Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 39: A shorter night

A SFW version of the chapter. Canon version is the one you prefer.

James took a deep breath to steady his nerves as he approached the entrance to Angel's Kiss, the luxurious club that concealed Moira's secret underground lair. He had transformed into Lilia before coming here, knowing the sultry succubus wished to speak with his other identity.

While wary of Moira's motives, Lilia felt it prudent to at least hear her out. Having additional allies in her quest to collect the ancient Blades could prove useful, even if said ally happened to be a lust demon. She would need to tread cautiously regardless.

Lilia had barely approached the burly bouncer when she spotted a familiar shapely figure pushing through the crowd toward her.

"Lilia, darling! I'm so delighted you decided to accept my invitation." Moira greeted her enthusiastically, linking their arms and guiding Lilia past the velvet ropes. "Come, let's head inside where we can talk more freely."

Allowing herself to be led inside, Lilia replied politely, "Of course. I was intrigued by your message and wanted to hear your proposal." 

Moira smiled slyly. "All in due time, sister. First, let me get you a drink." She steered Lilia toward the bar and ordered two silver-coloured cocktails, pressing one into Lilia's hand. "I insist you try my club's specialty drink, the Bliss. It's absolutely divine." 

Lilia took a cautious sip of the sweet concoction, feeling a pleasant warmth spread through her body. She steadied herself, trying not to dwell on memories of her last feeding as the atmosphere in the club stirred the ever-present hunger within her.

Noticing Lilia's tension, Moira leaned in suggestively. "Feeling a bit...hungry, darling? This place can be quite stimulating for our kind. Why don't we head somewhere more private to talk?"

Lilia nodded, allowing Moira to guide her toward an inconspicuous door that led down to the exclusive underground lounge. As they descended the dim passageway, Lilia's heightened senses were assaulted by the sights and sounds of raw carnality on display in the lavish space.

Moira ushered Lilia into a curtained booth, away from prying eyes. As they settled onto the plush leather sofa, Lilia perched nervously on the edge while Moira languidly reclined, the picture of confidence.

"Now then, I'm sure you're eager to hear my proposition," Moira began, idly trailing a manicured nail along Lilia's arm.

Lilia nodded, shifting slightly away from the familiar contact. "Yes, your message mentioned a mutually beneficial arrangement."

Moira's eyes lit up. "Ah yes, I knew you were a woman of discerning tastes from the moment we met, Lilia. It's clear you have an interest in acquiring powerful artifacts." 

She scooted closer, dropping her voice conspiratorially. "As it happens, I have access to certain networks and information channels, being who I am. It would be my delight to aid you in locating these blades you seek."

Lilia listened intently, intrigued but wary of revealing too much. "That's a generous offer. What makes you think I'm seeking these blades, as you put it?"

Moira smiled indulgently. "Come now, sister, there's no need to be coy with me. I recognized your alluring visage at the Dalton Estate." She paused meaningfully before adding, "Not to the mention lingering vanilla scent that was left all over the place. The same scent that I felt on a certain devoted young man I had the pleasure of meeting recently."

"Very perceptive of you," Lilia conceded. "I won't insult your talents by denying an interest in unique relics. However, I prefer to work alone." It was a weak protest, but she needed to buy herself time to think.

Moira waved a hand dismissively. "Nonsense. Two heads are always better than one, especially two as cunning as ours. With my connections, we could have the entire collection in no time."

She leaned in with a sudden predatory intensity. "I grow weary of the pathetic scraps the Bureau allows me. Together, we could indulge in real power."

Alarm bells went off in Lilia's head at the zealous gleam in Moira's eyes. This demon's ambition clearly greater than she initially assumed. While an alliance could truly prove beneficial, she would need to be extremely cautious.

Schooling her features, Lilia adopted a thoughtful look. "You make a compelling case," she said slowly. "However, I will need time to consider your offer thoroughly."

Moira looked disappointed but quickly rallied. "Of course, darling. I wouldn't dream of rushing you." Her tone turned coaxing. "Though I hope you'll at least permit me to provide you with some...incentive." 

Before Lilia could react, Moira captured her lips in a forceful kiss. Lilia froze, overwhelmed by the sudden intimate contact. Moira's hands gripped her waist possessively as she deepened the kiss.

Moira's sudden passionate kiss caught Lilia completely off guard. Every instinct screamed at her to pull away, but she found herself frozen, overwhelmed by the unfamiliar torrent of sensations assaulting her.

