Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 49

Kang Geon never hit women.

No, to be precise, he just generally didn’t hit people at all.

He hadn’t lived without using violence even once, but his experiences fighting someone were so few they could be counted on one hand.

Thanks to his overwhelming physique, hardly anyone dared to pick a fight with him.

Even those with anger management issues learned to control their anger when they saw Kang Geon, and sometimes they even ended up with a deviation into feces control issues.

Of course, he hadn’t lived his life without conflicts with others.

Occasionally, insane individuals with nothing to lose would provoke him.

However, it never escalated into a fight.

Kang Geon didn’t react violently to trivial disputes; he just laughed them off.

He wasn’t inherently aggressive from birth, nor did his upbringing lead his personality astray.

Most people were simply intimidated and instinctively treated him kindly.

As a result, Kang Geon largely tolerated minor troubles and, as he got older, became someone further removed from violence.

This was all before Kang Geon went to the Other World.

That place was a perilous world where monsters roamed freely.

Death always lurked nearby.

Hence, regardless of gender or age, most people had aggressive personalities—naturally developed, not innate.

The experiences he had in that world were enough to change Kang Geon’s personality.

He initially had a personality that was strong towards the strong and weak towards the weak.

What is called a “strong-strong, weak-weak” tendency turned into a “strong-strong, weak-strong” stance over time.

Being weak didn’t mean someone was good; sometimes, they could be even more malicious.

Furthermore, distinguishing between the strong and the weak wasn’t always easy.

Unlike on Earth, in the Other World, old men, children, and women weren’t necessarily treated as weak just because of their gender. Magic, psychic abilities, and other powers existed in that world.

Conversely, just because someone was large didn’t mean they wouldn’t start a fight.

There were many who were big but actually weak. Kang Geon himself was considered weak since he couldn’t use magic or psychic powers.

Because of such an environment, Kang Geon’s personality inevitably changed.

And as time passed, after Kang Geon was lucky enough to gain a certain ability and used it to create the ultimate physique…

Once again, his personality shifted.

This time, it could be seen as “strong against evil, weak against good.”

To elaborate, it meant being strong against the wicked and weak toward the good.


As soon as Kang Geon returned to Earth, he witnessed an unpleasant scene.

A delinquent female student was bullying a frail girl.

Without hesitation, Kang Geon intervened, and somehow ended up slapping the delinquent girl.

Thanks to his experiences in the Other World, he felt no aversion to violence.

Naturally, he had no qualms about hitting a woman either since the girl he slapped was merely an “evil one” in his eyes.

At least judged by Kang Geon’s criteria.

Shin So-mang might not be a good person even if she were weak, but such things were of no concern to him.

His recent action was not because he was helping Shin So-mang, but merely a reaction out of discomfort.

“Ugh, ugh…”

The delinquent girl, who had lost consciousness for a while, awakened.

While picking up a tooth that had fallen to the ground and groaning in pain, she glared at Kang Geon with bloodshot eyes.

“You, you… will sue for assault!”

Kang Geon translated this roughly and replied with a satisfied expression.

“I would appreciate that.”

Things were going according to plan.

Thank goodness she didn’t sue for sexual assault.

With such thoughts…

“…Thank you? Why?”

The girl, unaware of Kang Geon’s inner thoughts, looked flustered.

Why did he seem so confident?

He had just hit a woman without a care!

Could he have some kind of powerful backing?

Or was he perhaps someone of high social standing?

What did he mean by thank you?

A whirlwind of thoughts raced through her mind.

After all kinds of speculation, the girl reached the conclusion that the man who hit her could risk nothing even if sued, while conversely, he must possess the power to ruin her life!

The girl didn’t yell irrationally like she normally would.

Kang Geon’s slap had awakened her awareness.

For the first time, she pondered the possible consequences of her actions.

It seemed she had suddenly realized how terrifying the world could be, and thoughts that were animalistic began to take a more human shape. Moreover, her intelligence appeared to have increased a bit.

The first encounter with proper fear and overwhelming violence completely changed her attitude.

In the end, the girl could only shut her mouth and weep.


“Um, sir. Can we go now?”

The delinquent male student cautiously asked Kang Geon.

Kang Geon glanced at the crying girl and calmly replied.

“Yeah. Take her with you. Don’t leave her just because you broke up.”

“Got it!”

With a sense of relief for being alive, the delinquent male student called out…

“Thank you!”

“Hey, could you hit me just once?”

“You crazy girl. Stop talking nonsense and hurry up.”


Other delinquents also greeted politely and quickly vanished down the alley, taking the crying girl with them.

Watching them, Kang Geon muttered quietly to himself.

“Delinquents nowadays seem oddly tame compared to the old days.”

