Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World

Chapter 100: The Amazing Chase


A fiery explosion that caused the earth to explode out appeared right in front of the Basilisk.

His small snakes were already busy fighting, and no one had time to pay attention to an attack from the high heavens.

There was fiery water that splashed out and continues to burn all those nearby.

Dyne had thrown the Molotov Cocktail and aimed at it with Grim.

The explosion happened right in front of the Basilisk. It's his face. It was coated with the fiery gas that kept on burning, causing it to retreat.

It squealed in pain as he was the closest to the explosion.

In that split second, Dyne had immediately moved and nabbed the Ra-Seru Egg and escaped using the Chicken King. The chaos of the battle and the explosion allowed Dyne to slip through from the attack easily. He even jumped on top of the heads of several monsters as he fled.

With a piece of Magic Leaf on his mouth, Dyne activated the Imaginarium Arts. But instead of the world of Alos Vasilous, which Dyne had always used, Dyne showed Jedo something else.

The vision was the many scenes in the game. The visions showed him how Songi would acquire him. It then displayed the many discussions of the Ra-Serus Meta, Ozma, and Terra that assumed he was of the Mist. It then showed the evil ambitions of Songi and how he yearned to challenge Tieg and wanted to corrupt the Genesis Tree in Nauru Valley, which annihilated all of Serus and Ra-Serus alike.

The Ra-Seru egg was dormant all throughout those visions. It did not attack Dyne, who continued to run with unbelievable speed.

“Did that pique your interest, Jedo? Your plan of combining with Yami has its consequences! You became Dark and, therefore, tilted the balance! Why did you think Yami sided with Rogue? Her natural inclination was that of Evil! Do you think the Mist will strengthen you? If you remained in the element of Time and Space, then you would have grown stronger! But now that you are Dark, the Mist will corrupt you! You will be the strongest Sim-Seru in existence!” Dyne continued to explain as he ran.

Dyne had reached the area where the large fields of petrified plants were. Dyne slid down the small opening they made and began to crawl. Soon, he placed the Molotov Cocktail on the ground and stabbed Grim, causing the bomb to burst into flames. Dyne hurriedly moved out. The effects of the Chicken King had already disappeared.

But Dyne knew this wasn’t enough. He took out a Speed Elixir and drank it as he ran.

As the Magic leaf's effects have restored his MP, Dyne activated the Imaginarium Arts once more and this time showed Jedo the world of Alos Vasilous.

“Meditate on this, Jedo! You walk in the power of Time and Space. Perhaps your memories will awaken faster! This world is an illusion! An imaginary world that isn’t true! Will you be a player in this world, or will you choose me as your Master and have a chance to break through this illusion! In the world that I will go, resurrecting Yami is possible!” Dyne declared as he continued to run.

The Ra-Seru egg trembled at these words.

"That's right! Ressurection!" Dyne kept teasing.

The entire forest suddenly shouted in rage, and it was as if it was trembling.

“Oh? Is this it? If I get out of this forest safely, Fate will honor my deeds as a cultivator?” Dyne smirked.

“It seems to be the case.” Strafe answered.

“But this is practically cheating. I feel that this world is not as hard as I thought it would be for you.” Strafe sighed.

“Don’t worry, Strafe! I know you probably changed the course of our travel. Did you select a more dangerous planet?” Dyne laughed.

“Yeah. I already picked the worst one. It looks easy… But there is this malicious and somewhat evil feeling. As someone who cultivates the Light, I can sense great darkness and death. Even I feel hesitant about this, but you need a really brutal environment to truly grow as a cultivator. At this point of the game, you shouldn’t have been able to master Imaginarium Arts. But since you could reflect your memories, you managed to convince Jedo to stay with you.” Strafe laughed.

“One step at a time, Strafe!” Dyne laughed and ran and ran. The situation was now similar to the Evil Forest in Final Fantasy IX. All the monsters began to chase after him, and the growing power of petrification chased him.

Dyne turned from the Eastern side of the forest and headed west.

The petrification could only reach so far as it began to face an invisible force.

Dyne, of course, knew that he was in the region of the Serus.

Dyne then felt a strange, chilling sensation under his feet.


Several icy explosions occurred at the locations where Dyne was.

Dyne had suddenly jumped to the side to evade the ice attacks.

“Water Column!” Dyne identified the attacks the Gizams make in the game.

“It looks like ice! Why is it called water column?” Dyne pondered before sensing a strange jolt in his arm.

“I know, I know! Relax! Sheesh. For a Ra-Seru who risked it all, you are easily made nervous!” Dyne complained and focused on running.

“This is technically a fight. So the Chicken King should work!” Dyne held the Chicken King that was dangling on his neck, and the speed activated once more.

Soon, the culprits were launching a very ranged form of their skill. Water columns came on sight. There was a group of Gizams being led by several of its level 2 forms.

