Night Ranger

Chapter 150-158

Chapter 150: Origami Skill

p>Somehow, Marvin felt that the current Owl was a lot nicer than he was earlier in the conference room.

He was watching Marvin’s expression with some amusement, but didn’t have the disdain and hostility he had toward Constantine’s group earlier.

Shadow Thieves always appeared and disappeared unpredictably. He had never crossed paths with the Legend Shadow Thief in the past, so today was the first time they met.

“Maybe there are people more troublesome than Seers in this world,” Marvin ambiguously answered.

Owl unexpectedly nodded. “Yeah, Seers are a bunch of overconfident people. They think they can look into the future, but the future isn’t that simple.”

“The future we see now could change in less than a second because of a single difference.”

“The future is an ever changing world. Seers can only see one corner of that world.”

Marvin’s heart became cold.

This Owl was really out of the ordinary. He was obviously a Shadow Thief, but his insight exceeded this era.

His understanding of the future was a little closer to how the gods commonly thought of it.

Before Marvin could say anything, Owl suddenly said something mysterious.

“You look a lot like her.”


“Who?” Marvin was curious.

“Your paternal grandmother.” The Shadow Thief turned a bit to the side and for a moment, he looked like he was shrouded in shadow.


Marvin couldn’t help but be surprised.

“Hey, Kid, you underestimated my age, didn’t you?”

Owl’s laughed, appearing somewhat pleased. “I fought with your grandfather back in the day… But I wasn’t a Legend at that time.”

“Later, he and his wife came to this countryside area and they never returned north.”

“I was also recently invited by Hathaway, and suddenly realized there was a place in this world called White River Valley.”

Though Owl was smiling, his tone carried a hint of loneliness.

Marvin felt a little awkward.

Someone from the same generation as Marvin’s grandfather? And it looked like his relationship with Marvin’s grandfather was also rather subtle.

‘Hold on, he said my grandfather came from the north?’

Marvin had always been curious about his mysterious grandfather and immediately asked, “Were you close with him? My grandfather?”

‘Close? No way,” Owl calmly said. “He was a young master born to an influential family. He couldn’t avoid rebelling when he was young and thus left home. He adventured outside and incidentally met me, the poor kid. It was that kind of scenario. However, although he already died a long time ago, I still hate that he showed up that day.”

“He appeared and snatched the girl I liked. I was heartbroken at that time.”

Marvin immediately got a headache. He hadn’t expected it to be such a melodramatic story.

Anyhow, was it really necessary to bring up that kind of thing?

Marvin had no interest in the love triangle of these old men. What caught his attention was hearing that his grandfather was actually the son of an influential family in the north.

His origin wasn’t an insignificant matter. In the White River Valley family tree, Marvin had investigated his grandfather’s notes, and there were very few mentions about his deeds.

It just said that he was a wandering Wizard who got lucky while clearing a territory in the wilderness.

Marvin had always been skeptical about this identity. How could a wandering Wizard get a hold of a Ninth Month Medal?

How could a wandering Wizard keep such a strange and mystical thing in a hidden room? A thing that was attracting the attention of so many people?

If his grandfather was an offspring of a influential clan in the north, that could explain everything.

But when Marvin asked Owl more things about his grandfather, Owl seemed to have lost interest.

“Seize the opportunity, Little Marvin. People often meet the right girl, but overlook it.”

“I know that feeling. You currently have too much pressure, busy raising your own strength, busy defending your own territory. But sometimes, strings that are stretched too tightly will easily snap.”

“Oh right, let me give you something before leaving.”

“This is a small thing your grandmother liked the most. I am very clumsy, so it took me such a long time to learn it.”

The Shadow Thief then suddenly vanished.

A pure white paper crane flew down, landing on Marvin’s hand.

Marvin carefully took a look at this paper crane to see if there was anything special about it when suddenly, it merged into Marvin’s body!

He hurriedly looked at his logs, and the outcome made him overjoyed.

[You received a Unique Secret Skill taught by the Legend Shadow Thief – Origami]

[Origami (49)]: You are currently in the first training phase of Origami. You have the skill to fold paper into any shape. The material used determines the nature of the origami.

Behind the precipitous cliff was the castle city’s tallest peak.

There was one obstacle remaining.

Marvin took a deep breath while facing the uneven cliff, directly rushing up!

Anti-Gravity Steps!


He quickly walked up the near vertical cliff face and arrived near the hilltop in the blink of an eye!


A stone fell from under Marvin’s feet, making him stumble and almost fall down.

He grabbed the corner of the hilltop and used some force to pull himself up. He rose up in the air before stably landing on the ground.

“They said I could find you there,” Marvin said, still somewhat gasping for breath. Climbing this peak was still very challenging even with his dexterity.

Sixteen year old Hathaway was wearing a red dress as she stood on the peak, barefoot, and looked toward the west.

She quietly murmured, “You need me for something?”

Marvin walked forward and stood next to her. “I saw many things regarding the Crimson Patriarch.”

“Why don’t you tell them yourself?” Hathaway’s voice was very soft. She seemed quite gentle in her young lady form.

“Regarding my Seer’s identity, isn’t it better to hide it?” Marvin whispered.

“Yes,” Hathaway softly said, “I’ll let them know those important pieces of information you tell me.”

“This time, the Crimson Patriarch will definitely not leave White River Valley. Of course, there is still Glynos.”

Her voice trembled slightly when she said that last name.

Marvin nodded.

He had originally planned to tell the old blacksmith, but since there was a more suitable candidate now, it was a lot better to let Hathaway pass on these pieces of information to the Legends.

The Crimson Patriarch was very sly and had many life saving tricks!

In Marvin’s memories, he had more than 6 life saving items in addition to 3 kinds of escape techniques. And he was extremely cautious and cunning, so even if a Legend wanted to kill him, it would be very difficult.

If he was no match for his opponent, he would quickly flee. This guy totally lacked the pride of a powerhouse.

But Marvin remembered that there was one small team of Legends from a high ranked player guild that had managed to push the Crimson Patriarch against a wall.

If not for the Azure Patriarch suddenly appearing to save him, he might have truly died that time!

But after that fight, the Crimson Patriarch’s trump cards had all been exposed. Marvin, as a Ruler of the Night, already wanted to slaughter that fat fish, so he had always been paying attention to any information about the Crimson Patriarch. But unfortunately, he still hadn’t met the Crimson Patriarch before he transmigrated.

But he also hadn’t expected that he would come in contact with the Crimson Patriarch so soon after his transmigration.

This time, he couldn’t act himself. He had to strike with the help of others.

In fact, Marvin’s plan only needed Constantine and Endless Ocean to kill the current Crimson Patriarch.

Because he knew all his cards!

His plan was foolproof.

What’s more, now there were three more Legends. He simply couldn’t imagine how the Crimson Patriarch could escape!

After all, information was always the most important resource. Marvin was familiar with a lot of powerhouses’ cards and tricks. This in itself was a huge advantage.

When Marvin decided to bring those eleven golden bulls back to his territory, the Crimson Patriarch’s fate had already been sealed!

“There are so many life saving means.” Hathaway frowned. “No wonder the Demon Hunter and Endless Ocean couldn’t catch him.”

“Your Seer’s visions are a bit different from mine, they’re so clear…”

There were some doubts in her eyes.

Marvin forced a smile. He was about to take a step closer to Hathaway, but how could he have expected the young girl to suddenly ask, “Is that all you had to say?”


The next second, a huge power twisted around Marvin!

Mage Hand!

“If you’ve said everything, you can go.” Hathaway was still using that gentle and tender tone.

A powerful force threw Marvin down from the peak!

Just as he was approaching the ground, his descent slowed, making Marvin dizzy.


He plunged head first into the wheat field. A nearby farmer showed a stunned expression.

“Lord Marvin…” He cautiously asked.

“It’s fine, it’s fine.” Marvin forced a smile as he crawled up. He inwardly raised a middle finger toward that peak.

“Damn… One day, this Lord will…”

He didn’t even dare to think about the rest of the sentence. Hathaway was a Seer and a Legend. Things involving her could definitely be easily perceived. It was better to stay careful.

On the peak, Hathaway stood up.

“Without being a Legend, you don’t have the qualifications to stand alongside me,” she softly whispered.

But at that time, a joking voice echoed beside her. “Tsk tsk, very subtle.”

“No wonder Jiska said that it was in women’s nature to play with people’s hearts…”

Shadow Thief Owl.

Hathaway’s expression didn’t change. “Is that all you had to say?”

Owl grimaced awkwardly as his mouth hurriedly said, “Don’t make the posture too unsightly…”

Mage Hand!


Another shadow was thrown down, ruthlessly smashing into the wheat field!

She hadn’t stopped at all this time. A huge hole appeared in the field.

The Legend Shadow Thief’s fall wasn’t interrupted. Hathaway wasn’t lenient with him.

Seeing the two men mumbling stuff at each other after coming out of the wheat field, Hathaway suddenly was in a good mood.

But unfortunately, there wasn’t a third tactless person around for her to throw down.

Truly regretful…

Chapter 151: Night

p>Nightfall. White River Valley was very quiet.

The moonlight shone down on the small forest next to the castle.

Two shadows were moving extremely quickly!



A strict voice kept yelling.

Marvin kept focusing his strength in his legs, running madly, but coming up directly ahead of him was a steep wall!

They had already reached the end of the forest!

If he sped up any more, he wouldn’t be able to stop. At that time, the only outcome would be to crash into the wall and seriously harm his body!

That’s what he thought.

But Constantine in front of him was still yelling, “Faster! You waste!”

When training, this originally very kind middle-aged man suddenly turned abnormally strict.

Marvin ground his teeth and rashly sped up!


At that time, Constantine’s silhouette was already about to knock into the wall!

But his body suddenly twisted and he stepped on the wall.

He actually ran tens of meters up the steep wall while still maintaining his speed, and soon arrived at the top!

Marvin scalp felt numb. He wasn’t this skilled.

He could only use Anti-Gravity Steps! But Anti-Gravity Steps could only last for roughly a fifty of the way up.

And also, while moving at such a crazy speed, he wasn’t sure whether Anti-Gravity Steps could activate.

Perhaps his leg bones would just break when he took the first step.

The stone wall loomed in front of him.

Constantine bellowed, “Follow the technique I just taught you!”

Marvin suddenly snapped out of it and recalled the skill Constantine taught him.

The memory of the middle aged man teaching him the technique quickly floated into his mind.

His body began to subconsciously imitate that move.

The wall was now right in front of his eyes.

His body slightly paused as he sharply twisted his body and started to run up the wall at high speed!


He soon arrived at Constantine’s side.

But then a breeze blew across the mountain and Marvin almost stumbled down!

“Your body is too weak! You need to train!”

The sturdy middle-aged man helped Marvin. He was somewhat dissatisfied with Marvin’s weak body.

Marvin wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

“[Demon Hunter Steps] is very complex. It includes a series of technical moves, but your perception is pretty good. You should be able to freely use it when facing an obstacle.”

“If you want to progress faster, there is no other way than training diligently.”

Constantine patted Marvin’s shoulder and continued, “But to be able to learn that fast already surprised me very much.”

Marvin forced a smile and nodded.