A small, alarmed voice in the back of her mind screamed to break the contact. This was wrong! Dangerous! She needed to flee right now before things spiralled out of control.

Yet even as her rational thoughts recoiled, deeper instincts stirred within Lilia, primal urges driven by the body's latent desires. Like sailing into a gathering storm, she felt her willpower steadily erode before the onslaught of surging need.

To her dismay, she felt a traitorous heat begin to stir within her as Moira deepened the kiss. The succubus' hands roamed possessively over her body, deftly caressing sensitive areas that shot jolts of pleasure through her.

A small, startled gasp escaped Lilia's lips as Moira's clever fingers trailed teasingly along her inner thigh. The sound seemed to encourage the demoness, who maneuvered Lilia down onto the plush leather couch, their mouths still hungrily locked together.

Lilia's mind reeled, overwhelmed by these unfamiliar yet undeniably pleasurable sensations. She had never experienced such intimacy before, not even as James. But Moira's practiced touch drew forth responses from this female body that were both foreign and deeply arousing.

As the demoness trailed kisses down her neck, Lilia felt her inhibitions slipping away, subsumed by raw carnal need. Her breath came in ragged pants, back arching instinctively to press against Moira's toned form.

With immense effort, Lilia wrested control of her wayward body and pulled away abruptly from Moira's passionate embrace.

"Stop. This has gone too far," Lilia said firmly, still breathing hard. She straightened her rumpled clothing, steadying her jumbled thoughts. The residual pleasure humming through her veins made focusing difficult.

Moira pouted, reaching to trail a fingertip along Lilia's collarbone. "Oh come now, darling. We were just starting to have some real fun."

Lilia caught Moira's wandering hand, holding it still. "I allowed myself to get carried away by unfamiliar desires," she admitted. "But we cannot let this continue further."

Though disappointment flashed in the succubus's eyes, she acquiesced, shifting a respectable distance away on the leather couch.

Lilia let out a small breath, grateful Moira wasn't pushing her luck. She knew her resistance was fragile; the heady excitement of those heated moments still lingered enticingly at the edges of her mind, urging her to cast restraint aside and indulge fully.

But Lilia refused to relinquish control now that she had regained it. She focused on steadying her breathing, grasping desperately at the tattered remains of composure. This encounter had proven far more dangerous than anticipated. She would need to leave soon before Moira's tempting presence broke down her defences again.

"You surprise me, sister," Moira finally said, a sly smile playing about her lips. "I've never known a woman, mortal or demon, to refuse my affections so abruptly once passions were inflamed."

Lilia met Moira's gaze evenly. "Then you've misjudged me."

Moira's eyes glittered with amusement. "Indeed, I have. You continue to fascinate me, my dear. I look forward to learning your secrets in time."

Though rattled, Lilia managed a small, polite smile. "I appreciate your understanding. But I should take my leave for now."

Rising gracefully from the couch on still shaky legs, Lilia bid Moira a swift goodbye before making her escape from the underground lounge. She had to get away before the demoness's tempting presence overwhelmed her fragile restraint once more.

Shaken, Lilia swiftly made her way home in the grey pre-dawn light. Only after transforming back into James did the fog of desire finally lift from Lilia's consciousness. Safely himself once more, James collapsed into bed, exhaustion overtaking him. Yet even as he drifted off, he knew a part of Lilia still stirred restlessly within.

This encounter had awakened intense new sensations and appetites him, ones that would not easily be put back in the box now that they had been unleashed. James would need to be extremely vigilant not to lose himself in Lilia's hedonistic impulses. Her power over this body was clearly stronger than he had realized.

Tonight, had been a dangerously intoxicating taste of what embracing one's darkest desires could lead to. Lilia's instincts had seized control with frightening speed, overriding all reason and restraint.

He couldn't shake a creeping sense of shame. He had always considered himself a regular guy with typical desires. But the intensity of his responses as Lilia made him question everything, he thought he knew about himself.

After all, James had never felt such all-consuming arousal in his original male body. He'd experienced these feelings as a guy, sure, but nothing that even came close to last night. The realization left him feeling strangely insecure.

Sitting up with a groan, James ran a hand through his tousled hair. He supposed it was natural that Lilia would experience sexuality differently given the very different physiology.

But who was he now - James or Lilia? Man or woman? With his body changing and new manifesting each day, it felt impossible to define.

As sleep finally claimed him, James knew one thing for certain—he could never be the same after tonight events. For better or worse, new doors had been opened that could likely never be closed.


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