Novice Reincarnator

Chapter 55: Drinking Princess


I screamed in agony. My face was flushed with embarrassment and I was dying from shame.

“What people!? They were all goblins and hobgoblins! What was I thinking, to even consider sleeping with a Hobgoblin King!?”

My [Instinct] saw a humanoid mating partner and all of a sudden, I completely lost my mind. Was this what high level Beastmen dealt with everyday, or was it because I had spent so long without human contact?

The dam had finally burst on my pent up lust. If I hadn’t seen the Fallen Angel version of Cecilia naked, it was likely I would have agreed to the Hobgoblin King’s request. Even [Instinct] had to back off and concede that Cecilia made for a far better mate than a stupid Hobgoblin King.

That was right. This recent mishap made me realize my desire to take Cecilia as my mate. Fresh memories of the Hobgoblin King filled my mind and I corrected the error in my thoughts.

“No, it is not just Cecilia. I want both Cecilia and Byleth as my mates.”

If a measly Hobgoblin King could satisfy five girls at once, then I could satisfy two. Surely there was no greater joy than being sandwiched between the two girls I cared for the most?

I knew Byleth was up for it because she had mentioned a threesome when we first met. Unfortunately, there were two big problems with my wish.

I wasn’t sure if Byleth would agree to being my mate as I was now. She specifically came to Cecilia’s mansion to be Ash’s mate, but I was no longer a Demon Princess. This was a concern, but not a big one. Byleth was a flirt, so there was no problem if I flirted back and seduced her into my bed.

Cecilia was the bigger issue. According to Byleth, Cecilia had a skill that made her nearly impossible to approach. I had some inkling to what Byleth was talking about. Nearly everyone that saw Cecilia naked fainted and lost all of their memories of Cecilia’s nakedness.

If Cecilia had the skill I thought she did, then it all made sense, including how she flip flopped between a Fallen Angel and an Archangel. If that truly was the case, then was it even possible to take Cecilia as my mate?

“I’m so jealous of you, Olive.”

I rubbed the head of Olive, who was sleeping by my side. She seemed to possess the unique skill to fall asleep anywhere and at any time. Unlike me, Olive already had a mate who was more than happy to take care of her pent up needs.

Now that I had realized my desires, I couldn’t get the memories of Cecilia and Byleth’s naked bodies out of my head. Guilt pierced my heart. I shouldn’t be thinking like that towards my friends who trusted me enough to show me their unguarded appearances in the bath.

Naked in a forest and surrounded by wolves wasn’t exactly the best time to satisfy my urges, so I put myself into a food coma instead. Cheddar snorted in exasperation at my behavior.

“Leave us single dogs alone, Cheddar. Go play with your mate while I drown my sorrows in food.”

Much to my dismay, Cheddar did just that. Dammit.

It was a lonely day that I spent alternating between cooking and feasting. The rest of Cheddar’s pack was overjoyed by the surplus of meat. I got the feeling they wanted me to suffer more often so they could have more cooked food.

The next day, Cheddar returned to my side, glowing in happiness. Way to rub it in. I thought we were allies. I pushed down my envy and set off for the last territory lord with Cheddar in my shadow.

I was starting to give up on taming another territory lord. Goblins and spiders were both utterly incompatible with me. I shuddered at the thought of what horror I might encounter next.

With the heavy scent of Shadow Wolves on my body, the weaker monsters in the forest knew better than to approach me. Even if this was only one dungeon, each territory had its own subtle differences.

Cheddar’s territory was filled to the brim with tall trees that cast long shadows. The White Window’s territory had densely packed trees covered in webs. Meanwhile, the Hobgoblin territory had sparse trees and open meadows.

The latest territory was full of… fruit trees?

I didn’t make it far into the grove of fruit trees before a subordinate of the territory lord showed up. It was a small, Bronzeback Gorilla. I sighed in relief. Gorillas were basically humans. They could be reasoned with.

“I want to discuss an alliance with your boss.”

I wasn’t sure if the Bronzeback Gorilla could understand my words, but [Taming] helped get my meaning across. The monster thought for a second and then suddenly pounded its chest. I almost dropped into a combat stance, but my limited understanding from [Taming] told me that this was just another form of greeting.

The Bronzeback Gorilla motioned me to follow. Together, we ventured deeper into the territory. My eyes fell to my shadow where Cheddar hid. If I was alone, I wouldn’t have been nearly as bold in entering an enemy stronghold.

We crossed paths with various types of monkey monsters. I often saw them hanging from trees, looking at me in curiosity. The Bronzeback Gorilla led me to a small clearing where a massive Diamondback Gorilla lay on its side.

I didn’t notice it at first, but most of the surrounding trees had crude houses nestled in them. The Diamondback Gorilla opened its eyes and glanced at me. Unlike Cheddar and her Shadow Wolf pack, it would be impossible for me to bring this Diamondback Gorilla out of the dungeon.

“The Shadow Wolves and I would like to form an alliance with you to defeat the Six-tailed Red Fox.”

The Diamondback merely looked at me. I held my ground and gazed back at it. Rustling filled the trees as tens of monsters filled the trees around us. A thin, spry monkey ran into the clearing with a wooden… mug?

A strange liquid foamed in the mug. The skinny monkey handed the Diamondback the mug. Promptly, half of the contents of the mug fell into the boss’ stomach. [Taming] was doing its best to try to interpret the sudden turn of events when the half full mug was suddenly thrown at me.

The boss pointed at the mug, then at me. His meaning couldn’t be anymore obvious. He wanted me to drink. I couldn’t hesitate. This was a challenge.

I brought the mug up and dumped its contents down my throat in one go. It tasted like… coconut milk? A rich, nutty flavor entered my stomach. My body heated up as [Gluttony] immediately began to convert the strange beverage into ki.

The skinny monkey retrieved the wooden mug from me and ran back into the forest. He came back with two mugs this time. Additionally, several other monkeys followed behind with large wooden barrels.

Another wooden mug was thrust into my hand. The Diamondback took a huge swig of his new drink and finished it in one go. Then, his eyes fell on me as it waited.

“I see how it is. If that is how you want to play, then fine. I’m in.”

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