That was a misunderstanding.

Delinquents nowadays were only getting worse, not better.

They had simply instinctively entered a weak mode upon seeing Kang Geon.

Because Kang Geon had become even more burly than before.

Standing blankly, Shin So-mang approached Kang Geon with quick steps and bowed her head.

“Um… thank you for helping.”

“I didn’t help. I just intervened because they were bothering me. So no need to thank me.”

“Still, you did help… so thank you.”

Kang Geon stared intently at Shin So-mang.

She was someone who knew how to express gratitude properly.

At a glance, she seemed closer to a good person.

For that reason, he decided to give her a small piece of help.

Of course, he didn’t help just because she was a good person.

Kang Geon wasn’t a hero.

He wouldn’t go out of his way to help unless someone was being ruthlessly bullied, and even then, it was rare.

Judging between good and evil was difficult.

Kang Geon was closer to being neutral than a good person himself.

However, he thought that in this situation, the girl could suffer because of him, so it was only right to assume at least a minimal responsibility.

“Excuse me.”


“Could you possibly give me your number?”

“Uh… my number? You want my number?”

“Yeah. I’m not asking for it for any strange reason, I just want to help a bit. They might hold a grudge and try to get back at you for today.”


“If you give me your number, I’ll contact you later. And if any troublesome situations arise because of them, feel free to contact me for help.”

Shin So-mang hesitated for a moment.

Seeing this, Kang Geon, feeling awkward, added more words.

“You don’t have to give it if you’re uncomfortable.”

“Oh, no. It’s not uncomfortable… but could I get your number instead…?”

“Ah, sorry, but I don’t remember my number. Right now, I don’t even have a phone. Well, even if I had one, it would probably be suspended for non-payment anyway.”

After a moment of hesitation, Shin So-mang ultimately took a piece of paper from her notebook and wrote her number down, handing it to him.

If it had been someone else, she wouldn’t have never given it away.

But she was profoundly intrigued by Kang Geon.

Not just because he helped her.

Shin So-mang distinctly saw it.

The moment a portal tore open in the alley, and Kang Geon casually walked out.

Since others didn’t react, it seemed they hadn’t witnessed that moment.

‘What kind of person is this oppa?’

Was he even human?

Kang Geon’s presence stimulated Shin So-mang’s curiosity.

She became curious about him and wanted to know what he was.

From that day forward…

Shin So-mang began her stalking.


Shin So-mang looked into the phenomenon she witnessed.

There weren’t many methods; she just searched the internet.

Of course, there was no way proper information would appear online.

All that came up were tales of creations like comics or novels.

Other Worlds and returnees…

‘Hmm… Is it possible that oppa is a returnee from the Other World? What I saw back then was probably a portal?’

That would be ridiculous.

Reality isn’t a novel.

Normally, she would have thought that, but Shin So-mang didn’t outright deny it.

Sometimes reality is more novel-like than fiction, and she had clearly witnessed Kang Geon coming through something that resembled a portal.

As she speculated more, her interest in Kang Geon soared higher.

With that, the frequency of her stalking increased day by day.

She never thought of just asking him directly.

‘If I ask outright, he probably won’t tell me. People like him tend to keep their identities tight.’

If such people casually revealed their identities, information about them would have already spread widely across the world.

Of course, Kang Geon had no intention of hiding his identity.

He just refrained from discussing it for fear of being treated like a crazy person; he didn’t have any aversion to admitting he was a returnee. Sometimes, after a drink, he would even mention it without hesitation.

Shin So-mang was unaware of this fact.


Shin So-mang persistently followed Kang Geon for a long time.

After becoming an adult, she even followed him around all day. There were weeks where she stalked him every day.

Two years passed in such a manner.

She had discovered that Kang Geon was stronger than average, worked physically every day, remained healthy despite his strenuous activity, and liked to draw.

Beyond that, she hadn’t learned much about Kang Geon.

Just like how he first came out of the portal.

She had never seen anything that piqued average people’s curiosity.

Nevertheless, she continued to follow him.

Her interest had gradually waned, but she couldn’t stop stalking him.

Was she addicted?

Or was it just that it had become part of her daily life?

While her curiosity about his identity diminished, just seeing Kang Geon brought her a sense of satisfaction.

So much so that secretly watching him from behind became an integral part of her life.

And just as she was starting to consider whether to give up on uncovering Kang Geon’s identity and rather focus on healthy stalking…


Kang Geon has requested support!

Labyrinth Explorer Kang Geon currently needs an Assistant! Please, respond to Kang Geon’s earnest support request and become his Assistant!

