Mage Wall – The split between worlds (Breast/butt expansion story)

22. Back at the fort

Abigail took a seat across from the couple. They were asleep. Vivian laying atop Nerus in a loving sort of way, as if she was trying to keep him warm. Use her body as his blanket. It was a gesture that she was sure helped the two keep their sanity. One that she was equally sure they needed.

Four days they had been kept here. Locked up in the bowels of the fort. And even though Abigail had been allowed to roam about as she pleased for near the same length of time, she felt as if she was losing it. Ticking closer to the edge with every hour that passed. Growing more desperate and enraged with every minute. Failing Esbern with every wasted second.

But for now she didn't have much of a choice. And so, she waited.

Right now, she was waiting for Sarill. Who, after receiving the spear of Hiires, had retreated to his private quarters. Eventually, she assumed, he would leave them. And once he did, it would be with a plan.

Either some way to squeeze more value out of their 'partnership' or to fulfill his end of the bargain. 

So she waited. Passing the time either watching the couple and keeping them company when they were awake, or practicing. A mix of martial Ardin infusion and... Just the tiniest bit of magic. Enough to refine what control she did have over it a little further. Broaden her options in combat.

Make her tool a little sharper than dull.

And seeing as the couple were asleep, it was time for more of the latter. So, she got up and began her walk to the courtyard. Every step another form of practice, getting her more used to her own body and the changes wrought upon it.

Making the way she jiggled with each movement a little less new. Turning the bounces into familiar occasions that one day she may not even notice. Re-making her body hers again, one step at a time.

It was a lot like what she was doing with magic. Relearning those old pathways. Opening them up so that they were easy to access. Requiring only a thought to call upon. A process she continued as soon as she reached the courtyard.

The double doors swinging open as she stepped out. Eyes taking in the blue grass and forever dark ceiling of the cavern above. 

Grass that lit up with the tiniest sparks of light as she walked over to the center. Stopping once there. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Letting her Ardin first floe through those familiar channels like blood through her veins.

Instinctively, she let it ooze out into her muscles. Flexing with the slow avalanche of boosted strength that tumbled through her. Bones rumbling with power barely held in check, threatening to blow out of control with the slightest lapse in judgement. Energy ramping, rising higher with each breath.

And then she let it go. 

Ardin cooling down. Slinking back to where it came from. Body relaxing as she took a deep breath. In and out. 

She was calm again. Tempered into shape, strength no longer boiling beneath the surface. In it's place was a tingling on her skin. Little flutters in her gut as magic took shape. Mind molding it to her whims. Slowly. Detail by detail. Forcing it up to her palms and out her fingers.

First a bubble of water. Then two and three. They floated there a moment, near motionless. Moving only when she threw her hands towards the ceiling above. Flying up towards her imaginary target.

Two hit it. 

Then she focused again. Producing a flame in the palm of her hand. It sat, a flickering thing. Embers rising from it, quiet but not silent. And when she focused on it, imagining it as a blade, sharp despite it's shape - her imagination slowly worked itself into reality.

It took a minute. Every second, one of strained concentration. Forming her blade little by little till it became whole. 

Only to scatter to the wind when that concentration was lost. Her focus disturbed by the arrival of someone behind her. The sound of their footsteps reaching her first. Then their voice.

"The boss wants ya." The bandit barked. 

And in the next few moments he was gone. Already down the hall and out of sight by the time Abigail finally left the courtyard. Her steps carrying halfway back the way she came, before deviating from the path and up a flight of stairs. The winding halls of the fort eventually leading her to her destination.

Sarill and Baric were already waiting for her.

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