Dyne ran towards it and then saw several Nightos that had revealed themselves from its cocoon-like shell.

“Hells Music!” Dyne cursed.

“Hey! Do something about this!” Dyne bit another Magical leaf, and the man rushed towards the Ra-Seru Egg that Dyne was holding.

There were just too many of them, and Dyne knew that he would die if he got hit by the various sound attacks of all these Nightos. Seeing how Meta and Vahn used magic, Dyne did a rough transfer of MP to make Jedo be capable of using magic.

A strange sound erupted, like the sound of an old church organ pressing random keys.

Dyne braced for impact and could only hope that Jedo would meet his estimation.

A powerful triangular shield appeared around Dyne for a split second and bore the incoming sounds' attacks. The ringing of various sounds and the shield reacting to the attacks could be seen.

“Brilliant! Keep this up, Jedo, and I’ll reward you with so much more! You long to be complete and merge with a human? Stick around, and I can give you a body! You’ve seen it, right? Tieg or Strafe is helping me!” Dyne laughed as he sped forward and broke through the line of defense.

The force field immediately dissipated. Dyne bit on another Magical leaf and began to recover his MP.

His dash had reached the far east side of the forest.

Soon, no Serus could be found, but all that Dyne could see were rampaging monsters. The Twin Tombs and the Mushrins were confused at the sudden appearance of Dyne. But when they saw the many Serus and Plant monsters attacking, the monsters retreated at first and followed Dyne.

Soon, Dyne realized that he had reached the nests of these creatures. He had led the Seru and the Plant monsters to the part of the forest where these monsters stayed.

Dyne smirked and began to attack some of the monsters to reactivate his Chicken King and would run further and zig-zag deeper, causing more monsters to be dragged in a mess.

Soon, the monsters began to form ranks as they thought the Serus and the Plant monsters were invading their nests and fought back.

And this allowed Dyne to move further and further easily.

Dyne managed to leave the forest, and unlike before, there were no longer any monsters or Serus guarding the outside. Instead, several dead bodies were left behind, and a battle that Dyne believed was caused by the Basilisk, who was rushing back.

The other survivors were still feasting on the fallen monsters while some were dragging the dying Gizams and Nightos, who looked like they were dissipating.

Dyne attacked a few, but only to activate the Chicken King.

“If I head to Biron, it might lead to war. I have to move east!” Dyne decided and continued to run towards the large river. His tracks, scent, and everything else would disappear if he headed for the river.

Soon, the Chicken King’s effect was wearing off.

Dyne continued to run and began to talk to Jedo, detailing what would happen in the game.

“So in the end, you and Songi die. Songi dies in Nauru Valley because you died first. And since no human can survive in Nauru Valley, he also crumbled into dust, cursing you and hating you for being weak. Ironic. He sought for the power of a Ra-Seru to be strong but ended up hating it. You’re better off with me.” Dyne continued to talk.

Soon, the rivers could now be seen. Dyne sighed in relief.

But then, a strange sensation that caused his hairs to stand could be felt.

The slithering figure of a large, black snake emerged from the thick Mist.

It was the Basilisk.

He locked eyes on Dyne, and a strange force was constraining Dyne.

“So the Chicken King’s effect is negated in a boss fight? I was right. I kept fleeing from you while you couldn’t see me or target me as the enemy. But now that you are targetting me, the Chicken King cannot work…” Dyne sighed as he glanced at the approaching figure.

“Dyne. I have something to tell you…” Strafe spoke.

“Zeto has just received word from Koru about the events in East Voz Forest. Now that Koru lost all hopes of evolving with that Ra-Seru, he made his report. In about ten minutes, Zeto will lock into your position.”

Dyne’s expression grew grim as he heard this.

“But just as Fate gives you a chance, so will I. Fate is blind and only wishes to set the balance of this game. You will survive, but Jedo will be taken. But since you have shown me great things, I allow you a second chance. There is a planet nearby that is being influenced by the dark forces I told you. If you defeat this Basilisk, I will pull you out of this world earlier than discussed.” Strafe made his offer.

Dyne was silent. He stood his ground and brought out Grim.

He tied the Ra-Seru egg tightly on his chest with the dark scarf he was wearing.

“I guess… now’s not the time to be playing games. Come, Basilisk! I’ll show you Earth’s finest!”

Wehew! The Nostalgic Gamer is really serious now! He is putting away his controller to fight!

Anyways, here some screenshots for visualization:

1. I forgot to show this last chapter. But here is the "forcefield" that Jedo releases in the game. Another is the in-battle of Songi with that as a background.



2. Gizam's 'Water Column' attack. It's Ice. Hence Dyne was even so annoyed that he talked about it despite being in a life-threatening situation.



3. Nighto- Using its sound attack, Hells magic


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