On his skill list appeared another personal skill, [Demon Hunter Steps (36)]

‘Finally learnt it,’ he sighed in relief.

Since there were five Legends on his territory, Marvin would definitely not waste such a great resource. He took advantage of the fact that those great experts had nothing to do for now. Marvin had the intention to learn a few things from them.

Marvin hadn’t seen the unpredictable Shadow Thief Owl ever since he gave Marvin that Origami skill and was later thrown down from a peak alongside Marvin by Hathaway.

Hathaway was excluded. He was a Ranger with a Shapeshift Sorcerer subclass. Even if she wanted to teach him a spell, he wouldn’t be able to learn it. But in the past few days she had actually become fond of Wayne and had been carefully giving him pointers. This made Marvin very pleased.

Because Hathaway wasn’t giving pointers about how to make use of the Universe Magic Pool, but rather, they were about how to create a new way of casting spells by himself.

As a Seer, she really saw more than other people. Wayne actually lost some Wizard levels under her instructions, but his future development would be very frightening.

Apart from this, Legend Monk Inheim was actually a really good training partner. But unfortunately, all he did was smile and nod at Marvin, saying very few words.

Marvin knew he was completely focusing on the Shadow Prince.

This was a very conscientious guy, but his opponent was also very powerful. He was risking his life in the fight with the Shadow Prince.

He couldn’t disturb Inheim at that time.

[Endless Ocean] was a woman and Marvin was completely unfamiliar with her, thus it wouldn’t be proper to act like a close acquaintance with her.

As for the old blacksmith Sean, after referring Marvin and helping him become a Night Walker, he didn’t impart him any more skills. That guy was very eccentric and Marvin was unable to understand him. He was only drinking and eating as much as he liked everyday in the castle, totally disregarding his appearance. So Marvin wasn’t counting on him.

The one he could rely on was the Legend Night Walker, Constantine.

This Legend in the prime of his life was very skilled. He was a powerhouse able to fight the Crimson Patriarch. Marvin had prepared a pretext in hopes of learning some fierce skills from that guy.

Marvin didn’t expect that Constantine would agree right away.

This made the pretext Marvin used completely pointless.

Constantine’s nickname was Demon Hunter. This name had spread throughout the south, and most of the adventurers had heard of it.

It was said that he killed enough vampires to completely fill a small church. Evil Spirits roaming at night and undead creatures summoned by Defilers were especially afraid of this name.

Very few people knew Constantine was a Night Walker, as the class was very rare after all, but his strength was recognized by everyone.

In the south, he was a hunter chasing the demons coming out at night. Many monsters died under his hands.

His strongest point was his speed.

Demon Hunter Steps was his self created Night Walker skill. Combined with the unique advantage of Night Walkers in the night, it could display an effect that was hard to imagine.

Marvin had barely managed to learn it after two days of full practice.

Despite this, he was now standing next to Constantine, both legs shaking.

Even if Demon Hunter Steps cleverly helped him him reduce most of the collision force, he didn’t have a good constitution, and thus there was a lot of movement he couldn’t easily do.

‘Looks like I have to find time to temper my body.’

Marvin left the mountain with Constantine’s help, coming to a decision while grinding his teeth.

Countless places and secret techniques emerged in his mind.

After dealing with the Crimson Patriarch and the Shadow Prince, his Constitution would need to be taken care of.

Blacksmith workshop, inside the castle town.

“Clang!””Clang!” Sounds of hammering on a furnace kept echoing.

Endless Ocean stood outside the blacksmith shop while calmly watching the old blacksmith processing the Fearless set.

“Sir Sean, wouldn’t it be better if the young one took care of some things?” Endless Ocean asked in a low voice.

Sparks flew everywhere.

The brand on the Fearless set’s jacket gradually dissolved under the effect of a drop of [Shadowless Water].

“That kid has more important things to do,” Old Sean mumbled.

He took a swig of his liquor before mumbling, “Even though I already taught him this [Smelting] secret skill, which is also probably the reason why he dared to bring the set back, I don’t think he will have any strength left to deal with this brand after being taught Constantine’s footwork.

“In any case, I don’t have much to do. Helping him out a bit is no trouble.”

“This is a very outstanding set of equipment, suitable for hunting dragons.”

The old blacksmith’s eyes blurred a bit after saying this.

Endless Ocean lowered her head.

“I still remember when you saved me and my parents from the Black Dragon Angela.”

“That night, lava and fire destroyed our home. You went out to face that evil dragon.”

“After that battle, you lost any hope of advancing to Legend. This kindness, I still don’t understand the reason for it.”

The old blacksmith disapprovingly shook his head. “Isn’t putting your hopes on the young ones the proper choice?”

“One day, you’ll do that too.”

“There are things we are unable to handle. But we don’t despair, because we have successors.”

“We both know the reason mankind always has hope. No matter how bad a situation we are facing, there will always be another outstanding generation of youths to stand out and protect this world.”

“This is the Night Monarch’s maxim, the eternal truth.”


The final swing of the hammer finally erased the brand.

Endless Ocean nodded. Her gaze was deep, directly looking toward the bottom of a mountain.

On one of the trees beside the White River’s riverbank, a shadow was hanging upside down.

Shadow Thief Owl.

He was looking at the moon.

There wasn’t such a round moon in the north, but he had already not returned north for many years.

This region made him feel strange. It gave him a familiar feeling, but also felt somewhat dull.

Protect the world?

Owl didn’t have any interest in that kind of thing. Maybe when he was young he toyed with the idea.

But he had already lived too long. He wanted to find something that could excite him.

Whether it was the Crimson Patriarch or the Shadow Prince, it sounded exciting.

Thinking of it, he once again glanced at the sky.

The moon had become even more round.

In a completely deserted farmhouse.

He was sitting on the ground cross legged, feeling the earth pulse.

Legend Monk Inheim.

He closed his eyes, but the world was still completely open to him.

He could hear everything, perceive everything.

In this silent village, only he could find a clue.

‘A Shadow Thief’s little tricks,’ Inheim thought somewhat contemptuously. But for the sake of the big picture, he still put his own pride down.

In fact, when he put on the Void Boots, he had already given up on his pride.

He only had one goal: to crush the enemy.

On the peak, Hathaway was still wearing her red dress, standing alone.

But no one could see her.

She used a Legend Invisibility skill.

Her eyes covered all of White River Valley, and even blades of grass moving under the wind could be easily seen.

“He is coming,” she murmured.

Late in the night.

A man wearing a long gown leisurely walked over from the main road.

He was smiling as his gaze focused on the castle.

He could feel those eleven golden bulls in the castle.

“To dare to steal my things, truly bold…”

He smiled as he entered the small village under the castle.

Chapter 152: Pitiful Crimson Patriarch

p>It was a quiet night, and most of White River Valley’s villagers were already asleep.

The man wearing a long gown was walking on the small village path, smiling.

He could hear peaceful breathing and heartbeats coming from the houses. These ignorant people probably never expected something untoward would happen tonight.

His sight focused on the castle in the distance. That guy called Marvin was truly reckless.

‘Our Twin Snakes Cult has always been the one to snatch from others. But shockingly, this guy stole from me.’

‘As a minor Baron, do you really think the Wizard Alliance will protect you?’

‘All I asked of him was to look for suitable people to turn into followers. But that waste King Cobra couldn’t even protect the Hidden Granary, making me still have to move personally.’

Killing intent flashed through the Crimson Patriarch’s eyes.

Finding those eleven golden bulls was of utmost importance.

Marvin didn’t know that those eleven golden bulls not only hid a great amount of food, but they also hid one of the most important secrets of the Twin Snakes Cult.

It was related to the method for the Twin Snakes to free themselves from the Ethereal Plane.

Thus, he had to get those eleven golden bulls back.

As for White River Valley…

Whether to kill everyone and turn them into a human skin kite, or turn them into followers… This would depend on his mood.

It would depend on how that Baron Marvin reacts.

The Crimson Patriarch suddenly stopped.

“Ding ding ding!”

The sound of the door’s bell of a farmhouse echoed.

Someone mumbling could be heard inside, followed by an impatient query.

Auzin calmly said, “I’m really sorry to bother you while you are resting. I am a lost traveller, I need your help.”

Hearing this, the owner of the house hurriedly put on his good clothes and the door slowly creaked open after a while.

A pale and scary man walked out. He was wearing rough clothes and his eyes lacked liveliness. It looked like he was still asleep.

“You’re looking for a place to sleep? There is a windmill in front. The back door isn’t locked, that should be a safe place. If you want to ask for directions, sorry, I’ve never left White River Valley. Maybe you should sleep and go to the castle early in the morning to ask,” The man said.

Auzin smiled. “No, I came regarding the matter of your Overlord bringing back eleven golden bulls.”

A faint red color suddenly emitted from his eyes.

Mind Control!

The Crimson Patriarch was confident, since he certainly wouldn’t need to use a Legend skill on an ordinary person.

But he couldn’t have expected that the man wasn’t affected at all, instead pointing at his eyes and saying, “Your eyes are a little red, you must be very tired. You should go rest soon. Wait, you mentioned golden bulls? You know, our Lord is quite fierce, but the information you heard is a fake rumor, he brought back more than eleven golden bulls!”

“There are a total of twenty-one! For real, I personally counted them,” The man mysteriously insisted.

He looked a little foolish, but he didn’t seem to be lying.

The Crimson Patriarch froze there.

‘How could it be… My Mind Control actually failed…’


Before he could react, that man directly closed the door on him and a yawning voice could spoke from behind it, “Mister, you can go to the windmill to sleep. I’m really too sleepy.”

Auzin stood outside the farmhouse, frowning.

He instinctively felt something wrong.

‘There were definitely eleven golden bulls, how could it become twenty-one?’

‘And this man wasn’t controlled by my Mind Control, how could this be?’

‘Is there an issue with this village?’

The Crimson Patriarch was usually quite paranoid.

He immediately closed his eyes and instantly scanned the whole village in his mind!

[Divine Skill – Spirit World]!

Each faint yellow spot was a person sleeping.

Their breathing and vital signs were normal.

There was no problem with this village.

The Crimson Patriarch opened his eyes, still somewhat doubtful. But he soon thought of an explanation.

In a place like White River Valley, they were all country bumpkins, they lived very simple lives, they had no desires.

Work at sunrise, rest at sunset.

This kind of lifestyle made it so that they didn’t have many impure thoughts, making them relatively simple and honest.

And the key to Mind Control was in arousing the target’s desires before twisting them so that they could be used for his purposes.

That man looked unambitious. This could explain why he wasn’t mind controlled.

‘Just a countryside area, how could it threaten me?’

‘I’m really too paranoid…’

Auzin recovered and kept going.

This time he stopped in front of a house that looked a bit better.

“Thud thud thud!””Thud thud thud!”

“Hello, I am a lost traveller, I need your help.” Auzin repeated the same lines from before.

But what made him somewhat shocked was that a small girl came out this time.

Her skin was as pale as the previous man’s.

“Why do White River Valley inhabitants have such white skin? It looks like a ghost…” Auzin couldn’t help but mutter under his breath.

He had seen innumerable dead people. He had slowly risen from a simple Twin Snakes Cult Cleric to become the Crimson Patriarch. An endless river of blood was formed from his hands. He personally peeled the skin from more than a thousand people and had killed more than ten thousand. He was very sensitive toward the aura of death.