★ Survive the heart-pounding labyrinth with Kang Geon! ★

♥ Now broadcasting live! ♥

Click to join ▶Click◀

Hurry! If you don’t become an Assistant within 24 hours, Kang Geon’s support request will be canceled!


She received a single message.


Shin So-mang was happy lately.

Her questions about Kang Geon were resolved.

The broadcast from the Other World was entertaining.

The Labyrinth Monsters were cute, interesting, and cool.

Above all…

She was incredibly happy to have entered Kang Geon’s house, a place she had long wanted to explore.

“Looks like there’s dust piling up. Pururu should’ve done a bit of cleaning at oppa’s place before leaving.”

Even though she had stalked him for a while, Shin So-mang never crossed the line.

She had always contained her desire to enter Kang Geon’s home.

After all, committing breaking and entering would be a crime.

Stalking was a crime too, but…

Today’s visit wasn’t for any impure purpose.

To atone for the fact that she had secretly followed him and as his Assistant, to help him from the shadows…

She had come to clean up Kang Geon’s neglected room.

Like a diligent fairy.

“Cleaning seems good enough like this…”

After finishing tidying up, Shin So-mang stared intently at the wardrobe.

Gingerly, she took a step forward and opened the wardrobe door.

The clothes Kang Geon used to wear.

Shin So-mang took one out and slowly brought it to her face.

“This is the last outfit oppa wore 42 days ago.”

She buried her face in the clothing and inhaled deeply.

“Ugh, hah…”

Kang Geon’s scent tickled her nose.

“I don’t think this needs to be washed yet.”

Shin So-mang mumbled.

This action wasn’t done for some strange purpose; she convinced herself it was merely to check for the necessity of washing.

A form of self-justification.

“And since I’ve helped oppa a lot until now… it should be fine to take one shirt, right?”

With that thought, Shin So-mang decided to take one of Kang Geon’s clothes and left the house.


On her way back, Shin So-mang momentarily fell into old memories.

Stepping into the familiar alley, she recalled the day she first met Kang Geon.

‘That day, oppa showed interest in me and asked for my number… I wonder if he’s still interested in me?’

As she strolled slowly down the alley, she was lost in her distorted memories.



An unfamiliar voice reached her from the end of the alley.

Soon, the owner of that voice turned the corner.

A creature resembling a human but different.

A hideous monster with green skin.

Seeing that, Shin So-mang’s eyes widened.

“Psycho Clown?”


But it wasn’t a Psycho Clown.

Just an ordinary Goblin.

“Why is a monster in the Earth…?”

Momentarily flustered, Shin So-mang awkwardly waved her hand towards the Goblin, swallowing a dry gulp.

Perhaps from watching the monsters Kang Geon had tamed for so long on the broadcast, the existence of a monster didn’t frighten her.

On the contrary, it felt friendly, and she wondered if she could maybe befriend it.

She had planned to ask why it was in Earth after that.

“Ah, hello? Are you pregnant? Your belly is really sticking out!”

That foolish thought shattered in an instant.



With its eyes shining red, the Goblin emitted killing intent and roared fiercely, lunging towards Shin So-mang with a lewd, gluttonous grin.

Shin So-mang quickly turned and fled, desperately typing in the chat of Kang Geon’s broadcast still playing on her phone.

【Pururu】─Oh, Missy just chatted again. She’s been doing it a lot lately.
【Yumi】─Looks like her chat is pretty urgent?
【Rize Nova】─Did something happen?

─[Missy, what’s wrong?]


─[What monster?]


Shin So-mang tripped and fell forward.

In that process, she dropped her phone.


A small shadow approached slowly.

On the ground, Shin So-mang lay looking up at the Goblin that loomed before her.

Fear and goosebumps ran through her.

It was different from seeing it on broadcast.

Seeing a monster in real life brought an overwhelming dread.

‘Oh no, my phone…!’

She couldn’t call for help.

She needed to grab her phone and ask for help quickly…

But the phone had bounced far away, and seeing the Goblin already coming close, Shin So-mang concluded it was too late.


Shin So-mang squeezed her eyes shut.

The Goblin began to reach its filthy and obscene hands toward her.

Dreaming of tearing fresh meat to fill its belly and subsequently birthing the kids in its womb, it was drooling with anticipation.

And then it happened.

“Coordinates assigned. Dispatching underway.”

“The dimensional barrier will collapse.”

“The power of the dispatcher is awakened. The dispatcher regains its inherent power.”

Between the Goblin and Shin So-mang…

“Demon King, Hedgehog Summoner manifests.”

The space tore open, and a hedgehog jumped out.

[Do Doom Bar! Nice to meet you! Who’s Missy?]

The hedgehog looked at the Goblin and asked.

[Is it you?]

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