Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 42 - Hidden 3

The taxi slowed down the lane.

After quickly turning around, Lin Sheng also saw the scene of the accident in the car.

A large truck loaded with steel pipes crashed into a black car.

The entire front half of the car was squashed. There was oozing blood in the cab.

“It looks like it won’t work.” The taxi master sighed. “The truck driver wasn’t there, it must have escaped. The police don’t know if it can be caught, this world … oh.”

“How is this kind of thing?” Lin Sheng heard from the master’s tone incorrectly.

“Quite a lot.” The master returned the steering wheel. “The political situation is unstable. Ports like ours, borders, and public security are not easy to manage. There are too many foreigners, and Celine is under pressure …”

“High pressure?” Lin Sheng wondered.

“It’s the Hongwu Mine. Celine and Redon have been peeling skin for so long, and the contradiction has intensified.

We port cities, I heard that Redon’s spy spies often infiltrated, and we have to catch a few at intervals. “

The driver master explained in a low voice.

Lin Sheng was silent.

This is peace without a nuclear bomb chain, and only because of a large and rare mineral deposit has triggered disputes between the two countries.

The reason why Celine has not been scientific and economic, and now even more unstable in China.

A large part of the reason is also because of its weak national strength and abundant domestic resources, which has led other powerful nations to keep their eyes on their mineral deposits and suppress their penetration.

Along the way, the driver master was a taciturn, worrying about the country and the people, going up to current affairs and politics, down to the surrounding trivial matter, he could blow a spit.

Soon the park arrived.

Lin Sheng paid the money to get out of the car and walked into the rainbow park with sparse traffic.

He has been practicing sword here for quite a long time, and he has already found a fixed place.

He didn’t bring a real sword this time, mainly to practice meditation.

Along the gravel road, he turned left and right, and soon reached the depths of the park.

Then follow the path between the flower beds, bend around, and go to the most deserted open space.

The original neat lawn on the open space had been stepped down, and one side was next to the ring river. Good air circulation.

The most suitable thing is that there is a simple small pavilion next to it for people to sit and rest.

Lin Sheng usually worked out in the open space. When he was tired, he went to a small pavilion to sit down and rest.

This trip is no exception. He first put his schoolbag on the pavilion’s stone bench, and then slightly warmed up.

Soon, he stood still, closed his eyes and began to meditate on the grey rune.

The weather was cool, not cold or hot, and he was standing on the open field in a school uniform, but it caught the attention of occasional passers-by.

But Lin Sheng didn’t care.

What he cares about is the use of gray runes.

After a while, the meditation completed a circle.

He opened his eyes slowly, and with a trace of tiredness, went to the pavilion and sat down to rest.

“I’ve been exercising for days since I got the gray rune. Didn’t you feel any obvious effect?”

He was quite puzzled.

He has always valued this grey-printed rune, spending a lot of time on meditation every day.

“Unfortunately, the role of this gray seal is not recorded in the book of inheritance. It only talks about miscellaneous materials such as learning conditions.”

“But remember carefully, after a few days of meditation, it seems that my previous training volume has become lighter. Did I start to adapt, or did the gray prints work?”

He frowned slightly, not quite sure.

Because there is no precise instrument measurement, he cannot calculate the small changes.

“According to the black feather city standards, I should now be considered a standard first-level fighter. If the second-level fighter, my physical fitness will certainly not reach.”

He was very clear, although he had previously killed the rotten swordsman of the elite second-level warrior in a dream.

But in fact he just made a coincidence. In terms of physical fitness and skills, he is far worse.

After thinking about it for a while, he rested almost, resting his hands on his side, and was ready to get up and continue meditating.

Unexpectedly, he pressed his hand firmly on the stone bench, and there was a slight tingling in his palm.


Lin Sheng quickly retracted his hand and glanced at the stone bench.

There is actually a pushpin on the stone bench!

The thumbtack is silver with the needle point facing up and some rust on the top. I don’t know how long it has fallen here.

When Lin Sheng saw the rust, he quickly raised his hand and looked at his palm.

What surprised him was that he had just felt stabbed. But now, there are no traces on the palm?

“What’s the matter?” Lin Sheng staggered, and Zai examined his palm carefully.

Sure there was no injury, he immediately fell on the pin.

“Can it be done?” He suddenly thought of a key.

Without hesitation, he clenched his fists, and the wooden pillar facing the pavilion was a punch.


The pillars were motionless.

His fist is also … it doesn’t hurt at all …

“It feels like wearing a thick layer of leather gloves.” Lin Sheng touched the surface of his fist in amazement.

He now suddenly realized that his skin seemed to be tougher and harder to scratch.

Rejoicing, he got up and walked out of the pavilion, punching hard at the rough tree.

Huh! !!

The tree shook and fell a few leaves.

Lin Sheng stood in place, took back his fist and looked at it, his fist face was not red at all!

“Good defense …”

He could feel that the moment the fist hit the bark, the impact force bounced back on his fist skin.

But as a result, his fist didn’t hurt, and a shallow mark was added to the bark, which was a lot of dead bark.

“Let’s try this again!” Lin Sheng picked up a stone from the ground, turned to a sharp edge, and smashed it against the back of his hand.


The tip of the stone was broken.

Lin Sheng raised the back of his hands without pain, as if even the bones were protected by something.

On the back of the hand, there is an extra white spot left by the stone ash.

“It’s defense … it’s unimaginable! I only meditated for so many days, actually …”

Lin Sheng was shocked.

He now understood what the so-called shelter meant.

Excited, he didn’t have the mood to continue exercising, packed up his things and carried a schoolbag. He quickly left the open space and bought a knife in the store near the park.

Quickly returned to the open space.

He yanked out his knife.

The knife is a small knife that cuts the length of the fruit. There is only one knuckle width.

Lin Sheng grasped the handle of the knife tightly and stabbed it in the palm of his hand first.

No pain, no itching, no skin reaction.

Then he started to push and stabbed again.

Slightly itchy.

He re-strengthened, almost using Qi Bacheng strength.

The tip of the knife slammed into the palm of his hand.

This time Lin Sheng felt a pain.

He took up the knife and saw a tiny tiny mouth in the palm of his hand that was bleeding.

“This is awesome!”

Lin Sheng was shocked.

This is a knife. His 70% to 80% strength, if replaced with ordinary people, stabbed with a knife, the palm may be pierced by half.

You know, after all these exercises, he wielded a five-pound metal sword every day, and it’s no wonder that his strength doesn’t increase.

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