Natasha the Halve

Fox Eyes: Class Acquisition (1)

When talking about E’er manipulation, those ignorant tend to believe it is all powerful. The first recorded Wizards were Photem, a God, and Elesis, a Halve, and the Laws of E’er have dramatically expanded since that time.

In this instance, I will go over three elements. Earth, Fire, and Water.

If someone were to call them ‘simple’, more than a few experienced Wizards would vomit blood on the spot, myself included.

To manipulate Earth, an individual would need to study the many different soils, stones, and rock formations that exist. Manipulating compressed dirt would be the most basic of spells, and diamond would be the most complex. Intelligence would dictate how much weight the individual can influence. Geomancers excel at building cities and reshaping terrain.

To manipulate Fire, an individual would need to study Thermal Laws, and understand the E’er-energy-heat equations required to ignite E’er. A flame would be the most basic of spells, and Solar Epitaph the most complex. Intelligence would dictate the heat of the flames produced. Naturally, there is a limit: fire cannot go above 6000ºY, and there’s only two recorded instances where that temperature has been reached by a spell. E’er replaces oxygen and also acts as fuel. Pyromancers excel at killing and generating thermal energy.

To manipulate Water, an individual would need to study hydrodynamics and understand the fluid-E’er equations. That is, to transform E’er into Water or other fluids the individual wishes to manipulate. A gentle stream would be the most basic spell, and floods would be the most complex. Intelligence would dictate water pressure. After a set period of time, the length of which depends on Intelligence, the liquid would transform back to E’er. Because of this, Water Weavers are unable to assist during droughts, but are incredibly helpful during heat waves and eroding hard materials.

21st day of the third month. Fifth week of spring. 1980. Yiama’s Era.

We had reached the 43rd floor, an expansive field of tall grass and sporadic trees, where monsters were in the 500 to 520 level range. Silence reigned the party as we tried to cope with reality.

I looked around, appraising everyone for the tenth time to check if my eyes weren’t deceiving me.

[Alyssa Pruvik – Bonded Partner – Krystaali Luzo, Lvl 255 Cardinal]

[Yolin Makav – Bonded Partner – Red Oni, Lvl 305 Asura]

[Natasha Novak – Bonded Partner – Forest Halve, Lvl 450 Dragoon]

[Bromisnar Bahadh – Bonded Companion – Khlyp Satyr, Lvl 251 Minstrel]

[Bonte Slirmy – Bonded Companion – Shishi Tigea, Lvl 250 Shadow Chaser]

[Sonya, Lvl 510 Ratnak]

[Pochi, lvl 704 Fekir]

I sighed. Three days. It took us three days to reach this level… while doing nothing. I’m sure that we all had complicated feelings on the matter. I read my own information once again.

Lapia Pofeta

Domi Elf


-Pyromancer Lvl 252 (Open Skills)
-Thaumaturge Lvl 251 (Open Skills)

I would not be as reckless as Natasha and write my stats down, so that’d be it.

We all were ready for a third class. We had two months to get to 800 according to Natasha’s plans. This is madness. If we keep going like this for even twenty more days, I’m sure we’d break any established records. If we hadn’t already, that is.

There was a slight wrongness to it. Not in that it wasn’t possible, as reality was undeniably and sonorously slapping me across the face. It didn’t feel unearned, as the circumstances demanded we increase our levels in case of an ambush by the group that sent the threatening letter.

I could rationalize it in more ways, but that’d be running away from reality.

It felt right, even, in a way. In the deepest recesses of my mind, I was even relieved. I wanted power, and it was given to me. It felt a little hollow, however.

We had set camp and sat around a campfire I lit.

“Lapia?” Natasha asked next to me.

I looked at her and blinked a few times.


“Where is the Kvass?” she asked with an expectant smile.

“Here,” I muttered.

I deactivated a spell and the two bottles materialized.

She gasped. “You stored them?”

“No,” I answered. “I used a space spell to keep light from reaching them.”

She gave me a big nod.

“Ah, I see… I think they’re ready,” she said with a big smile. “Now I have to filter and then refrigerate it.”

She produced another bottle and a very fine sieve. She grabbed the things and went about it.

“So,” Alyssa began. “This will be my first time getting a class inside a dungeon.”

“Same,” Bonte mumbled with a short nod.

Bromisnar also nodded.

“Me and Natasha will keep you all safe,” Yolin assured us. “Go ahead and meditate.”

