Naruto : Hidden Cloud


"Can I help you?"

Sato calmly asked the Inuzuka matriarch.

He was behaving as if he didn't just beat up her kid, and the entire younger generation of her clan.

Tsume didn't seem to like this attitude, she frowned at Sato and bent down to his level, looking at him in the eye.

"You have some nerve asking me this, after what you did."

Tsume scowled at him but Sato didn't seem to mind it and shrugged.

"We were fighting, it was nothing special-"

"Not that!"

Tsume stopped Sato with a grunt, which confused him.

Because as far as he understood, she really didn't seem to care that he just beat up the Inuzuka!

'How can that be? The rest of the Inuzuka seem angry enough?'

'What's with her attitude?'

Sato frowned thoughtfully.

Tsume meanwhile saw Sato's confusion and smirked.

"You think I will run to fight a four year old, just because he defeated my clan's younger generation?"

"You only beat them up, not kill them, it's a good lesson for them."

"They should learn from this and never underestimate an enemy."

Tsume's words made Sato even more confused, if this was the case, then why did she run over and stop him?

"Ohh? But the Inuzuka's around me don't seem to agree to your words."

Sato pointed towards the angry Inuzuka's who were looking at their group.

Seeing that Tsume laughed a dog howl like laugh.

"Hahaha! That's why I am the clan leader and they are not brat."

"Not everything has to be about fighting and killing."

Tsume said with a slight helplessness on her face, as if she just remembered how difficult it was to manage the Inuzukas.

"That's.. pretty unexpected."

Sato said with a smile, he was pretty impressed with Tsume's self control, he didn't expect a brash woman like her to have something like that.

But it seems she is the clan leader for a reason.

"So if that's the case and you don't blame me, why did you stop me?"

But Sato didn't completely let his guard down, she was still standing before him, she wanted to do something.

"Oh that."

As if just remembering what she wanted to do, Tsume looked at Sato with anger.

"Take back what you had said earlier!"

Tsume growled threateningly, but Sato didn't find killing intent behind her words, it was more of a warning growl.

Which was good because he wanted to know what the hell she was talking about.

"Take back which words?"

Stao asked with confusion, hearing which Tsume grabbed his hair and messed it up roughly.

"Brat! You said cats are better than dogs!"

"Take back what you said!"

Sato blinked for a second before understanding what she was on about.

Looking at her speechlessly Sato asked.

"That's it...?"

"That's why you stopped me?"

Tsume clicked her tongue and stared at Sato even harder.

"Yes! Take it back, that's like a personal attack on me!"

"Cats suck, dogs rule, you got that?"

Tsume said excitedly, as if she was spreading sacred words.

Sato just held his forehead speechlessly.

'I said that to make the Inuzuka kids angry, and this grown woman ran over to fight me over it.'

'Man, the Inuzuka's are really..'

Coughing a bit to not show his thoughts, Sato smiled at Tsume.

"Sure I can do that."

"You are stronger than me, so dogs automatically become better than cats in this case."

But before Tsume could be happy, Sato waved his finger.

"Of course, if you stand against my sister, it'll probably flip again."

"I don't think you can beat her, she is THE cat and she is very strong."

Tsume raised her eyebrows, and said.

"I am the Inuzuka leader brat, what is your sister?"

Sato smiled and didn't reply, just when Tsume was about to ask why he wasn't talking, a voice came from behind them.

"I am the jinchuriki of two tails."

"Yugito Nii, his sister."

Tsume's head snapped back instantly while sweat flowed down her palms.

'Hidden cloud's jinchuriki! Hellcat.'

Tsume stayed silent for a few seconds before she understood everything, this wasn't a talented Konoha boy, but hidden cloud's genius.

Looking at Sato with complicated eyes, Tsume sighed.

"I suppose cat is indeed better than the dog in this case."

Shaking her head, Tsume walked away without looking back.

This wasn't a fight worth fighting.

"Did she just leave?"

"Sato kun your sister must be really strong, why haven't I heard of her?"

Ino curiously asked, Choji was curious too, only Shikamaru found something off about this situation but he didn't know about hidden cloud at this age.

So he didn't find out what was wrong.

"You don't know?"

"She's pretty famous outside land of fire, come here sister, I'll introduce you to my friends."

"This is Ino, this is Choji and this is Shikamaru."

Sato introduced Ino-Shika-Cho to Yugito, he let her know that they have friendly relations, or she might get the wrong idea.

Yugito didn't seem to care about the trio much besides glancing at them once.

After a nod, she told Sato to come along with her.

"Come on, we have to go."

"You are free to move around after we go back."

Yugito said to Sato, but when she said that he was free to move after they go back, she meant that his mission was over.

Even she got the news that Sato beat down 100 people at once, many of them were clan kids with ninja training.

This was such a big thing that third Hokage personally came to 'congratulate' her, which means this was a warning from Konoha.

"Ohh? So I am free to move around huh, I see."

Sato understood what Yugito wanted to say, his super strength must have made Konoha nervous.

Nothing he could do about it now.

"Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, I'll see you later."

Waving goodbye to his new friends and promising to meet them again someday, Sato flickered away with Yugito.


After a few flickers, both Yugito and Sato appeared before the Hokage office.

Sato curiously looked around and asked Yugito.

"Why are we here?"

Yugito put her hair behind her ear and whispered.

"We were having a meeting with Konoha, C is demanding a Byakugan from the Hyuga."

"I had to come for you urgently in the middle of that, you come with me for now."

"They probably won't let you roam around the village again after today."

This news wasn't surprising to Sato, Konoha was cowardly but they were still a great ninja village.

There was no chance that they will let Sato roam around after he destroyed the dog park in one punch.

"So we are demanding a Byakugan right now?"

"Did C tell them that we know about their plan?"

"That we know that they are trying to give us a sealed Byakugan instead of a real one?"

Sato asked with a whisper, but Yugito shook her head.

"Not yet, we are watching them perform first, let's see how well they can lie."

Yugito and Sato both looked at each other and they smirked.

Sato in particular was really interested in how Konoha reacts, when they realise that cloud knows their plan.

These guys ruined his tour in Konoha by banning him from walking around, Sato was very unhappy, he held a grudge against Konoha now.

One that he was going to repay immediately.

'You didn't let me play around and cause chaos, fine, let's see how you like when I ruin your noble Hyuga clan.'

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