My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

39 – The princess that can’t cook

"Ah, so Yufine-san is living here!"

Nanael Lutus Aeonia stood before an outrageously worn-out wooden two-storey building, a few days after the incident in the library.

Her no sense of direction skill was displayed in full throttle, due to which it took her a lot of time to reach this inn which wasn't even at 15 minutes distance on foot from the place she originally encountered Yufine. But more than that, it took her more than a week to find this place.

Her elder brother was excellent in efficiently gathering information, however it didn't go the same for Nana.

Henceforth, she asked others straightforwardly about the inn where Yufine lived, and like that she had arrived to make a visit. Rumors traveled fast, and despite Gilbert's efforts to make them go away, Yufine is someone that is gossiped about on the streets.

Originally Nana moved around with either her brother or Violet, but they were currently not here due to outdoor maneuvres training, and she thought of this situation as a fortune. And since it was the king's order, she knew her brother and the other members of Cat's Tail could not object.

Nana came here to meet Yufine without anyone to obstruct her, and she gently knocked at the front door that seemed to break open with just a little push. 

"Honestly, can't she afford a better place to live in?


"Who is it?"


The voice that answered to her call wasn't from the other side of the door but from right behind her.

Nana was surprised enough to jump about. 

"Eeh!? Nana?"


“Umm, do you need something?”

“Ah, yes, but before that… are you fine? You look like you have a fever.”

“Ah, no need to worry about that. It’s just because of my training routine.”

“I see.”

I can’t exactly tell her that in Lu-chan’s and Iris’s absence I got horny, so the only way to shake it off was to go and follow one of Olivia’s training regiments.

“Anyway, what’s on your mind Nana?”

“For starters, I wanted to give you a proper apology. Because of my brother, some nasty rumors are spreading about you. I’m truly sorry.”

True enough, I did also hear gossip on the streets, and some people belonging to the “divine princess Nanael is pure” fan club tried to beat me to a pulp… I eventually ended up beating them up, and generally was left alone.

“You don’t have to worry about that. It doesn’t bother me. I know the truth, you know it and that’s all that matters.”

“If you say so, Yufine-san… then I would like to also…”


I immediately blushed at the sound that came from my stomach. What can I say… I worked out too much.

"Sorry… Nana…"

"Fufu… Hahahaha!! No, you see――It's already noon time, so it's only natural to be hungry. What will you do about that stomach of yours?"

I opened the door she knocked on and pointed at the table where there were an assortment of meat and vegetables.

"You plan to cook those?"

"No. I'll eat them as is."

"Raw? That's not good for your health. I know. Today I'll cook."

"Have fun with that."

"Um, I don't mean that, I am saying that I will make Yufine-san's lunch!"

Just what sort of logical leap is this?

"You don't have to go through that trouble. I couldn't ask you to…"

"Ugh, am I annoying?"

Uwah, isn't it against the rules to show a seemingly sad expression at this moment. It is to the extent that I could even see an onomatopoeic effect of *glitter* in her eyes.

I doubt there would be many men who could refuse her when she makes this face, or rather, it is alright to take her proposal as a true matter from the bottom of her heart, it truly isn't any joke or lip service.

"It is not at all any annoyance. I truly want to eat Nana's handmade food!"

"Oh my, is that true? Well then, I will give it my best!!"

Like that, Nana again took on my request and showed an expression brimming with motivation.

However, to eat a girl's handmade food at such an unexpected turn, looks like I'm quite lucky today.





~15 minutes later~

"It's done! Please eat to your heart's content, Yufine-san!"

My enhanced vision, olfaction and sixth sense emitted wariness in full throttle. They seemed to tell me that the stuff in front of me was a bio-hazard.

"So, please by all means!"

I think it was safer to eat it raw after all.

Even if I know intuitively that this shit is dangerous, it's still not good to not even eat a single bite.

However, just what sort of cook book did she read to the point that the normal ingredients degenerated to form this dangerous hazard?

Well, at this point I don't have any choice. So I opened my mouth and took a bite of whatever this thing was.

Immediately after, my mouth felt like exploding and I started coughing purple smoke.


"Yufine-san? Did you perhaps take too big of a bite?"

"No… that's not the issue. Nana, whatever this thing is… it sucks. Trust me, I'm used to even eating raw meat, but this… this can't be even labeled as food!!"




"I'm truly sorry......I never thought my food was this bad......"

"Well, it can't be helped when no one actually pointed it out."

Looks like, the one who admonished the Princess' handmade cooking for the first time in history is just me.

Seeing Nana accepting the shocking truth while in tears, it doesn't seem like I would be sentenced to capital punishment, so I can be relieved.

"I had gotten a misunderstanding that it was tasty because everyone used to eat it without leaving anything......ufufu, I'm such an idiot….."

Her white face seemed to suffer from heartache, seeing that expression all the men in the world would do anything to make her smile, that much of emptiness could be felt from her.

But, as for me, I want to pay my regards to the brave heroes who ate all of her food as to not to let her know her cooking was bad, yeah truly brave.


"I was making everyone eat this filth with happy faces......I'm dead as a person......fufu, over......"

Nana was overwhelmed by the shock that her self-hatred ran towards in a dangerous direction. So, I did what any normal person would do… and gave her a small karate chop on the head to bring her back to reality.


"Baka. If you're bad at cooking the logical thing to do is to get good from now on."


"No buts. Come and watch me. I'll at least teach you how to make a decent sandwich."

Even if my cooking skills are bad, any idiot knows how to make a sandwich. Cooking class is in session.

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