We all sighed and retrieved various books, scrolls, and records.

I opened a tome and went over the contents a few times. I had prepared for this for ten years, so I had a pretty solid grasp on the formulas needed to turn knowledge into skills. It was a matter of integrating them and then let E’er recognize the class.

Closing my eyes, I shut the world around me and began the long process.

Pyro formulas occupied a third of my mind, Thaumaturge spells occupied another third, and the free space that was the last third welcomed the new knowledge.

The most useful element when dealing with beings of flesh, especially so if they’re sentient beings. First witnessed before even our ancestors walked the world. Something that was thought was punishment from the sky, but quickly explained by Gods. Feared, respected, and avoided even to this day. Widely used during the Second Age of E’er when Wizards were the rarest class.


Writing the formulas on my mind and making sure I made no mistake, I slowly integrated them one by one.

Electricity is unpredictable in nature. Through study, one can understand its workings and come up with an adequate equation to manipulate it properly. These in turn become skills, as follows:

Lightning Snap: the simplest spell. Numb nerves or stun an enemy.

Lightning Cage: a spell to trap enemies.

Lightning Discharge: a powerful lightning bolt.

Chain Lightning: electrocute various enemies at once.

Electric Shield: form a shield around myself that prevents projectiles from reaching me, and electrocutes enemies that get too close.

Echoes of Thunder: through space manipulation thanks to my Thaumaturge class, the accuracy of my lightning spells increase by isolating the path I want E’er to follow. This increases the potency of all my skills as the path is similar to ionized gas.

Fury of the Storm: the most complex spell. As the name implies, it brings forth a lightning storm with me at its center.

As the skills settled and the process was about to finish, I did last minute corrections and additions.

Adding Photem’s Impetus to Lightning Discharge, it turns into a channeled skill.

Adding the Rakh’Math View to Electric Shield and guiding it through the Bond, it turns into an Aura skill.

Finally, adding the Rakh’Math View and Perekis’ Theory of Power to Fury of the Storm, it turns into a spell that affects enemies and grows stronger the more E’er I pump into it, Similar to Solar Epitaph.

The process is not finished when integrating skills, however. As a Wizard, most of my skills are widespread, so I have to limit their reach to avoid hitting allies.

That is where the Bond comes into play.

Running a very thin tether from my core towards the Bond, I influence my skills so as to not hit those I am Bonded with. The subconscious distinction between ally and enemy is aided by this.

In the same way that I am not affected by Natasha’s Warcries, Bromisnar’s Sonorous Pang, Alyssa’s Sense Retribution, Yolin’s Protectoratum, and Bonte’s Shadow’s Reprieve, they would not be affected by my spells.

The process is slow, as I need to connect every skill with my core. This takes a lot of time.

Focusing on my new skills, I simulated them in my mind. Activating them with E’er, the skills lit up and the Bond was untouched.

I succeeded. It was not my first time doing it, anyway.

Naturally, I could have chosen not to. That would mean I’m deranged and uncaring of my partners and companions. Something I am not, of course.

Then comes the process of setting where the skills would come out of. Hands are the most useful since aiming with them is easier. It’d be completely useless to have them come out of my ass, for example.

This time the process was simple, since I have already set them for my Pyromancer skills.

This is extremely important when dealing with electricity, otherwise most of the charge would escape through my feet. Separating expelled E’er from my body is equally as important, since I don’t want to be shocked to death.

I did a final check to see if everything was in order. All was good.

Finally, I let the skills completely fuse with my unconscious.

Then, I read my information.

Lapia Pofeta

Domi Elf


-Pyromancer Lvl 252 (Open Skills)
-Thaumaturge Lvl 251 (Open Skills)
-Storm Ruler Lvl 1 (Open Skills)

Storm Ruler Lvl 1.

-Elite Wizards that have specialized their knowledge in Natural Phenomena. They have seen lightning, they have heard thunder. They have mastered their origin through arduous study. Electricity begins as an already powerful weapon, so only high leveled individuals can sustain these spells. The higher your Intelligence stat, the higher the charge your spells will have.


Rank 1.

-Lightning Snap, Lvl 1. Attack an enemy with a quick electrical discharge, stunning enemies with greater success the higher the skill. Numbs the nervous system otherwise. Highly effective against those below you in power.

