My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 27 - Rare holiday

Keli was still asleep, but Anya got up early. She was sitting at the dining table, drinking her breakfast, and flipping through the newspapers and letters accumulated these days, letting the warm sunshine outside the window gently spill on her body for herself. Outlines a quiet and intellectual silhouette.

   After pushing down those social interactions a while ago, she and Keli ran a lot of places non-stop, temporarily stabilizing the situation in the area, and can enjoy a moment of tranquility at ease.

   “This decree is so strange, it is obviously impossible, is there any deep meaning in it?”

  The first thing Anya looked at was the theoretically most important secret, Decree No. 16, which was the one that made the doctor yelling at, and she was equally puzzled.

   It wasn’t until after reading the letter from her Duke’s father that she felt a sense of relief.

   It turned out that a secret experiment by the Society of Scholars made a breakthrough.

   It was an all-round experiment on the children of living evil gods, and the most important experiment was captured by Keli in the defense battle of Qingquan City.

   This is the first time in human history that a living evil god’s heir has been captured. Half of the merits of the Silver Rose Medal awarded by the emperor are due to this.

  The latest research results of the Association of Scholars show that the descendants of Cthulhu have the ability to draw strength from human cognition and fear, that is, the more they are afraid of it, the more people are afraid of it, the stronger it is.

   The Scholars Association found a group of transcendents who had just started and did not know the descendants of the Cthulhu. They attacked them with the same matchlock gun to observe the damage effect; then they would tell them the truth one after another, and attack again to compare the damage effect.

   After many tests in this way, and then comparing some historical records, I came to that conclusion.

   This also explains why Keli’s overall strength is not top of the ranks of the eighth-ranked powerhouses, but she has unique means to deal with the descendants of the evil god, and can always solve these big troubles cleanly and neatly.

   She only believed in her father from beginning to end, and firmly believed that these monsters were ordinary little monsters, and that special ability was completely ineffective in front of her.

   Several scholars who organized the experiment at that time collectively applied for the immediate use of the sacred object ‘0-016’.

The prefix    0 means that this is a rule-level sacred object, which can distort people’s impression of a concept in a large area.

   They want to use this powerful holy artifact to completely disappear the concept of the Heretic God’s heir, thereby sealing this overbearing ability.

   Unfortunately, the application was rejected by the senior management on the grounds that the cost and risk were too high, the effect was unreliable, and the result was unpredictable.

   But as a remedy, they urgently promulgated Decree No. 16 and wanted to try the effect first, but the secret experiment cannot be made public yet, so it seems inexplicable and unreasonable without explaining the reason.

   “It turned out to be like this. Fortunately, Keli didn’t listen to me at the time, and it almost hurt her future.”

   Anya whispered to herself very guilty and fearful.

   Out of good intentions, she had been learning knowledge about Keli’s popular monsters, but fortunately, Keli didn’t listen, and firmly believed only in her father.

   “Huh~ But now there are more reasons to push down those cocktail parties and tea parties.”

   She continued to mutter again.

   Now Keli has become the most special Rank 8 powerhouse in the empire. At the same time, she is extremely talented. Promoting to the Rank 9 Saint is basically a sure thing, so she will naturally receive greater support in the future.

   is like Anya’s father. In the past, it was at best to provide opportunities, but now it is clearly stated in the letter that he will fully support this imperial new star.

   With the support of the Lord Protector who serves as the Speaker of the House, there is no need to waste effort in places like Newlin. It’s just that there is a beginning and an end. This errand still has to be completed before returning to the imperial capital.

At the end of the letter, the Duke also wrote:

   “Tell Xiao Keli that the fat uncle has prepared a beautiful little gift for her.”

   “Hehe, is it the new villa he bought?”

   Anya has probably guessed what her father thought.

   After reading the letter, Anya sipped her lipstick tea, and flipped through the newspapers of the past few days.

   is mostly useless news, only the latest headlines caught her attention:

“Shock! The important town of Kodo Province was tragically attacked by monsters, and the ending was so…”

   This is a piece of news about the attack on Duoduo Town.

   Although the title was sensational, the ending was good. There were only more than 800 casualties. The situation is much better than that of Newlin.

   The report mentioned that the monster was finally wiped out by a mysterious strong man who did not want to be named. He was also seriously injured for this, so he was reluctant to be interviewed.

   The writer gave him the title of “Sword of Light” without authorization, and suggested that he go to the mayor as soon as possible to collect badges and rewards.

   “Does it seem to be a low-key powerhouse?”

   Anya nodded, then turned out a map and looked at it, thinking that this should not have been leaked by Keli’s jurisdiction.

   At this time, the opposite door opened, and Keli walked out with bare feet and sleepy eyes.

   The little milk cat is still lying on her head, washing herself with her white paws.

   “Good morning, why don’t you sleep more?”

   Anya said Xiao Mi is hungry and keeps licking my feet…”

   Keli rubbed her bewildered eyes, took the little milk cat from her head, rubbed it, and handed it to the maid next to her.

   Then, under the service of the maid, she washed and changed, her long silver hair was recombed into double ponytails, and two beautiful bows were tied with purple ribbons.

   “Would you like to go out for shopping today?”

   Keli was lying on the table drinking milk, the little milk cat squatted at her feet, licking the goat’s milk, and had breakfast.

   “Okay, go buy some new skirts? Newlin seems to have good styles too.”

   Anya suggested.

   Keli nodded first, then thought of something, changed her words:

   “Why don’t you go to the store you saw before? I’ve always wanted to taste the taste there.”

   She was talking about a cookie shop. The cat’s claw cookies made are very famous throughout Newlyn, and there is a long queue every day.

   Keli wanted to try it a long time ago, but she suffered from no time.

   That shop is also very individual. There is a daily limit, one serving per person, and I won’t give in with money.

  Like this kind of dessert, it’s not good to let the maid help to buy it, it will reduce the brewing when waiting in line.

   After breakfast, the two girls put on sun hats under the veil to hide their troublesome features and went out excitedly.

   Keli wore a beautiful white dress, showing slender arms and round shoulders, wearing a pair of crystal sandals on her feet, dressed as a little angel who descended from the earth.

   Anya also deliberately dressed up, and changed her short skirts, trying to show her youthful side as much as possible.

   After coming to Newlin, she was regarded as Keli’s mother by many people again…

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