Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 526: The Asgardian gods were miscalculated

With this reminder from Bruce Wayne, all the answerers at the scene naturally recalled them all.

According to the information revealed in the previous round of answers, after the God Slayer Gehr attacked Asgard, Thor, the God of Thunder, went to the City of Almighty to rescue soldiers.

So obviously, the timeline of this matter was before the final battle with the God Slayer in the Shadow Kingdom.

In the City of Almighty, Thor killed Zeus and stole Zeus' artifact Thunderbolt!

That is to say, in the battle between the Shadow King and the God Slayer, Thor, there was an artifact of Zeus in his hands.

So how much bonus can such a god-king artifact bring to a person?

How big a leap can a person's strength achieve?

Although you can't give a clear answer to this point, you can actually compare it by looking at Thor's Hammer.

The Thor's Hammer is not the divine weapon of the God King, and it can turn an ordinary person into a Thor, so the divine weapon of the God King is no worse than the Thor's Hammer, right?

Of course, other artifacts may not be like Thor's Hammer, which can turn a person into a **** at once.

After all, the situation of Thor's hammer is rather special. Odin once cast a spell on Thor's hammer.

As long as the person who picks up the Thor's Hammer can get the power of Thor.

You don't think that other artifacts will have similar spells. After all, no **** would just leave such a "back door" to help others selflessly.

But even if these things are ignored, if the divine weapon is used by a god, it will have a great effect on improving one's combat effectiveness no matter what.

This is still generally accepted.

Then comes the problem.

Thunderbolt, who was it used by?

"Thor has the Storm Axe, Jane Foster has the Thor's Hammer, and I don't think they will easily replace their artifacts, so it seems that the Valkyries are more likely to use Thunderbolts."

Bruce Wayne's voice sounded, and he made his basic judgment.

"This is natural. Thor's Storm Axe and Jane Foster's Thor's Hammer are exclusive artifacts. Except for Thor, others can't use it at all!"

"So...things seem to have no choice!"

Tony Stark also shrugged aside.

The logic of this is quite simple.

If Thor or the Goddess of Thor uses the Thunderbolt, then an artifact will be wasted, which is naturally very unreasonable.

The user of Thunderbolt can only be the Valkyrie who cannot pick up the Thor weapon.

"So... Thor's Storm Axe can't be used by others except him, and Jane Foster's Thor's Hammer can't be used by anyone except her, but why can Zeus' Thunderbolt be taken away by others and used at will?"

Magneto's voice sounded, and he couldn't help but complain.

Zeus is the king of the gods, and he is on the same level as Thor's father, Odin. For a **** of this level, someone else can grab an artifact and use it, and there is no threshold at all?

On the contrary, it is the low-level Thor and the others, but the artifacts are exclusive.

This is a bit awkward.

Yet it is so.

The first thing Thor, the **** of thunder, who was a lower level, did after grabbing the thunderbolt was to use the thunderbolt to kill Zeus.

This makes everyone suspect that Zeus, who is as famous as Odin, is a super parallel importer, because only in this way can everything be explained clearly.

"We don't understand the artifact thing, Eric."

Professor X smiled on the side at this time, "However, it seems that the Thunderbolt is used by whom there is no doubt."

There is no doubt that Thunderbolt is used by the Valkyrie. The real question is, what is the strength of the Valkyrie who used Thunderbolt?

How about Thor, the goddess of thunder, and the goddess of thunder?

This is very difficult to judge.

No one is surprised if there is any possibility.

"Anyway, the answer can't be me!"

Thor shook his head again and again, and said in a tone of indifference, "It's impossible for me to be injured by a guy like the God Slayer... What, or a serious injury? This is even more impossible!"

"No, no, it's not possible that both Thor and Valkyrie were injured. The three of us were seriously injured by the God Slayer? How could Asgard be so useless?"

"Answer must be one of the goddess Thor or Valkyrie!"

Thor's eyes kept moving on the big screen, saying his "analysis" one after another.

The whole article actually revolves around a core logic: Thor is a dangling existence, and any answer that damages the reputation of Thor is impossible.

"Then Thor, the goddess of thunder and the goddess of Valkyrie, who do you think they will be?"

Tony Stark looked at Thor in a serious manner.

"Of course... Shet, everyone who has a problem with this question, there must be a problem!"

Thor shook his head violently, and then said, "But... if I have to choose one, the Valkyrie! The goddess of Thor is also the **** of thunder! Although I also believe in Valkyrie, we are the **** of thunder!"

"So Thor, that's your answer, right?" Bruce Wayne asked confirming aside.

"Yes, this is my answer!"

Thor said solemnly, "This question is about Thor, and the question about Asgard should have been answered by me, right?"

"I choose Valkyrie!"

Speaking, Thor did not hesitate, and gave his answer to the big screen.

【correct answer! 】

The system immediately heard such a prompt sound.

"YES! Did you see it!"

Tolton was excited, "Exactly what I said, right?"

Seeing Thor's excited appearance, the answerers couldn't help but slander one by one, so that "analysis" can also answer correctly?

This guy, Thor, is really lucky.

[Congratulations to the answerer Thor Odinson for winning a set of magical tuxedos! 】

[The reward has been issued, please pay attention to check it! 】

And with this series of prompts from the system, an ordinary-looking tuxedo suit appeared in Thor's hands.

It's just that along with it, there is also a watch that looks a bit old-fashioned.

"Watch? Didn't you say the reward was a magical tuxedo? The system actually buy one get one free?" Clark Kent couldn't help laughing and teasing.

"There is only one answer."

Bruce Wayne added, "This watch is actually a set with the magical tuxedo. Maybe, this watch is the reason why this tuxedo is magical."

