Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 42: Personal Servant

Inside the bathroom, Xuan Wanshan finally finishes taking her bath, drying herself with Spirit Power, she puts back on her clothes and walks outside feeling refreshed.

She walks into the living room, to find her new disciple kowtowing on the floor, facing towards her.

“What is he doing?” She is confused at his actions. Why is he kowtowing again?

“Tian Yi, What are you doing on the floor?” She notices his body tremble a bit when she called out to him, making her even more confused. She had no idea that her new disciple had actually just spied on her taking a bath.

“Master! I am sorry!” He apologizes loudly.

“Sorry? For what?” She wonders what he did this time now.

“For looking at you!” He said.

“Looking at me?” What’s wrong with looking at her?

“I wanted to look for Master because I had something to tell you, so I used my Divine Sense to look for you! I did not know you were taking a bath and I accidently saw it!”

He told the truth! So what if she did not know? With his personality, how can he hide something as shameless as spying on her bathing? He did not do it on purpose, so why try to cover up this guilt, making him feel even more guilty?

“…….” She turns speechless! He accidentally saw her bath with his Divine Sense? As a Spirit King, how come, she did not notice it?

“Don’t worry Master; it was only for a split second before taking it back!” He tells her the truth, hoping she will not be as angry.

“Well it was only an accident, and he had no malicious intentions.” She thought about forgiving him.

“Wait! If he can use his Divine Sense without me even noticing, then what about last night?!?!?” Her heart starts beating faster! She did not really care about this little incident, he did it on accident, and he even told her the truth, which made her happy. But her little play last night was a whole different story! If he saw that, she will probably kill herself from embarrassment!

Noticing that his Master was not answering, his back starts to sweat, “Is she really that angry?” He thought.

“Master! I will accept any punishment you give me! Just because I did it accidentally does not make me innocent!” He will not run away from his accidental crime because it was still a crime at the end! Instead, he will accept her punishment!

“Wait, you only saw me taking a bath and nothing else, correct?” She wants to be sure!

“Yes! And I am ashamed of that!”

“Then what about last night?” She wants to double check!

“Last night? I went straight to sleep after going back to my room.” Why is she asking about last night? Did she also took a bath last night?

“So you really didn’t see anything last night? You promise?” From his current actions, she can tell that he has a very honest and brave character. If he promises something, she is positive that he will not break it!

“I promise!” He promises that he did not see her bath last night.

“Thank God he did not see that! It looks like I have to make stealth formations every time I do something private, just in case of something like this happens again…” She feels relieved.

“Good, then I will not blame you for this little incident. You did it by accident, and you even did the right thing by telling me the truth instead of hiding it. I like this courage and honesty of yours, so make sure to keep it like this and do not disappoint me!” Instead of blaming him, she commends him for his actions!

“Thank you, Master, I will make sure this will not happen again!” A bit surprised, he thanked her.

He did not think that she will not blame him and even praised him. Looks like he did the right thing by telling her the truth.

“Un. Now that’s out of the way, what did you want to tell me?” She remembers him saying that he had something else to say. She also intends to change this embarrassing topic.

“Ah, that’s right.” He stands back up and looks at her seriously.

She starts to feel nervous from his stare. Although he looks normal now, She can’t help but overlap him with his real appearance.

“Master, you promised that you would never abandon me, correct?” He asks.

“That’s it?” She did not expect this question. Is he still afraid that she will break her promise and abandon him?

“Of course. Once I promise someone something, I will never break it! I take promises very seriously; you should keep that in mind.” Like Tian Yi, she also takes promises very seriously.

“Good, then I will also promise you something. I also take my promises very seriously, so I will not be breaking it!” He also wants her to know that he takes them very seriously.

“Good, as expected from my disciple!” She nods in approval. She likes this new disciple of hers more and more.

“Go ahead and tell me what you want to.” She waits for his promise.

“Then—….” He stops suddenly like he just realized something.


* * * * *


Tian Yi had something he wanted to say, but after this incident, he just realizes something. He has always been looking at her as his Master, forgetting that she was also a female! For most of his life, he has only been around his Mother, the only mature female in his life. But now he has another woman in his life, excluding Meng Xiang because she is still a little kid. His Master is also a matured woman, so he instinctively treats her like his mother. But after this incident, he finally realizes that he is not used to females at all! He treats Meng Xiang like a family member, Xiao Ying and Chan Jingyi were also beautiful females, but he did not think of them as actually females, but just Mortal Humans.