If the girl in front of him was a ghost, he would have definitely noticed.

But she wasn’t.

The girl curiously looked at Auzin. “Are you lost? Uncle?”

Auzin displayed a smile he considered gentle. “Yes, a thief stole my eleven golden bulls, can you help me find them?”

Mind Control!

It was used once again.

But the little girl unexpectedly displayed a hostile look, and angrily said, “Our Great Overlord isn’t a thief!”

“You truly are a nasty person. He carried back golden bulls so that everyone could eat bread. He isn’t a thief.”

“Disgusting person, I don’t want to see you.”


The door was closed.

Auzin froze once again.


His Mind Control failed twice!?

This must be an illusion!

This must be an illusion!

He raised his head and took a look at the small village.

At that time, he felt that this village was gloomy and terrifying.

His instincts were never wrong. He should run!

But he knew in his mind that it was also possible for Mind Control to fail on the girl. She hadn’t watched him properly in the eyes and was still young, lacking impure desires, so beating Mind Control was pretty normal.

Moreover, this was such a small village.

And such a small castle.

That Overlord was said to have some strength, but he was only a 2nd rank Ranger.

How could he turn tail as a great Legend?

‘I was pushed to such an awkward state by Constantine that I’m losing confidence.’

‘Damn, wait for me to find my golden bulls and I’ll make everyone in this village my slave!’

Auzin had a sinister expression on his face.

“Thud thud thud!””Thud thud thud!”

He knocked on the door of the third farmhouse.

This time, a thin and weak middle-aged man opened the door.

His complexion was also pale.

This time, Auzin didn’t bother talking and directly used Mind Control!

That person stopped moving; someone finally got hit at last!

His eyes had a faint red color.

“It finally worked…”

The Crimson Patriarch almost felt like crying. After his two previous Mind Controls had failed, he had been wondering whether the Twin Snakes had taken back his Divine Spells.

“Tell me all you know about White River Valley, about the castle, and about the Overlord Marvin and the eleven golden bulls he brought back!” Auzin said in a firm tone.

The man nodded. “Eh, our White River Valley, hmm, in fact its history isn’t very long. I am an inhabitant of the second generation, I originally drifted aimlessly in River Shore City, but you know, life…”

“Stop!” Auzin couldn’t help having a headache.

He had actually mind controlled a chatterbox…

If he let him keep going, he might be there until dawn!

“Tell me, where are the golden bulls?” He asked the most important part.

The man immediately whispered, “Others think that the golden bulls were hidden in the castle by the Overlord, but they aren’t.”

“Yesterday evening, I saw him with my own eyes. He stealthily dug a huge hole in the river bank and hid all the golden bulls inside!”

“I saw it with my own eyes, so no one else knows about this.”

The Crimson Patriarch frowned.

‘Buried in the river bank? Is that Overlord brainless?’

But he saw the red color in that man’s eyes. He clearly was under his control. He kind of wanted to read that man’s thoughts, but Detect Thoughts was a 4th-circle Divine Spell and he had only prepared one. It was destined for Baron Marvin.

His instincts told him that anyone who could steal the golden bulls definitely had some hidden secrets.

Two people arrived at the edge of the White River, and stood under a long tree with a weird shape.

The middle-aged man was holding a shovel. Auzin ordered, “Dig.”

The man then began to crazily dig into the ground.

The sand in the river bank was very soft, so the shovel didn’t meet much resistance.

The man’s movements were very wild, not showing any self-control. He scattered a large amount of sandy soil, some directly flying at Auzin’s face and clothes!

“Damn! Idiot!”

Auzin angrily stamped the ground. He had never been as sullen as tonight!

But he also knew that people under the effect of Mind Control were mentally impaired.

He could only retreat while blaming his luck, watching that man dig down bit by bit.

Time passed. The hole dug into the river bank was extremely huge, but there was no sign of the golden bulls.

The middle-aged man was gasping for breath while mumbling, “It must be there, it must be there, I saw it with my own eyes.”

Auzin was already impatient!

He felt something was seriously wrong tonight!

He took a deep breath and suddenly rushed up, grabbing that man’s collar!

“What kind of thing are you?”

The man suddenly laughed mischievously, “You guessed I was something?”

His complexion grew increasingly more pale under the moonlight, as his body slowly changed.

His facial features dissolved, and he turned into a paper doll!

In the castle, Marvin watched through a crystal ball and couldn’t help but exclaim.

“This is the highest grade of Origami!”

Chapter 153: Multi-Layered Trap

p>”No. This isn’t the highest grade of Origami.”

The voice from the Shadow Thief Owl came out of the crystal ball, extremely gentle.

“Open your eyes and watch, Little Marvin.”

“To behead such a small snake, why do you need so many plans? I alone am enough.”


The Crimson Patriarch grabbed the paper doll and ruthlessly tore it to shreds!

His eyes were staring at something inside the village.

But White River Valley seemed extremely eerie under the glow of the moonlight.

Shadows came out from each house, extremely nimbly. They all looked human.

But under the pale moonlight, the Crimson Patriarch could clearly see that they were all paper dolls!

“Shadow Thief Owl!”

The Crimson Patriarch ground his teeth and yelled that name.

“We don’t have any grudges, do we?”

Looking at that endless army of paper dolls, the Crimson Patriarch couldn’t understand. His enemy was unexpectedly the Shadow Thief, Owl!

Didn’t this guy run to the Jewel Bay to fight that Ancient Red Dragon? Why did he suddenly appear in an insignificant place like White River Valley?

‘Could everything be a conspiracy? Destroying the Hidden Granary, using the golden bulls to lure me in, is this my enemies’ plot?’

Auzin thought quickly. ‘It should definitely be the case. How could that White River Valley’s Baron be bold enough to steal my golden bulls otherwise?”

He figured it out.

In fact, he had already thought something was wrong with White River Valley. But as a powerhouse, the Crimson Patriarch was very confident with regards to his strength!

Constantine and Endless Ocean couldn’t deal with him. There weren’t many people in this world he was scared of.

Especially after Anthony’s death.

Thus he still continued with his plan. He wanted to find out what was going on in this territory.

But Owl’s appearance exceeded his expectations.

Shadow Thief Owl had already been famous for quite a long time. His strength was unfathomable. And more importantly, Auzin didn’t know who else was in White River Valley.

‘Constantine? Could it be him?’

‘Impossible, when the enemies destroyed the granary, Constantine and Endless Ocean were chasing me. They couldn’t plan such a plan at that time, right? Could there be others?’

Auzin’s expression turned very gloomy. He had always been scheming against others. He hadn’t expected that others would be scheming against him today.

But one Shadow Thief Owl wasn’t enough to make him afraid!

On the riverbank, the paper dolls began to transform. They all turned into Owl.

But there were different types of paper, leading to some weird angles, and creating some discrepancies.

All the paper dolls were holding two paper daggers while smiling sinisterly as they surrounded the Crimson Patriarch.

“This is a very ruthless world, Auzin.”

The paper dolls smirked. “We have no grudges with you, but among those you killed, weren’t there many who held a grudge?”

The Crimson Patriarch’s face turned ashen. He suddenly spread his arms and Divine Power began condensing without him saying anything!

[Divine Spell – Snake Whirlwind]!

In an instant, a whirlpool appeared from his chest. Countless frightening snakes kept flying out from it.

These snakes were thrown out by the whirlpool, toward those paper dolls.


All the paper dolls sneered, “I am made of paper, why would I be afraid of snake bites?”

The paper dolls completely disregarded the endless waves of snakes which were swarming them.

Some dolls even had five or six snakes coiling around them, but it didn’t affect their movements at all!

Marvin was astonished as he looked at that scene though the crystal ball. If his Origami skill could reach this level, that would be amazing.

‘With Owl acting, it should be very easy to get rid of one of the Crimson Patriarch’s lives,’ Marvin thought.

Very few people knew that the reason he was so troublesome to kill wasn’t actually his endless escaping tricks, but his shocking amount of lives!

The Five-Headed Crimson Snake had a total of five lives.

He was actually the second son of the World Ending Twin Snakes, a Five-Headed Basilisk. He would lose one head each time he was killed and his lives remaining would lower by one.

But after some time, his heads would regrow under the blessings of the World Ending Twin Snakes.

This was the main reason why he was so hard to kill.

Constantine and Endless Ocean actually made him lose one of his lives a few days ago. In other words, the current Crimson Patriarch only had four lives left.

Every one of his lives had already been taken into account in Marvin’s plan.

Now with with three more Legends helping, Marvin truly couldn’t figure out what other variable could appear.

There was only one possible complication, which was whether the Shadow Prince would appear at this time!

‘It shouldn’t be this coincidental, right?’ Marvin took a glance at the crystal ball and couldn’t help but look at the sky.

The moonlight was very bright and there were no black clouds.

The fight between the snakes and the paper dolls could be rated as very desperate. The Crimson Patriarch was expressionlessly standing on the riverbank, still casting that snake summoning whirlpool.

These snakes looked like sharp blades, crazily flying and ripping apart the paper dolls at the front.

The thousands of paper dolls had been unable to close in on the Crimson Patriarch’s body.

“You like this skill?” The Crimson Patriarch sneered while looking at those paper dolls continuously pouncing over.

He guessed that Owl must be hidden among those paper dolls, waiting for an opportunity to act.

Among Legend classes, Shadow Thief was actually not a particularly strong one. Because it wasn’t very resistant, it was very easy for a powerful class to annihilate one.

He still had many Divine Spells, but he didn’t feel it was necessary to use any more yet.

He had a feeling that his enemy tonight wasn’t just limited to Owl. There should be others that hadn’t shown their face.

Those Divine Spells he kept were prepared for the others.

As for the Shadow Thief, the two defensive force fields and warning spells enchanted on his body should be enough.

Thinking of it, Auzin couldn’t help but leak a hint of smile.

He spread his arms further and sent more Divine Power toward the whirlpool!

The countless snakes filled the riverbank.

Suddenly, he noticed a paper doll that stood out from the masses.

That paper doll didn’t rush toward him like the others, instead continuously jumping around in the crowd.

‘Doppelganger? Or main body?’ The Crimson Patriarch’s sight focused on that paper doll.

While he was still considering whether to use a Divine Spell to hit that one, an ice-cold voice suddenly echoed beside his ear.

“Did you even think about why I would dig such a big hole?”

The Crimson Patriarch was startled!

But it was already too late!

The straight daggers shone under the moonlight with a sinister glint. Owl silently jumped out from that hole to the Crimson Patriarch’s back!

He had hidden himself in the Shadow Realm for such a long time!

Under the assault of the legendary daggers, both force fields were immediately broken!

A warning sound instantly echoed in Auzin’s mind. He unhesitantly used an instant Divine Spell!

4th-circle Divine Spell – [Life Severing Shriek]!

This was one of the strongest life saving tricks of the Crimson Patriarch. People hearing this shriek would sink into a paralyzed state for a long time!

But Owl’s moves showed no signs of slowing down.

“Very unpleasant to hear… You must be baffled as to why I can still move.” Owl ridiculed him.

“It’s because…”

“I have earplugs!”