Tony Stark went up and touched the tuxedo at this time, checked it briefly, and found nothing unusual.

He made a guess: "Is this tuxedo a magic item? But a magic item with a watch doesn't seem to make sense."

"Looking at that watch, it might be a technological item."

It sounds weird that a tuxedo is actually a technological item, but since it is a tuxedo rewarded by the system, it must not be an ordinary tuxedo, but an "extraordinary tuxedo".

So how can a tuxedo be "extraordinary", a rough and approximate classification, is nothing more than magic and other mysterious powers, as well as scientific items.

"Stark, you're right, this tuxedo is indeed a technological item."

Thor nodded and introduced the tuxedo in his hand. "Have you seen this watch? This watch is actually the controller of the tuxedo."

"As long as the corresponding design is made in the watch, the tuxedo can respond accordingly according to the program."

"For example, dancing, for example, various fighting techniques, kung fu... can make an ordinary person become a master at once."

"Overall, this tuxedo is a very good thing for ordinary people."

"Stark, isn't this a simplified version of the steel armor?" Bruce Wayne made a summary on the side.

"Man, the steel armor is much more advanced than this. In fact, it is completely destroyed in every aspect!"

Tony Stark was a little unhappy, "Didn't you hear Thor say that the watch still has to be set, God, what a backward program? It's not intelligent!"

"I understand Stark, I just take the steel armor as an example, so that everyone can understand." Bruce Wayne spread his hands.

"A tuxedo that can be programmed? Very interesting stuff."

Professor X couldn't help but said with interest.

This thing is really nothing in the eyes of the other answerers, but to Professor X, it is still very magical.

Of course, the same is true for Magneto.

After all, except for some mutants, their world does not have those strange things, and even the technology is at a very backward level.

"Charles, if you like this thing, I'll give it to you, I won't use it anyway."

Seeing this, Thor shoved the tuxedo directly into Professor X's hands.

"No, Thor, this is yours, how can I ask for it?" Professor X hurriedly declined.

"Take it Charles, this thing is useless to Thor."

Clark Kent was persuading Professor X, "He is a god, and the armor on his body is a hundred times better than this thing. I don't think there will be a second way to get this thing in his hands except to eat ashes."

"That's right, Charles, take it. This tuxedo can be of maximum value in your hands. It's a waste to put it in other people's hands."

"Although this may sound unpleasant, I'm just stating a fact." Tony Stark said the same.

For others, this kind of thing that can improve fighting skills is completely useless.

But Professor X lacks the skills in this area!

If aside from his powerful mental abilities, Professor X is just an ordinary person, let alone an expert, I am afraid that any rogue can overturn Professor X.

This is Professor X's Achilles heel.

And Thor's tuxedo reward can perfectly make up for Professor X's weakness.

"Then Thor...I'll take it, thank you man!"

After thinking about it for a while, Professor X didn't show any more courtesy to Thor.

Takes the magic tuxedo from Thor's hands.

"That's right! This thing is destined to be yours!" Thor patted Professor X on the shoulder and smiled.

[After answering the question, start playing the answer analysis! 】

At this time, the system beep sounded.

At the same time, a corresponding image also appeared on the big screen.

"Hey, here we are!"

With the words of Valkyrie, a planet that looked very strange, full of desolation, and reminiscent of death appeared on the big screen.

In the vast space beyond that planet, there is a "small boat", a few goats pull the boat in front, and two Thors and Valkyrie stand at the bow.

Everyone looked at the dilapidated planet in front of them with a solemn expression.

There is no doubt that the ruined planet is naturally the Shadow King mentioned in the title.

And as the boat kept approaching the Shadow Kingdom, something amazing happened.

Thor, Jane Foster, and the Valkyries, and the boat, the goat, and so on, all in black and white!

No more color.

It seems that one second everyone is watching a color TV, but the next moment it is suddenly replaced by a black and white TV.

I have to say that the Shadow Kingdom is indeed a strange place.

"This ghost place is really a good match for that guy, God Slaughter Geer."

Clark Kent's voice sounded, and he couldn't help but say so.

Following Clark Kent's words, the crazy and dark figure of God Slayer Gehr appeared in everyone's minds, and the style of painting really matched this place very well.

"This is where the color disappears!"

On the screen, Jane Foster's surprised voice sounded, and the expressions of Thor and Valkyrie became solemn.

This place gave them a bad premonition.


Soon, the goat pulled the boat and slammed into the planet.

The three Asgardian "great gods" began to conduct some investigation and search.

"They're not here!"

Thor said with a bit of pain, "Where are they?"

Obviously, the "them" in Thor's mouth must be the children of Asgard who were captured by the **** slayer Gol in the last related video.

After searching, a few people found a very simple house, and the three of them explored the house separately.

Jane Foster found a painting in the house with a very crucial message on it.

Everyone in front of the screen didn't understand it anyway, but Jane Foster understood.

"The Rainbow Bridge is the key!"

Jane Foster murmured, and then realized something, UU reading complexion suddenly changed, and began to rush out quickly.

"It's a trap!"

Jane Foster shouted at Thor and the Valkyrie, then swung Thor's Storm Axe with both hands, and threw the Storm Battle Axe out at once.

thrown into the vast space.

Respondents: "…"

Jane Foster can actually use the Storm Axe?

Needless to say, this was somewhat unexpected.

Although Jane Foster picked up the Thor's Hammer, the Thor's Hammer and the Storm Axe are two different artifacts, right?

Odin put that kind of spell on Mjolnir, but the Storm Axe was forged by Thor in the dwarves, and there was no such spell on it!

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