-Lightning Cage, Lvl 1. [Trap] Encase enemies in a cage of lightning. The shape of said cage is up to your imagination, with a limit of 5m in width and 10m in height. The cage shocks those inside if they touch it. Spends E’er in accordance to the duration you intend to use.

-Lightning Discharge, Lvl 1. [Channeled] Attack an enemy with a powerful arc of lightning that you can continuously feed.

-Chain Lightning, Lvl 1. Let out a powerful arc of plasma that travels from enemy to enemy, further spreading if they’re close together. Won’t connect if enemies are more than (INT/50)m from each other.

-Electric Shield, Lvl 1. [Aura] Become one with the Storm. A (INT/500)m wide shield surrounds you, blocking projectiles and shocking enemies that come too close. Allies in (INT/10) also gain this shield. Spends E’er in accordance to the duration you intend to use.

-Echoes of Thunder, Lvl 1. Mastery of Space (Thaumaturge Class) has brought your attention to isolation of E’er, allowing you to form paths for your spells to go through.

-Fury of the Storm, Lvl 1. Summon a (INT/10)m wide Storm around you. As a spell that changes weather, it can only be used in the open. Enemies in range have their bodies charged, becoming easier to kill with lightning. You can command the Storm to release charged lightning and attack enemies. The more E’er you channel into the Storm, the more potent its effects and attacks.

- Lightning Manipulation, Lvl 1. You can manipulate electricity and influence electromagnetic fields to a certain extent.

I cringed in my mind. Flavor texts are always something.

Returning to my senses, I opened my eyes. I heard Natasha and Yolin talking.

“So you’re saying your father’s name would turn into your middle name?” Yolin asked.

“Something like that, yeah,” Natasha answered. “But I didn’t like mine, so I don’t use it. The system must have noticed that, because I don’t have it anymore.”

I looked around and noticed the rest were still meditating.

“But didn’t you say your mom left you? Doesn’t that mean your dad raised you on his own?” Yolin asked again.

“Now you’re making me sound like an ungrateful daughter,” Natasha chuckled. “He found a new partner a few years after that woman left, though. So he had that going for him.”

“I really can’t picture that. Some of us live for thousands of years so having bad relations with family is really rare,” Yolin explained.

I stood up and walked over to them. They were standing a few meters away from the camp, leaning on each other’s backs.

“You’re talking too loud,” I said as I got closer. “What if Bromisnar and Bonte hear you?”

“Oh, you’re done?” Natasha raised her eyebrows. “It’s been around fourteen hours.”

I nodded.

“How did it go?” Yolin asked me.

“Pretty good,” I said with a shrug. “Went as expected.”

“Nice. Back on topic,” Yolin insisted. “What’s your middle name, then?”

Natasha sighed.

“It’s not ‘middle name’. It’s patronymic name,” she explained. “My father’s name was Nikolai, so that would make me Natasha Nikolayevna Novak in legal terms back there. Fortunately, he prevented my Mother from naming me Anastasia, that would have been the peak of cringe.”

I hummed. There was something about Natasha speaking Orkish.

“Why?” I asked. “Anastasia sounds like a pretty name.”

“There was a princess with that name. Anastasia Nikolayevna Romanova,” she said, then let out a long sigh. “She was killed during a popular revolution. And had a lot of controversy around her because there were people who believed she survived.”

“I see… so you don’t like Nikolayevna?” I asked her.

She shook her head.

“Too old fashioned,” Natasha said with a laugh.

Yolin laughed too, and I chuckled at the absurdity.

“Old fashioned? How old would something need to be to be called that?” I asked.

“Well… she was born around one hundred years before me,” she muttered. “That’s like nothing here, though.”

“Hmm. Depending on the species, things get old differently,” Yolin commented. “My great grandmother is also named Yolin, she’s four thousand years old. It’s a pretty cute name if I say so myself.”

“Blin…” Natasha whispered. “Yeah, it’s pretty cute. Just like you.”

“I agree,” I said and hugged Yolin. “As cute as you.”

She blushed at our compliments. The three of us laughed and kept on talking while waiting for the others.


Special Thanks to Fightnguru for donating on my Ko-fi and helping me comission this beauty:

Say hello to Alyssa! She's shy and doesn't want you to see her big mommy milkers, so she hid them with her arms.


I have updated the glossary and will do so again in the future, so check it out from time to time.

I also changed the summary for the story, I hope a did a good job. Leave your thoughts in the comments!

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