After saying this, the pair of daggers attacked again from two different sides. The left ruthlessly stabbed down, onto the Crimson Patriarch’s shadow!

The right hand used Cutthroat!

In an instant, the Crimson Patriarch’s neck was opened and blood flew out!

‘Using a legendary dagger to nail his shadow down in order to prevent the Crimson Patriarch from instantly using [Void Shift].’

‘Even if Owl is quite carefree, he still attaches a lot of importance to those details and strategies.’

Marvin looked in the crystal ball, pleased. The Crimson Patriarch died.

In reality, a simple Cutthroat would definitely not kill the Crimson Patriarch! His Void Shift was an instant spell. Coupled with Life Severing Shriek, almost no one could sneak attack him!

But Owl had managed to. Half of it was due to his powerful strength, while the other half was due to Marvin’s information.

The Crimson Patriarch probably never expected that there were people in this world that knew him so well.

He was fated to die tonight!

Marvin stared at the crystal ball, holding an open scroll and a potion in his hands.

If any extreme circumstances truly came up…

‘I would have to personally intervene…’

On the river bank, Shadow Thief Owl kicked the head of the Crimson Patriarch in the White River.

The Crimson Patriarch’s body suddenly shattered, turning into pieces of stone.

“Hathaway, where is that guy now?” Owl raised his head to look at Hathaway on the peak.

She was the one in charge of communication for the fighters tonight. Apart from Marvin, all the Legends used [Telepathic Bond]. This was a short range communication spell.

Before Hathaway could say anything, another voice already answered emotionlessly, “No need, I got him.”


As soon as the patriarch died, Hathaway used her True Sight spell to search the whole territory for the place where the Patriarch would be reborn.

The location of his rebirth would usually not be too far away. This came from Marvin’s experience.

Sure enough, she found the Crimson Patriarch in accordance with Marvin’s plan and reported the location to the middle-aged Night Walker.

The latter’s speed during the night was just like a fierce wind, arriving in the blink of an eye. There was nothing Owl could say.

The Shadow Thief dully shrugged, “Why on earth do you insist on solo fights…”

“Ganging up on someone feels extremely good.”

Marvin smiled as he looked in the crystal ball, not saying anything.

The reason for not ganging up on him was very simple. The Crimson Patriarch’s rebirth was very fast and he had a huge amount of escaping tricks. Even if they could quickly kill him by ganging up on him, it would immediately expose numerous Legends, and the first thing the Crimson Patriarch would do after his rebirth would be to use one of his escaping tricks.

The Northern Mine, in an area near the Shrieking Mountain Range.

The Crimson Patriarch was ashenly looking at the man before his eyes.

He originally still thought of looking for Owl to settle his debt, but before he could take a few steps, Constantine blocked his path!

He was now sure that this was a plot against him!

“Constantine, you sure have some good relationships. You were actually able to ask Shadow Thief Owl to make a move.”

“Since you are here… That Endless Ocean whore should also be there?”

“Hehe, three Legends, such a great hand!”

“Sorry for not keeping you company.”

The Crimson Patriarch gave a hollow laugh and his body suddenly twisted.

He split into three, and the other two instantly disappeared in the void.

The Crimson Patriarch standing in front of Constantine also suddenly turned and ran, choosing to escape toward the Shrieking Mountain Range!

‘As expected, after dying once and noticing three Legends, he immediately prepared to flee.’

Marvin sneered. Everything was going according to plan.

The Crimson Patriarch’s reaction was good. Unfortunately…

Could he even run away?

T/N: This is a short version of the author note in between 153 and 154

A/N(summarized): There were few comments about the Crimson Patriarch’s intelligence.

The author is dumbfounded. What happened wasn’t an issue with his intelligence, but his way of thinking.

As a Legend powerhouse, he is at the top of the food chain. Would he care about things he considers insignificant details? White River Valley and Baron Marvin are ants in his eyes, and he doesn’t that much time on his hands to investigate an ant’s personal life. As a Patriarch, he has many more important things to take care of.

Getting the golden bulls is very important and very urgent. In fact, if it was another Legend, they would have used force first, like Leymann or Hathaway, they would have used “Aurora Burst” or “Burning Firerain” first before looking for the golden bulls.

The Patriarch still used Mind Control to investigate, isn’t that cautious enough?

In addition, being sly doesn’t necessarily mean being highly intelligent. Slyness only proves that that person is extremely cautious, cherishing his life and able to find a way out.

We all see from Marvin’s perspective, knowing what was ahead of the Crimson Patriarch, but what can the Patriarch see? If he was scared away just by a village being strange, he would definitely not belong to the Legend realm.

Also, Marvin is an ant in front of him, would he be that overcautious in front of an ant? Even if there was something strange about that ant, would he run away like that?

Another point: Twin Snakes Followers will have a pair of snakelets implanted in their eyes which had to be dug out before their deaths, or else their murderer would be detected. But it’s implanted by the Clerics to their followers, and the Clerics themselves don’t have those. Thus, there was no need for him to dig out their eyes. I was afraid people would say I was adding unimportant things (T/N: aka filler) so some details that wouldn’t bring too much of an influence on the reading were purposefully left out. But since some people raised the issue, I’ll add more details to the setting, but I hope people won’t say I’m adding filler. But the popularity is a proof that the majority of readers appreciate my style of writing. I’ll say again. Thank you everyone.

T/N: So I said summarized but it’s still pretty long. I usually don’t TL author notes because they are usually related to the chinese releases. But I felt this one should be.

I only kept what was related to the story and the translation side. Please continue to support us by giving us more power stone.

Chapter 154: Making a Move!

p>Constantine’s silhouette rushed like lightning. In the night, the Crimson Patriarch’s speed was simply unable to match his.

Both sides moved at the same time, but Constantine managed to get in front of the Crimson Patriarch and block his path!

“You won’t escape today!” Constantine sneered.

Auzin looked up at the sky and laughed, “I have many lives!”

“Not to mention, you alone might not be able to kill me!”

“What about Endless Ocean? Call her out. Both of you might be able to kill this life.”


His expression suddenly turned extremely sinister!

“I’ll make you pay!”

His body suddenly transformed.

He turned into a long Three Headed Basilisk!

The Basilisk’s body looked sleek, without any scales, but the defensive power was comparable to the hardest gold ore!

This was the Crimson Patriarch’s main body.

As the second son of the World Ending Twin Snakes, he was a lot weaker than his older sister the Azure Patriarch. But his main body’s abilities were very powerful.

(TL: Green Sky -> Azure.)

Many living creatures would be unable to use Divine Spells after transforming.

But he was different.

He could still use his Divine Spells after transforming. This was his biggest advantage.

Constantine coldly looked at the huge Basilisk as his hands disappeared in a flash, fishing out two roughly made pistols!


Two loud gunshots echoed as black smoke was emitted from the pistol. Two extremely fast bullets exploded on the Basilisk’s body.

The latter hissed as bruises appeared on his body, but it didn’t break through his protection!

“The Shas’ small tricks have no effects on me!”

“Without Endless Ocean’s help, you are dead meat!”

The Crimson Patriarch laughed his head off before suddenly pouncing toward Constantine.

‘Turns out Constantine was a Sha clansman. No wonder I didn’t see his weapon!’ Marvin suddenly realized.

The Shas’ most famous class was [Battle Gunner]. Although Constantine wasn’t a Battle Gunner since he chose to advance to Night Walker, he could still use his clan’s weapons since Night Walkers didn’t have a weapon restriction.

But the Shas’ firearms weren’t that powerful. Else, Feinan would have already entered the era of hot weapons.

Constantine’s pistols were clearly not ordinary things. The bullets had definitely been specially altered but were still unable to pierce through the Crimson Patriarch’s defenses.

To eliminate the Crimson Patriarch one on one would definitely be somewhat challenging.

But Endless Ocean was already on her way!

With the help of this Great Druid, Constantine would definitely be able to deal with that Basilisk.

Marvin controlled the crystal ball and watched from Hathaway’s point of view.

‘The first body transformed into a Basilisk, so the second must be a Goshawk!

Marvin knew everything about the Crimson Patriarch’s escape tricks. And being sly was an understatement.

This Basilisk was used to attract everyone’s attention.

He still had two doppelgangers, and if either could escape then he would definitely be able to make a comeback given some time.

Marvin would never give him such an opportunity.

“Hathaway! In the sky!”

He vigorously yelled at the crystal ball.

“Got it.”

On the peak, Hathaway quickly changed the direction of her True Sight spell, aiming at the sky.

As expected, a Goshawk was steadily flying toward the west. Its speed was neither too slow nor too fast, and it seemed very carefree.

“This Goshawk, I’ll trouble you Mister,” Hathaway whispered.

“Understood.” A faint voice echoed.

Marvin instantly felt at ease.

“Bang!” A loud noise echoed.

Inheim, who had been sitting cross-legged in a straw house, abruptly stood up.

He kicked the ground, and the earth shook as his body flew up like a bullet!

His body went through the grass house as it directly rushed into the sky and grabbed that Goshawk.

The latter was completely at a loss.

“Legend… Monk…”


The Crimson Patriarch in Goshawk form didn’t have time to react before Inheim’s Quivering Palm was already upon him!


After the vibration ended, the Goshawk’s body directly shattered.

Stone pieces fell down, some of them still bloody.

Inheim emotionlessly looked at the ground before unhurriedly entering another empty straw house and sitting down.

This was absolute strength suppression!

There was a gap even among legends. Inheim had already surpassed Constantine, Endless Ocean, Hathaway, and the Shadow Thief.

And the Crimson Patriarch’s doppelganger was totally not his opponent!

One palm killed him. Extremely overbearing. This was a true powerhouse.

His attention was still not on the Crimson Patriarch, because he was still waiting for the appearance of the Shadow Prince.

This was the reason he came to White River Valley.

Marvin sighed in relief in front of the crystal ball.

Among those few Legends, Inheim was the especially serious kind. Hathaway and Owl contributed greatly in convincing him act.

Originally, without the addition of those three Legends, Marvin would have used a more desperate plan. He would definitely not let the Crimson Patriarch’s doppelganger escape. That old blacksmith still had a few scrolls that hadn’t been used. The Night Walker’s resources were still very rich.

But with three more Legends joining, especially the powerhouse Inheim who could end a doppelganger with one palm, Marvin’s plan was a lot safer.

Splitting the Crimson Patriarch doppelganger was actually a divide and conquer type of strategy. When they were together, they would burst with a lot more power.

Scattered, their strength would only be reduced to one fifth of the original.

That way, Constantine and the others would face a lot less pressure.

The plan was even more perfect.

“The second life has been wiped out, there is only one remaining!”

“The Basilisk is being taken care of and the Goshawk is dead, only the Great Fish is left!”

Not waiting for Marvin to say anything, Hathaway’s True Sight had already switched to the rapidly flowing White River!

At the base of the White River, a Great Fish was quickly swimming upstream toward River Shore City!

When that doppelganger tragically died, the remaining two Crimson Patriarchs reacted!

He wasn’t just lightly scared!

Legend Monk Inheim. This was the person who dared to kill the Shadow Prince’s avatar.

Who had he provoked!?

