Martial Arts Overlord

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Three Great Geniuses

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Luo Feng was confident that he could advance to the peak of Strength Boundary within three days with the Crimson Blaze Fruit.

With that, his strength would be improved and he could shine during Roaming King Tournament. He was confident to finish Top Three in the tournament.

Luo Feng was ready to leave since he achieved the goal of his journey to Red Training Mountain Range.

Half a day later, Luo Feng appeared in Green Edge Town with his huge beast-skinned bag.

Herb Cauldron House.

Luo Feng placed his bag full of demonic beast items on the counter.

“Shopkeeper, I’m selling demonic beast items.”

“It’s you?” The shopkeeper behind the counter was shocked when he saw Luo Feng.

“Strength Boundary’s later phase… How did you improve your cultivation base so quickly!”

The shopkeeper remembered Luo Feng because Luo Feng bought two Tiger Energy Body Endurance Pills in Herb Cauldron House previously.

He recalled that Luo Feng only had the cultivation base of Level Three Meridian Cycle’s middle phase back then, but Luo Feng was not at Strength Boundary’s middle phase. This was the shopkeeper’s first time meeting someone with such cultivation speed.

“I owe it to the Tiger Energy Body Endurance Pills here.” Luo Feng smiled and brushed him off.

“Is the Tiger Energy Body Endurance Pill’s effect so great…”

The shopkeeper mumbled and was clearly doubtful, but he smiled since Luo Feng praised the drug from his store. Subsequently, the shopkeeper opened the beast-skinned bag to make a list of the demonic beast items.

“Rank One demonic beast Flower Silver Snake item, 50 taels; Rank One demonic beast Bald-tailed Wolf item, 85 taels; Rank Two Middle Class demonic beast green-eyed wolf demon, 340 taels… The total is 3,320 taels.”

‘3,320 taels…’

Luo Feng smiled bitterly when he heard the amount.

After spending a few days killing tens of demonic beasts at Red Training Mountain Range without resting, he could only afford a few Vitality Condensation Pills. He did not earn enough to buy a better drug.

Nonetheless, Luo Feng was contented.

It was worth noting that his monthly savings were less than 200 taels of silver. Back when he wanted to buy a Vitality Condensation Pill for Lin Xiaoxiao, he needed to save up for three months to gather enough money.

Therefore, over 3,000 taels of silver was definitely a huge sum to him in the past.

Once the shopkeeper settled the account, Luo Feng kept the notes and left Herb Cauldron House.

Luo Feng did not return to the institution right away because he wanted to have some food.

He turned to another street, then headed to Drunken Deity Restaurant.

Drunken Deity Restaurant was the best restaurant in Green Edge Town. Previously when Luo Feng and Bing Ruolan dined here, they realized that their specialties were delicious. Besides, Luo Feng was able to listen to various interesting stories in the martial arts trade since many martial artists gathered here, so he came often.

Luo Feng listened to the discussions around him after settling down by the window.

The atmosphere in Drunken Deity Restaurant at that moment was different. Many people talked about Roaming King Tournament since it was around the corner.

“I heard that in order to compete with the other three institutions, Purple Sun Institution’s Roaming King Tournament is going to be different this year, the Ten Great Roaming Kings will be highly rewarded.”

“I heard the same. The champion can even acquire a Supreme Class martial art, as well as a Grade Two spirit medicine, Spirit-nurturing Pill. Tsk tsk, a Supreme Class martial art is a great opportunity for one to advance one’s Meridian Cycle Boundary, I’m sure it’ll be an intense tournament. I wonder who the Supreme Class martial art would belong to in the end.”

“The champion of last year’s Roaming King Tournament was Duanmu Yu, but now that Duanmu Yu’s in the Inner Institution, there’ll be a huge change in the Ten Great Roaming Kings. Which disciple in Purple Sun Institution’s Outer Institution deserves to be the next champion?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Li Heshan from Golden Sun Class was only a little inferior to Duanmu Yu during last year’s Roaming King Tournament. He’s now in Iron Bone Boundary’s later phase and has advanced his Light Body martial art, Duckweed Steps, to Success State. He’s definitely going to be the number one Roaming King this time!”

A teen dressed in Purple Sun Institution’s Inner Institution uniform shook his head.

“It’s hard to say. Li Heshan may have impressive strength, but Li Tianyang and Qin Luoxue were also the top three geniuses in Golden Sun Class, their strengths mustn’t be underestimated. Especially Li Tianyang, since his father’s a mentor of Golden Sun Class, it’s inevitable that his father gave him preferential treatment, so he must possess a number of powerful martial arts skills.”

Many martial artists nodded in agreement, while some had different opinions.

All of a sudden, a middle-aged martial artist commented, “During last year’s Roaming Tiger Tournament, Bing Ruolan from Silver Moon Class almost made it to Top Ten, and missed her opportunity in becoming a Roaming King. I wonder what will happen this year.”

“I’m afraid that the outcome will be the same. Silver Moon Class students are averagely talented, and their resources given by the institution are also far from those received by Golden Sun Class students. Now that a year has passed, I’m sure there’s a great disparity between her and the geniuses from Golden Sun Class in terms of strength. Forget about Top Ten, I’m afraid that it’ll be tough for her to make it to Top Twenty,” another person explained.

