes."

"Council hymn is kicked out of the conference" 

"One strike for First supreme Aneurin of the Council of supremes. One more strike and the council of supreme will be kicked out from the conference"

Elder Yasir and his council got kicked out of the conference.

This was Aneurin plan. A plan to complete his vendetta. The vendetta began the moment Elder Yasir dared to chide him. The Elder has foolishly offended the facial paralysis 'First supreme'. Elder Yasir was worthy of this humiliation. Furthermore, Aneurin has also shown him mercy. After all, Aneurin considered the elder age. Aneurin suspected that the old man is losing his sanity with age, rather than gaining wisdom.

This little drama didn't affect the conference at all. The meeting continued. Councils bill were proposed. Many bills got approved and enacted as law.

In the end, the most important bill approved in the conference and enacted as law is,

A: Aneurin Bill

B: Defense forces and Quarantine centers will be set up at every green-zone. Anyone migrating to these green-zones will have to go through a zombie-infection inspection screening

To enter a green-zone, everyone will have to stay to get checked-up by medical experts and ZVDD(zombie-virus detection device) in Quarantine center. Furthermore, a stay in the quarantine center bunkers for at least three days is a must requirement.

Anyone person who broke these rules will be blacklisted. A blacklisted person will be denied all rights that a human should have!

C: Anyone infected with zombie virus won't be allowed entry in the residential area of green-zones. They will be kept in quarantine. They will be killed if In case they become zombies.

If in case an infected human becomes a supernatural. Then said person will be allowed entry in the residential area of green-zones. Said person will also be given special privileges.

D: The United World Government must provide a response within a week to any gray-zone that sends a plea for help.

If they agree to provide help. Then military help must be deployed and military Aid must reach there in a minimum of 13 days.

If they can't provide help. Then They must forward these gray-zones(city, country, town, villages, etc) to other organizations that withhold military powers.

The conference concluded swiftly and came to an end.

Aneurin and all the members of the United World Government disconnected from the channel on which the conference was being held.

All the important work Aneurin had to do today has been completed. The golden-haired man suffering from facial paralysis cuddled with his throne because his head and stomach had began to wildly ache. The feeling of Nausea overwhelmed Aneurin body, yet he didn't puke. All because Aneurin didn't want to dirty this holy place. His Mech Overseer Cockpit. Furthermore, this pain was nothing serious to Aneurin. He had been suffering from Migraines for years now. It is caused by overusing the ability he was birthed with 'Eidetic Memory'.

Aneurin ate some pain-killers and an energy-boosting drug to fight off the aftereffects of overusing his natural ability.

His health started to recover. In mere minutes, Aneurin physical situation became normal.

Aneurin didn't take a rest because he couldn't fall asleep right now.

Aneurin had certain responsibilities. Responsibilities that dropped on his shoulder for being the head of the supreme councils.

1: Aneurin needed to provide a stable environment for his subordinates. His subordinates are every single member of the organization 'United World Government'.

2: He also needed to protect zombie infected zones from political attacks that will be caused by his own subordinates.

Hence, Aneurin began working.

Aneurin had to do one last work, 'Assigning each council of United World Government to a certain region'. 

He came to such a decision because of the Fourth most important newly created law. A law that required swift actions from the United World Government. For many humans, Swift actions can only be taken in a comfortable situation.

There are around 200 councils that are a part of the United World Government. The leaders of these councils are the ambassador or simply representative of all the countries on Earth. These ambassadors had created their own councils inside the United World Government. Which had grown massively over the course of fifteen years? Not only that, the members of these councils belong to the same countries as the leaders of these councils.

Aneurin had decided to assign these councils that had people belonging to the same country to deal with the matters related to their own country.

Each of the 200 councils will be assigned to a certain country. The member of every council will have to provide a response to any plea of help send to them from the assigned country.

This was Aneurin strategy to stop over-working his subordinates to death. The workload will be equally split between the members of the United World Government.

Through Aneurin strategy, decisions can be made swiftly, effectively, and more easily by his subordinates.

He also added in a reward to boost the morale of his subordinates. Not only that, but a punishment was also added. So that no one will dare to slack off.

Those councils that will do well will be promoted to the upper-echelon. Those councils that do bad will be demoted or even dissolved!

Aneurin's fingers danced over the armrest of his throne, as if he is playing a piano. In response to his actions, a Holographic screen containing the list of the various council established inside of the United World Government opened in front of Aneurin.

Aneurin began assigning each council to a certain country. He started from countries located in Asia.

He assigned China United World Government council to China. North-South Korea UWG Council To North-South Korea. Golden-wine country also called Japan council to Japan country. Pakistan council to Pakistan country. India council to India country. Philippines, Malaysian, Taiwan and all the countries in the continent of Asia.

In mere minutes, Eastern continents were assigned with their own council.

Then, Aneurin began assigning Western and European continents with their own councils.

'Only, this way there won't be any foul play. As no one would harm their country of origin or would they?' Aneurin thought while assigning councils belonging to United World Government to certain countries.

Politics was a vicious game. It never ended. In a sense, it was worse than Zombies that had appeared in the world. Aneurin had to go out of his way to ensure proper and equal treatment. But when it comes to man, anything can happen. A person can betray his country for his own benefit. Such was human nature.

Aneurin didn't know the nature of every single person that is a member of the United World Government. He didn't know if his organization had bred one or two poisonous snakes. He didn't know, if someone due to hatred or some other reasons, will drop to an extremely low and try to ruin United World Organization reputation. After all, hatred didn't need a reason to exist.

Complex thoughts filled Aneurin mind as he completed this last work of the day swiftly.

Aneurin completed the work swiftly because he wanted to watch a video clip about Feng Mei. The video clip had managed to interest Aneurin. Because, Aneurin saw the highlights of that clip.

In the highlights, a huge golden sun formed above Feng Mei. That scene had mesmerized Aneurin's soul.

Aneurin completed assigning all the councils to certain countries, within an hour. The last work for today was finally finished!

Now he could finally see the video clip of Feng Mei.

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