In this small White River Valley, there was actually the Demon Hunter Constantine, Endless Ocean, and Shadow Thief Owl. Just this was fucking exaggerated enough, but now there was also a Legend Monk!?

What the hell is going on?

This lineup can slaughter a god!

The Crimson Patriarch in the form of a Great Fish frantically fled.

He knew his main body was entangled with Constantine and Endless Ocean and basically had no chance to survive.

If they also found this doppelganger…

He would be done for!

He didn’t dare to use any sort of Teleportation.

The Legend Monk’s perception was out of this world. If he was spotted, he would be finished.

He still had a some hope.

The Basilisk attracted attention and even if the Goshawk flying in the sky got spotted, the Great Fish should still be low-key, right?

But he also didn’t dare to be sure.

Because the other side had such a ridiculous lineup, heaven only knew how many more there were.

What was even more frightening was that the Crimson Patriarch suddenly realized that he still didn’t know who had plotted against him and put him in such an awkward situation.

Constantine couldn’t have done it!

He couldn’t have made such a powerhouse like Inheim make a move. The Shadow Thief also seemed to be helping out.

‘Could it be…’

‘Could it be that Baron Marvin of White River Valley?’

‘No way…’ The Crimson Patriarch thought furiously.

‘It was said that he was only a 2nd rank Ranger, how could he make so many Legends move?’

He was completely at a loss.

He couldn’t have thought that Marvin’s bold plan, combined with the Shadow Prince being on the verge of descending, would create such a coincidence, resulting in this situation.

The Crimson Patriarch felt shrouded in darkness, and couldn’t make sense of it.

He could only try his best to escape.

He could feel his own main body being gradually overwhelmed by the combined attacks of Constantine and Endless Ocean.

In the darkness at the bottom of the river, his heart felt anxiousness he had never experienced before.

He never felt anything like he had today, the feeling of his life being threatened!

‘Wait until I recover. I must skin these bastards one by one!’

The Great Fish fiercely swam.

But at that time he suddenly felt the temperature of the river water start to drop!

‘Not good!’

But as soon as this thought flashed through his mind, the originally calmly flowing White River completely froze!

On the river bank, Hathaway looked extremely beautiful with her red dress.

“Are you going, or am I going?” she asked.

Shadow Thief Owl on the side smiled wryly as he replied, “You go, I am afraid of water.”


A fierce noise repeatedly echoed before the ice shattered!

A strange fish forcefully broke through the frozen river and stood on the river!.

Two legs began to grow from his fish scales, and his extremely sharp toes pierced the frozen river as he stood on it.

‘Legend Wizard!’

Auzin began to despair when he saw Hathaway!

Who had he offended in the end?!

The other side had actually invited a Legend Wizard, Legend Monk, Legend Night Walker, Legend Druid and a Legend Shadow Thief!

This kind of lineup, never mind the East Coast, could there even be such a powerful group in the entire south?

There were so many powers in Feinan, so why was he the only one targeted? The Crimson Patriarch suddenly felt extremely wronged!

“Damn! Since you leave me no path of survival, I’ll stake everything against you!”

“I won’t die anyway. The day the World Ending Twin Snakes return to Feinan is the day I’ll be reborn!” Auzin angrily shouted.

He already prepared to go all out against Hathaway.

But at that moment, everyone froze.

Because at that time, a meteor streaked across the dark sky.

Hathaway and Shadow Thief Owl instantly disappeared!

Inheim dashed toward the location where the meteor would crash, wildly rushing at the speed of a bullet!

The Crimson Patriarch stood on the river in a daze, suddenly feeling a bit foolish.

Why are they suddenly ignoring me? He suddenly felt extremely ridiculous.

And at that time, Marvin let a long sigh on the castle balcony.

“Fucking Shadow Prince!” he cursed.

The next second, he grabbed a scroll with his left hand and a potion with his right hand and suddenly jumped from the balcony.

With the help of the Wishful Rope, he stably landed at the bottom of the hill!

“I have to make a move after all,” Marvin sighed.

He madly rushed toward the Crimson Patriarch’s doppelganger!


The roar of an Asuran Bear could be heard echoing through White River Valley!

Chapter 155: Tonight’s Main Character!

p>The Asuran Bear roared while running across the river bank.

He had thrown a potion in his mouth before starting to run!

“Crash!””Crash!” He completely ignored the glass bottle and directly chewed on it!

Dragon Strength!

And he had also roughly torn the scroll in his left hand.

This came from the old Blacksmith Sean, and was called [Berserk Beast]. Its effect was to substantially increase a beast or a monster’s strength and could almost increase it by a whole rank!

In other words, with the combined effects of Dragon Strength and Berserk Beast, Marvin’s strength suddenly approached the Legend realm!

The torn scroll emitted a weak yellow light and wrapped up around Marvin.

The Asuran Bear’s silhouette then grew up, reaching about six meters from its original three meters. Its fur also stood straight, like steel needles!

His eyes turned crimson.


The Asuran Bear fiercely pounced on the Great Fish on the frozen river!

“Bang!” The ice shattered, creating a huge hole. The two of them were entangled in a fierce struggle!

The Crimson Patriarch felt that today was absolutely crazy.

He had just thought that he would be safe after the two Legends disappeared.

But just as he focused his attention on the place the meteor landed, he was suddenly surprised by an Asuran Bear pouncing on him.

He knew of Asuran Bears.

But this was the first time he saw such a berserk Asuran Bear!

The Crimson Patriarch’s Great Fish doppelganger was roughly at the Legend level. It was safe to say that he should be stronger than the berserk Asuran Bear in a fight.

But a real battle wasn’t mere theory.

The Devil Fish had short legs. Even if his defense was good and his ways of attacking extremely diverse, he was completely not the match of a bear!

This was the importance of choosing the monster to shapeshift into. Bears were just under Dragons, Behemoths and Titans in their physical combat abilities.


Marvin slapped, making the Crimson Patriarch dizzy.

The Crimson Patriarch was smacked into a crack in the frozen river and was unable to move!

The Asuran Bear then fiercely sat down on him!


This time, not only did it make the White River shake. The entire White River Valley felt a small earthquake!

“Bold move! Truly a kid not scared of death.”

In the castle attic, the old blacksmith was holding a cup of red wine while leisurely looking at the two monsters fighting on the White River in the distance.

Jane was sitting next to him, wearing a white dress, her eyes somewhat worryingly looking at that place.

“I’ve never seen such a frightening thing,” she softly whispered. “You never let me see that kind of thing before.”

“I wanted to protect you.” The old blacksmith took a sip of wine and clicked his tongue. “The stock in this kid’s castle isn’t bad. Coming here isn’t a loss.”

Jane had an heavy expression.

Sean hurriedly said, “But it’s different now. I admit, even if that kid doesn’t want to live, his words are correct.”

“Times are changing. There are some things you want to hide, but won’t be able to hide.”

“I wanted to protect you, but recently I am somewhat powerless. We all have things we want to protect and that would give us the strength to move forward. Yeah, see that kid? He is desperately fighting with that Devil Fish because he has people and things to protect.”

“That is one of the two Patriarchs of the Twin Snakes Cult; killing him would definitely make the other one appear.”

“He is fully aware of this and still made such a detailed plan. I never saw a youth with such confidence before.”

“He did so much and in my opinion, it’s very reckless.”

“However… I do like that kind of person.”

Jane carefully reflected on the old blacksmith words before suddenly asking, “Since you like him so much, why are you sitting here drinking?”


The old blacksmith choked because of his daughter and his face immediately flushed red.

He patted his old leg and pretended to sigh, “Can’t go. I don’t have the qualifications to participate in that level of battle ever since that battle with the Black Dragon.”

“I can only sit here and pray for that kid. Hoping the Night Monarch blesses him.”

Jane rolled her eyes, clearly not convinced by the old blacksmith’s words.

The latter helplessly shrugged.

Jane didn’t notice his eyes flashing with a hint of sorrow.

Along with a hint of anger.

The meteor streaked across the sky, falling in the wilderness south of the Shrieking Mountain Range.

This area was one of the few uninhabited regions all of Feinan. It was close to the Spider Crypt, but also close to the Northern Mine.

From the huge crater a shadow crawled out with difficulty.

“Damn. This Great me has to do such a thankless job every time.”

“Shitty War God! Still wanting to snatch my [Time Molt]. If that fool was allowed to descend, he would simply be eliminated by those Wizards.”

“These brainless gods don’t know what happened in Feinan’s Fourth Era after they got sealed. Fucking got pressured into teaming up with them and now they want to attack the Universe Magic Pool in a rush. Not doing much and wanting the Fate Tablet while not offending the Wizard God? Bah! How could there be such an easy thing!”

Shadow Prince Glynos crawled out of the crater while swearing.

His body was somewhat distorting. This was because this avatar had yet to adapt to Feinan’s atmosphere.

‘No good, I have to leave immediately.’

He rested where he was for a moment before he considered that this place wasn’t as safe as he remembered.

‘That nutjob Legend Monk. Now that I’ve borrowed the [Delusion Wing], if I meet him again I’ll seal him forever in the Delusion World.’

He slowly stood up from the ground, fury flashing through his eyes.

Being chased by a Legend as a God was already very humiliating. And despite being widely known as the rogue god of escape, he was actually unable to escape an idiot Monk’s pursuit. This was a huge blow to his pride. After his avatar was destroyed, he had his fair share of mockery from the other New Gods.

At that time, he claimed he wouldn’t return to Feinan again due to his anger. And the numerous New Gods didn’t raise an objection.

They instead demanded that he hand over the [Time Molt] artifact that could let him go to and from Feinan. This artifact was said to have been forged from the moltings of a Time Worm.

This was the only known artifact that could allow his owner to freely move between Feinan and the Heavens.

The Shadow Prince naturally didn’t agree. Both sides were in a deadlock for a long time and the Barbarian War God eventually launched a large scale attack on Glynos’ God Realm!

The Shadow Prince didn’t have many friends and didn’t have a way to ward him off. However, if his main body wanted to escape, the other gods wouldn’t be able to catch him!

He directly closed his God Realm and disappeared for some time.

In the end, the gods reached a compromise.

They appeased the War God and the other deities who had something against the Shadow Prince, while borrowing the [Delusion Wing] from the Dream God.

This artifact was specially designed to restrain Monks. The higher the willpower, the easier they would be to seal.

Thus, Glynos had three artifacts: Delusion Wing, Time Molt, as well as Nightfall.

This was very unfathomable for a New God. Most New Gods don’t even have a single artifact, instead only having incomplete artifacts.

Thus after coming back to Feinan, the Shadow Prince was brimming with confidence!

With three artifacts in hands plus Divine Pressure, he didn’t believe that Legend Monk would still be able to defeat him!

Thinking of this, a hint of a smile appeared on his gloomy face.

A list of people he had to kill flashed through his mind before he stopped on one name, the one he previously failed to kill.


It was said that this woman was a Seer and could see into the future, even peering into the gods’ secrets.

‘Can’t leave her alive.’ Her appearance flashed before his eyes.

And Hathaway suddenly appeared in front of him.


The Shadow Prince stared blankly as he had a bad feeling! He saw through Hathaway’s level in one glance.

Legend Wizard!

This woman had actually advanced to become a Legend Wizard in such a short time!

“The Book of Nalu…” His originally gloomy expression turned even uglier.