Luo Feng shook his head as he was aware of Bing Ruolan’s strength. She had a firm cultivation base of Iron Bone Boundary’s early phase and had advanced Roaring Tiger Fist to Minor Success State. Although it would be difficult for her to enter Top Three, getting into Top Six would be a piece of cake.

Nevertheless, Luo Feng was not going to argue with those martial artists. The truth would be revealed in three days during Roaming King Tournament.

Once Luo Feng’s order arrived, he stopped listening to the discussions and chowed down his food.


Halfway through, a loud slam was heard in the restaurant. The slam was so piercing that everyone looked in that direction.

Luo Feng looked up since it sounded familiar, and his face changed.

“Li Yuan actually asked Zhao Qin out…”

Two people stood by a table at the corner of the restaurant, whereby the chubby teen was Luo Feng’s good friend, Li Yuan.

Behind Li Yuan stood a petite lady in a light green dress.

The graceful young lady was Zhao Qin, a student from Silver Moon Class who had intermediate level strength.

Li Yuan had a crush on Zhao Qin for a long time, and he mentioned to Luo Feng a few times about asking her out, but he never had the courage to. Luo Feng even teased him about it back then, but it seemed like Li Yuan finally did it.

Luo Feng was initially going to greet Li Yuan to tease him, but he realized that something was off.

Zhao Qin who was standing behind Li Yuan was clearly nervous and frightened. Besides, Li Yuan was also looking at the table beside him with burning eyes.

Two Golden Sun Class students were seated on that table.

“Li Yuan, we’re all students from Purple Sun Institution, why didn’t you greet us? Do you belittle us?” A Golden Sun Class student with small eyes squinted his eyes at Li Yuan as he questioned coldly. From time to time, he stole glances at Zhao Qin who was standing behind Li Yuan.

Li Yuan stared at the two teens with a reddened face. After finally succeeding in asking Zhao Qin out, he intended to have a meal with her in Drunken Deity Restaurant but was so unlucky to be disturbed by two Golden Sun Class students who kept giving awful remarks.

Knowing that he was not a match for them, Li Yuan gritted his teeth and forced himself to calm down. He turned to say to Zhao Qin, “Qin, let’s go somewhere else.”

“Mm.” Unwilling to stay here any longer too, Zhao Qin nodded. Just as they were going to leave, someone blocked their path.

“Li Yuan, why are you leaving in such a hurry?”

The small-eyed teen reached his hand out to block Li Yuan and Zhao Qin, and he almost touched Zhao Qin. Zhao Qin shrieked and quickly hid behind Li Yuan.

“Yang Cheng, what do you want?” Li Yuan protected Zhao Qin and roared.

“Hehe, we just want to treat Ms. Qin a drink. We’re geniuses from Golden Sun Class, you should be happy about drinking with us. Are you going to be ungrateful like that trash, Luo Feng?” Yang Cheng responded coldly.

Li Yuan was startled. He seemed to be thinking about the relation between Yang Cheng’s sentences.

“Hehe, Yang Cheng, don’t scare them.”

The short-haired teen sitting by the table smiled at Li Yuan, then expressed arrogantly, “Li Yuan, I’ll be honest with you. Luo Feng treated Young Master Duanmu lightly, and even offended Li Tianyang, his happy days are going to be over. I heard that you’re his good friend, so I’m pointing you to a bright path. As long as you swear to cut all ties with Luo Feng, and obey Young Master Duanmu, I guarantee that you live more comfortably than you are now. You can also play with girls like her anytime you want…”

The short-haired teen smirked as he pointed at Zhao Qin.

“Shameless!” Zhao Qin was furious.

Li Yuan’s chubby face was red. He clenched his fists and stared at the short-haired teen angrily. “Please take it back!”

“What a joke! What I’ve said is just like water that had been poured out, I can’t take it back. What are you going to do about it?” The short-haired teen taunted.

“I’m going all out! Turned Waves Palm!”

Li Yuan roared and instantly possessed explosive energy. He charged at the short-haired teen like a raging tiger, then slammed his palm that carried the vague sound of tides at the teen.


The short-haired teen cast a cold look at Li Yuan. He slammed the table to leap into the air, then wielded his fist at Li Yuan.


When the fist and palm met, the tables around them flew due to the strong wind, hence the diners quickly avoided them. Li Yuan had just progressed to Energy Boundary, whereas the short-haired teen was already a master in Strength Boundary’s middle phase. As soon as they met, Li Yuan was blown away, and he spat blood. He did not stop even after crashing into a few tables and was about to be sent to the street when someone stopped him.

“Brother Feng!” Li Yuan wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and was glad when he turned to look.

It was Luo Feng who caught Li Yuan.

“You suffer now for not putting enough effort into your cultivation,” Luo Feng lectured Li Yuan, then helped him sit down.

Li Yuan was ashamed. He tightened his fists agitatedly. “How dare he humiliate you and Qin, I couldn’t just stand by. If the worst comes to worst, I’ll just get beaten up!”

“Li Yuan, this is a Red Blood Pill, swallow it quickly.” Zhao Qin who was worried immediately handed Li Yuan a blood-colored drug.

Li Yuan nodded gently and behaved differently from when he was enraged earlier.

“Stay here.”

Luo Feng looked ahead of him and was burning with killing intent.

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