Mage Wall – The split between worlds (Breast/butt expansion story)

19. The spear and the dragon

It had been six minutes since Abigail started down the steps. In that time her only company had been the occasional blue torch and whatever thoughts came to her mind. Or in other words, she was bored. 

Unfortunately, it also looked like she still had a ways to go before she reached the bottom of the steps. Time she filled with the ever present concern: what was next? It was impossible to avoid. Every since she fell through the portal and ended up here on the other side of the Mage wall she's had nothing but trouble. Which she doubted was going to change now.

Not to mention she was still pretty bruised up from her last fight. And maybe that was a sign that she needed to take a break. Which, if it was, it was one she was going to ignore. Not because she believed herself above the need. But she didn't have the luxury.

Not while Esbern was still a slave somewhere in this world. Until she freed him, she wouldn't rest. And after reminding herself of that fact, she pressed on, practically leaping down the steps.

Which had the unfortunate side effect of causing her newly added, and unasked for, assets to bounce. Breasts going up and down. Slapping against her middle in a rhythmic cycle. Only stopped when she hugged them to her chest, reducing the jiggling to a much more manageable level.

A luxury that, sadly, was only afforded to her chest. Leaving her rump, a huge thing now, unconstrained in it's exercises of seismic activity. Each step down sending both of her twin globes bounding in random directions. Only to meet once again with an impossible to ignore CLAP. 

It was easily one of the most embarrassing experiences Abigail had ever had the misfortune of suffering. The only that could make it worse was if someone else was there to witness it. Something she wasn't sure she could live down.

And thankfully she wouldn't have to.

The bottom of the steps was at last in sight. Lit by more of the blue torches and leading to an obsidian door that seemed to absorb the light that touched it. 

Cautiously, Abigail approached it. Every step she took towards it followed by the sensation of heat being robbed from her body. Which was... Certainly not a good thing. Still her curiosity and desire to continue on won out over her sense of self preservation.

So, after a moment of hesitation, she pushed through.

On the other side she was met with a grand chamber. A mix of white and red and blue. Pillars of multicolored crystal on both sides, rising to the ceiling. Braziers of silver lit the room. Each fire casting light onto a marble throne in the back. 

In front of the throne was a pedestal with a spear floating above it. The shaft red, It's tip a mix of steel and something dark as midnight. And a sickly green liquid dripped from it in clumps that fell to the pedestal below, creating wisps of smoke. 

Slowly, Abigail walked over to it. Admiring it as she came closer, eyes lingering on the acid like substance falling from it. The stuff made her wary. Still, when she reached it, she didn't hesitate to take the spear in both hands. And as she grabbed it, expecting sudden pain or worse, the floor began to shake.

The braziers, as if in response to the shaking, burned brighter. As their flames grew a draconic tail descended from the ceiling. Followed by clawed feet and a serpentine neck capped off with a spade shaped head. On the back of this head were two curved horns curling toward the ceiling. While in it's front sat two flame colored eyes staring right at her. 

The dragon unfurled itself, letting it's wings spread from one wall to the next. Its tail stretched out till it piled up at the entrance. The dragon's eyes went from being clouded and orange to clear and crimson. Eyes that the draconic creature fixed on her as it finished waking up from Abigail assumed was quite the nap.

Once fully roused, the dragon took two giant steps that ate up the distance between them. It was face to face with her now. It's snout only a hands breadth away, the hot air fuming from its nose making it feel even closer than that, though. 

And for a while, it stood there without any form of movement whatsoever, it's eyes pinning her down. Which went from mildly terrifying to uncomfortable in a matter of seconds. As it stretched on, Abigail wondered if it would ever end, or if the dragon was going to keep her trapped here for eternity in a never ending staring contest.

Which she stopped wondering about when the dragon let loose an ear splitting roar in her face. The volume of which sent her flying backwards, over and across the pedestal, onto the ground on the other side of it, then further still. Where she stopped at the foot of the empty throne, the spear still clutched in her hands as her body registered all the force that had just traveled through her.

It did so with a quite a bit of jiggling that got worse when Abigail jumped to her feet. And as soon as she was on them, a clawed hand the size of her body smacked into her, launching her up and over the throne, through the wall behind it, and into a different room entirely. 

On the other side of the wall she landed softly, butt first and onto her back, eyes shut as her brain processed the pain she was feeling. When it was done, she opened her eyes, just in time to watch the dragon poke it's head through the wall and look down at her.

Then the rest of it's body came crashing through. It's massive feet stomping down and shaking the ground as it came closer. Stopping only when it was right above her, mouth open as it brought it's maw down toward her.

And right before it's teeth could make contact with her, she rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the clamping of it's jaws. Then, after a moment to breath, she leapt up and onto it's back. Where she started running down the length of it's body and back into the ruined throne room.

As she ran, she held onto the spear as tight as she could, hugging it as she slid down the dragons tail. In the middle of her slide, between two of its fins, the dragon whipped the appendage upwards. The speed of the movement sent Abigail flying into the air, her whole body madly jiggling as she soared.

At the apex of which, after gravity reasserted itself, she braced herself. Infusing her limbs with Ardin as she came crashing back to the ground, rolling with the impact and back onto her feet. Eyes locked onto the dragon as it slowly turned around. And before it did, she made a run for the exit. 

Feet carrying her as fast as they were able. Over fallen rocks and crumbling crystal. Her stride transcending forward into a full on sprint. 

Yet, before she even reached the door, it swung open. The bandits, led by Baric, on the other side. All of them staring at her as she came running at them. Her momentum too great for her to stop. And the bandits were too slow and shocked to get out of the way.

Leading to her crashing into Baric - weight knocking him over onto his back and into two of the bandits behind him. But she didn't stay down. Instead she got up as quick as she was able and started running up the steps that they had just came down.

"DRAGON!" was all she said as she did so.

Then it was back to moving as fast as her pillar like legs would carry her. Which wasn't very. 

She was tired. The constant battles finally catching up to her. Adrenaline failing her even as she pushed as hard as she could to keep moving.

And then, right as she slowed, the dragon came roaring. 

It's head burst through the door. Fangs flashing at the bandits, scaring them all into a sprint behind her. But it was too late. The dragon, with all it's might, leapt. It's massive body taking flight for a singular moment over their heads and past them to land right in front of her.

All four of it's feet slamming down on the staircase as the ceiling crumbled around it. A fire building up between it's jaws. 

Only to die out when the steps beneath it groaned in protest. Shifting under it's weight. And then falling. Bringing Abigail, the bandits, and the dragon down with them. Deeper below into the dark, beyond the reach of the torches that still clung to the wall. All the way down into a pit of crashing stone.

Everything went black before they landed. 

And then she awoke, surrounded by boulders and dust and still falling rocks. Not a body, or the dragon, in sight. 

All she had was the spear.

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