The Book of Nalu was really extraordinary. It actually let her rise to Legend in such a short time.

But so what if she became a Legend?

Anthony was extremely powerful and he still managed to assassinate him, even if that assassination had gone a bit differently from how he’d calculated.

But Hathaway was only someone who recently advanced to Legend.

He could still easily kill her!

“Long time no see, Glynos.” Hathaway calmly looked at the Shadow Prince covered in dust.

“You aren’t that bold.” The Shadow Prince looked around, “There are others I presume…”

Before he finished his words, a silhouette dropped from the sky with a bang!

Inheim emotionlessly appeared behind Glynos.

“Fuck!” Glynos let out when he saw Inheim.

“Don’t worry Glynos, the true protagonist has yet to appear.”

A joking voice echoed from the side.

Shadow Thief Owl was looking at Glynos, his hands behind his back as he smiled.

‘Shadow Thief, three Legends…’

‘Damn, the Universe Magic Pool’s Divination magic has obviously been sealed. Could someone have leaked my whereabouts?’

The Shadow Prince was extremely sullen!

He had used a great amount of divine power with great difficulty to come to Feinan. And just when he arrived and there were already three Legends waiting!

What is this shit?

“Glynos, don’t think of escaping, I already sealed this place’s connection to the Shadow Realm.”

“You are already trapped,” Hathaway said with disdain.

Glynos sneered, “You mortals are really underestimating gods too much!”

“Even if I die here today, there will soon be stronger guys descending!”

“You can’t stop fate!”

Inheim took a step forward and indifferently said, “We can’t stop fate, but we can stop you.”

Hathaway also nodded, “You think we really need three Legends to stop you? Because Mister Inheim can do that on his own.”

Glynos frowned and suddenly had a bad feeling.

At that time, Owl stretched and said while still smiling, “I already told you.”

“Tonight, I am the main character.”

Chapter 156: Sullen Shadow Prince


The bear roar echoed throughout White River Valley’s wilderness.

The villagers who had been moved to the Northern Mine got frightened when they heard that roar.

Anna and the guards were trying to appease them.

Even though the sounds were frightening and they all had frightened expressions, there was still calmness in their eyes.

They had faith that their Overlord could lead them through any crisis.

After tonight’s battle, they might need to rebuild their homes, but as long as Lord Marvin was there, there would be hope.

The current Marvin was someone who could create miracles, in the eyes of White River Valley’s inhabitants.

“Mommy, I also want to go out and fight bad people with Lord Marvin.” A young voice echoed from the depths of the cave.

It came from a cute little girl. Her skin was a little rough, probably because she was born in a peasant household.

Anna walked over and gently hugged the little girl and rubbed her head. “Good kid. Wait until you grow up and you’ll be able to.”

After saying this she turned to the crowd in the cave and grimly said, “Although I don’t know what kind of enemies appeared tonight, Lord Marvin is working hard to protect this land.”

“Everyone probably has heard about the Twin Snakes Cult. This is a group of extremely vicious evil followers. But Lord Marvin invited many friendly experts, we have to trust him.”

“We just need to stay here and wait for dawn.”

“Dawn will soon come, believe me.”

On the river bank and frozen river side.

The melee struggle between the Bear and the Devil Fish was still underway!

Marvin had the upper hand. The Bear’s strength was originally greater than that of the fish, so with the Dragon Strength bonus, it made him quite overpowered.

But what made Marvin worried was that the Devil Fish’s defense was too abnormal!

He ruthlessly slapped and swiped and the Devil Fish could only silently bear it.

But after such a long time, only a few bruises had appeared on that guy.

There was no way to kill him with that kind of vitality!

Marvin’s transformation had a time limit, and so did Dragon Strength and Berserk Beast.

And what made Marvin feel even more annoyed was that even if the Devil Fish transformation of the Crimson Patriarch was a relatively weak doppelganger, he also knew some Divine Spells for fleeing!

Marvin was familiar with the starting motions of the Divine Spells, thus he was carefully watching the Patriarch’s movements.


Another slap staggered the Devil Fish, making him collapse on the riverbank.

Another Divine Spell interrupted!

The Asuran Bear unhesitantly pounced on it.

He couldn’t give any chance to the Crimson Patriarch. He raised both hands and hugged the Devil Fish before body slamming it!


A huge hole was created on the soft riverbank.

‘Damn. He really has thick skin…’ Marvin could feel his own strength slowly diminishing.

With his strength diminishing, if he kept dragging out the fight, he would have no chance of success.

‘Hurry up!’ He felt somewhat worried.

On the other hand, the Crimson Patriarch was also in an extremely painful situation.

This Devil Fish doppelganger was originally good at fighting in water. If Hathaway hadn’t frozen the river, he could have toyed with the Asuran Bear.

But the Legend Wizard’s spell instantly made him lose his advantage.

He could only let Marvin trample on him!

He was thrown left and right by a Bear, how could it be a pleasurable experience!

Although his defensive power was very strong and his Constitution very high, it still felt terrible.

He was the lofty Twin Snakes’ Patriarch, second only to the World Ending Twin Snakes.

But he was actually being thrown around like that by a stupid bear? This was simply intolerable.

But he couldn’t do anything about it.

His Divine Spells would be interrupted every time they were about to be cast.

This big stupid bear appeared clumsy, but each attack had such frightening timing.

This instant spell Life Severing Shriek had already been used, and Void Shift couldn’t be used in Devil Fish’s form…

He had already fallen into a vicious circle.

Want to use Divine Spells? Interrupted. Want to fight back? Flipped over. Want to flee? Overtaken…

The Crimson Patriarch quickly collapsed on the ground!

Countless ideas spread through his mind, but he couldn’t find any way to escape.

The worst part was that this Bear seemed to know everything about him. Every move was easily seen through by the Bear.

This was such a shitty feeling!

But Auzin still had hope.

Because he could feel that this bear had reached that realm through special means.

His strength was slowly declining.

Auzin was waiting for an opportunity, a chance to escape.

The Bear was wheezing more and more often. He pushed the Devil Fish under his body, wanting to dig out his eyes, but Auzin closed his eyes and his eyelids were tough. The Bear’s claws were unable to break through!

Both sides were locked in a tough stalemate.


Endless Ocean’s voice resounded in the night sky.

“Got it.” Constantine smoothly stepped to the side, avoiding the attack of a Basilisk’s head, his firearms continuously shooting at the spot where the Basilisk’s heads split!

Because Inheim killed the Goshawk, only two heads were left.

Endless Ocean used a spell to lock one of the heads. The other head was crazily spraying a light yellow poison mist.

But Endless Ocean’s Warding Wind immediately dispersed the poison mist without leaving any traces.

“Hurry up!” Endless Ocean took a look at the fight in the distance. She knew Marvin wouldn’t be able to last long.

Constantine also knew about this.

But the Basilisk was the main body of the Crimson Patriarch, and was thus the strongest. His Divine Spells kept being cast one by one. If not for Endless Ocean continuously helping him out, Constantine might have already suffered defeat!

The Basilisk’s defensive power was also extremely strong.

Constantine’s firearms and bullets were enchanted, and each bullet was cast from fine gold! The cost was frightening.

If it was another monster, it would have already been full of holes.

But there were only bruises on the Basilisk’s neck.

This defensive power was too outstanding…

‘Hathaway is definitely worthy of being called a Seer, she didn’t deceive me.’ Constantine thought.

He ground his teeth, revealing a extremely pained expression.

‘I can only use that thing.’

The next moment, he jumped and dodged the Basilisk’s attack while putting away his two pistols.

He nimbly leapt onto the Basilisk’s head and slid down his neck.

Suddenly, his body stopped, as if his feet were glued to the Basilisk body.

There was a bruise at that spot!

“Damn, forcing me to use the Demon Slaying Sword. Auzin, you are already dead!”

Constantine put both hands together in a praying position, before separating them. A light gray greatsword suddenly appeared from his palm!

The Basilisk apparently felt a threat and began to violently shake, trying to dislodge him.

But Endless Ocean had quickly coordinated with Constantine!

[Legend Divine Spell – Swamp Prison]!

The area around the Basilisk suddenly collapsed as soft soil tightly grabbed his body.

Constantine slowly raised his Demon Slaying Sword high up, his body excessively twisting, before slashing with that greatsword toward the Basilisk’s bruise!

A cryptic rune suddenly flashed on the Demon Slaying Sword.

The edge of the greatsword silently cut through the Basilisk’s neck, directly cutting down the main head!


A weird noise echoed. Because of the main head being cut off, the entire Basilisk’s body quickly turned into stone.

The stone shattered into countless pieces. The Demon Slaying Sword in Constantine’s hand suddenly left his hands and flew up. It turned into a shooting star flying toward the north!

“Truly stingy… I won’t be able to borrow it another time.”

Constantine mumbled while walking out from the remains of Auzin’s body, a pained expression on his face.

The Demon Slaying Sword was the best thing he had. He had managed to borrow it for three uses and he just used it for the third time.

After being used, it would return to someone else.

‘That was a half-artifact…’

“Go!” Endless Ocean urged, “Marvin is almost at his limit.”

In the wilderness, the Legend trio was surrounding the Shadow Prince.

“Regardless of what you want to do, I’ll at most lose one doppelganger tonight, and one of you will definitely remain behind forever!” Glynos gloomily said.

He then suddenly turned fuzzy!

His target was Hathaway!

But at that time, ten light blue crystals suddenly appeared on Hathaway’s chest!

‘Space-Time Diamonds!’

Glynos’ pupils shrank and his heartbeat suddenly sped up.

His body was locked in place!

[Legend Spell – Space-Time Bind]!

This was one of the frightening spells she mastered after advancing to Legend. But this spell had extreme requirements to be cast. It needed Space-Time Diamonds as casting materials, with each cast consuming one!

‘So what if you have Space-Time Bind?’

‘My avatar also has Divine Power, it has a great resistance toward this kind of spell!’

‘Twenty seconds of Space-Time Bind would at most bind me for two seconds!’

That was what the Shadow Prince was thinking.

But what happened next thoroughly exceeded his expectations.

The Space-Time Diamonds on Hathaway’s chest disappeared one after the other.

Her face also looked a bit pale.

In less than three seconds, she actually used [Space-Time Bind] no less than ten times!

In other words, even if the Divine Power resistance kicked in, because of the ten layered spells he would still be confined for twenty seconds!

After casting the final spell, Hathaway weakly fell on the ground!

She had already used all her strength.

“What are you trying to do!?” The Shadow Prince was somewhat panicking.

He looked toward Inheim, but how could he have thought that Inheim wouldn’t move.

“Hehe… Is it finally my turn?”

“How many years have I gone without making a move, I wonder how many people remember…”

“The title of the first God Thief!”

Owl came over while evilly laughing. In an instant, fifteen paper doll doppelgangers appeared!

Including Owl, a total of sixteen Shadow Thieves threw themselves at the Shadow Prince and began to crazily caress Glynos!

[Legendary Steal]

The Shadow Prince’s face turned green!


The first second, his clothes and underwear were snatched away, directly thrown into the wilderness.

The next second, the portrait of the goddess he was so fond of was snatched and exposed on the ground.

