My Real Life Dating-System?! [BL]

Arc 2, Ch.14: Yays for me!

“Huh? Eh, yeah! The system accepts him as my boyfriend…” I gave a small laugh at the word. “And it seems I can talk to it now.”

"What? Really? Send it my greetings!”

[This servant is honored to be greeted by such a beautiful lady.]

“It’s sucking up to you.”
“What did it say?”
“I’m not repeating it. Just know that it’s sucking up to you. Also, it’s throwing pop-up texts at me every time it says something.”

Yep, rather than a voice in my head, my system is determined to just write me messages. Not that I mind, I think hearing a voice in my head would be waaaay creepier than seeing things. At least this UI makes me feel like I’m just wearing a VR set or something like that.

Haru tapped her finger against the wheel, humming along to a song from the radio.
“You know, Riku, I’m happy.”

I turned to her and my eyes widened a bit.
“Happy? About what?”

She gave me an awkward grin, not taking her eyes off the road.

“You know… Daichi is about to move out. He’s got his life planned and things are going well. I’m still lounging at home but I’ve got a hobby I love and an idea of what I want to do. Risa is madly in love with her tutor and her grades have gone up because she wants to impress him. Out of us four, you always seemed to be the one who was lost.”

She paused and scratched her cheek.
“I knew that part of the reason why you were so unsettled was because of your sexuality, but you were always a bit… I don’t know. Like you feared that you’d never find happiness in your life.”

The song ended and news began to play. The car continued on, the bright lights outside illuminating our way.

“Ever since you’ve got the system, it was like you had a goal. Maybe because your life felt a bit more like a game, I don’t know. But you eased up. And it makes me happy to see that you seem a bit more comfortable in your own skin, unlike before.”

Hmm, I guess I can’t deny that. Not just when it was about Mizuki, just in general - the UI in my sight gave me a weird sense of security. Like my path was guided, just like in a game, so even missteps couldn’t be too bad. A normal dating sim, one that isn’t of the tragedy or horror type, wouldn’t have a bad ending worse than not getting together with your crush. 

Somehow, I felt like it was something I could rely on, just a tiny bit. 

“Well, it did help me a lot. Let’s be honest, there’s no way I’d be going out with Mizuki now otherwise”, I grudgingly admitted.
Yes yes, I needed a matchmaker. And it really was the best I could ever get, to finally get the one I love.

“Ahh! We gotta tell everyone else about it! They’ll be so happy! Mum totally loves him!”
“Eh? She does?”

That surprised me. My family only met Mizuki in passing.

“She sure does. He’s courteous and a beauty, what more would she want? I mean, when you came out to them, she was probably worrying you’d bring home a delinquent muscle-brain.”

I winced at the image. “Not exactly my type…”

“I think she kinda thought she should treat you as a daughter for a while.”


“Why did she automatically assume I’m the one getting pushed down?!”
“You’re not exactly assertive.”
“Still! I’m not interested in that!”

Who cares if I’m discussing this kind of topic with my sister! That’s something I don’t want to be misunderstood about! Especially not by this fujoshi-brain! Who knows what stories she’ll spin!

“Hmm, will this be fine with Mizuki?”

[Please rest assured.]

“System says yes.”

[I did not.]

“System kinda says yes.”

“Then that’s fine. Good to know! My readers are begging me for updates!”

She proudly stuck out her chest.
“Yep! My doujinshi with you two has quite a fanbase! I wasn’t too sure about who to put on top, that’s why things were going slow-”

“You can’t be fucking serious! You’re planning on drawing that explicitly?!”
“Of course?”
“I’m your brother! Aren’t you awkward at all?!”

She clicked her tongue with a silly grin.
“You’re my brother, but that’s my doujinshi character. I have no trouble drawing that.”

He is based on me!! What the fuck!! I don’t understand your brain!

“Shall I send you the link?”
“Please don’t. Just don’t. You’ll traumatize me.”
“Sweetie, you should read some! Don’t you wanna be prepared, hm~?”
“Can we please drop this topic and no, I don’t think manga and novels are appropriate learning material.”

Just saying.

“I could give you-”
“La la la! I can’t hear you!”

I pushed my fingers into my ears, twisting my body away from her as much as possible under the seat belt. Obviously that didn’t block sound well enough but she got the hint and turned the music louder with an amused face.

“Are you going to introduce Taizou to us formally? You know, as your boyfriend? So we can do the awkward family talk?”

Good that she reminded me of it.
“No, I’m going to make sure I’m never going to invite him into this house again.”

I did not want those talks. Actually, I’d prefer if they just didn’t know at all! But there was no hiding it as long as Haru knows and let’s face it… I’m too obvious. I’m gonna be stuck with that stupid grin for the rest of the day and I’ll look at my phone every five seconds.

Not because I was expecting a message but because I was wondering whether I should write one or not. Cause I’d probably have to be the one initiating a conversation and I wanted to buuut about what?

We had seen each other a few minutes ago. It would feel rather weird to write with him now, knowing that we parted because we both didn’t want things to turn too awkward and were kinda exhausted by the condensed amount of social interaction.

...Ah geez, I should have taken a kiss.
I wouldn’t have dared even if I had thought about doing it.
But I should have. Cause he allowed it.

And it would have been nice.

Eh, actually, how can couples tell when kissing and the like are fine? Huh?

Outdoors is off-limits because even if we ignore the gay part, I don’t want people to know I’m going out with him - I’ll be torn apart. I think he’ll understand.

But then, in the few times we’re alone, how do I tell? Is it the mood? Do you just never kiss if it’s not the right mood? What if the mood is right but the other still doesn’t want one?!


[If the host wishes for this servant to give advice on these matters, this servant shall comply.]

Please do. I want to use that ability of yours to the fullest! Having someone tell me whether I can do… stuff… is kinda helpful. I doubt my rationality, to tell the truth. I’m pretty sure I won’t act too logical once temptation’s in the play.

Or maybe I will. Who knows.

I was kind of deep in thought on my way to school, or maybe just happily dazed. Yesterday’s “Riku got Taizou as his boyfriend” talk was much more comfortable than I had expected because at first, it had only been my siblings.

Risa had thrown her hands into the air, screaming “Yay!” and Daichi, who had been rather stunned, maybe unintentionally threw his hands up as well.

My mother walked in on that, just throwing up her hands and saying “What are we yay-ing about?”, shortly followed by Dad.

“You need to Yay, too.”

“What? Why?”

“I don’t know, but just do it first.”


So, I got a lot of yays. Mum did another one when she heard the actual reason. My father was… I think he was content that it’s Mizuki, both are the not so talkative type.

Daichi looked relieved. Risa is a fujoshi. (No comment needed.)

I leaned my head against the window of the train, blankly staring outside. The train stopped, then continued. 
I’m sure there are a lot of students in the other wagons.


The charming voice, husky from sleepiness and almost seductive, woke me up right away.

I stuttered my response.
“A-ah, go-od m-morning…”

Mizuki didn’t mind, he sat down next to me, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He looked adorable, tired as he was. It made me want to hug him and hold him up so he could continue to sleep.

The yay-part was literally one of my most favourite scenes to write because it's so funny to imagine :D
Also, I'm burying you in fluff from now on. Mizuki does not care about holding back.

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