His views on females are extremely limited! Not even actually thinking about this until after seeing his Master’s naked body! The longer he stays with her, the more he will learn about the opposite sex, also treating her as such. And once Meng Xiang grows up, he will also have to see her as the opposite sex, and not just a family member.

Although he did not know much about the opposite sex, it did not mean he had no idea! He had this one friend back at home who would always teach him about these things…

“Ah, I wonder how he’s doing right now? He’s probably mad that I left without telling him. It would’ve been nice if he was also here with me.” He thinks back to the only one he can really call a friend. They would both sneak out and meet in the Forest of Heavenly Beasts. Because his parents did not teach him about mature things, he would ask his only friend, who was surprising knowledgeable about females and such.

With an uneasy expression on his face, he stares at his Master, making her feel uncomfortable.

He opens his mouth to talk, “Master, are you willing to—- No, this is not right.” But stops after a few words. Shaking his head, he sighs.

“What’s not right?” She asks him, feeling even more uneasy.

“Master, forget about this for now. It is still too early to ask you this, so I’ll ask you again later.” He was just about to do something really selfish, even by his standards. He really wants to stay with his Master forever. However, it is still too early for him to ask her for answers, especially after realizing the previous matter.

Yes, she might have promised him that she will stay with him forever, but she is still a Mortal, in the end, not to mention that their relationship as Master and Disciple has just started! With their unstable relationship and her current pressure, it is unnecessary to pressure her even more with something so big.

Will she actually never abandon him? Will she really be able to withstand the pressure on her, after knowing his real background? Will she still think the same way now in the future? He thinks what is good for her, not as his Master, but as a Mortal first. He admits that he has been too impatient, almost rushing into a cave with no return. He was thinking way too far ahead and almost did what might potentially break her apart, with no way to recover.

“……” She was speechless! He made it seem so important, even making her nervous, yet he said to forget it?! Now she will have one more worry in her heart!

“Fine, I’ll not force you. I will wait for the day when you feel that it’s the right time to tell me.” She did not want to force him, afraid of repeating what happened last night. If he were not willing to tell her his background, she would wait until he is. Is he feels that it is not the right time, then she will wait for that right time.

“Thank you, Master, for understanding.” He bows.

“Okay, now I have something to tell you.” She changes the topic.

“I am all ears.” He waits for her to speak.

“There are disciples out there asking to challenge you, what will you do?” She mentions about the disciples challenging him.

“Challenge me? Why?” He asks.

“I don’t know, but it’s definitely not something good.” She can tell from the challenger’s negative aura and the surrounding disciples watching.

“Do I have to accept it?” He does not want to spar with a Mortal. Won’t he just be bullying them?

“No, you can refuse if you want, but you might get ridiculed.” You can decline the challenge, but you will have to prepare for getting ridiculed.

“Then I’ll decline. I don’t care if they curse at me, as long as they don’t go too far, I’ll ignore them.” Why will he agree to beat on Mortals? So what if they curse at him? He is not some Mortal who gets angry at every little thing, but the son of the Celestial Emperor! He does not have the same temperament as Mortals, so he will not lose his temper like Mortals! Although there are things that will upset him, it is not something small like harassment. He also thinks about things differently, looking at every angle he can think of.

“Are you sure? You can just beat them up and make them go away. Leaving them alone will just make it worse, never leaving you alone.” She worries for her disciple. She did not want to see him being harassed by other disciples. She can use fear to stop them, but as a Teacher, she has to be reasonable at some things.

“Master, not everything in this World can be solved with violence. So what if I beat them up? Will it affect me more positively than to leave them alone? They might not show it, but they will still curse me in their heart. I rather have them show it than to hide it inside their heart, making their soul even more ugly. Master, would you rather have someone show you their betrayal upfront, or have them backstab you in the dark?” His voice was calm, yet authoritative, almost like an Emperor talking to his subjects.

“I rather have them curse me up front knowing they hate me than to stand next to someone not even knowing they were thinking of stabbing me. Because when that time comes, it will definitely be more painful than the physical wound.” He looks at his Master’s shocked face.