The sixteen Shadow Thieves crazily worked together on the immobilized Shadow Prince!

Countless hands were naughtily fondling the Shadow Prince’s godly body.

It already couldn’t be considered fighting!

This was fucking filthy!


The Shadow Prince felt like he was going insane!

These short twenty seconds felt like an endless era.

As the Shadow Thief Owl was creepily laughing, his things were snatched and messily thrown on the ground, regardless of whether they were useful or useless.

At the eleventh second, a pair of wings suddenly appeared in the Shadow Thief’s hands.

Before he could examine them the pair of wings suddenly flew up toward the Heavens!

“An artifact…” Owl sneered, and without saying anything else, continued putting his hands on the Shadow Prince’s body.

Inheim was simply coldly watching the Shadow Prince.

The reason he looked for Owl and Hathaway wasn’t to kill the Shadow Prince, nor to humiliate him, but to steal something from him.

Time Molt!

There were seven seconds left. Owl began to sweat a bit. The pressure of Legendary Steal was very high.

The Shadow Prince stood naked in the wilderness, as cold wind blew on his body.

At the same time, sixteen wretched men were continuously fondling his body.

This made him feel so sullen.

He kind of wanted to cry.

Chapter 157: False Divinity

p>A deadly silence reigned among many God Realms in Heaven.

Nobody knew when it started, but laughter erupted from one God Realm.

What followed was endless laughter!

Every New God looking at this scene was convulsing with laughter.

But a roar came from a shadow in a corner. “You still dare to laugh!”

“If the Time Molt is stolen…”

A voice interrupted Glynos’ statement, “I already said that it would have been best to let me go to Feinan with the Time Molt.”

“What can you do apart from sneakily assassinating people?” the Barbarian War God complained, “Your weak Divine Power can only be so effective against a spell like Space-Time Bind.”

“It does not matter. We originally wanted to see if we could kill a few Legends. Unfortunately, those powers are more stubborn than we imagined,” said a proud voice came from the distance.

“Glynos, you don’t need to worry, this isn’t your fault.”

The Dream God.

The Delusion Wings artifact that flew out of Glynos’ hands belonged to him.

“Let us wait and see.”

“In fact, it wouldn’t matter even if the Time Molt was lost. In any case, sooner or later, we will return to Feinan.”

“Now let’s wait for those three guys to return from that savage area and then, after our last god meeting, the Universe Magic Pool will become history.”

“Let them struggle.”

After these words from the Dream God, the laughing voices gradually calmed down.

Glynos also no longer said anything, calmly watching Feinan instead.

These gods in the Heavens had to use a lot of Divine Power to watch Feinan.

But today’s situation was quite important. Almost everyone’s sights were focused on that small area in a southeast corner of Feinan.

They were all watching Glynos’ avatar. No one cared about Marvin and the Crimson Patriarch still tossing around!

Space-Time Bind.

One of the most frightening Legend Spells, even gods could only rely on their formidable resistance to firmly endure and couldn’t avoid it.

As a Seer, Hathaway’s talent had always been extremely amazing. And Legend Wizards broke away from the spell limitation and could freely cast spells.

But she also spent a lot of time and energy preparing for those ten Space-Time Binds and after using them all in a row, she weakly fell on the ground, dizzy.

In order to deal with the Shadow Prince, she had to use all her strength!

It was the same for the Shadow Thief.

Along with fifteen paper doll doppelgangers, which were all Legend Shadow Thieves, he kept using Legendary Steal. This was a huge burden.

But he had no other choice.

If he couldn’t steal Time Molt, today’s plan would be a failure.

He didn’t feel as relaxed as he looked!

Perspiration kept accumulating on his forehead as the seconds slowly passed!

Inheim was solemnly looking at this scene, prepared to attack at any time.

If the Shadow Prince showed any sign of breaking out of Space-Time Bind, he would immediately kill him.

Otherwise, Hathaway’s life would be in danger.

But if that happened, the plan would be a failure because artifacts and items on the avatar would automatically return to the god after its death.

The only way to get Time Molt was to steal it!

Of course, not all artifacts could be stolen. For example, that pair of Delusion Wings was an artifact bound by the Dream God’s Divine Power, so no one could steal it and walk away with it.

As long as the Dream God wished, this artifact could come back to his hands. That was the reason he dared to lend it to the Shadow Prince.

But Time Molt was different. It was an artifact that couldn’t be bound.

This gave an opportunity to Shadow Thief Owl.

Legendary Steal had a chance to steal it.

It depended on his luck.

Thinking of this, Inheim couldn’t help but clench his fists. Inheim who had always been calm felt his mood fluctuate. ‘You must steal it! You are the first person to steal from a god…’

He even recalled his first encounter with Shadow Thief Owl.

It was during a hot evening.

At that time a young careless thief named Owl stole his nearly empty pouch but was discovered by Inheim. He grabbed him and beat him up.

“Why do you want to be a thief?” he then asked.

The young thief’s face was bloody, but he still raised his head and proudly answered, “I like it.”

So he was beaten again.

“What end goal is there in being a thief?” the young Monk asked, extremely puzzled.

“I want to become the first God Thief, what’s wrong with it?”

The young thief still said very proudly, “There will inevitably be a day I can pick everyone’s pockets, even a goddess… if I can steal a goddess’ panties…”

He got beaten for the third time.

The Monk disdainfully muttered, “Scum.”

Many years later, when the two met once again, the latter had truly become Feinan’s first God Thief.

But that Owl had already not been doing dodgy work for many years. He even appeared in the East Coast to fight that Ancient Red Dragon!

After the two met, Inheim only asked, “Want to steal gods’ belongings?”

Owl froze, but replied, “Yeah.”

Thus he followed him.

Inheim was tense, his eyes staring at the Shadow Prince and those sixteen shadows jumping around him!

He could see that Owl was squeezing out every last drop of his effort!

At the eleventh second he stole the Dream God’s Delusion Wings which were then taken away by their owner.

At the fourteenth second he even stole Glynos’ Nightfall, but unfortunately this artifact was bound to Glynos’ Divine Power and was also taken away.

There were only a few seconds left.

Owl’s forehead was covered in sweat, his complexion frighteningly pale!

Legendary Steal!

Legendary Steal!

It looked like he was wildly using Legendary Steal on the Shadow Prince. Every second at least eight of them were used.

His body was reaching the limit.

He thought his hand would break.

But he still persevered.

There were two seconds left!


‘I don’t believe that I can’t!’

‘I am the man who will steal the panties of a goddess while she is wearing them, how the fuck could I fail to steal an equipped Time Molt!’

An ominous glint flashed across Owl’s eyes. It felt as if he wanted to eat the Shadow Prince!

At the final second, he put everything into it and used both his left and right hands and thrusted them into the void at the same time!

Double Legendary Steal!

Two items were directly dragged out of the Shadow Prince’s storage by Owl!

In his right hand was a pink and sexy piece of a cloth, while in his left was a thin skin.

This piece of cloth had a crescent moon engraved on it, while the skin was light yellow and looked very ancient.

Owl immediately looked up and howled with laughter, “I fucking made it!”

He then instantly vanished from where he was, putting that piece of cloth away while throwing that skin at Inheim.

Time Molt!

He stole it at last.

A weary half-dead Owl instantly appeared next to Hathaway, grabbed the Legend Wizard and disappeared!

Inheim grabbed the Time Molt and let out a long breath.

At that moment, the Shadow Prince became able to move.

But what welcomed him was the Legend Monk’s iron fist!

Silence reigned in Heaven.

An ice-cold voice spread, “Glynos…”

No one answered.

Because the Shadow Prince had once again closed his God Realm, and as for his main body, it had already disappeared!

“Glynos. Don’t let me see you in Heaven again.”

The owner of the voice seemed quite angry.

The other gods all stayed silent, but they were already gossipping in private.

“Turns out it was Glynos who stole Moon Goddess Faniya’s lingerie last month.”

“Haha, this is too funny. Lady Moon Goddess doesn’t need faith, and has a powerful Divine Power. Glynos is done for this time.”

As for the Shadow Prince, he already didn’t know where to hide. After losing the Time Molt, he was nothing!

Moon Goddess Faniya was a 3rd generation Ancient God, one of the few Ancient Gods not lying dormant.

She kept a neutral stance. Even when the New Gods prepared to join forces to attack the Universe Magic Pool, she only expressed that she was against fighting and didn’t intervene.

But Glynos’ action would definitely anger this Ancient God.

There would be no sign of the Shadow Prince in Heaven for the following days.

‘Wait patiently.’

‘Without the powers of those three, we are unable to shatter the Universe Magic Pool.’

‘Wait till they come back from exploring that savage area and we will have a chance.’

A thought was transmitted among the gods.

The ice on the White River was gradually melting.


The Asuran Bear heavily fell on the ground. His body had already shrunk to some extent, reduced back to five meters.

The potion and scroll’s effects had began to run out.

He was already struggling.

The Devil Fish took the chance and knocked Marvin down and prepared to use a Divine Spell to escape!

But Constantine arrived at the crucial time!

He crashed into the Devil Fish’s abdomen, surprisingly using his own body to knock that fish onto the White River.

The Divine Spell was once again interrupted!

The sound of them crashing through the ice and into the river water echoed out.

Endless Ocean also flew over, wearing a solemn expression as she threw two Legendary Weaken spells on that Devil Fish.

She then threw a Nature’s Strength spell on Marvin!

The Asuran Bear immediately shone with energy!

Under the effect of Legendary Weaken, the Devil Fish’s defenses rapidly declined.

Marvin grabbed that opportunity and desperately pounced on the Crimson Patriarch with his extremely sharp claws.


The originally tough fish skin turned frighteningly bloody from those claws’ scratches!

‘Showtime!’ Marvin blissfully thought. He recklessly and crazily devastated the extremely weak Crimson Patriarch.

The two Legends were supporting him, with Endless Ocean was constantly buffing Marvin and debuffing the Crimson Patriarch while Constantine was interrupting the Crimson Patriarch’s Divine Spells.

Marvin fought extremely relaxedly!

He pushed the Devil Fish back to the riverbank and crazily slapped, scratched, pounced, and tore at it!

It was a bloodbath.

Even Constantine and Endless Ocean were somewhat shocked.

Shocked at Marvin’s savagery!

In the end, before the Shapeshift ended, Marvin personally ended the Crimson’s Patriarch doppelganger’s life!

This appeared in the logs window:

[You killed a Legend (Doppelganger), gaining 8731 battle exp]

[Your World Myth +1]

[Your performance might attract the attention of the Twin Snakes Cult. Ordinary members will be afraid of you, but the World Ending Twin Snakes might pay more attention to you.]

[You gained the title – Legend Killer]

A large amount of logs flashed before Marvin’s eyes. He let out a relieved sigh.

The Asuran Bear then softly fell down on the riverbank and turned into the thin Marvin.

Constantine hurriedly helped him stand up.

“Kid, not a bad job.” He patted Marvin’s back and laughed heartily, “We finally avenged Ron.”

His eyes had a few twinkling tears.

Ron was the Night Walker who was previously tailing the Crimson Patriarch.

“Your courage and wildness are shocking.”

Endless Ocean calmly walked over, her hand emitting a circle of light.

