Lord of the World: I Became a Zombie

Chapter 96

Chapter 95: Waste Utilization

I’m going…

Is this too complicated?

Transmission bearing gear set, plus hydraulic rod.

It takes so many materials to transform a corpse?

This is comparable to recruiting soldiers from the human side. I don’t know how much more expensive it is.


let me see.

I read the strategy on the forum before, what are the materials for recruiting archers and shield guards?

Jiang Si complained in his heart, raised his head and recalled it carefully.

If I remember correctly.

The cost of recruiting a ranger seems to be 1 population, 100 food, 150 competition coins, 1 wooden bow and 1 set of black silk skirts.

Recruiting shield guards is 1 population, 200 food, 100 competition coins, 1 forged steel tower shield and 1 set of helmet body armor.


If you look at it this way.

Recruiting a corpse warrior requires even less iron ore rough.

But the required parts are more precise and have a lot more types.

If the time cost is factored in, the cost-effectiveness of the shield guard is indeed higher.


Jiang Si sighed and opened the market to check it out.


Materials such as hydraulic rods and transmission bearings are not things that human players will use at this stage.

When a keyword is entered in the search bar, the entire product list is instantly cleared.

There wasn’t even a single one for sale.

no solution anymore.

Can not use the banknote capacity, can only rely on their own production.

Therefore, the recruitment of this corpse warrior can only be done a little later.

You have to go to the workshop to produce materials first.

Shaking his head helplessly, Jiang Si closed the recruitment interface of the corpse transformation factory.

He turned around and looked at the Soul Rock Incubation Nest beside him.

Since corpse warriors cannot be recruited for the time being, let’s look at the gargoyles again.

This thing should be just injecting the soul into the ore.

So it shouldn’t need so many resources like the corpse warriors, right?

Thinking of this, Jiang Si narrowed his eyes and opened the hatching nest interface.

Enter the recruitment list like the same method, and open the recruitment information of Gargoyle:

“Recruiting Flint Gargoyles”

“Population required: 1”

“Materials required: Flint Ore: 100, Doomsday Coin: 50.”


how to say?

Are your two extremes a little too far?

Either too much material is scary, or too little.

Just use this material to recruit?

Really, if the value of the flint is to be taken into account.

The cost of a gargoyle is not even as high as a believer in the underworld.

Jiang Si wiped the sweat from his forehead, helplessly complaining.

The flint thing.

There’s no use at all other than making flint and steel.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, even if it is collected in the ore vein, it is only the result of throwing it away.

But I didn’t expect that my territory would use this kind of waste to recruit soldiers.

This kind of feeling is like the uncle who turned waste into treasure at the garbage collection station!


That being the case, let’s recruit some gargoyles first.

Thinking of this, Jiang Si checked the materials in the current warehouse.

Just now, several believers of the Underworld Lord have gone to the mine to collect resources, and at this time, there are some basic ores in the warehouse.

The result of not filtering the collection list is that the believers under him will collect all the materials indiscriminately.

This also includes the material flint.

At this time, there are more than 200 units of flint in hand, and two gargoyles can be recruited directly in the hatching nest.

Anyway, this resource is useless, just use it all up.

Click OK to consume resources.

Soon, a purple light suddenly lit up at the top of the hatching nest that looked like a stone tower that had been abandoned for a hundred years.

With the emergence of this peculiar energy, a large number of flints began to be divided into two groups and gradually piled up, creating the terrifying figure of the gargoyle.


At least one can be recruited.

Gargoyle, this should be a combination of ranged attack and flying unit.

Moreover, the body made of flint does not seem to be too afraid of the bow and arrow of the ranger.

It’s just that they don’t know what their actual attributes are after being recruited.

Anyway, wait until after hatching.

Thinking of this, Jiang Si looked down at the progress bar below the nest.

Unlike Pluto believers, it takes a certain amount of time to recruit warriors.

It takes 30 minutes for a gargoyle to hatch, and each hatching nest can support up to 10 gargoyles hatching at the same time.

On average, it is equivalent to one every 3 minutes.

That’s not bad, and there’s no build limit for Hatchery Nests and Corpse Mods.

As long as the territory is large enough, you can build multiple recruitment points at the same time for recruitment.

Whether it’s early or late, it’s not difficult to explode troops.

The key issue is that the population must keep up.

Otherwise, even if recruitment points are established, too many soldiers cannot be recruited at one time.

Thinking of this, Jiang Si closed the interface of Soul Rock Incubation Nest.

Turn around and move on, preparing to take a look at the craftsman workshop while recruiting.

I don’t know what the workshop will look like after the undead, but it should have become completely different.

After all, the refit factory has put forward material requirements, and the territory should also be equipped with corresponding production points.

Otherwise, what if Guangneng builds a recruiting point, but can’t recruit soldiers?

Go through two intersections and turn slightly to the left.

Still around the central square, a scarlet building is standing there.

have to say.

If the rest of the undead buildings still give people a desolate or ancient feeling.

When the craftsman’s workshop was undead, the style turned into the **** color of the chainsaw horror.

Although there were no corpses, the inner and outer walls and the various tools hanging inside were stained with a lot of blood.

Looking at those icy long hooks and thorns, Jiang Si only felt that a doll riding a tricycle might pop out from this workshop at any time.


have to say.

Your interests seem to be quite comprehensive.

The shaping of this horror scene is simply too good.

Not only are there Asian horror styles, but are there even European and American styles?

Oh, no.

Isn’t my zombie also a product of European and American fans?

If it is made in China, it is a zombie that can only raise its hands and jump back and forth, right?

Ha ha.

Jiang Si smiled~www.readwn.com~ looked down at his bluish body.

Then he raised his hand and stopped the three disciples of the Underworld Lord who were standing aside and were about to go to the resource point for collection:

“Come here.”

“It’s an adult!”

Hearing Jiang Si’s call, the three hurriedly turned around and ran to Jiang Si’s side.

Standing in line, he asked Jiang Si:

“Lord Lord, what are your orders?”

“Well, there is a job, so don’t go to collect resources. Come to the workshop and start manufacturing equipment.”


Hearing that there is a job, the three of them are all excited. Hastily ran into the workshop.

Seeing them take their places, Jiang Si didn’t delay.

Bloody two-handed saber, this is a creation from the forge.

So what can be produced in the workshop are gear sets, transmission bearings and hydraulic rods, right?

it is good.

There are three kinds of materials that need to be produced, and the current underworld master is a slave and three people.

So let’s assign the manufacture of these three parts to three of them.


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