“……” She was shocked speechless by his speech! Is this how he really thinks? This is the way an Emperor thinks! Rather having betrayal upfront, making it feel less painful than backstabbing! Ordinary people will not think so deep about her little suggestion, but an Emperor thinks for not only himself but his people as well!

Her heart beats faster and faster, attracted by the way he thinks, attracted by this grand Character of his!

Most Women were attracted to strong men, especially Cultivators. Compared to their strength, their faces did not matter that much. As a matter of fact, their looks did not even rank in second, but close to the last place!

She was surprised by her disciple’s discipline! He had a vigorous and honest heart, an imposing, yet heroic aura, and the mindset of a high-quality Emperor! Not even mentioning his face and his Cultivation at his age, his other qualities were already enough to make females fight for him! He was honest, so you will not have to worry about being betrayed! The way he thinks, ensuring that he will lead you properly! Such a Noble Character and she is the Master of such an outstanding young man?!

“Un. You’re right. I just did something a Master should never have, almost corrupting their disciples with their own wrong thinking! I will try to change the way I think about things.” She said honestly, making Tian Yi surprised.

“No. Master is fine the way she is; you don’t have to change the way you think for me.” If she changes the way she thinks, won’t her personality also change as a whole? He only said what he was thinking, not trying to change the way she thinks…

“No, I have to. If my disciple is this outstanding, as the Master, I also have to be outstanding, if not more! So lecture me again when I make bad suggestions.” If the Master were trash, the disciple would also be affected! This is how many disciples become corrupted because their Master was already corrupted, teaching them wrong!

“…..” He did not know what to say. Was he suppose to teach her or the other way around? Is she not the Master, with him as the disciple?


* * * * *


“Now onto the next thing, what will you do as a disciple? Not as mine, but the Sects. As long as you’re in this Sect, you’re also a disciple of the Sect.” Just because you accept a Master did not mean you will not longer be a disciple of the Sects!

“I am interested in Sect Missions so that I will be doing these.” He heard about this from Chan Jingyi and Qiu Heng.

“Sect Missions? You can go to the Sect Mission Hall to accept Missions. Do you want to go today?” Every disciple is required to do one at least once a month. It did not matter if it was a moderate difficulty one, like picking up herbs, as long as they do one per month, it was good. If you don’t, you’ll be punished by the Disciplinary Hall. They mostly dealt with small problems like this, leaving the bigger ones to the Law Enforcement Hall. This way, the Sect will earn more popularity and credibility, making them more trustworthy to the community.

“Okay, we’ll go after Meng Xiang wakes up.” He agrees.

“Meng Xiang? That little girl in the other room? Who is she to you?” She was already aware of this little girl sleeping in the other room, but she did not bother her. She looks like a noble, so probably his little sister.

“That’s my personal servant.” He answers calmly.

“P-personal Servant?!” She was shocked! She did not believe her honest disciple had a dark side like this! What did it mean to have a personal servant, and a little girl at that? To Mortals, a personal servant is essentially a servant used for relieving their stress, meaning a servant used for sexual purposes! But she does not believe that her disciple was this kind of man!

“What does she do as a servant?” She asks him, trusting that he will give a good answer.

“She’s supposed to serve me tea, but she’s still too young at this moment, so I’ll teach her as she grows up. She treats me like her Big Brother too, which I don’t mind at all. Ah, I also have another servant named Lao Bai, but he’s not here right now.” He tells her about his servants.

“Ah, is that so. That’s good then. But start using the word Tea Servant instead of a personal servant from now on, it’ll just cause unnecessary misunderstandings.” She did not want other people to mistake her disciple as a creepy pervert, not knowing it was already too late.

“I understand.” He did not know why, but he still nods. To be a Personal Servant for him is an incredibly grand status, even above Gods. At least that’s how people sees it back at home.

“Master, can you teach me more about the Mortals Realm while we wait?” He still has a lot to learn about this world.

“Hm? Oh right, you said you’re from the Higher Realm. Sure, sit down.” She almost forgot that he was from the higher Realm. As for which Realm it was, she does not know, nor did she care.

“Yes, Master!”

They both sit down next to each other on the couch in the living room. He can even smell a sweet fragrance from his Master, after just coming out of the bath.

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