“There was a bit of the World Ending Twin Snakes’ Divine Power on that Devil Fish doppelganger. Constantine and I both have proper Divine Power already. In any case, since you have already attracted the attention of the World Ending Twin Snakes, this bit of Divine Power would do you good.”

“But you have nothing on your body to store Divine Power.”

“Thus, this can be considered my personal gift to you.”

Marvin looked at that circle of light and couldn’t help but become startled, “Fake Divinity?”

Endless Ocean nodded.

The circle of light then merged with Marvin’s body.

The bit of scarlet light inside the Devil Fish also entered Marvin’s body under the attraction of the circle of light.

[You have received a False Divinity…]

[You gained a bit of Divine Power (World Ending Twin Snakes)]

[Your body has been greatly altered, attributes have changed…]

Chapter 158: Waking Up Under the Frozen River!

p>False Divinity!

Marvin hadn’t dreamt that Endless Ocean would give him such a huge gift!

He already knew that regardless of which doppelganger was killed, there would be some Divine Power left. Auzin was the second son of the World Ending Twin Snakes after all.

But with so many Legends here, Marvin hadn’t thought of aiming for the Divine Power.

What’s more, even if he wanted that divinity, he didn’t have any vessel for it, or else he could have kept the Divine Power from the Lich’s finger for himself.

But he now had a False Divinity!

A False Divinity could be anything that could imitate a Divinity’s ability to store Divine Power. It might a kind of celestial magic item or it might be a product of alchemy.

Endless Ocean’s False Divinity seemed to be from an adventure in a different plane, and it looked like she and Constantine had similar things.

This bit of Divine Power completely transformed Marvin’s body!

There were very overbearing logs appearing!

[You gained a False Divinity and Divine Power (1)]

[HP +100]

[Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +1]

[Your Resistances have slightly risen…]

Attributes +1!

This was the benefit of Divine Power.

Marvin who had been feeling weak began to gradually recover under the nourishment of Divine Power.

His Dexterity reached the 25 point threshold, so now he could use Flicker even without using Chaotic Battlefield Expert.

Each stat had been raised by a point. This was equivalent to leveling up twelve times!

This battle was worth it!

Besides getting Divine Power, Marvin also gained the [Legend Killer] title.

Although this title’s effect wasn’t suited for battle, it was still very useful.

[Legend Killer]: When you face a Legend powerhouse, the other side would maintain a certain amount of respect.

Legend powerhouses were known to not pay much attention to people under the Legend rank.

Hathaway took Marvin seriously because he was a Seer. Constantine did because they were both Night Walkers. Endless Ocean’s reason was because she owed Old Sean a favor from the time she was young. The old blacksmith didn’t have any particular wishes, and his daughter Jane was the same. As the old blacksmith’s disciple, Marvin naturally became the one she would repay the favor too.

Shadow Thief Owl taught Marvin Origami was because it was fated.

As for the others like Leymann and Inheim, even if they rather admired Marvin’s behavior, they would rarely talk to him.

This was the pride of Legend powerhouses.

But with this Legend Killer, Marvin could manage to speak a little with those Legend powerhouses on some occasions.

After killing the Devil Fish, Marvin gained 8731 battle exp. Along with the exp he got from the Hidden Granary, his battle exp reached a total of 18439!

And Night Walker’s 3rd level needed 18000 exp.

Marvin unhesitantly put enough experience to raise his Night Walker class to level 3.

He gained 36 SP, 58 HP, and one additional specialty.

This was also one of the specialties Marvin liked, [Superior Reflexes].

[Superior Reflexes]: Reaction Speed +1

Reaction Speed was a hidden attribute that was very easy to overlook. The reason Marvin’s fighting ability was a lot higher than others’ was because his Reaction Speed was a lot faster.

His fighting instinct would choose the best option in the shortest amount of time. This was Reaction Speed.

With Super Reflexes, his advantage would continue to increase, making him faster and nimbler. The coordination between his mind and body would improve.

Of the 36 SP, Marvin soon spent 20 points on [Night Jump]. This skill showed its worth in the fight against King Cobra. It reached 50 skill points, triggering the hidden effect, [Double Jump].

[Double Jump]: You can make a small jump in midair!

Double Jump’s effect was very powerful, increasing his jumping ability in the night many times and greatly increasing his aerial maneuverability.

Of the remaining 16 points, 6 were used on [Summon Night Crow] and 10 on a newly chosen skill.

[Shooting Blades (10)]: Create a certain number of shadow daggers and shoot them at a target location.

This was a ranged skill and like the others, it was used during the night. It could completely make up for Marvin’s weakness of lacking ranged attacks.

After all the strengthening, Marvin’s Hp directly reached 456. His total level was 10, already on the brink of reaching 3rd rank.

One more level and he would be at the 3rd rank.

Marvin’s leveling speed would already be considered extremely fast, but after tonight’s fight, he still felt somewhat lacking.

If not for the nature of Shapeshift Sorcerer, his weird class, and if not for the power of the potion and scroll, he simply would be unable to get involved in this battle!

The feeling of not being able to lead the fight happening in his own territory felt wrong and difficult to bear.


‘It’s power after all! I must start carrying out all those plans!’

Marvin firmly made that decision while he was being helped by Constantine.

And at that time, a howl of grief could be heard in the wilderness not far from there.

That was the voice of Glynos at death’s door.

‘It ended… At last.’

Marvin shut his eyes.

He knew everything was over for the time being.

But history had also thoroughly changed as a result.

What would happen next… Marvin simply didn’t know.

He could only do some things he was still familiar with, and crazily increase his own strength.

The Shadow Prince was no longer active, which meant that there would be a lot fewer Legends dying.

The fall of the Universe Magic Pool might not be avoidable, but would the New Gods’ plans be as successful as they were originally?

Marvin wasn’t sure.

The only thing he knew was that he had to work harder, harder, a lot harder!

He needed to protect this territory.

And in the face of the Great Calamity, a level 10 class holder couldn’t protect anything.

“It’s over,” Endless Ocean whispered.

Constantine nodded. He picked up Marvin and slowly walked toward the castle.

Late at night, on a tower outside River Shore City.

Madeline was flustered and awkwardly lying down on a soft sofa.

Her hair was messy and her forehead was covered with sweat.

That battle, it shook her to the core!

White River Valley and River Shore City were only this far apart. She immediately became aware of the fight when it started.

And this time, no one destroyed her crow, so she was able to see the whole incident.

When the Legend powerhouses appeared one by one in White River Valley, she almost choked.

And when Marvin recklessly rushed down from the castle, transformed in an Asuran Bear and fought with the Crimson Patriarch, she was completely shocked.

She suddenly found that she had really been looking down on that young man.

Even though she wasn’t clear on the whole context, to have five top Legends gather… In the entire south, perhaps only those few big shots of the South Wizard Alliance’s council could have this kind of power.

But this small countryside Baron was able to accomplish it.

She had no choice but to see Marvin in a new light.

‘Maybe this man has more worth than I thought.’

‘No no no… A lot more worth…’

She dazedly thought to herself and couldn’t help but lick her lip.

A fire lit in her eyes as Marvin’s somewhat delicate features flashed through her mind.

A bold plan started forming in her heart.

‘We are going to attacking the Scarlet Monastery together in a few days anyway. It’s an opportunity!’

‘Fresh and tender…’

White River Valley seemed extremely peaceful in the morning.

Last night’s world shaking battles felt like a dream.

The White River had melted and the depressions in the riverbank had been leveled. This wasn’t anything difficult for a Legend Wizard who had recovered her strength.

Anna brought the villagers back to the village.

Most people settled down well and with Anna’s help, the entire White River Valley regained its order.

It was like yesterday’s stuff was just a drill.

Everyone was farming like usual, everything was like it used to be.

Marvin was standing on the Lord’s balcony, calmly looking at the serene White River Valley.

There was a letter in his hand. It had come early in the morning from River Shore City.

Madeline was urging him.

It said that everything was ready, and only Marvin’s Holy Grail was needed before they could attack the Scarlet Monastery.

Madeline gave Marvin three days.

Marvin pondered, before ultimately deciding to take this trip to the Scarlet Monastery.

He now had a False Divinity, so he might be able to get a lot more benefits from the Scarlet Monastery!

As for that Madeline, he couldn’t see through her.

River Shore City’s City Lord was very mysterious during the game, rarely showing her true self. Marvin was unable to guess her thoughts.

But now that the Crimson Patriarch had died, the Twin Snakes Cult was like a headless dragon; none of them would dare invade White River Valley for the time being.

As for the Azure Matriarch, Marvin remembered that she should still be lying dormant, and she wouldn’t regain consciousness until the Great Calamity.

What’s more, although Owl, Inheim, Constantine, and Endless Ocean left after yesterday’s fight…

Hathaway stayed behind.

She said she was weary of the Three Ring Towers’ atmosphere and since they had successfully stolen the Shadow Prince’s Time Molt, taking a vacation was also good.

Her vacation spot was naturally White River Valley.

Marvin felt quite surprised by this, and even more happy. With a Legend Wizard keeping watch, White River Valley would be very safe.

Wayne also studied under her, which would have a lot of benefits for his future path as a Wizard.

‘Maybe it’s time to let this kid do some work for the territory,’ Marvin thought as he turned and looked at Anna standing by his work desk, which had a thick pile of documents on it.

Wayne had promising leadership abilities. He would definitely be a more suitable Overlord than Marvin.

And Marvin would definitely be away most of the time in order to raise his strength. This wasn’t too good for the territory.

But thinking of Wayne’s age, Marvin decided to not hand over the Overlord’s position to him for now.

Rather he needed to pick a suitable day to make him a Proxy Overlord.

This way, when Marvin wasn’t here, he could take his place and act as an Overlord.

White River Valley was a very small territory, and it would take a long time to build it into a large territory.

Marvin couldn’t wait.

He had to use all kinds of ways to raise his territory to a bustling level.

The current White River Valley only had farming. This was far from enough.

Marvin’s goals were to have animal husbandry, trade, and mining.

The military side would also constantly grow, requiring a completely new system that would allow them to cope with the approaching Great Calamity.

This wasn’t easy, but Marvin had a rough plan.

The first step was to develop trade, and if he wanted to do that, he needed to develop transportation. White River Valley’s geographical location was actually extremely advantageous. It was just 80 kilometers from the coastline.

If he could establish a harbor there, trade would certainly become extremely easy.

But the main point was that on the east side of White River Valley was another part of the Shrieking Mountain Range.

That section was occupied by many monsters. The most troublesome was the ogre tribe!

Marvin couldn’t get the harbor he wanted on the coastline if that tribe wasn’t eradicated.

‘When the matter with the Scarlet Monastery is over, I will have to start opening up the east.’

Marvin sat in front of his desk and began to write.

He finished writing his plan for the territory within the three days. As for implementing it, he was convinced Anna and Wayne would be able to carry it out.

North, inside a very old iceberg.

A girl wearing an azure dress was sleeping.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes.

“Little brother…” she whispered.

Her pupils shrank as images appeared in her mind: Constantine, Endless Ocean, Inheim, Shadow Thief Owl…

And there was one thin boy.

“Four Legends… One waste.”

“I’ll avenge you.”

Her eyes suddenly narrowed.

That huge iceberg began to crack.

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